Mid-Card Championship Winner
Ambrose is the most over guy on the roster right now, and was always a close second behind Daniel Bryan. The fans don't seem to care if he loses, it just makes them want to see him win even more.
Plus didn't he just hold the IC title for a couple of months, only losing it to Owens because of what's going on now? If they hadn't changed their plans at the last minute, he would still be holding it.
He's lost cleanly to Reigns, because he had too. Reigns won the number one contender spot in a match where Ambrose did most of the work, that's why he didn't last long with Reigns.
Yeah, he had the IC title and ignoring my opinion that the title means little right now, the midcard champions are usually presented as inferior to World Heavyweight Champions. There are exceptions, obviously. But Ambrose hasn't been presented as an exception, as he's getting beaten up by everyone and the only time he gets any damage in is when cheap shots are used. Even Daniel Bryan did more damage than he has.
They should actually make it a triple threat match, as the match between HHH and Reigns will be shit on by the fans. A lot of them don't want to see Reigns in the main event at Mania. I have no idea what they're going to do with Reigns to tell you the truth, the guy is just not connecting with the fans and that's a huge problem.
That depends, as Triple H matches are rarely shat upon.
They have used Ambrose all year to help put Reigns over and it's just succeeded in putting Ambrose more over, and got Reigns nowhere really. HHH will get heat from the Toronto crowd in the match against Ambrose, but at Mania it will be reversed. Maybe what they have to do is take Reigns out of the main event picture for awhile and just let it happen naturally. If fans clamour for him then there you go, if they don't, then this whole thing was a waste of time.
Win, loss records don't mean much the the WWE as it's a scripted show. All you have to do is look at Bray Wyatt and his bunch to see that. There are still quite a number of people that think he should be main eventing, even though the guy hasn't won a feud in forever. As of right now he doesn't even have a match at Mania I don't believe. So there's a guy with a following can't win a feud to save his life, and we'll give him a pass but not Ambrose. I mean shit Wyatt was supposed to fight Lesnar this year. That can still happen depending on what happens at Roadblock.
Yeah, it's a scripted show, but isn't that we argue, analyze, critique and talk about anything here? We are watching a story unfold and we want that story to be a good one in the long run. To me, forcing Ambrose in there and putting the belt on him at this time would only draw more attention to how wrestling is fake. We know that it's fake, just that we know movies are fake, but good movies invest you in so you're not thinking about that while you're watching it.