Ambrose's Title Shot


After being attacked by Triple H last night, during which Trips was again goaded by Ambrose into giving him a title shot, Ambrose was given a title shot though the date of said shot wasn't announced.

My guess is that Ambrose gets his shot at the show that's set to take place in Toronto on March 12th on the WWE Network. They'll probably spend a good deal of next week hyping the show as nothing has been said about it as yet on WWE television. I have a feeling the match ends vis disqualification with Ambrose having Triple H where he wants him only for Lesnar to interfere and use Ambrose as his personal crash test dummy again. After all, the storyline of Lesnar's assaults on Ambrose in the first place is that Lesnar blames Ambrose for putting him out of the main event at WrestleMania, so this would be an opportunity for Lesnar to return the favor by not only knocking Ambrose out of another opportunity to main event the show, but to get one up on him by simultaneously costing him the WWE World Championship.

If this is what goes down, then, afterwards, Ambrose needs to start being booked as getting on a more even kilter with Lesnar via a couple of brawls. After all, their bout at WrestleMania is a street fight, so even though Ambrose is an underdog, he needs to be painted as an underdog who has a real chance of success by decidedly getting the better of Lesnar at least once before their match.
Well on the main page, it was announced that the title shot will indeed be happening at WWE Roadblock, formerly known as March to WrestleMania in Toronto. Christ, who comes up with these names?

I'm expecting it to be a pretty decent match due to the physical nature of both men. I don't think Ambrose has a chance to win a all, so I wouldn't be surprised either if Brock Lesnar interfered when Ambrose was about to win. That way maybe we can save Ambrose vs. HHH for SummerSlam, which I think has potential to be a really good feud even without the title.
As I said on the RAW thread, Ambrose hasn't been advertised for the show in Toronto. I'm going to it, and we were supposed to get Lesnar, Cena, Reigns, New Day and a host of others. Ambrose is supposed to be with Owens in the other WWE event taking place that night in Atlantic City.

Now I know the card is subject to change, but last time I looked we're still getting the same card as before minus Cena, who's out rehabbing. Reigns will fight Sheamus, unless they move those two too Atlantic City instead. I would much rather have Ambrose/HHH and I think most would as well.

EDIT: Well it appears that they've added Ambrose and HHH to the card. Oh this should be good, we still have Reigns/Sheamus, but now Wyatt as well.
There's no reason for this match not to take place on Raw. And that's coming from someone attending this show. I understand they want to sell the Network and all that, but there's comes a point when you need to put the crux of your product first, and that's Raw. We're on the Road to Wrestlemania for fuck sakes, if this is not a good enough time to put something like this match on TV than when the hell is?

These "Network specials" are basically glorified house shows. "Super" house shows, but house shows nonetheless. There's no intrigue and there's really no doubt as to who's walking away the winner. No. Put this show on Raw for everyone to see and THAN have Lesnar come out and take out Ambrose.

Time to step up WWE. I'm sick of them focusing on everything surrounding WWE except the actual product. If you fucking build it Vince, they will come.

EDIT: Wow. I'm literally going to this event and I'm angry. Will it be nice to see a title match? Sure. But this would have been a perfect tool to sell Raw next week and it would have been a logical step in the entire dynamic of Mania. Isn't this supposed to be the time when WWE draws fans in? At this point, I'm debating just saying fuck it and cutting ties for a while. I never actually get to that point... but Christ almighty.
If this is an attempt to get more subscriptions, they need to have Ambrose win the title from HHH. Put back the anything can happen feeling back in the product, especially when its on the network. Make it cant miss watching and throw some disarray into the road to WrestleMania.

They can mix and match HHH Lesnar Ambrose and Reigns or throw them in a 4 way for the title, but at least give us stuff to fill Raw for the next 5 weeks.

If HHH wins and everything stays how it is, nobody has the urgency to pay for the predictable WWE Network or Raw for that matter until the night after Mania.
Everyone one of us are aware about the fact that Dean Ambrose is just a filler in WWW creative's verdict. He would've had even have this opportunity if it weren't for Roman Reigns to be injured at the hands of Triple H. But if this match would be on Raw next week, it would've peaked the ratings! Amid the speculation of the Tag team match between Y2AJ and The New Day, another title on the cards would've garnished much of a speculation. With Brock Lesnar and Dean Ambrose set for Wrestlemania and Roman Reigns in the line for a World Title shot, if Dean can win, that can put a lot of overwhelming thoughts on all forms of fan base! But we know what WWE will do, don't we?
It'll probably just lead to Brock screwing Ambrose out of winning the title but there are two other ways this could go and they both result in a Reigns heel turn.

1. Ambrose beats Haitch for the title. Haitch activates a rematch clause for Mania meaning the Main Event is a triple threat, but Ambrose must first defend against Brock. Ambrose wins but Reigns takes the title in the main event in a really screwy manner leading to an obvious, yet desired, fan backlash which leads to a full blown Reigns monster heel turn the following night on Raw in which he destroys Ambrose.

2. My preferred scenario. Reigns screws Ambrose in the match vs Haitch, thus turning heel, but Haitch makes the Ambrose/Lesnar match a number one contenders match which Ambrose wins. Ambrose then wins the title in the main event. Reigns is now a heel but the fans get a huge feel good story at Mania with Ambrose going forward as champion.
I can imagine the night after roadblock wwe Will try their best to hype us by saying the following: " Dean Ambrose came close to the title, but a well timed (insert screwy match finish here) put him out of reach. Following after was a beat down by the (insert attacker here), only for the Big dog to come save his little brother, and return to take on the Authority himself. How will this shape up their wacky road to WrestleMania? Tune in to Raw on Monday 8/7c only on the USA Network!"
WWE had a shot to fix the main event of WrestleMania but they messed it up by announcing that "Reigns would still be in the title match at WrestleMania." They could have made Ambrose vs. Triple H last night with Ambrose pulling the upset win and Triple H beating the hell out of him for it leading to the rematch at WWE RoadBlock with Roman Reigns screwing Triple H out of the title leading to Reigns vs. Triple H in a non-title match. Having Ambrose vs. Lesnar be the title match and the main event with Ambrose pulling the upset. Reigns would defeat Triple H earlier in the show. What would then happen is Reigns would come congratulate Ambrose and celebrate with him. Triple H would come out immediately after and announce that Reigns is still owed his shot at the title and nod to Reigns, who would Spear Ambrose leading to Reigns vs. Ambrose immediately after Lesnar vs. Ambrose with Reigns winning the title back and ending with Mania with his moment and as the new Corporate champion. The WWE Universe would have gotten what they want in Ambrose main eventing and getting his run as champion. And WWE would have gotten what they want in Reigns leaving Mania champion and main eventing. Imagine the heat. Reigns does a heel run for a year and turn face following a match with John Cena at WrestleMania 33.
This is simple WWE Not So Old School Booking. H vs. Ambrose ends in a DQ via Brock. Reigns makes the save. "Playa." Teddy Long makes his overdue return. The ME becomes H/Brock vs. Reigns/Ambrose.
Every possible outcome for this match terrifies me.

So apparently the WWE is trying to build up this event into a PPV caliber exposition, with a world title match to make it all seem legit. This really makes things more confusing than exciting for me.

The most likely outcome is what everyone has already stated; Dean wins by DQ due to Lesnar attacking him. That's a fine way to build the Dean vs Brock match. What irritates me is that the WWE wasted an episode of Raw trying to hype Dean's world title match as legitimate, where a dq finish meant to build hype for a WrestleMania encounter is something that should have happened on Raw. This wouldn't irritate me so much if there was any shred of a possibility that Dean Ambrose could win the world title at *ugh* WWE Roadblock. I hate this finish because we could see it coming a mile away, it'll be as exciting as when Roman Reigns came back in the Royal Rumble match.

But what if Dean Ambrose wins the world title? Then it will go down as a stupid world title win because I'm pretty sure that hardly anybody is going to watch WWE Roadblock, and then that would completely undermine the hype that went into Lesnar vs Ambrose and HHH vs Roman Reigns. Barring a quick title loss at an event before WrestleMania; Roman Reigns would fight Dean Ambrose, and just imagining that makes me cringe. I think that either guy could hold down a WrestleMania main event only if they were up against more experienced opponents.
Every possible outcome for this match terrifies me.

So apparently the WWE is trying to build up this event into a PPV caliber exposition, with a world title match to make it all seem legit. This really makes things more confusing than exciting for me.

The most likely outcome is what everyone has already stated; Dean wins by DQ due to Lesnar attacking him. That's a fine way to build the Dean vs Brock match. What irritates me is that the WWE wasted an episode of Raw trying to hype Dean's world title match as legitimate, where a dq finish meant to build hype for a WrestleMania encounter is something that should have happened on Raw. This wouldn't irritate me so much if there was any shred of a possibility that Dean Ambrose could win the world title at *ugh* WWE Roadblock. I hate this finish because we could see it coming a mile away, it'll be as exciting as when Roman Reigns came back in the Royal Rumble match.

But what if Dean Ambrose wins the world title? Then it will go down as a stupid world title win because I'm pretty sure that hardly anybody is going to watch WWE Roadblock, and then that would completely undermine the hype that went into Lesnar vs Ambrose and HHH vs Roman Reigns. Barring a quick title loss at an event before WrestleMania; Roman Reigns would fight Dean Ambrose, and just imagining that makes me cringe. I think that either guy could hold down a WrestleMania main event only if they were up against more experienced opponents.

Mysterious booking for sure. What the hell do they do for Wrestlemania even though the matches have already been announced? Ambrose vs Brock changes to the main event street fight for the title? Triple H vs Roman Reigns becomes a complete nothing match? Is that what WWE wants us to believe?
Vince is still dumbfounded, when he puts HHH and Ambrose together, they boo HHH, then he puts Roman and HHH together, and they cheer HHH, What is going on!?

The inevitability of Roman Reigns is pretty much making all the booking uninteresting, from Survivor Series until Wrestlemania, actually the moment Seth got Hurt, we knew Roman was going to take Seth's place vs HHH at Mania for the World title.

Everytime they throw anything at this, there's always an underdog story that leads to Roman vs HHH, and that's the story that keeps showing itself.

Just like every setup since Survivor Series, You'll see 100 interesting fantasy booking decisions centered around Ambrose finding a way to win and having something interesting happen before Wrestlemania, but nope, we're getting Seth Rollins err Roman Reigns vs HHH For the World Title.

Ambrose's title shot is just a way to keep kiddies thinking that Sports Entertainment isn't 100% predictable from 6 months before.

That being said, Shield triple threat for Summerslam, can't wait (predicting now)
Mysterious booking for sure. What the hell do they do for Wrestlemania even though the matches have already been announced? Ambrose vs Brock changes to the main event street fight for the title? Triple H vs Roman Reigns becomes a complete nothing match? Is that what WWE wants us to believe?

It's almost as if the WWE wants us to forget that WrestleMania is happening at all. All the obvious logic that leads us to believe that this live event's card is absolutely absurd only occurs to us because we're aware of what's most likely to happen at WrestleMania.

The only winner in all of this seems to be Maffew of Botchamania.
I think the title shot will happen at "March to Wrestlemania" ot "Roadblock" or whatever that show is called.

The booking will be this: HHH wins to get a win under his belt and go into Mania looking strong in order to put Roman over harder, while Dean loses here and then goes into Wrestlemania, beaten by the game and beaten week-in-and-out by Lesnar.

A nice thing to do, since Roman isn't exactly as over as a face as Vince would like him to be, would be this: Dean beats HHH for the title. Then at Mania we get Dean vs Brock for the title and Reigns vs HHH non-title. That will buy cheers for Reigns. The winners of these two matches sqaure off at the main event. That will buy some anticipation for these matches and bring in some unpredictability.
Is this a logical thing to do? No. But Shane vs Taker wasn't either and this year's Wrestlemania definately needs some shock value in order to generate public interest.
Every possible outcome for this match terrifies me.

So apparently the WWE is trying to build up this event into a PPV caliber exposition, with a world title match to make it all seem legit. This really makes things more confusing than exciting for me.

The most likely outcome is what everyone has already stated; Dean wins by DQ due to Lesnar attacking him. That's a fine way to build the Dean vs Brock match. What irritates me is that the WWE wasted an episode of Raw trying to hype Dean's world title match as legitimate, where a dq finish meant to build hype for a WrestleMania encounter is something that should have happened on Raw. This wouldn't irritate me so much if there was any shred of a possibility that Dean Ambrose could win the world title at *ugh* WWE Roadblock. I hate this finish because we could see it coming a mile away, it'll be as exciting as when Roman Reigns came back in the Royal Rumble match.

But what if Dean Ambrose wins the world title? Then it will go down as a stupid world title win because I'm pretty sure that hardly anybody is going to watch WWE Roadblock, and then that would completely undermine the hype that went into Lesnar vs Ambrose and HHH vs Roman Reigns. Barring a quick title loss at an event before WrestleMania; Roman Reigns would fight Dean Ambrose, and just imagining that makes me cringe. I think that either guy could hold down a WrestleMania main event only if they were up against more experienced opponents.

Last night RAW was something like a filler, a spin-off. And all that when they're supposedly build up Wrestlemania. If there was an event HHH should have defended it was Fastlane. Not 3 weeks before Wrestlemania, when you know that there's no way they're gonna change their planned and announced main events.. Right? They surely won't do something like that.
I maintain that everything people attribute to Roman Reigns as far as the storyline motivations (constant feuding with the Authority over the long course going as far back as the Shield, obstacles at every turn as a result, beef with HHH) are all things that could be copy pasted to Dean Ambrose. From a performance standpoint he's had a better year, he's more over with the audience and I hope his Lesnar match changes some minds regarding his main event status.

The primary difference has only been that of who Vince wants to push, and I maintain he made the wrong choice. That having been said, this match seems like pointless filler unless it leads to something with Dean in the main event in the future. It will be a great match because of the 2 people involved, but ultimately we know what's going to happen.

They would have been better served building more heat between Lesnar and Ambrose. They're just suing this to be able to keep Reigns in story while he sells the nose injury. Ambrose deserves better than that.
Honestly it's pretty funny watching you people delude yourselves into thinking anything other than Triple H retaining the Title is happening.

Triple H beats Ambrose because he needs a defense before he drops it to Reigns. Maybe Triple H will try to destroy him with a sledgehammer and Reigns can come and save his little buddy. It's gonna be great.

I live in Toronto and there's not a goddamn chance I'm going to see this.
It'll probably just lead to Brock screwing Ambrose out of winning the title but there are two other ways this could go and they both result in a Reigns heel turn.

1. Ambrose beats Haitch for the title. Haitch activates a rematch clause for Mania meaning the Main Event is a triple threat, but Ambrose must first defend against Brock. Ambrose wins but Reigns takes the title in the main event in a really screwy manner leading to an obvious, yet desired, fan backlash which leads to a full blown Reigns monster heel turn the following night on Raw in which he destroys Ambrose.

2. My preferred scenario. Reigns screws Ambrose in the match vs Haitch, thus turning heel, but Haitch makes the Ambrose/Lesnar match a number one contenders match which Ambrose wins. Ambrose then wins the title in the main event. Reigns is now a heel but the fans get a huge feel good story at Mania with Ambrose going forward as champion.

I doubt Reigns turn heel anytime soon. Brock will probably screw Ambrose at Roadblock.

Whenever Reigns return, I could imagine HHH will have Reigns' nose as a target and that'll be Reigns' adversity to overcome similar to how Rollins' broke Cena's nose. Reigns should beat HHH at Mania. Brock should beat Ambrose at Mania.
The problem with Ambrose being champion is that he will degrade the title...Sorry guys, he has been mostly booked as a loser. Even his feud with Brock Lesnar, while high profile, has presented him as totally out of his element.

The core of this story has been 'Triple H Vs Roman Reigns', so that needs to be the main event. Ambrose and Lesnar have been minor footnotes. Ambrose getting a title shot is only there so Triple H will have a victory going in and make it seem like he's a strong champion. It's just unfortunate that WWE has no idea how to book/present Roman Reigns, which leads to fan rejection.
The problem with Ambrose being champion is that he will degrade the title...Sorry guys, he has been mostly booked as a loser. Even his feud with Brock Lesnar, while high profile, has presented him as totally out of his element.

The core of this story has been 'Triple H Vs Roman Reigns', so that needs to be the main event. Ambrose and Lesnar have been minor footnotes. Ambrose getting a title shot is only there so Triple H will have a victory going in and make it seem like he's a strong champion. It's just unfortunate that WWE has no idea how to book/present Roman Reigns, which leads to fan rejection.

While I do agree he hasn't been booked particularly well, in no way would he degrade the title. The Great Khali and Jack Swagger both held World Titles and neither of them were nearly as over as Ambrose right at this moment. He is one of the top 3 faces in the company right now and the only reason I wouldn't want him to have the strap right now is because there is no logic to it.

You were right, they have placed their faith in the Hunter/Reigns angle, they changed their plans with Bryan, they won't do that this time.

Getting back to thread, Ambrose winning at Roadblock would serve as an incredible swerve, but it would throw their concrete plans for Mania into disarray. Lesnar somehow throws this match out, and we go on as planned.

As Martial Horror said, its just a damn shame they don't know how to properly book Reigns to get over.
I can Triple H going over Dean Ambrose using some heel tactic of his own and then Roman Reigns returns to save Ambrose from the post-match beating.

I am ok with this match as It solidifies Ambrose as an upper-midcarder and helps him to get credibility for facing Brock even though he will lose it but still I am happy as the match could be fun.

While I do agree he hasn't been booked particularly well, in no way would he degrade the title. The Great Khali and Jack Swagger both held World Titles and neither of them were nearly as over as Ambrose right at this moment. He is one of the top 3 faces in the company right now and the only reason I wouldn't want him to have the strap right now is because there is no logic to it.

You were right, they have placed their faith in the Hunter/Reigns angle, they changed their plans with Bryan, they won't do that this time.

Getting back to thread, Ambrose winning at Roadblock would serve as an incredible swerve, but it would throw their concrete plans for Mania into disarray. Lesnar somehow throws this match out, and we go on as planned.

As Martial Horror said, its just a damn shame they don't know how to properly book Reigns to get over.

I'm referring exclusively to his booking. I like Ambrose and he's very popular, popular enough to be be a popular champion...While I missed both Khali and Swaggers WHC reigns, I'm presuming that they at least consistently won matches prior to entering the title scene? Do you know who else is over, even moreso than Ambrose? Damian Sandow. But he'd also ruin the belt because he barely wins any matches. Remember that the person holding the title is at least supposed to be among the most dangerous wrestlers in the company (kayfabe). Ambrose hasn't only lost cleanly to Roman Reigns multiple times now, but their last singles match didn't even last 10 minutes.

Also, as you said, it wouldn't make sense. If Ambrose won, Triple H would have a rematch clause. Maybe he'd use it on RAW, but Roman Reigns won his #1 contender spot at Fast Lane. So the main event would have to be 'Roman Reigns Vs Ambrose', unless Triple H used his rematch to make it a Triple which Brock Lesnar would have to get involved too...While this might be entertaining, Wrestlemania usually ends with a '1 on 1' match. Furthermore, Ambrose and Lesnar would be cheered over Reigns and WWE sees Roman as their next face of the company.

The plan is obviously for Triple H to defeat Ambrose, hopefully putting enough heat on him that fans will root for Roman again. Whether this works or not is another question, but it is the best plan for now. The question is how they'll rebuild Ambrose to be a credible opponent for Lesnar. One-sided ass kickings get boring after awhile and it only worked with Cena because no one saw it coming and it meant something for the invincible hero to get crushed.

I mean, seriously, even the Big Show overpowered Lesnar in the build up to their 2014 feud. We all knew he wouldn't win, but that's how booking is supposed to work. The loser has to at least act like he's a threat to the winner. Otherwise, you might as well have 'Roman Reigns Vs Heath Slater' on a PPV. So I have no idea what they're doing with Ambrose right now. Hopefully there is a plan.

lol, sorry for going off on a tangent.

Edit: I agree with the theory that Triple H will play dirty to win, which probably is the best move to have Ambrose lose, but with dignity.
I'm referring exclusively to his booking. I like Ambrose and he's very popular, popular enough to be be a popular champion...While I missed both Khali and Swaggers WHC reigns, I'm presuming that they at least consistently won matches prior to entering the title scene? Do you know who else is over, even moreso than Ambrose? Damian Sandow. But he'd also ruin the belt because he barely wins any matches. Remember that the person holding the title is at least supposed to be among the most dangerous wrestlers in the company (kayfabe). Ambrose hasn't only lost cleanly to Roman Reigns multiple times now, but their last singles match didn't even last 10 minutes.

Ambrose is the most over guy on the roster right now, and was always a close second behind Daniel Bryan. The fans don't seem to care if he loses, it just makes them want to see him win even more.

Plus didn't he just hold the IC title for a couple of months, only losing it to Owens because of what's going on now? If they hadn't changed their plans at the last minute, he would still be holding it.

He's lost cleanly to Reigns, because he had too. Reigns won the number one contender spot in a match where Ambrose did most of the work, that's why he didn't last long with Reigns.

Also, as you said, it wouldn't make sense. If Ambrose won, Triple H would have a rematch clause. Maybe he'd use it on RAW, but Roman Reigns won his #1 contender spot at Fast Lane. So the main event would have to be 'Roman Reigns Vs Ambrose', unless Triple H used his rematch to make it a Triple which Brock Lesnar would have to get involved too...While this might be entertaining, Wrestlemania usually ends with a '1 on 1' match. Furthermore, Ambrose and Lesnar would be cheered over Reigns and WWE sees Roman as their next face of the company.

They should actually make it a triple threat match, as the match between HHH and Reigns will be shit on by the fans. A lot of them don't want to see Reigns in the main event at Mania. I have no idea what they're going to do with Reigns to tell you the truth, the guy is just not connecting with the fans and that's a huge problem.

The plan is obviously for Triple H to defeat Ambrose, hopefully putting enough heat on him that fans will root for Roman again. Whether this works or not is another question, but it is the best plan for now. The question is how they'll rebuild Ambrose to be a credible opponent for Lesnar. One-sided ass kickings get boring after awhile and it only worked with Cena because no one saw it coming and it meant something for the invincible hero to get crushed.

They have used Ambrose all year to help put Reigns over and it's just succeeded in putting Ambrose more over, and got Reigns nowhere really. HHH will get heat from the Toronto crowd in the match against Ambrose, but at Mania it will be reversed. Maybe what they have to do is take Reigns out of the main event picture for awhile and just let it happen naturally. If fans clamour for him then there you go, if they don't, then this whole thing was a waste of time.

Win, loss records don't mean much the the WWE as it's a scripted show. All you have to do is look at Bray Wyatt and his bunch to see that. There are still quite a number of people that think he should be main eventing, even though the guy hasn't won a feud in forever. As of right now he doesn't even have a match at Mania I don't believe. So there's a guy with a following can't win a feud to save his life, and we'll give him a pass but not Ambrose. I mean shit Wyatt was supposed to fight Lesnar this year. That can still happen depending on what happens at Roadblock.

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