Am I The Only One Who Sees Daniel Bryan...

Well I personally don't think DB should face off for the title at this years WM. Not because I don't like him because I do, I think he's fucking brilliant, and Not because he doesn't deserve it, because he does more than nearly anyone. The reason I don't want to see it happen this soon is because I hate it when people are in the WWE and are thrust into the title scene right away.

John Cena won a championship match against Brock Lesner after Wrestlemania 19. He didn't win it until 2 years later at wrestlemania 21.

Mick Foley made his debut for WWF in 96 and featured in MANY title matches against Undertaker, Shawn Michaels & Steve Austin before FINALLY winning the it against the rock early 99. That was 3 years AND he was a big star before he came to the WWF

Eddie didn't get even a sniff at the championship for 4 years.

Benoit despite winning the championship in WCW, came over as a hot commodity, featured in MANY championship matches against Rocky, Taker, Kane, Austin, Angle, Lesner among others, and the journey to him FINALLY winning made it even sweeter when he did.

Now I know DB has been kicking around the indys and overseas for over a decade, and its been well storied as a part of his character in the WWE... and I also get that sometimes wrestlers do make it work even better after they initially win the championship early, like Angle, Big Show, Undertaker... but it doesn't work the same for all wrestlers. I'd prefer to see Daniel Bryan defend his MITB, maybe even lose it, win it back, lose his championship match in a gruelling effort and then later come back to win it, make the story a bit more... realistic.

I get that he is the best wrestler in the world, in which he most probably is. But I just don't want to see that championship reign come too early. He could have a good long run in WWE, and that doesn't need to be spoilt by rushing his rise to the top.. Because lord knows if he does win the big one he's not going to be afforded a lot of time to defend it.
Here is what I would like the title picture to look like for the next few months: On Sunday, Christian manages to somehow heel his way to victory, the Orton/Christian feud ends. (Hypothetically, Sheamus goes over Henry and gets established as a full-fledged face, Henry explodes and manages to cost Orton the match, giving those two something to do and keeping Orton away from the title.)

The next one to challenge for the WHC is Sheamus, who is ultimately successful, most likely in the second PPV match. Bryan continues to hold the briefcase as a babyface underdog, while Barrett continues his passive aggressive bitching about him not deserving it/being lucky/fluky, etc. I say hold off on that and don't let it go anywhere right away. Let Barrett be a bitter asshole who gets vicious, leading to #1 contendership for the WHC in a few months, once Sheamus/Christian is done.

With Barrett unsuccessful against Sheamus, he takes his frustrations out on Bryan. A heated feud ensues with Bryan ultimately putting the briefcase on the line and losing it to Barrett. Bryan ends up with shattered dreams, resulting in major crowd support on his rise to ultimately take the title from Barrett after he's successfully cashed in later in the year. In the process, you've resurrected Sheamus as a legitimate champion, built Barrett back up to the main event level he was at last year and earned Bryan a following that wants to see him overcome the odds to live his dream. At least, that's what I'd like to see happen.
with rock cena being for the WWE title that means that the winner of the rumble would have to be either the rock, or a Smackdown superstar with DB cashing in after the Smackdown match. I don't like either of the rumble predictions I have, not that it would be a smackdown superstar but the fact that it has to be for rock cena to work. But I see DB holding till mania but losing that night due to some kind of interference or some other controversial means.

Incorrect. Rock/Cena is sketched in stone, however the E can always change its mind and make it a nontitle match. A Raw superstar can win it and challenge for the WHC. It's as simple as that. :fu2:

On to topic. I can see him actually cashing it in like RVD did. Setting a date. But I see him losing the match. Which would actually be a great opportunity for him to build momentum and win the RR (unless Punk wins).
It would be a damn shame if that case got taken from him, he maybe hasnt done much over on Smackdown but he sure deserves that case atleast. Hes an incredibly deserving superstar and just needs a bit of building as a main eventer. Probably not gonna happen anytime too soon but nonetheless he atleast deserves to get a title oppurtunity from the case that "he" won.

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