Am I the only one that thinks WWE has been booking Daniel Bryan properly?

First. Really if you wanna take the yes chants into effect, they started before that mania. But the chants and the yessing really only properly took effect, like really became a huge thing this year.

No. They really became huge the night after WrestleMania and have continued since.

At summerslam, Bryan was put into the title mix for the main title so I count his mainstay into the main event and major push from here.

Not to be an ass here, but you're just picking a more recent date in order to further push your point. The guy held the WHC from December 2011 - April 2012. He then had a re-match for the WHC at Extreme Rules. If you want to ignore his WHC matches, then fine - but you can't ignore that he wrestled CM Punk for the WWE Title in May 2012, June 2012 and July 2012. Why are you dismissing that build?

Fine at hiac he was taken from the title picture but that's from summerslam to hell in a cell where he's been the main focus. He can't be in every main event for every PPV. The idea of him leaving the title picture adds to the effect of him being screwed.

That's true. We can't have 11 straight months of Bryan challenging Orton. And I won't even go so far as to say that Bryan should've defeated Orton at one of those events in order to go over in the program. But there are other ways to maintain a championship build without actually wrestling for the belt. Despite what you imply in the questions you've raised, that was not done here.

1) WWE have seen an organic growth and dealt with it. I have no doubt that at first they thought him bring destroyed in 18 seconds would end it. Then they see what it did and they think 'hey, we could do this longer term.' The idea to keep him away from the title picture has served Bryan perfectly and let's be honest, it was done because of the sheamus/Bryan debacle. WWE planned this push to go the way it has based on the fact that they've seen it work before.

You're implying that the WWE understands their audience incredibly well - and in my opinion, giving the WWE far too much credit. If the WWE understands their audience so well, then why is everything get shuffled around so much right now? Why was Bryan's heel turn aborted after two weeks? Why didn't they send out a heel at #30 at the Royal Rumble? Clearly, if they "get" their audience as well as you suggest, then they had to foresee the obvious heel heat the 30th entrant would get (I saw it coming once Batista entered at 27...). Is it possible that the WWE has no clue?

2) So okay. For 3 months you put Bryan in a different feud to the WWE title, yet bryan , Steph and hhh had altercations throughout. The Wyatt thing took over but it kickstarted the whole 'kept down by the machine' story. That angle fed slyly into the title angle. They mentioned it several times throughout. It was done...deliberately. I wonder why they mentioned the machine and had that storyline born from that? was the plan all along.

Yes, the Wyatt angle started with the caveat that he'd help Bryan take down the machine. That's called a segue. It's a transition. They're incredibly common. Don't confuse the segue for the new story that's actually being told. The story was about Bryan refusing Wyatt's proposition - about Bryan being beaten down by the Wyatts - and ultimately about Bryan double-crossing the Wyatts in order to extract revenge on them. Outside the initial segue, it had nothing to do with the Authority or his pursuit for the WWE Title.

Its no wonder WWE barely listen to the fans and the moment Bryan holds that title for longer than 3 months, just watch. They'll get bored and soon there will be "Is Bryan being shoved down our throats" threads every where on this site. The same as there was with punk, and everyone else that holds that title.

There's no question that long title runs aren't welcome anymore. They haven't been for a very long time. Look at Austin's title history ... or The Rock's... they were short, quick title runs - and then the guy was back to chasing the gold. That's fine. The chase is almost always more exciting than the actual reign. If Bryan wins the title at 'Mania, and he drops it in June, then people will be satisfied.

Here's the thing about building a championship build for a face. The heel has to create obstacles for the face to overcome. For the fans to remain interested, you have to give them hope that the face will overcome the odds. With Bryan, they failed to do this. They booked him to trip over every obstacle in September and October - Orton, Triple H, Michaels, The Shield... then they had him move on to another program that had no relation to the previous program short of the segue that sparked it. And then, instead of maintaining interest in what was actually happening on screen, the fans started ignoring the actual in-ring product and borderline revolting.

It works both ways, though. To remain interested in a face champion, you have to feel like he could be screwed from his title at any moment. You have to be on the edge of your seat, hoping the guy can overcome the odds and keep the gold. To do this correctly, you have to let him trip over the obstacles from time to time - meaning you need to take the belt off him occasionally. These are, mind you, basic story telling techniques.
well my opion is db wont be in the main event at wm and i think he should not be yes i dont like orton vs batista but aint gunna complain look it gunna be db vs kane or hhh and that still good they doing the hole cm punk storyline but with db were he faces off with the arthrity just rember cm punk 455 days db ur next :}
No. They really became huge the night after WrestleMania and have continued since.

The hell are you talking about? The chants started while he was WHC champion, well before WrestleMania.

Not to be an ass here, but you're just picking a more recent date in order to further push your point. The guy held the WHC from December 2011 - April 2012. He then had a re-match for the WHC at Extreme Rules. If you want to ignore his WHC matches, then fine - but you can't ignore that he wrestled CM Punk for the WWE Title in May 2012, June 2012 and July 2012. Why are you dismissing that build?

I really hope you see the irony here. You picked an arbitrary date above, as I mentioned, and ignored an entire WHC title reign...and then complained about somebody else picking a more recent date and ignoring title matches. The irony, seriously, is just delightful.

That's true. We can't have 11 straight months of Bryan challenging Orton. And I won't even go so far as to say that Bryan should've defeated Orton at one of those events in order to go over in the program. But there are other ways to maintain a championship build without actually wrestling for the belt. Despite what you imply in the questions you've raised, that was not done here.

Wrong. Despite the nonsensical "three months" claims you made, the fact is he was never out of the title picture for three WEEKS, let alone three months. Seriously, I defy you to show me three consecutive episodes of Raw in which there was no confrontation between DB and Triple H/Stephanie/Randy Orton. And yes, they are all one entity. Because it's not just about the title, it's about overcoming the authority. It's about the authority, the machine, holding him down, and him overcoming it. That build NEVER stopped.

You're implying that the WWE understands their audience incredibly well - and in my opinion, giving the WWE far too much credit. If the WWE understands their audience so well, then why is everything get shuffled around so much right now? Why was Bryan's heel turn aborted after two weeks? Why didn't they send out a heel at #30 at the Royal Rumble? Clearly, if they "get" their audience as well as you suggest, then they had to foresee the obvious heel heat the 30th entrant would get (I saw it coming once Batista entered at 27...). Is it possible that the WWE has no clue?

Is it possible that the WWE knows a lot - and I do mean a LOT - more than you? If that's what you're asking, the answer is a definitive yes. Absolutely, unequivocally yes. You can't just make up imaginary things that never happened like Bryan having a heel turn aborted(when, in reality, he never turned heel let alone had a heel turn aborted after any length of time) and use that to question the WWE. Or things being "shuffled" right now. What's being shuffled, exactly? I mean moreso than what happens every year as they build up to WrestleMania. And who cares about heel heat for entrant #30? Has Rey Mysterio suffered any long term effects from that? Clearly not. If WWE "had no clue" as you put it, they would've put Bryan in the Royal Rumble and had him get eliminated. The fact that he wasn't in the match at all, and the fact that they had all this talk about "the machine" holding him down both before and immediately after the a Rumble, with the "Yes! Movement!" ready to go as soon as the PPV went off the air...I don't know how you can look at that and say with a straight face that this was not CLEARLY the plan all along. Either it was the plan all along or they got incredibly lucky and reacted and adjusted incredibly quickly to what was happening. In either case, it's proof that they most certainly have a clue.

Yes, the Wyatt angle started with the caveat that he'd help Bryan take down the machine. That's called a segue. It's a transition. They're incredibly common. Don't confuse the segue for the new story that's actually being told. The story was about Bryan refusing Wyatt's proposition - about Bryan being beaten down by the Wyatts - and ultimately about Bryan double-crossing the Wyatts in order to extract revenge on them. Outside the initial segue, it had nothing to do with the Authority or his pursuit for the WWE Title.

You can spin anything however you want if you're willing to blatantly ignore facts like this. Everything that happened with the Wyatt Family was directly related to The Authority and the WWE Title. Daniel Bryan said so himself, he cited The Machine was the reason why he was joining the Wyatt Family. The Authority put the Wyatts in front of Bryan, one more obstacle on his path to the WWE title that he had to get through. And that's why he joined them and double-crossed them. It had nothing to do with getting "revenge on them." It had nothing to do with them at all. The story was about Bryan overcoming another obstacle The Machine put in front of him.

There's no question that long title runs aren't welcome anymore. They haven't been for a very long time. Look at Austin's title history ... or The Rock's... they were short, quick title runs - and then the guy was back to chasing the gold. That's fine. The chase is almost always more exciting than the actual reign. If Bryan wins the title at 'Mania, and he drops it in June, then people will be satisfied.

John Cena? CM Punk? JBL, Batista, Triple H? Not every reign is long, but they have certainly had more than their share of long title runs since the days of Austin and Rock.

Here's the thing about building a championship build for a face. The heel has to create obstacles for the face to overcome. For the fans to remain interested, you have to give them hope that the face will overcome the odds. With Bryan, they failed to do this. They booked him to trip over every obstacle in September and October - Orton, Triple H, Michaels, The Shield... then they had him move on to another program that had no relation to the previous program short of the segue that sparked it. And then, instead of maintaining interest in what was actually happening on screen, the fans started ignoring the actual in-ring product and borderline revolting.

It's astonishing how far from reality this is. The have done a brilliant, beautiful job of building Bryan since last SummerSlam(and yes, that's when the build started - we're talking about the current storyline of him chasing the title, not how long the "yes!" Chants have been whatever you consider to be "huge"). It's been textbook booking 101. Put an obstacle in front of him, tease him overcoming it. Another obstacle, another triumph. Another obstacle, another triumph. Just to see him get knocked down again. Time and time again. That's how you build viable, long term characters that the fans are truly invested in. It's not that complicated. Anybody who understands basic storytelling can see that the WWE has handled the build of Daniel Bryan and his championship victory at WrestleMania absolutely perfectly. There is literally not one match, not one angle, not one segment that they could've handled better show far.
I think tonight shows that the booking of daniel bryan is not good and is being relegated to fighting an old retired wrestler
No I don't think the booking of him is good at all, if he'd won the Rumble I'd have said yes, they built the chase for 8 months to Mania and the pay-off comes on the grandest stage. However he didn't win the Rumble and had Punk not walked out he'd probably be wrestling Sheamus at Mania as after tonight we can see they have no intention of adding him to the title match and he's only got the match with big nose because Punk said fuck this shit and got to stepping.

Stone Cold Steve Austin knows a thing or two about the wrestling business, he said on a recent podcast that Bryan is as hot as he is ever going to be and that making fans really want that win is fine, BUT you can't drag it out too long as you lose that window of opportunity when a guy is at his most over. Bryan's window was this Mania, and winning it on any other show just has nowhere near the same impact.
I'm sick and tired of Daniel Bryan and his disgusting abominable fans chanting YES all the damn time. By this time I wish Bryan's wife poisons him or kills him in another Wrestling tragedy so I never have to hear another stupid chant ever again or read any of you bums discussing Bryan day in and day out and whether he'll be inserted into the main event. Gimme a fucking break. Daniel Bryan is a tiny little man in a big-man world of pro wrestling where not every technical wrestler can become a WM-level main eventer and performer like Kurt Angle. Fucking Bryan.
The hell are you talking about? The chants started while he was WHC champion, well before WrestleMania.

Didn't say anything about when they started. I said when they got huge. I was at the Royal Rumble in St. Louis that year. The Yes chants? Almost non-existent. I was at the EC in Milwaukee that year. The Yes Chants? Almost non-existent. After his loss at WrestleMania, they were audible. The night after WrestleMania they were deafening. By the time I went to Extreme Rules, four weeks after WrestleMania, they had pretty much overtaken the arena.

I really hope you see the irony here. You picked an arbitrary date above, as I mentioned, and ignored an entire WHC title reign...and then complained about somebody else picking a more recent date and ignoring title matches. The irony, seriously, is just delightful.

Nope. There's no irony because I didn't ignore his WHC Title reign. I believe the second sentence in the paragraph was "the guy held the WHC from December 2011 - April 2012." Did you miss that? Not only did I not ignore his WHC title reign, but I even mentioned his re-match at Extreme Rules. Personally, I would consider the Bryan build as having started the moment he won MITB in 2011 because it all but guaranteed he'd get a title run. The person I was responding to, however, doesn't count any of that. He considers Bryan's build to have started the moment he began competing for "the main title" - his words. The arbitrary nature of that stems from the fact that Bryan competed for "the main title" in 2012.

Wrong. Despite the nonsensical "three months" claims you made, the fact is he was never out of the title picture for three WEEKS, let alone three months. Seriously, I defy you to show me three consecutive episodes of Raw in which there was no confrontation between DB and Triple H/Stephanie/Randy Orton. And yes, they are all one entity. Because it's not just about the title, it's about overcoming the authority. It's about the authority, the machine, holding him down, and him overcoming it. That build NEVER stopped.

Well since those three months started in November, I'll start with the first three Raws in November.

November 4, 2013: Daniel Bryan makes the save as the Wyatt Family gangs up on CM Punk. November 11, 2013: Punk and Bryan vs The Shield in a match that was interrupted by the Wyatts. November 18, 2013: Bryan, Punk, The Usos, Cody Rhodes, Goldust vs The Shield and The Wyatts.

You can easily go through the Wrestlezone archives from November 4 - to January 26, and the only interactions you'll notice between Daniel Bryan and those three is one randomly unannounced match between Bryan and Orton on December 16 and a handful occasional demands by Bryan to be put in a match against Bray Wyatt. Unless of course you count the WWE Championship ascension ceremony where Bryan was in the ring only because of his reign as a former WHC.

How you saw this as part of Bryan overcoming The Authority is beyond me because The Authority had nothing to do with anything other than the segue into the story arc. You're right to suggest

Bryan joining the Wyatts had nothing to do with The Authority. Bryan turning on the Wyatts had nothing to do with the Authority. Bryan fighting Bray Wyatt at The Royal Rumble had nothing to do with the Authority. The only part of the story that had anything to do with The Authority was Bray's initial pitch to Bryan - but once Bryan rebuffed the pitch, the story became about Wyatt's obsession to turn that no into a yes. You are seriously mistaking the concept of giving Bryan another story with the concept of continuing the story that Bryan was already involved in. If the WWE was continuing to stack the deck against Bryan, they'd have done it with the trio they mostly employed: The Shield. [/QUOTE]

Is it possible that the WWE knows a lot - and I do mean a LOT - more than you? If that's what you're asking, the answer is a definitive yes. Absolutely, unequivocally yes. You can't just make up imaginary things that never happened like Bryan having a heel turn aborted(when, in reality, he never turned heel let alone had a heel turn aborted after any length of time) and use that to question the WWE. Or things being "shuffled" right now. What's being shuffled, exactly? I mean moreso than what happens every year as they build up to WrestleMania.

I apologize. You got me. I made up Daniel Bryan's heel turn. I made up his shortly-lived alliance with a heel stable. You gotta give me this one, though - my imagination is so vivid that you can actually go to the WWE Network right now, and see it exactly how I conjured it up in my head.

Ok. Maybe I didn't make that up. But you know what I really made up, though? I made up the Michigan State football team putting the Yes Chant on the mainstream map during this short-lived heel turn. And then I made up Bryan turning on the Wyatts about five days later. And now I'm going to make up the part where Daniel Bryan lost to Bray Wyatt at the Royal Rumble and then completely forgot about his issues with the Wyatts.

So why were his issues with the Wyatts pushed aside right after the Rumble? Well, this is a chicken and the egg question. Did CM Punk quit because his proposed WrestleMania match with Triple H were being scrapped in favor of Daniel Bryan or did Daniel Bryan get shoved into a program with Triple H because CM Punk quit. I can't answer that. But I can tell you for a fact that the plans were shuffled on the fly - unless of course, you want to argue that the WWE knew Punk was going to quit just prior to Raw airing.

And who cares about heel heat for entrant #30? Has Rey Mysterio suffered any long term effects from that?

No he hasn't. That probbaly has more to do with the fact that Mysterio hasn't been relevant in five years, though. You know who did suffer at the Rumble? Batista. The guy the WWE brought back to serve as the face challenger at WrestleMania 30. You can go back and read my posts about Batista just prior to his return. I never thought his 'face' status would last until WrestleMania. So there's one example where I clearly knew more than the WWE.

Clearly not. If WWE "had no clue" as you put it, they would've put Bryan in the Royal Rumble and had him get eliminated. The fact that he wasn't in the match at all, and the fact that they had all this talk about "the machine" holding him down both before and immediately after the a Rumble, with the "Yes! Movement!" ready to go as soon as the PPV went off the air...

You're right. I shouldn't say "no clue." I guess having Bryan enter the Rumble and then be eliminated would've been generated the same heat. So is them having a little bit more than 'no clue' supposed to be some kind of saving grace? Is that all it takes to impress you? The fact remains that we're headed into WrestleMania 30, and the plan seemingly remains to have Batista and Randy Orton in the main event. Keep in mind, you're defending this as a good decision. If the WWE actually runs through with the current main event, then get back to me on April 6th after 75,000 make a mockery of the WWE's biggest show of the year, and remind me how great a decision it was to keep Bryan out of the match.

As for Bryan having something ready immediately after the Rumble... again, there are one of two things that happened. Either CM Punk quit because the WWE reacted to the Royal Rumble crowd and gave Punk's Mania spot to Daniel Bryan - or CM Punk quit and the WWE responded by throwing Bryan into Punk's Mania spot. Either way, the plan was for Punk to fight Triple H at WrestleMania. I don't need to read a dirt sheet to know that. The build for Punk/Triple H was being built for 6 weeks before he left. Punk was being attacked by the Shield - Triple H's henchmen. He was having the odds stacked against him by The Authority. He was being screwed by The Director of Operations. All those things you've seen happen to Bryan since Punk left were happening to Punk before he left. Has Punk been gone so long that you've forgotten this already?

I don't know how you can look at that and say with a straight face that this was not CLEARLY the plan all along. Either it was the plan all along or they got incredibly lucky and reacted and adjusted incredibly quickly to what was happening. In either case, it's proof that they most certainly have a clue.

I can say it wasn't the plan all along because it clearly wasn't the plan all along to anyone that's ever studied story telling. To anyone that's ever done that, it's clear that Bryan's program with The Authority was about The Authority putting obstacles in front of Bryan. It's clear that his program with the Wyatts was about Bray's obsession with always getting his way. With anyone that has the slightest clue about character, it's clear that Bray Wyatt didn't bring up 'taking down the machine' as his initial pitch to Bryan because he wanted to help Bryan - it was his pitch because he saw it as a potential weakness in Bryan's psyche. And to anyone with any recollection of the very recent past, it's clear that Daniel Bryan has simply been inserted into CM Punk's spot.

I do, however, give the WWE credit for Bryan's booking since The Royal Rumble. You can see that either somewhere in this thread or on another one.[/QUOTE]

The Authority put the Wyatts in front of Bryan, one more obstacle on his path to the WWE title that he had to get through. And that's why he joined them and double-crossed them. It had nothing to do with getting "revenge on them." It had nothing to do with them at all. The story was about Bryan overcoming another obstacle The Machine put in front of him.

Are you suggesting The Machine employed the Wyatt Family to stand in Bryan's way? That's kind of odd considering they had a trio of henchmen in The Shield, and instead of sticking them on Bryan, they stuck them on CM Punk. Again, Wyatt trying to get Bryan to join his group by bringing up The Machine had nothing to do with The Machine. It was about seeing weakness in someone and trying to exploit it. That's the widely held opinion of how cult leaders work.

John Cena? CM Punk? JBL, Batista, Triple H? Not every reign is long, but they have certainly had more than their share of long title runs since the days of Austin and Rock.

True. And perhaps that's why so many people have turned against John Cena, JBL, Batista and Triple H over the years? As for Punk, the fans were waning on him a bit during his title run until he turned heel and rejuvenated the reign. Give Bryan a three-month reign, and they're golden. Revitalize the fans hope that Bryan can overcome the odds, and then take the title off him before they start to think he'll always overcome them.

Put an obstacle in front of him, tease him overcoming it. Another obstacle, another triumph. Another obstacle, another triumph. Just to see him get knocked down again. Time and time again. That's how you build viable, long term characters that the fans are truly invested in.

Name one obstacle the Machine put in front of him from August-October that he overcame. Name one obstacle the Machine even put in front of him from November-January.

It's not that complicated. Anybody who understands basic storytelling can see that the WWE has handled the build of Daniel Bryan and his championship victory at WrestleMania absolutely perfectly. There is literally not one match, not one angle, not one segment that they could've handled better show far.

Yep. They handled it absolutely perfectly. All they had to do to accomplish it on the fly was to rid themselves of CM Punk - one of their most popular stars. Mind you, if Bryan wins the title at WrestleMania, it will be because he went through Triple H earlier in the evening - the guy who was clearly supposed to face Punk.
The point of a guy beating the odds is the fact that he finally beats the odds. You can't keep kicking the guy down and not let him up. If he doesn't win the title at Mania the whole storyline is a clutersfuck of suck. That was the point of the feud. Fighting HHH at Mania does nothing for Bryan.
The point of a guy beating the odds is the fact that he finally beats the odds. You can't keep kicking the guy down and not let him up. If he doesn't win the title at Mania the whole storyline is a clutersfuck of suck. That was the point of the feud. Fighting HHH at Mania does nothing for Bryan.

The story line has been Bryan versus "The Machine." If it wasn't the Shield, then it was the Wyatts. If it wasn't the Wyatts, then it was the Authority. The story line is "everyone is out to get Bryan and then he brings them all down." The point of all of this is to overthrow "The Machine" and bring it to a halt. Never, not once, was a title reign implied to the payoff of this angle. The whole thing is a tool used to increase Bryan's heat and star power, and it's been a huge success. Bryan pinning HHH at Mania is the perfect ending to all of this and Bryan would most certainly leave an even bigger star than he was before. THEN it would make sense for WWE to put a title on him.

This "now, now, give it to me now!" attitude that most Bryan marks seem to have is the part that really sucks.
So are you all satisfied now that Bryan won't be in the title match at Mania? Or are people still in the camp that they book him to beat Triple H to earn a match against Batista and Orton? Because that's not happening.

Whether you like Bryan or not, I think we can all agree that a better story to tell for Bryan would have been him chasing the belt and winning it at Mania. Would have really solidified him as a Cena level talent. For those saying that a match vs Triple H is the obvious conclusion to his story I'll have to disagree with you. A match vs Triple H should have happened at Survivor Series or Royal Rumble and it should have been the blow off to the Authority that Bryan needed to chase Orton.

I'm sure they will give him something like a three month title run this year in the hopes of quietening Bryan's fans but I'm also sure they've really dropped the ball on this one. Bryan had potential to be a genuine breakout star but all the fans have now is a taste of disappointment.

I also don't think he'll personally ever have a shot at greatness like he could have had now. Roman Reigns is being positioned as the next top level babyface superstar, not Bryan, so where he is in the card (which is a very good spot no doubt) is where he'll stay.
It is obvious wwe is against the fans. They don't care about us or what we want. Bryan righting hhh is like if austin fought mcmahon in 1998/1999, it is pointless. They should have him end the night with both title but instead we get this..... Well wwe show me and now I will show them what I think about their decision .
So are you all satisfied now that Bryan won't be in the title match at Mania? Or are people still in the camp that they book him to beat Triple H to earn a match against Batista and Orton? Because that's not happening.

It would pretty much take a Vince McMahon return to make that happen wherein Vince goes over Triple H's head, books the match, and then adds the stipulation that if Bryan wins, he gets to wrestle in the main event. I'm still holding out hope, but I'm not holding my breath...
It would pretty much take a Vince McMahon return to make that happen wherein Vince goes over Triple H's head, books the match, and then adds the stipulation that if Bryan wins, he gets to wrestle in the main event. I'm still holding out hope, but I'm not holding my breath...

My thoughts exactly. The only other way the WWE could make this work is to have Bryan get HHH extremely riled where it's Hunter demanding the match and Bryan saying he'll only do it if Hunter stipulates he gets a title shot later in the night should he win. Of course it will take a lot of solid scripting, done very quickly, to make that happen but it would be a great story if they could do it. Imagine Bryan getting HHH so upset (possibly embarrassing him in some way) that he just looses it and tells Steph that he'll destroy him at Wrestlemania. Then have Bryan kind of change course and get real mellow and smug about the match, saying he's not so sure he wants to wrestle HHH because it would be beneath him [Bryan]. Then adding that the only way he'll wrestle him is to have the stipulation of a title shot later in the night. I'm sure it won't go down that way, and I don't really care how it happens. But it [Bryan in the title match at WM 30] needs to happen one way or another!

BTW, I completely agree with justinept's fantastic post #32 in this thread. We both see the entire Bryan saga the same way.
so your saying that Daniel bryan getting the shit beat out of him every week and gets screwed over at every ppv then going up to the people that screw him and doing nothing like a puts is the right way to book someone. Daniel bryan was in that world title ceremony after months of getting screwed over by the people that set up this ceremony.

What im saying is, that even if he gets screwed over, at least don't make him into a lap dog. Have him come out after getting screwed and beat someone up. He should be like fuck this. Im going to kick your head in.
The point of a guy beating the odds is the fact that he finally beats the odds. You can't keep kicking the guy down and not let him up. If he doesn't win the title at Mania the whole storyline is a clutersfuck of suck. That was the point of the feud. Fighting HHH at Mania does nothing for Bryan.

Exactly. But as it seems, it doesn't look like Bryan will get the title shot at 'Mania.

So, since even the OP said "The only way WWE truly screws this all up is if DB is not in the Main Event at WM. If that happens...well...all hope is lost."

Well... the way things are going, it looks like the WWE truly screwed it up. Something we all feared/knew the second he wasn't #30 in the Royal Rumble.

Will be an interesting 'Mania though seeing what the fans do to the Orton/Batista match.

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