Am I A Bad Guy???


I Am The One Who Knocks
So there is this girl who told me that she is in love with me. I was starting to like her and told her so. As weeks went by i started to fall for this other girl. I told the first girl that i thought before anyone gets hurt we better not advance our relationship to anything other than friends. Keep in mind that we were not dating in the first place. Now she doesnt even want to be my friend. She is one of the best friends i have and i dont want to lose her as one. Can anyone help me out here??

Does this make me a bad guy?
Who's hotter and better personality/person? Add those two together and see what you get. Take the sum and distribute it into your brain.
Hahaha. Do what Wes says.

You cannot force the other girl to be friends with you, dude. But also, don't ruin a good friendship over a girl you aren't even committed to. It could just be a passing crush.
You did the right thing in telling her straight away, and soon she'll come to respect that from you. However at the moment she's just really hurt, and being around you will remind her of that. Give her time, if you're that close, and she liked you that much, there's no way you'll lose her.
So there is this girl who told me that she is in love with me. I was starting to like her and told her so. As weeks went by i started to fall for this other girl. I told the first girl that i thought before anyone gets hurt we better not advance our relationship to anything other than friends. Keep in mind that we were not dating in the first place.

First this was the best thing to do, because it would've been a lot worse had you played both sides trying to see which one served the best alternative. You would've ended up losing both in the long run, had you of done it that way.

If you feel as if you have emotions or feelings toward another girl, you need to see exactly how strong those feelings are and if its just a random trigger making you think something else is there, or if its a real thing and there are deep emotions there.

Now she doesnt even want to be my friend. She is one of the best friends i have and i dont want to lose her as one. Can anyone help me out here??

No, she's not. If she can't handle that all you want to not risk ruining your friendship, is to remain friends. If she can't deal with you being nothing more than a friend in her life, then she is NOT your friend.

She has a wounded pride because you turned her down more or less, that much is obvious. But the fact is, if shes a true friend she will come around and want you in her life, regardless of as what.

Does this make me a bad guy?

You're anything but a bad guy. A bad guy would've tried dating both girls, and keeping the one that served him a better service. You were open, honest and completely up front with your emotions, feelings and opinion. Dispite most not actually wanting it, almost every female asks for a guy like that.
First this was the best thing to do, because it would've been a lot worse had you played both sides trying to see which one served the best alternative. You would've ended up losing both in the long run, had you of done it that way.

If you feel as if you have emotions or feelings toward another girl, you need to see exactly how strong those feelings are and if its just a random trigger making you think something else is there, or if its a real thing and there are deep emotions there.

No, she's not. If she can't handle that all you want to not risk ruining your friendship, is to remain friends. If she can't deal with you being nothing more than a friend in her life, then she is NOT your friend.

She has a wounded pride because you turned her down more or less, that much is obvious. But the fact is, if shes a true friend she will come around and want you in her life, regardless of as what.

You're anything but a bad guy. A bad guy would've tried dating both girls, and keeping the one that served him a better service. You were open, honest and completely up front with your emotions, feelings and opinion. Dispite most not actually wanting it, almost every female asks for a guy like that.


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