Alex Shelley Reportedly Leaving TNA

now this is interesting. considering Sabin just got back, i wouldn't have expected this. if he can get a job with wwe and make some good money, good for him but i think he needs to be careful. Vince has never been the best to the cruisierweights so while he may be up on them right now, who knows what will happen in a year. anyone remember who the last cruiserweight champ was? or remember how the cruiserweight title was retired?

this does show though that TNA is on Vince's radar no matter what he says. how else would he know of Alex Shelley?
I'll quit watching wrestling altogether all over again. I quit then, and I'd quit again now well before suffering the direction of WWE. There's a reason I'm such a mark for TNA — they're not WWE. I hate WWE. I hate the way the company is run, I hate how kitschy they are, and I hate that they buy all the competition.
That has to be about the stupidest thing I have ever read. Not watching WWE because you don't like how its run is like not watching the NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB, etc. because you don't like the commissioner. Or even more specific, not watching the Dallas Cowboys or New York Knicks or Detroit Red Wings or Atlanta Braves because you don't like the owner. It's a really stupid and inexplicable reason to ignore something you claim to enjoy (in this case, professional wrestling). If you were a wrestling fan, and WWE was your only option, you'd watch it. Although, you're posting anonymously (unless your mother actual is Mrs. Real and she named you It's Damn) on the Internet and can make yourself sound however you want. It wouldn't surprise me if you anti-WWE stance was just a gimmick to make you stand out amongst everyone else.

I hated how WCW was run at the end, but I still tuned in because there were performers (like Lance Storm and Booker T) that I enjoyed watching. Just because an idiot like Vince Russo nearly ran it into the ground didn't stop me enjoying the matches that were put on. I wouldn't stop watching the matches just because I thought the company was being run poorly (and there probably isn't a company that was run worse than WCW near the end).

Anyway, now that I've got that out of way, Shelley to WWE is intriguing. MCMG were one of the only things I actually watched in TNA when I did tune in, so seeing him in WWE would be pretty cool. Hopefully his potential signing will lead to Sabin's as well. If WWE is serious about a Cruiserweight revival, I could think of no two better guys to lead it than Shelley and Sabin.
This horrible for TNA. MCMG was the one real TNA creation that was over...maybe this will be a wakeup call for TNA to start using their X div talent, though I doubt it. I have no idea why he was scarcely used when Sabin was out, and why he hasn't been on TV as a focal point since, but those are likely big reasons why he has quit. This is just awful. He'll go to WWE and also not be used, but get paid three times as much to not be used. Obviously I'm a big fan of the MCMG's, so this is a big blow to me, a loyal TNA fan since ordering their very first PPV...this one hurts. I don't know if I hope Sabin stays, or follows Shelley and keeps their team alive in WWE, or even the indies.
That has to be about the stupidest thing I have ever read. Not watching WWE because you don't like how its run is like not watching the NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB, etc. because you don't like the commissioner. Or even more specific, not watching the Dallas Cowboys or New York Knicks or Detroit Red Wings or Atlanta Braves because you don't like the owner. It's a really stupid and inexplicable reason to ignore something you claim to enjoy (in this case, professional wrestling). If you were a wrestling fan, and WWE was your only option, you'd watch it. Although, you're posting anonymously (unless your mother actual is Mrs. Real and she named you It's Damn) on the Internet and can make yourself sound however you want. It wouldn't surprise me if you anti-WWE stance was just a gimmick to make you stand out amongst everyone else.

I hated how WCW was run at the end, but I still tuned in because there were performers (like Lance Storm and Booker T) that I enjoyed watching. Just because an idiot like Vince Russo nearly ran it into the ground didn't stop me enjoying the matches that were put on. I wouldn't stop watching the matches just because I thought the company was being run poorly (and there probably isn't a company that was run worse than WCW near the end).

Anyway, now that I've got that out of way, Shelley to WWE is intriguing. MCMG were one of the only things I actually watched in TNA when I did tune in, so seeing him in WWE would be pretty cool. Hopefully his potential signing will lead to Sabin's as well. If WWE is serious about a Cruiserweight revival, I could think of no two better guys to lead it than Shelley and Sabin.

Trust me, son (or don't — honesty, I don't care), I DO NOT WATCH WWE. You can call it whatever you like, but I've never been a WWE guy and never will be. I hate their product, ergo I do not watch them. I grew up on WCW, and when WCW went under I STOPPED WATCHING WRESTLING. Not WWE. Not WCW. Wrestling. Completely. That is until TNA came about in 2002, and then came back full-time in 2005 when they got their full-time TV deal. It's why I know little to nothing about nearly everything that happened between 2001 and 2005, nor do I ever care to know.

But hey, you wanna believe it's a gimmick? By all means. Believe what you want.

Shelley to WWE is intriguing for WWE fans, not for me. Same as Sting to WWE or anyone I actually enjoy watch wrestle for the COMPANY I enjoy watching does not intrigue me.
That guys that can't take that next step are leaving and/or TNA is in a position to them go? All four of those guys haven't really been on the show much at all recently and nothing bad has happened. Three of those four guys have never drawn a dime. It is one talent that has unfortunate habits outside the show and 3 guys that are just potential that has never really put it all together. Pushing Roode and Storm over Morgan is a no brainer, just like pushing Aries over Shelley is a no brainer. If WWE wants the sloppy seconds, so be it.

So when WCW lost Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, Dean Malenko, and Perry Saturn, they were "no big loss" right? After all, those guys never drew a dime in WCW because they just weren't that good. It's not at all possible for a company to pick and choose other guys over them to push and for the guys they choose against to actually be talented and to do well somewhere else right?

Don't kid yourself in thinking this is a "nothing" loss. TNA fans always harped on 3 things: the X-Division is awesome, the Tag Division is better, and the knockouts are better than the divas. Well, The X-Division is utter crap now with Aries not even in it anymore for the most part, the tag division is non-existent and now with Shelley gone, it actually is. There actually isn't another team left in TNA besides the champs and Samoa/Magus who got together 2 months ago. Plus, Shelley is a guy that's been around for a long time. Him having the balls to leave (similar to Jericho from WCW) could lead the way for others. I'm not saying it will, but it definitely could.

I see this the way it should be seen. A guy was unhappy and he left. He had every right to be unhappy as he didn't get used for like a year because apparently he was useless without his tag partner, and when that guy finally comes back, they lose and aren't seen much after that. If a job doesn't want me, I don't want it. Shelley's departure is long overdue and if he does indeed end up in WWE, I'd be interested to see what he can do. Be it with Sabin if his buddy decides to leave or be it on his own, the guy is talented and a change of scenery is just what he needs.
That guys that can't take that next step are leaving and/or TNA is in a position to them go? All four of those guys haven't really been on the show much at all recently and nothing bad has happened. Three of those four guys have never drawn a dime. It is one talent that has unfortunate habits outside the show and 3 guys that are just potential that has never really put it all together. Pushing Roode and Storm over Morgan is a no brainer, just like pushing Aries over Shelley is a no brainer. If WWE wants the sloppy seconds, so be it.

As opposed to TNA picking up WWE's sloppy seconds everytime someone is released? MCMG or Matt Morgan may not ever draw a dime but those guys are talented and instead of being showcased every week they are sitting on there asses while no talent hacks like Garrett Bischoff take up TV time on Impact. Sorry if I had the chance to leave TNA and get a shot in WWE I would do the same thing they are doing.
As long as Shelley is used correctly good for him. I believe all wrestlers who wrestle for Indy feds should get the chance to wrestle for a big time organization. Hopefully he gets a legit chance to show what he can offer.

Trust me, son (or don't — honesty, I don't care), I DO NOT WATCH WWE. You can call it whatever you like, but I've never been a WWE guy and never will be. I hate their product, ergo I do not watch them. I grew up on WCW, and when WCW went under I STOPPED WATCHING WRESTLING. Not WWE. Not WCW. Wrestling. Completely. That is until TNA came about in 2002, and then came back full-time in 2005 when they got their full-time TV deal. It's why I know little to nothing about nearly everything that happened between 2001 and 2005, nor do I ever care to know.

But hey, you wanna believe it's a gimmick? By all means. Believe what you want.

Shelley to WWE is intriguing for WWE fans, not for me. Same as Sting to WWE or anyone I actually enjoy watch wrestle for the COMPANY I enjoy watching does not intrigue me.

You grew up a WCW fan yet hate the fact that the WWE buys all the competition? Anyone else find that a little bit hypocritical? I guess you missed the years where Bischoff used Turner's ATM card to buy everybody and anything WWF and ECW for that matter. Guess that means you should have hated WCW going by your logic.
So when WCW lost Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, Dean Malenko, and Perry Saturn, they were "no big loss" right? After all, those guys never drew a dime in WCW because they just weren't that good. It's not at all possible for a company to pick and choose other guys over them to push and for the guys they choose against to actually be talented and to do well somewhere else right?

Never said that, although it would be true about Saturn and Malenko (who would be best comp of the group). Guys certainly can do well elsewhere. All I suggested is that TNA had superior options to push in those spots currently, a criteria some of your WCW analogies likely fail to meet.

Don't kid yourself in thinking this is a "nothing" loss. TNA fans always harped on 3 things: the X-Division is awesome, the Tag Division is better, and the knockouts are better than the divas. Well, The X-Division is utter crap now with Aries not even in it anymore for the most part, the tag division is non-existent and now with Shelley gone, it actually is. There actually isn't another team left in TNA besides the champs and Samoa/Magus who got together 2 months ago. Plus, Shelley is a guy that's been around for a long time. Him having the balls to leave (similar to Jericho from WCW) could lead the way for others. I'm not saying it will, but it definitely could.

You are really pushing this Jericho analogy. Kind of makes it hard for me to take you seriously in a conversation about Shelley. Nobody has been talking up the X-division in a while. I think most people that are capable of understanding such things have realized that X-division will always be a style represented in TNA. Attempting to confine it to one lower division would actually hamper what people enjoy about it, not help it. Tag division is on the downtick but in what possible way was MCMG the long term answer there? Who would have the balls to leave, that didn't already, that is actually a difference maker?

I see this the way it should be seen. A guy was unhappy and he left. He had every right to be unhappy as he didn't get used for like a year because apparently he was useless without his tag partner, and when that guy finally comes back, they lose and aren't seen much after that. If a job doesn't want me, I don't want it. Shelley's departure is long overdue and if he does indeed end up in WWE, I'd be interested to see what he can do. Be it with Sabin if his buddy decides to leave or be it on his own, the guy is talented and a change of scenery is just what he needs.

When did we find out he is unhappy?
Never said that, although it would be true about Saturn and Malenko (who would be best comp of the group). Guys certainly can do well elsewhere. All I suggested is that TNA had superior options to push in those spots currently, a criteria some of your WCW analogies likely fail to meet.

Right, like WCW had "superior options" in Nash, Hogan, Piper, Hall, etc. While I do think TNA's current crop of main eventers has some decent guys up there like Storm and Roode, there's also guys that aren't so great in Anderson, RVD, etc. We could argue that forever but the point remains that you made a comment and my rebuttal was that saying "no big loss" may not be accurate if there's a bigger picture involved. Look at it like sports. It's all too often that a team trades away prospects for a big name player and the prospects become superstars for their new team down the line. At the time of the trade, you say "no big loss" about the prospects because they haven't done anything yet, but with a change of scenery, they are given a new chance and may well prove to be very valuable. Jericho, Benoit, and Guerrero certainly did that. Heck, Big Show did that as well as his role had diminished in WCW by late 1998 when he was making his plans to leave. That's the point here.

You are really pushing this Jericho analogy. Kind of makes it hard for me to take you seriously in a conversation about Shelley.

Undersized wrestler that fans enjoyed but never really got a chance to show what he's capable of? Sounds like a fair comparison to me. I know you'll say "well Shelley isn't Jericho". Honestly, in early 1999, what was Jericho? A lower card worker with no chance of moving up. The part where he becomes a champion and thus a well known wrestler happens later. The analogy works upon Jericho's leaving and while we don't know whether Shelley will become some great WWE talent, we do know that he wasn't becoming a great talent in TNA, at least as far as having the chance to perform on a regular basis.

Nobody has been talking up the X-division in a while.

Considering it is this division and this style that brought viewers to TNA initially, this would be problematic I think.

I think most people that are capable of understanding such things have realized that X-division will always be a style represented in TNA. Attempting to confine it to one lower division would actually hamper what people enjoy about it, not help it.

Uh, I'm not sure if these lines go together to form a tangible thought, but let me try and interpret this mess. If you are trying to say that the X-Division is now a lower division due to the weight limit, well duh. Hogan and Bischoff were fucking ******ed in adding that stipulation to the division as it very well could have been TNA's midcard title without the stupid weight limit idea. Now you have a useless TV title as a "midcard" title and the X-Title is essentially useless. People don't care about that title anymore and considering what it once was, that's a shame. Luckily, Aries is a man amongst boys so he'll be ok but once he's out of the division, that division is fucked.

Tag division is on the downtick but in what possible way was MCMG the long term answer there?

They weren't because even if they won the titles, there was nobody for them to face. Much like the WWE, the tag team division has basically nothing and the only way to salvage it is to commit people to it. TNA hasn't in a while and it sucks. That said, if TNA was interested in resurrecting it, maybe MCMG could have helped, though they were around a very long time and had accomplished everything as a tag team. At some point you are just standing still.

Who would have the balls to leave, that didn't already, that is actually a difference maker?

See, when you say shit like this, you think that whatever name I say, you can say "he's not a difference maker" and think you've won an argument. You can't and you won't. It's not about one name. The fact is that somebody left and he was right to leave. It may lead to others following suit. It's not that one guy leaving is the problem, but if hypothetically Sabin followed, then Matt Morgan officially left, then Samoa Joe and AJ Styles followed suit as well. Individually you could argue that no one guy is a "big loss" but if a lot of guys are unhappy and they leave, the dynamic can change.

When did we find out he is unhappy?

Please don't be stupid. Seriously, did you really ask this? Do you think Alex Shelley is leaving a company because he's happy with them? Come on man. I'm sure at some point we'll get a politically correct interview from Shelley saying it was "just not working out and it was time to go" and "I wish I had more of an opportunity". I doubt he'll go off on TNA because who knows if a business relationship is necessary down the road. However, the guy is deciding to leave and he hasn't been on TV much in a full year. Does it really take a rocket scientist to figure out why he might not be happy with his situation? Common sense tells us that he's not and that's why he's choosing to leave. Being a person who uses common sense, I'm saying that I understand his line of thought and I agree with his decision. If you can honestly tell me that you don't get why Shelley would leave, I'd love to hear that. He should leave and he is leaving. Power to him.
Can you blame him?

Shelley has been in TNA for like 8 years now and was part of the most popular teams ever. He had to wait for almost a year for Sabin to come back and they've been on TV like twice since then, one time being as contestants in the Hulk Hogan Reality Game Show. There's no one for the Guns to fight in the division and the team hasn't been featured other than a quick match at Lockdown. Basically Shelley hasn't done a thing since the Guns lost the titles and he's been told to wait until Sabin gets back because apparently he's not worth pushing on his own. If you were him and you saw guys like Garrett Bischoff getting a main event level spot and Flair vs. Hogan seemingly being pushed as the main event feud and guys like Zema Ion getting TV spot after TV spot while Shelley is lucky to get on TV once every two months, would you stick around?

This doesn't really surprise me at all.
well,to all the points of yours

1.Pretty sure TNA had something to do with them being one of the top teams

2.its probably because Sabin still has some ring rust and isnt ready for TV. They werent the same team when they wrestled at Lockdown as Sabin looked off. Btw they have been on Tv a half a dozen times.

3.Really cause I think MCMG vs Joe and Magnus or MCMG vs Kaz and Daniels or even MCMG vs AJ and Angle would be awesome

4.Uh Shelley missed 4 months due to injury and was involved in a 3 month feud with Kendrick/Aries. TNA took him off TV cause they didnt want to lose him to another injury when Sabin is ready to return.

5.Neither of those has happened but hey why watch the show when I can just rant about shit that I read on comment boards. Garrett is a midcarder (a low carder at that these past few weeks) and Flair hasnt been seen in over a month.

6.Ion is A) talented and B) Ion hasnt been on TV that much either, again Please WATCH the shows before you rant like this.

7.Yes when your going to be the focal point of the tag team division when your tag team partner is healthy and ready to go full bore.

8.Your right, reading you spout out rants about TNA when you clearly dont watch the product doesnt surprise me one bit cause thats all you do when you comment on something TNA
Believe me, I'm not. I'm just trying to convince myself that he's not next in line. The last thing I want to see here is some sort of mass exodus like I had to suffer with WCW. The day that happens, believe me, I'll quit watching wrestling altogether all over again. I quit then, and I'd quit again now well before suffering the direction of WWE. There's a reason I'm such a mark for TNA — they're not WWE. I hate WWE. I hate the way the company is run, I hate how kitschy they are, and I hate that they buy all the competition.

The more this type of shit happens, the less I want to watch wrestling, because I have no desire to waste my time with WWE programming, even to watch my favorite performers. It's why I said when all the Sting rumors were going that I'd hate to see that happen too, because it'd just mean less opportunity to see my favorite wrestler of all-time, because I'm not going to watch him perform for that company.

That said, I'm not too too worried about this whole thing, but it's troubling considering who's going. When guys like Christian, Chris Harris, Low Ki, etc. left I wasn't too upset/concerned, but that's also because I never really cared all that much about any of them except maybe Christian. With Shelly that's not at all the case.

You mean Christian Cage, right? Because you wouldn't call him, or know him as Christian if you didn't "waste your time" watching WWE programing... right? Don't act above watching the superior company. You don't like how they're run? You don't know how they're run. If Alex Shelly knows he has a good shot at getting a call from WWE, its the best decision of his life. Whether he's on tv or not, I can almost guarantee you he's going to be making more money than he was in TNA. And at the end of the day, that's what its all about.
well,to all the points of yours

1.Pretty sure TNA had something to do with them being one of the top teams

2.its probably because Sabin still has some ring rust and isnt ready for TV. They werent the same team when they wrestled at Lockdown as Sabin looked off. Btw they have been on Tv a half a dozen times.

3.Really cause I think MCMG vs Joe and Magnus or MCMG vs Kaz and Daniels or even MCMG vs AJ and Angle would be awesome

4.Uh Shelley missed 4 months due to injury and was involved in a 3 month feud with Kendrick/Aries. TNA took him off TV cause they didnt want to lose him to another injury when Sabin is ready to return.

5.Neither of those has happened but hey why watch the show when I can just rant about shit that I read on comment boards. Garrett is a midcarder (a low carder at that these past few weeks) and Flair hasnt been seen in over a month.

6.Ion is A) talented and B) Ion hasnt been on TV that much either, again Please WATCH the shows before you rant like this.

7.Yes when your going to be the focal point of the tag team division when your tag team partner is healthy and ready to go full bore.

8.Your right, reading you spout out rants about TNA when you clearly dont watch the product doesnt surprise me one bit cause thats all you do when you comment on something TNA

While I'm sure KB will take this post and destroy you, I'll just say something before he does.

If you go to his site, you'd know that KB watches and reviews Impact Wrestling every week. He's done that for years and hasn't missed an episode. That "you don't watch the product and just like to bash it" stuff may apply to some posters, but not KB. He watches the product religiously so most of your argument makes no sense. He is basing his opinions and views on the fact that he is an avid viewer.

Outside of that, all you have is that somehow Shelley should have seen that he should stay around for a couple of Tag Title feuds in a dead division. Somehow I'm not seeing why this is so great. The guy sees that it's a dead end and that he's not going to go anywhere in TNA. It's time to try something new instead of waste more time in a dead end job. Why is that a bad thing for him?
I like TNA I started watching there product when it was on FSN and when it went to Spike I liked the guys from 2004- 2009, As soon as Bischoff and Hogan and everyone else came in in 2010 all the TNA Originals were starting to get put on the back burner with the exception for Abyss, The Fallen Angel Kaz AJ Storm and Roode and Eric Young, The rest of the guys in the back were not being used.

They fired Jay Lethal for no reason and they brought that up in the ring and guess who brought it up Alex Shelly and Chris Sabin when I heard TNA signed Hulk Hogan I was thinking It's WCW all over again Hogan is only in it for himself along with Bischoff, TNA was so different before Hogan and Company came along.

I honestly do not blame Alex Shelley for quitting TNA it's sad when someone that talented is not being used when he should be getting used on TV instead of them sayin ''Oh we don't have nothing for you right now.
Right, like WCW had "superior options" in Nash, Hogan, Piper, Hall, etc. While I do think TNA's current crop of main eventers has some decent guys up there like Storm and Roode, there's also guys that aren't so great in Anderson, RVD, etc. We could argue that forever but the point remains that you made a comment and my rebuttal was that saying "no big loss" may not be accurate if there's a bigger picture involved.

It seems far too many people see all spots on the roster the same and it is stupid. You can't just give another wrestler Garrett's story for example. It is much harder to push two very similar guys up the card at the same time. The existence of main eventers isn't the spot I am talking about. The spot I am talking about is up and coming X-division type guy. In WCW they had main eventers but did they really have much up and coming talent like Jericho? A mix is always a good idea. Too many advocate all youth and say stupid things like RVD should give up his main event spot for someone like Shelley :lmao:

Look at it like sports. It's all too often that a team trades away prospects for a big name player and the prospects become superstars for their new team down the line. At the time of the trade, you say "no big loss" about the prospects because they haven't done anything yet, but with a change of scenery, they are given a new chance and may well prove to be very valuable. Jericho, Benoit, and Guerrero certainly did that. Heck, Big Show did that as well as his role had diminished in WCW by late 1998 when he was making his plans to leave. That's the point here.

This is a terrible analogy. The real analogy is what happens when a team has two guys for one position? You trade the one that isn't quite as good or once his contract is up the lesser player leaves for an opportunity to get more playing time.

Undersized wrestler that fans enjoyed but never really got a chance to show what he's capable of? Sounds like a fair comparison to me. I know you'll say "well Shelley isn't Jericho". Honestly, in early 1999, what was Jericho? A lower card worker with no chance of moving up. The part where he becomes a champion and thus a well known wrestler happens later. The analogy works upon Jericho's leaving and while we don't know whether Shelley will become some great WWE talent, we do know that he wasn't becoming a great talent in TNA, at least as far as having the chance to perform on a regular basis.

Jericho had shown mic skills and versatile ability in the ring, also he was performing in an era that didn't give undersized guys much of a chance. None of these things are true about Shelley. The idea that Shelley is some prospect that has never been given an opportunity to try and break out is extremely misguided.

Considering it is this division and this style that brought viewers to TNA initially, this would be problematic I think.

It might be if the guys that brought them in were not still wrestling that style for the company. AJ, Joe and Daniels are all still there wrestling.

Uh, I'm not sure if these lines go together to form a tangible thought, but let me try and interpret this mess. If you are trying to say that the X-Division is now a lower division due to the weight limit, well duh. Hogan and Bischoff were fucking ******ed in adding that stipulation to the division as it very well could have been TNA's midcard title without the stupid weight limit idea. Now you have a useless TV title as a "midcard" title and the X-Title is essentially useless. People don't care about that title anymore and considering what it once was, that's a shame. Luckily, Aries is a man amongst boys so he'll be ok but once he's out of the division, that division is fucked.

Clearly you weren't capable. The idea is X-division style still lives in TNA just fine. It still lives in the champion of that division for chrissakes. Just because the X-division itself isn't thriving doesn't mean the style is dead in the company. The X-division title was plenty useful in building Aries up. The only thing I see that is fucking ******ed is that someone thinks mid card titles are still really important.

They weren't because even if they won the titles, there was nobody for them to face. Much like the WWE, the tag team division has basically nothing and the only way to salvage it is to commit people to it. TNA hasn't in a while and it sucks. That said, if TNA was interested in resurrecting it, maybe MCMG could have helped, though they were around a very long time and had accomplished everything as a tag team. At some point you are just standing still.

So how is this a disagreement with anything I said?

See, when you say shit like this, you think that whatever name I say, you can say "he's not a difference maker" and think you've won an argument. You can't and you won't. It's not about one name. The fact is that somebody left and he was right to leave. It may lead to others following suit. It's not that one guy leaving is the problem, but if hypothetically Sabin followed, then Matt Morgan officially left, then Samoa Joe and AJ Styles followed suit as well. Individually you could argue that no one guy is a "big loss" but if a lot of guys are unhappy and they leave, the dynamic can change.

The purpose of my criteria was not to give such a shallow response but to try and force you to give a deeper one. You were supposed to give examples and support why they met my criteria. You even failed to focus on the part that is much more important, why Shelley leaving would have any bearing on someone like Joe's decision? I'd break these guys you mention down further but clearly you aren't interested in a less simplistic assessment.

Please don't be stupid. Seriously, did you really ask this? Do you think Alex Shelley is leaving a company because he's happy with them? Come on man. I'm sure at some point we'll get a politically correct interview from Shelley saying it was "just not working out and it was time to go" and "I wish I had more of an opportunity". I doubt he'll go off on TNA because who knows if a business relationship is necessary down the road. However, the guy is deciding to leave and he hasn't been on TV much in a full year. Does it really take a rocket scientist to figure out why he might not be happy with his situation? Common sense tells us that he's not and that's why he's choosing to leave. Being a person who uses common sense, I'm saying that I understand his line of thought and I agree with his decision. If you can honestly tell me that you don't get why Shelley would leave, I'd love to hear that. He should leave and he is leaving. Power to him.

You seem to enjoy loosely relevant statements based on the extreme importance of hypothetical existence so I will leave you with one. Me like job, me get offer better deal at new job, me go to new job.
No matter what the reason Alex Shelley is leaving, the fact remains: the WWE pays more to do less.

Christian Cage and R-Truth were main event guys in TNA\Impact, and now they're mid-card champions for life seemingly. (and yes, I know Christian won the WHC twice)

Mick Foley and Kevin Nash would rather sit on their asses and collect legends' money than be focal points on TNA\Impact.

Reason for all of them? The checks don't bounce.

And while it is hypothetical, there are a lot of young guys that are dying for the global scene of the WWE. Once upon a time, Bryan Danielson was an indy legend too small to compete in the WWE.

I'm saying that Shelley could be done simply because it's the next logical step for an up-and-coming talent, since we know he hasn't come close to hitting his peak yet. And while it sucks that he won't be a fun part of the X-division and tag team division, we should at least be happy for him getting a raise and more exposure.
I have to say I'm amazed. Usually the "such and such a performer is leaving" thread quickly turns into "they were a waste of money and flesh, and should ritually kill themselves now that they're leaving my favorite promotion." Not much of that here- kudos, board.

Alex Shelley has no future prospects in TNA/IW. Three years ago, in the heyday of the MCMG, TNA/IW was a mid-card driven product with passable main events. (Usually. Sometimes you got Angle/Joe vs. Team 3D.) MCMG could rise to the top in that environment, because it was people like them who were driving the show. Today, the show is driven by the top of the card, and the mid-card is an "also there". Alex Shelley ain't a main eventer. How much love do you see him getting in TNA/IW now?

The WWE, on the other hand, is very publicly up to something with cruiserweights, while at the same time TNA/IW is de-emphasizing that division. If you weigh under 225 and your name isn't Austin Aries, TNA/IW isn't the place you're trying to be today.
I don't like the fact that Alex Shelley is leaving TNA, but I understand why. When Chris Sabin was on the shelf Alex joined him. Bar a short fued over the X Division title, a brief team up with Beer Money and an Ultimate X match at Destination X Alex has been ignored in favour of former WWE stars and bigger wrestlers. Alex was in a tournament on Xplosion to win a title shot (Magnus won it and the title shot has never been cashed in to my knowledge and probably never will) - hjad Shelley won the tournament he could have cashed it in and wrestled Kurt Angle for the TNA title at Destination X, that would have been a match worth watching.

Alex Shelley might be horribly treated in the WWE, but he stands a better chance of making money doing so, and although a lot of wrestlers get into wrestling to wrestle and entertain they also have to realise that it's not a life long career unless you're very lucky. If Alex stayed in TNA he might have been part of a tag team scene that's gone from brilliant to dead or he may have re-joined th 1 man carrying it X Division - he can do just as little in the WWE and get paid mopre for it whilst wrestling shorter and possibly safer matches. I hate loosing him from TNA, but I can't blame him for quitting.
can't say i'm not suprised. the MCMG were a great asset to TNA and they were taken off TV for ages then when they finally get back on again Chris Sabin gets injured and Alex is again taken off TV other then a brief spot back on TV, once again they return and what happens? they get 1 shot and then dumped for non tag teams who are also in the Main Event title picture every single week over and over again.

Way to thank your workhorses. Alex obviously looks a bit goofy but so what....

hopes Chris follows him and they reunite somewhere else and do what they do best.
TNA will eventually ruin any good talents they have but not using them. Alex Shelley is a great example of that theory. Of course when Impact Wrestling brings in guys like Bruce Pritchard who were a problem in WWE, you have the trickle down theory happening. I'm sad to see that Shelley has quit, but, am interested to see what he could do in WWE. Watch and see, I guess. That does make you wonder though, where does that leave Chris Sabin? I guess they'll stick him with a random tag partner and ruin his career to the point of him going to WWE as well.
I have to disagree with the OP's statement about this not being a big loss for TNA. It's a huge loss in terms of talent. From an in-ring perspective, Shelley was one of the top guys on the TNA roster, he showed that he can also cut strong promos, he had some legit charisma and brought a lot of energy to the ring with him whenever he came out. I don't mean to suggest that this is some sort of crippling blow or any of the crap, but Shelley is one of the true TNA originals.

All in all, when you look at how Shelley has been used, it's hard to blame him. TNA kept him out of action almost the entire time that Chris Sabin was out injured rather than use the fact that he's a talented wrestler to do other things with him. I've said in other posts, along with many other posters, that Shelley could've been a real boon to the X Division rather than simply being used as just another body put in front of Austin Aries for one match just to give him something to do. Even with Sabin coming back, the Guns have barely been used, so I can certainly see how he'd be frustrated. If nothing else, the Guns could've been used as sort of a foundation to rebuild the tag team division around.

Comparatively speaking, Shelley is someone that's well known to wrestling fans. His exposure in TNA can certainly be a plus if WWE is interested in him. Shelley is also both young and highly experienced, two things that Triple H is especially looking for when it comes to signing new wrestlers to the roster.
You grew up a WCW fan yet hate the fact that the WWE buys all the competition? Anyone else find that a little bit hypocritical? I guess you missed the years where Bischoff used Turner's ATM card to buy everybody and anything WWF and ECW for that matter. Guess that means you should have hated WCW going by your logic.

Yup, because they bought the competition I liked. The competition I watched. You call it what you like, or draw whatever conclusions you like thinking you've got me on some kind of moral ambiguity or "hypocrisy", but I've never made bones about my "markdom" for WCW, same as I have never for TNA. I love those companies, and the majority of the performers in them.

And let's not sit here and pretend that buying performers is the same as buying an entire fuckin' company out. Performers are free agents. They were, at the time, free to sign with whoever they liked when their contracts ran out. What WCW did in signing them was perfectly within the rules, and perfectly legal.

But hey, the next time you see one team absorb another, especially a rival, in a pro sports world, feel free to tell all the fans of the team that just got absorbed that they're being ridiculous or hypocritical for not continuing to support them now that they wear the crest of their most hated enemy.

You mean Christian Cage, right? Because you wouldn't call him, or know him as Christian if you didn't "waste your time" watching WWE programing... right? Don't act above watching the superior company. You don't like how they're run? You don't know how they're run. If Alex Shelly knows he has a good shot at getting a call from WWE, its the best decision of his life. Whether he's on tv or not, I can almost guarantee you he's going to be making more money than he was in TNA. And at the end of the day, that's what its all about.

LMAO. Right... because I forgot, no one ever called him Christian in TNA either, right?

Good for Alex Shelley. Not good for me. WWE produces kitschy, second-rate wrestling programming (in my opinion) that I have a decades-plus' worth of disdain for for driving the final nail into WCW — the company I actually grew up with.

Good for Shelley for wanting more money or for wanting to fight for the alternative. Honestly. Good for him. But don't expect me or anyone like me to follow just because he's on a new trail.
well,to all the points of yours

1.Pretty sure TNA had something to do with them being one of the top teams

Pretty sure their talent did too.
2.its probably because Sabin still has some ring rust and isnt ready for TV. They werent the same team when they wrestled at Lockdown as Sabin looked off. Btw they have been on Tv a half a dozen times.

Vs. Mexican America
Vs. Joe/Magnus
The Reality Show

That's not half a dozen.

3.Really cause I think MCMG vs Joe and Magnus or MCMG vs Kaz and Daniels or even MCMG vs AJ and Angle would be awesome

They had one of those matches already and as you said, it was off.
One team they could face.
Angle and AJ aren't an official team.

4.Uh Shelley missed 4 months due to injury and was involved in a 3 month feud with Kendrick/Aries. TNA took him off TV cause they didnt want to lose him to another injury when Sabin is ready to return.

Translation: thanks for lighting the division on fire Alex. Here's the same stuff we've had you do for years and now we're going to take you off TV so you don't get appearance fees because we don't have much use for you without Sabin.

5.Neither of those has happened but hey why watch the show when I can just rant about shit that I read on comment boards. Garrett is a midcarder (a low carder at that these past few weeks) and Flair hasnt been seen in over a month.

He was captain of a Lethal Lockdown team, got to team with Jeff Hardy, face Kurt Angle, get a rub from Hulk Hogan, and was placed ahead of AJ Styles, Austin Aries, Mr. Anderson and Rob Van Dam at Lockdown. That's a main event push.

As for Hogan vs. Flair, they were clearly building towards that with multiple showdowns including a long one at Lockdown and more than once on TV.

6.Ion is A) talented and B) Ion hasnt been on TV that much either, again Please WATCH the shows before you rant like this.

Total matches on TV/PPV this year:

Shelley: 6
Ion: 10, four of which were for the X-Division Title.

See, not only do I watch the shows, I take good notes.

7.Yes when your going to be the focal point of the tag team division when your tag team partner is healthy and ready to go full bore.

What division? There are about three teams, most of which aren't any good. They've had two tag matches since they've been back. That's not being the focus. That's being another part of something that means nothing.

8.Your right, reading you spout out rants about TNA when you clearly dont watch the product doesnt surprise me one bit cause thats all you do when you comment on something TNA

Yep, you're an idiot. Please try harder in the future, but not here because you clearly don't know what you're talking about.
No matter what the reason Alex Shelley is leaving, the fact remains: the WWE pays more to do less.

What do you think do less actually means? You clearly do more dates in WWE. I fail to see the relevance of what your spot on the card is while doing that.

And while it is hypothetical, there are a lot of young guys that are dying for the global scene of the WWE. Once upon a time, Bryan Danielson was an indy legend too small to compete in the WWE.

Once upon a time WWE passed on Aries. I just don't understand what Shelley has done to be compared to even a DBD?

Alex Shelley has no future prospects in TNA/IW. Three years ago, in the heyday of the MCMG, TNA/IW was a mid-card driven product with passable main events. (Usually. Sometimes you got Angle/Joe vs. Team 3D.) MCMG could rise to the top in that environment, because it was people like them who were driving the show. Today, the show is driven by the top of the card, and the mid-card is an "also there". Alex Shelley ain't a main eventer. How much love do you see him getting in TNA/IW now?

It surprises me how people don't understand this. It is a good thing yet too many spend so much time talking about how the mid card isn't the focus of the product anymore like this is a bad thing.

The WWE, on the other hand, is very publicly up to something with cruiserweights, while at the same time TNA/IW is de-emphasizing that division. If you weigh under 225 and your name isn't Austin Aries, TNA/IW isn't the place you're trying to be today.

I don't agree with this. If you are under 225, and unestablished, TNA is still definitely your best bet. WWE didn't even want Aries and it seems like much of DBD's success is in spite of the company, not because of it. How did things work out for Morrison? It is disingenuous to say if we ignore the main purpose of the X-division over the past few months then it isn't any good. When is the last time someone built up a smaller guy to the extent Aries has been?

I have to disagree with the OP's statement about this not being a big loss for TNA. It's a huge loss in terms of talent. From an in-ring perspective, Shelley was one of the top guys on the TNA roster, he showed that he can also cut strong promos, he had some legit charisma and brought a lot of energy to the ring with him whenever he came out. I don't mean to suggest that this is some sort of crippling blow or any of the crap, but Shelley is one of the true TNA originals.

Shelley is not a huge talent, he has never displayed the ability to consistently cut strong promos, he was certainly not one of the top guys on the roster for in-ring and was not one of the true TNA originals. Shelley is a decent mid carder with some charisma on occasion that solely works the X-style in-ring and has been with the company for a pretty good amount of time.

Comparatively speaking, Shelley is someone that's well known to wrestling fans. His exposure in TNA can certainly be a plus if WWE is interested in him. Shelley is also both young and highly experienced, two things that Triple H is especially looking for when it comes to signing new wrestlers to the roster.

Shelley isn't well-known to wrestling fans. I like Shelley alright but I just don't see how anyone can spin losing a guy that you haven't used in a year as a big loss. Shelley had run his course in TNA. Sure they still could have done some things with him that some people would watch but none of those were going to ultimately be a big deal. When Kendrick left WWE was it a big loss? If Bourne leaves would it be a big loss? Why is it any different in TNA?
That has to be about the stupidest thing I have ever read. Not watching WWE because you don't like how its run is like not watching the NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB, etc. because you don't like the commissioner. Or even more specific, not watching the Dallas Cowboys or New York Knicks or Detroit Red Wings or Atlanta Braves because you don't like the owner. It's a really stupid and inexplicable reason to ignore something you claim to enjoy (in this case, professional wrestling). If you were a wrestling fan, and WWE was your only option, you'd watch it. Although, you're posting anonymously (unless your mother actual is Mrs. Real and she named you It's Damn) on the Internet and can make yourself sound however you want. It wouldn't surprise me if you anti-WWE stance was just a gimmick to make you stand out amongst everyone else.

I hated how WCW was run at the end, but I still tuned in because there were performers (like Lance Storm and Booker T) that I enjoyed watching. Just because an idiot like Vince Russo nearly ran it into the ground didn't stop me enjoying the matches that were put on. I wouldn't stop watching the matches just because I thought the company was being run poorly (and there probably isn't a company that was run worse than WCW near the end).

Anyway, now that I've got that out of way, Shelley to WWE is intriguing. MCMG were one of the only things I actually watched in TNA when I did tune in, so seeing him in WWE would be pretty cool. Hopefully his potential signing will lead to Sabin's as well. If WWE is serious about a Cruiserweight revival, I could think of no two better guys to lead it than Shelley and Sabin.

You're wrong in this assessment. It happens with sports and TV shows a lot. For example, I stopped watching basketball as a whole after the drama of the Lakers dealing with the Kobe vs. Shaq vs. Phil Jackson crap. I literally didn't watch b-ball for about 3 years. I couldn't care less about any other teams except LA squads. And I've mentioned that I stopped watching WWE again due to not being my cup of tea. Like IDR, their product does nothing for me; Smackdown has been garbage to me since late '04, and Raw is a waste. I refuse to give them any ratings. I don't know how the company runs, and I don't care. If you're doing something I don't like, I won't follow it, simple as that. And in that respect, on the chance that the only promotion on TV ends up just being WWE, I too will stop watching wrestling again.

That said, Shelley quitting leaves a dent in the tag team division of TNA. MCMG is still a phenomenal team; one of the highlights that was featured on Impact on a regular basis before Shelley was put on the shelf. Was he my favorite star, not at all. But him and Sabin together were one of the best tag teams to come out of TNA. But if he can get his money in WWE, more power to him. No hate from me whatsoever. Personally I'd like to see him in ROH.

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