Paging Alex Shelley...

I'm pretty annoyed that TNA is keeping Shelley out for so long, especially if it's because they think he can't do much without Sabin by his side. That is just dumb. Shelley is fantastic in the ring, has a great look, and is much better on the mic than most people are aware of. He can get a crowd behind him no problem, especially during a feud with the heat machine that is Austin Aeries. Put him at the forefront of the X Division, where he belongs. Bring him back TNA!
I think that TNA has kept Alex out of the XDivision scene because they are concerned that a losing feud with Austin would weaken how we perceive the returning MCMG. If we are to believe them as threats to the current champs, Crimson & Morgan, Shelley continually staring at the lights for Aries would damage credibility against the combination of a guy who has Main Evented PPVs and one getting pushed for his unbeaten streak.

The other thing, as SD has alluded too, is that using him in the XDivision would be an obvious water treading exercise until Chris returns and it does make more sense to build the guys who'll be in the division for the long term.

Alex Shelley is a great talent and I'd personally be for a feud with the Fallen Angel that could work as a singles feud in the short term and possibly a short tag series when Sabin does return. Two potential partners for Daniels - Joe or (for maximum rub) Kurt.

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