Flair and Shelley gone from TNA?

However, Neese left too. Morgan appears to be leaving. Flair appears to be going too. And seeing multiple departures in a short period of time could be the beginning of troubles for Impact Wrestling.

Wasn't the prevailing complaint for a long time that TNA had too many guys on their roster so they couldn't properly feature them all? Now some midcarders that they have given ample opportunities possibly move on because they are featuring others and it is a big deal? I don't get it. They basically swapped Neese and whatever that gut check guys name was between TNA and OVW. Now people like Flair in TNA is a good thing? People need to get their complaints straight. People clamor for the company to focus on new talent and then spout conspiracy theories when they don't go out of their way to keep guys around that have been there over 5 years. I don't get it. It all goes back to the fire all the veterans nonsense that morons speak highly of.
Wasn't the prevailing complaint for a long time that TNA had too many guys on their roster so they couldn't properly feature them all?

Anyone who thinks that all of the talent should be featured is an idiot.

Now some midcarders that they have given ample opportunities possibly move on because they are featuring others and it is a big deal? I don't get it.

Neither do I.

They basically swapped Neese and whatever that gut check guys name was between TNA and OVW.

I don't even know what this sentence means.

Now people like Flair in TNA is a good thing? People need to get their complaints straight. People clamor for the company to focus on new talent and then spout conspiracy theories when they don't go out of their way to keep guys around that have been there over 5 years. I don't get it. It all goes back to the fire all the veterans nonsense that morons speak highly of.

See, you're confusing the regulars with the non spam ******s. Nobody with a clue honestly thinks that there is a problem with featuring former WWE stars on TNA. Guys like RVD, Angle, Flair, Hogan, Hardy, etc. are recognizable names and will do more to bring in newer fans and legitimize the company, so to speak.

I don't think Habs is one of the ******s clamoring for TNA to cut the old guys. I don't think anyone in this thread is dumb enough to think that. TNA does just fine at pushing younger talent, they also give guys who never had a chance elsewhere to showcase their skills. Bubba Ray actually has the talent to be a singles wrestler? Who knew?

I don't agree with Habs either, by the way. These 2 losses mean jack shit to TNA. Call me when they lose AJ, Kurt, Sting, Hardy, and Hogan we can talk. Maybe.
I did make the mistake of posting about this non-spam. I was suckered in by some competent posters being in the thread. That sentence is about the guy that got the contract from the gut check segment. Google has explained to me his name is Alex Silva. When he leaves in a few months I will most certainly take that as a sign that Storm and Roode will sign with WWE within the week.

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