WWE Signs Alex Shelley

So with this being said my questions and discussion is do you think the WWE will drop the ball with Alex?

I think WWE has been doing better with their characters lately. I think Shelley will be given the same opportunity as Punk and Bryan had. My question is will Shelley have the patience to build his career up with WWE. It won't happen overnight for him, but I don't think they will drop the ball this time.

Do you expect him to be a potential Main eventer, Just signed C weight, Or to help the tag division?

I think that he will be a great for the WWE midcard and Tag division. The midcard can be strong right now especially if they would properly use the IC and US titles. The tag division has been showing signs of improvement, and I think if they find him the proper partner. I think Evan Bourne would be a good partner if he can get healthy and not get suspended.

Do you see alex shelly in the long run or get a quick release?

I think if he is patient and remains happy then he could be in it for the long haul. I could see him asking for his release if not used to his liking, but for some reason I am positive on this one and think he will be around for a while.
Dude, was that your first ever post?

Anyway, I am talking about today's talent. The only decent "superstar" you came out with was ziggler. Cena isn't even liked anymore

"are you on crack" he asked... Your the guy that got exhausted after typing a few words. It's ok though because you are new around here.
What exactly is the criteria you're going with for "the WWE can't create stars"? We can't count the guys on the top of the card then, because they've been there. We can't count the guys right below them on the card, because they aren't there yet. CM Punk probably doesn't count for some reason- probably because he must have come straight out of ROH a fully developed superstar brought right in to feud with Cena, Orton, and HHH, instead of a slow progression through WWECW and a run at the top of the midcard.

It seems your real complaint is "people have to be around the WWE for a while before they become John Cena"- which, his merchandise numbers make you look like a schmuck. I'll take the amount of money a guy draws over what people say they think about him, while still putting down money and eyeballs on him.

On that note, don't cry about someone being new to the boards. Calling someone out on post counts is a ********er move, especially when you're rocking a high and mighty seventy-five yourself.
You have been here since 2009 yet you have only posted 1239 times.

Anyway, I am talking about the current reality era talent. They are nothing compared to any of the veterans. You really think punk is on the same level as Austin, rock, hbk, hhh etc?
What I am trying to say Is that they are not trying as hard as they did before with the talent. They're not all that in ring wise or gimmick wise. As far as my cm punk remark goes from before in the first post, with him being a bigger draw than cena, I mean as a main eventer and getting involved in the bigger storylines.

People are tired of cena aren't they?
Cm punk is the wwe champion isn't he?
He is the self proclaimed best in the world
He is the face of the company

So why is cena still "rocking high and mighty" at the top?

I didn't say that today's talent (except from punk) have to bigger than cena, they should be good wrestlers with good gimmicks. That is why I dislike them, they are not like before and they are boring, that is why I dislike them

All of the great matches From summer slam and mania28 involved veterans.
You have been here since 2009 yet you have only posted 1239 times.
Yes. Shockingly enough, I have quite the busy life apart from these forums, and try to judge my posting by the quality, rather than the quantity. The feedback I get suggests I do quite a good job at that.

Mentioning post counts as part of an argument is still a ********er move.
teamangle said:
Anyway, I am talking about the current reality era talent. They are nothing compared to any of the veterans. You really think punk is on the same level as Austin, rock, hbk, hhh etc?
What I am trying to say Is that they are not trying as hard as they did before with the talent. They're not all that in ring wise or gimmick wise. As far as my cm punk remark goes from before in the first post, with him being a bigger draw than cena, I mean as a main eventer and getting involved in the bigger storylines.

People are tired of cena aren't they?
Cm punk is the wwe champion isn't he?
He is the self proclaimed best in the world
He is the face of the company

So why is cena still "rocking high and mighty" at the top?

I didn't say that today's talent (except from punk) have to bigger than cena, they should be good wrestlers with good gimmicks. That is why I dislike them, they are not like before and they are boring, that is why I dislike them

All of the great matches From summer slam and mania28 involved veterans.
OK, so if a guy has been famous and is still pulling in money, he doesn't count. If CM Punk isn't bigger than John Cena, he doesn't count. If you don't like a guy, he doesn't count. If a guy is still being built, he doesn't count. I'm beginning to see why you think the WWE can't create new stars.

Why is Cena rocking high and mighty at the top? BECAUSE HE MAKES SHITLOADS OF MONEY FOR THE COMPANY. People aren't tired of Cena; people on the internet say they don't like Cena, then continue to watch programming featuring John Cena. This has been going on since maybe 2006. People hate him or they love him, but they don't ignore him. The first two sell. The third doesn't.

It seems more that you've got the popular angsty hard-on about hating John Cena that's popular around here, rather than any kind of real criteria for "building a star". That's fine- keep sending money. As I've said earlier, this business doesn't work without suckers to take money from.

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