Alex Shelley Jumping Ship To WWE?


Over in the TNA section, there's a thread discussing Alex Shelley. I've read some reports that say his contract is expiring and he's just moving on and I've read some that say he asked for his release. Shelley is someone that, while talented both inside the ring & on the mic, has hardly been used by TNA for well over a year.

Just in case some aren't familiar with Shelley, he comprised one half of the Motor City Machineguns with Chris Sabin and were among the best tag teams in TNA history. Along with Beer Money and a handful of others, the Guns are one of the teams that helped keep tag team wrestling at all relevant here in the United States. Their feud with Beer Money for the TNA World Tag Team Championship in a best of five series resulted in one of the top feuds TNA has had in several years. The Guns eventually won the tag titles and some could argue that they're the last team to have a great run with the tag titles since TNA's tag team scene started to dwindle not long afterward. Shelley is also a former X Division Champion with several big title wins in Japanese companies both as a tag team and singles wrestler.

Mark Madden posted on Twitter:

"Good luck to Alex Shelley, WWE-bound. A real talent. Let's c if he's used rite. Shame 2c MCMGs break up. Best tag team in U.S."

Now, whether Madden has spoken to Shelley or those close to him or someone at the WWE offices or if he's just speculating that Shelley is WWE bound, I don't know. But, it's an intriguing thought.

Shelley isn't a big guy, he's probably in the same range as Daniel Bryan & CM Punk as far as size goes. He's a young guy, turns 29 years old tomorrow, but has been in wrestling for about 11 years now.

If Shelley does come to WWE, it'd be a boon for them in my view. Shelley brings a lot of energy to things, can cut solid promos and has some legit charisma to him.

So let the "WWE won't use him right" talk begin.
The Motor City Machine Guns were one of the only things in TNA wrestling to truly intrigue me. Given Shelley's expertise in tag team wrestling, I think it would be advisable for the WWE to pair him up with a fellow underused talent, such as Tyson Kidd or Alex Riley. If the WWE is serious about rebuilding their tag team division, these are the types of moves they need to make.
Shelley & Bourne should be a good tag team.
I assume he would have to change his name, right?
Sucks he can't keep Alex Shelley.
Well if it's true that the WWE cruiserweight division (or show, I can't remember which it is exactly) is starting up, Alex Shelley would be ideal to be the face of that. Can't see him tagging with anyone in WWE now because I can't see anyone who would make a good team with him.
I've already discussed this and posted information in-relation to it not even the brainboxes on the WrestleZone front page could.

Alex Shelley altered his personal description on Twitter. It used to contain him being a "TNA Wrestler" and "a Motor City Machine Gun" but he altered it during the course of the last few days, I'm not the only one to point this out, I've seen many highlight the change on Twitter. Shelley also recently posted a pretty insightful snippet on May 16th which read as such:

Alex Shelley via Twitter @fakekinkade
To anyone reading this that has the opportunity to do so: go to and finish college. I didn't, and recouping the loss sucks when you're 28.

If you read into that, I presume with the rumor having circulated throughout the Internet with little to actually no denial from TNA authority figures or even employee's of the company, Alex Shelley has indeed decided to leave, maybe not due to his heart desiring a chance in the WWE but more-do due to financial pressures. Just an assumption, plausible one too.

I'm happy he's coming to the WWE. Alex has been underused in TNA, especially when they could have used him as a great addition in the X-Division. Instead they used him for all of two months and they left him on the sideline for an entire month to promote the return of MCMG. And when they eventually returned, they lost to Joe and Magnus and haven't been seen since, despite being one of the most popular tag team's in wrestling to date.

WWE are contracting performers for a possible Cruiserweight division or Cruiserweight themed show for the WWE Network once it launches. Signing Alex Shelley to me a is a sign that actual effort will be placed into either route, he has a good look, can speak, has a humor, has a cocky edge and has the in-ring ability. What more do WWE look for?

Whether Chris Sabin follows is the question. I doubt he would, if he did he'd have done so by now. I'd be slightly upset seeing a team such as the Motor City Machine Guns split, but every great tag team eventually breaks away. The Rockers, Edge & Christian, The Hardy's, most recently Team 3D and now seemingly MCMG.
Well, at least he might get the time to shine on a bigger stage.
But I think if WWE came calling, then TNA wouldn't be able to hold on to those guys. (If contracts were near up etc)
I like the mcmg's and shelley when he was x-division champ, but I think heading to the wwe is career suicide. I'm not hating on WWE, however while TNA welcomes ex-wwe wrestlers with open arms and immediately make them champion. Ex- tna wrestlers don't have the same luck in WWE. Aside from CM Punk and Mickie James, no one that jumped from TNA to WWE had a long run....Chris Harris, Monty Brown and Kazarian were in WWE and released within 3-6 months, although Monty Brown left for family reasons.
I'd like to see Chris Sabin join him. Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin could be yet another piece in saving the tag team division (aka rebuilding the damn thing). Do I think those two should always be a tag team? No, both men can shine on their own and have before. I'd like to see Shelley (if this is true) debut and go right after a mid card title, gun for the title not the person and build from there... just a thought...
I was kinda hoping that Sabin would jump ship along with Shelley as well, but that may have to wait. Either way I'm glad at least one of the MCMG is taking the next step towards the WWE. My only concern for Shelley is how he will be used now that he'll be pretty much a singles star again; something that he hasn't really been in years.
I do hope Shelly and Sabin come to WWE to maybe still be the MCMG. Those are two talented guys that are just being wasted in TNA so hacks like Garrett Bischoff & Crimson can take up their time. I think both would get a fair shake despite what the IWC/TNA Marks think.
looking to see what this kid can bring to the wwe, would love if sabin came over 2, fued them with ziggler and swagger, cuz they are the best "Tag team" wwe has
I'm excited. I'll be happy if he's in a tag team division either with Evan Bourne or Chris Sabin(if he comes to WWE, that is).

Even if he's brought in for that cruiserweight thing that has been rumored, I'll be happy. Shelley is an amazing talent and WWE is lucky if they get him.
I was very excited when I heard about Alex Shelley possibly joining the WWE. Shelley's a great talent and he could be a fine addition to the WWE roster. That being said, far too many people don't really know how to put what a "successful" jump to the WWE entails. There are going to be droves of people complaining about how he is used and proclaiming that he needs to return to TNA, just because he'll probably be nothing more than a midcarder/tag team guy. There's nothing wrong with that, though. WWE's backbone is hardworking talents who can give good matches on a consistent basis, but just aren't top level guys. I'm not insinuating that he won't ever reach main event status, but it shouldn't be expected of him.

Anyway, if the rumors about cruiserweights coming back are true, then Alex Shelley fits right into that. He can go in the ring, he's got some semblance of charisma, and he won't be a bland everyday cruiserweight. With the extra hour added to Raw, I can also see an emphasis added on tag team wrestling -- Shelley fits right in there. He's got experience (obviously) as a member of MCMG and he can slot right in with another high flier. Shelley's a versatile talent and WWE will be lucky to have him, especially since he's shown flashes of being really good with TNA. I can only hope he works hard and reaches his full potential.
He's a great talent, I loved his film maker gimmick when he was Nash's sidekick. A lot of smaller guys are doing well in the WWE right now and Shelley has personality, is a good worker, can cut a promo and do comedy, with that versatility there's no reason he can't be at least a good mid card star.

I like the mcmg's and shelley when he was x-division champ, but I think heading to the wwe is career suicide. I'm not hating on WWE, however while TNA welcomes ex-wwe wrestlers with open arms and immediately make them champion. Ex- tna wrestlers don't have the same luck in WWE. Aside from CM Punk and Mickie James, no one that jumped from TNA to WWE had a long run....Chris Harris, Monty Brown and Kazarian were in WWE and released within 3-6 months, although Monty Brown left for family reasons.

I think WWE might see Shelley more like Jericho and the Radicalz, a guy underused who they can make a star thus proving a point, at least in their minds.
Im really hoping chris follows alex, as a team they both have ALOTTTTTTTTTTTT of energy and fast pace high flying movement gooooood on the mic and charisma and motivation is outstanding, and i feel that if they are the one of the best tag teams in the history of tag teams they should be used properly unlike how they bury evan doesnt make sence to leave alex by himself because im afraid he will not get far in the wwe that way he is much better tagging w chris even if they arent a tag team id say still put both on the roster..smh, i dont understand why companys bury their "exciting to watch" cruiserweight superstars BETTER YET......BRING AMAZING RED TOOO
All I can say is this is a great and terrible thing for me as a fan. I got back into wrestling back in '08, and as WWE was cool at first, it soon became lame and boring to me and almost got out of it again. When I discovered TNA, I was reeled back in, and I fell in love with the Guns the first time I saw them wrestle and then even more so when I heard their mic skills. So, I have the Guns (and TNA, yes, haters begin hatin') to thank for me staying interrested in wrestling long enough to see the great stuff WWE has been putting together over the last year.

So, I hate that Alex is leaving as I love the guns, but since they've been pushed to the side once again I understand it. I mean, they have always been under-utilized but that never stopped them from putting on some of the best matches the company has ever seen. I especially liked their matches with Generation Me, which were just jaw droppingly spectacular.

My hope is that I'm proven wrong by WWE and they give Alex what he deserves, the spotlight, and not push him under the rug and have him become another Alex Riley, Tyson Kidd, or Ryder. I just really feel like they'll give him a little push and then he'll be on tv every week and then before we know it he'll be jobbing to Hornswaggle. PROVE ME WRONG WWE, PLEASE!!

I say this because it is what WWE has done to EVERY guy who has gone to WWE from TNA. I mean even Christian got the FU from them too. It took him like 2 1/2 years to get a legit title/feud. The ECW championship in WWE meant jack squat, it was about as prestigious as the TNA Legends/TV title is. I'm pulling for ya Shelly, don't let them treat you like garbage! haha
Hopefully Sabin jumps ship as well and these two can really boost the tag-division. If not shelly could be a solid mid-carder in the WWE and would have the potential to be in some great feuds. The matches that he could have would be incredible.
Ive been a massive MCMG fan for years. But if this is true, it will be the end of one of the greatest tag teams of the past decade. Sabin needs to go with him to the E and take over the tag devision.
Alex Shelley coming over to the WWE is awesome. He and Chris Sabin have been a favourite Tag Team of mine for years and I was glad when they finally won the TNA Tag Team titles. I don't know how the WWE is gonna use Shelley, but I hope he can have some great matches against guys like Evan Bourne and Daniel Bryan. If Chris Sabin were to follow and they indeed reunited as a Tag Team in the WWE, they'd probably take the Tag Team division by storm (hopefully) in similar fashion to Paul London and Brian Kendrick. No matter what, I think it's exciting. Alex Shelley has a great moveset and brings a lot of fast-paced intensity to the ring.
Yeah... Think we're all overrating how much we'll see Shelley on WWE TV. Remember how many times we turn to the old Tyson Kidd talk, where we all think he needs a push, and he never gets one, and we all bitch?

Yeah, Alex Shelley is no different than Tyson Kidd. Maybe a little more charisma; that's it, that's all. If anyone thinks Shelley is going to spend a meaningful amount of time on TV, you really don't get how the WWE works.

Hogan's Haiku for today is:

Oh, Alex Shelley.
You are such a great wrestler
Enjoy NXT
Shelley was probably the most misused person in TNA history. he definitely could of been a star.I'd like to think WWE won't misuse him, but i'm also not that naive.

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