Alex Shelley: Why Not Make Good Use Of Him?


Since Chris Sabin is going to be sidelined for the rest of this year, at least, I find myself wondering why TNA can't find a use for Sabin's partner Alex Shelley.

Generally speaking, it seems that whenever one member of the MCMGs is on the shelf, the other one is usually MIA within the company. Personally, I think there's a role for Shelley in which TNA could make good use of his abilities.

With the current X Division storyline that's going on, I find myself wondering why TNA just doesn't stick Shelley right up there in the front of it. When I consider the X Division faction, for lack of a better term, that's comprised of Generation Me, Amazing Red & Brian Kendrick, what I see is a group that simply doesn't have very much credibility at this point. They've been demolished over the past couple of weeks and maybe it's time for a new "leader" to sort of step in. We all know what Shelley brings to the table: He's a former TNA X Division Champion, was part of a team that won the TNA World X Cup back in '06, won the TNA X Division tournament back in '09, former TNA World Tag Team Champion, former IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion and he generally has the kind of chops & credibility that could help the storyline out.

Shelley is a talented guy. He's not doing anything at the moment, so why not? I know, I know that it gives some people the willies at the idea of TNA doing something that MIGHT wind up leading to the MCMGs breaking up as a tag team at some point down the line. But Sabin's out so why should Shelley's career be brought to a standstill? Personally, I think it could hold my interest to see the little X Division faction bring in someone that doesn't come across like so much of a loser.
Shelley is supremely talented. I actually completely agree here — no reason not to have him as a part of this X Division redux at all. He's already been X Division champion once before in the past, but has been a staple in the division ever since TNA struck their television deal with SpikeTV.
I agree 100%. It really sucks that Sabin had to suffer that injury on the same night that Shelley returned from his injury but this could to be good for Alex Shelley who I think is extremely talented and I would Love to see him used in the current X-Division storyline Shelley has been X-division champ in the past but I would love to see him get another run now that Sabin is out for the foreseeable future.
I think before this past injury they didn't use the X Division so they let which ever Guns member make their money by doing other shows.

This time they planned on coming back because Shelley was hurt and the Chris Saben went down. I think they waited to see how the surgery would go and to get a time table for recovery before they put Shelley into a singles program.

With Shelley being free now for about 9 months I think TNA just lucked into finding them a guy who can believably beat Abyss and make about 99 percent of wrestling fans happy. He has enough time to have long title defense and bring some prestige back to the belt.
Sometimes, one tag team member gets thrown through the Barbershop window. Other times, the tag team gets Wally Pipp'd. (Not a wrestling reference, and if you catch it, well good for you!)

This reeks of happy accident. Let's face sad facts- tag team wrestling is dead. It is a lot harder to market two people as a unit than it is to market a single person. Tag teams are supposed to do things together; once you start establishing individual characters for your tag teams, you inevitably approach the day when those two people will have to have a character clash. (I am, of course, talking about today's personality driven professional wrestling. Don't tell me about how the Nasty Boyz stayed together for so many years, because they had no personalities to worry about.)

If Chris Sabin's going to be down for a while, there is no on-screen reason why you don't start pushing Alex Shelley as a singles star. They're both good enough for the role, they both can wrestle and while not spectacular on the mic, they are young enough to have plenty of time to work on it without being placed in a high pressure situation to do it. (Hi, Jeff! Hi, Rob!) This also sets up the inevitable Sabin/Shelley feud, which we all should know is bound to happen either sooner or later. Sabin comes back, MCMG tags for a bit, Sabin is jealous of Shelley's new found success, one guy or the other gets betrayed, and BAM! Instahot feud.

Either way, to NOT do something with Alex Shelley would be a criminal waste of good talent.
I absolutely agree. Shelley has been doing nothing for a while and with Sabin out of action for the entire year, I see no reason why Shelley should not lead this X-Division faction. He certainly has the neccesary credibility to do so. Not only is Sabin's injury a blessing in disguise for Shelley, it could also turn out to be one for Sabin.

Sabin can easily turn heel upon his return by being jealous of Shelley's success. For that Shelley does need to win a few titles at first. But this could end up being a good way to push both performers into the limelight that they fully deserve.
I would endorse this idea. While he and Sabin make a fine team, Shelley is clearly the better wrestler and the more charismatic of the two in my book. He's an untapped asset the same way Chris Jericho was in WCW. Of course this is the retirement home company. Legitimately giving the ball to anyone who isn't a WWE/WCW relic or reject really isn't something this company seems intent on doing for any sustained period of time. That's why they won't make use of him. It's not a great reason, but it's the correct one.
I dont understand why they arent using him in the X Division angle.

Before he got injured they said they were going to focus more on X Division for the time being (atleast thats what Tenay said they were doing). It doesnt make sense why they arent.
Alex Shelley is one of the best wrestlers in the company. His sarcastic brash mic skills are almost as good as his ring work. Please TNA put this guy in the ring on a regular basis be it the X Div feud or a decent small singles push, I guarantee he wont let anyone down. He reminds me of Jericho or Shawn Michaels and should be pushed to the moon, but baby steps and I hope TNA take advantage of Shelley being solo for awhile.
While I've not read spoilers and don't know what he is doing, I have heard that he at least makes an appearance on Impact soon.

Yeah, I read the spoilers but I can't say anything besides he will be used sooner than everyone thinks.

I also hope everyone is open minded to the way he will be used as well. Because I expect it to be another TNA one sided crap.

Besides, Sabin is out for 1 year. That's like 2 years in wrestling dog years. There is no telling what Shelly can do within that time span. With that being said, TNA will not put a Shelly push over Roode, Crimson, Gunner and Kendrick and guys who are being groomed for the main event.
It's a shame that he doesn't have his old gimmick anymore, it would've made sense for him to go for the Television Title.

At least more sense than Eric "I like to devalue old World Titles" Young.
This is an excellent opportunity for Shelley to shine in the X Division. I say put him in the program against Hogan/Bischoff. He's tremendously talented in the ring, and he's entertaining enough on the mic to get the job done.

If Foley plans on bringing all of these guys in at Destination X, then TNA is desperately in need of some more X-type guys right now, and Shelley certainly fits that. Really unfortunate that Sabin is gone until 2012, but this is Shelley's chance to really elevate himself as a singles star in the X Division, and with TNA pushing the X Division guys right now and the division as a whole, this is the perfect opportunity for Shelley to get over as a singles star until Sabin returns.
With Chris Sabin out injured, I can't really see much need for Alex Shelley if I'm being honest. And I'm not sure TNA will give Shelley a solid push now Sabin is out. I might be wrong but I would think he will just compete in matches on Xplosion and iMPACT! The Machine Guns are much more valuable to TNA than either Chris Sabin or Alex Shelley are. And I really hope Sabin recovers quicker than the expected time mentioned as the Guns are one of the best tag teams around.

The Guns, to me, will always be a great tag team but so so as singles wrestlers. A couple of years ago I thought Sabin could possibly make it, but TNAs roster is soo much stronger these days. But then again either guy could prove me wrong in the future, much like Bully Ray has. I always thought Team 3D were a great tag team but wouldn’t pull up many trees as singles wrestlers. And boy was I wrong. Bully Ray has proven himself to be one of the top heels in the business since the split of Team 3D. And hopefully Shelley can prove himself if given the chance to go solo.

With Sabin injured I wouldn’t mind seeing Shelley added to the X-Division revolt, but I don’t see him as any more of a threat to a 300+ pound monster than Brian Kendrick or Max Buck. Whoever takes Abyss down won’t win because of his wrestling ability, he will need to be smarter and out think Abyss by pulling a fluke win. Kendrick looks to have some layers to his character and if anyone stands a chance of actually beating Abyss, it would be Kendrick IMO (I know he lost the other week but there’s nothing stopping him from getting a rematch down the line).
Return of Papparazzi productions to actually be a character. He teams with storm, fails, blames storm and goes heel. Or he becomes a heel within the x-division. HOnestly him with the streak in his hair == papparazzi for me, yet he doesn't need to go heel. It's the easy way out, and tna does that too maybe not.
I couldn't agree more. Shelly has always been in my eyes the better half of the MCMG (nothing against Sabin as I find him very talented as well) and has all the tools to break out as a singles competitor. Given the fact that he was also a former X Division champion, he'd be a great addition to the X Division storyline. From a personal standpoint, I'd much rather prefer him in Brian Kendrick's role as seemingly the leader of the X Division "revolt" of sorts. Sabin's injury could very well be a blessing in disguise for Shelly. Beats having him sit the sidelines until 2012.
I couldn't agree more. Shelly has always been in my eyes the better half of the MCMG (nothing against Sabin as I find him very talented as well) and has all the tools to break out as a singles competitor. Given the fact that he was also a former X Division champion, he'd be a great addition to the X Division storyline. From a personal standpoint, I'd much rather prefer him in Brian Kendrick's role as seemingly the leader of the X Division "revolt" of sorts. Sabin's injury could very well be a blessing in disguise for Shelly. Beats having him sit the sidelines until 2012.
After his short-lived stint with ahem! "Gun Money!", definitely time for an X-Division run maybe on his way to something bigger?! I don't say give him THE spotlight but at least give him SOME spotlight and see what he does with it. Give him the ball and let him run. You know, the lazy sports metaphor... But I think he has a huge upside and now might be time to see whether they can use and develop it. I love Sabin but, at least right now, I believe Shelley has more of a shot at the grander scheme of wrestling things.

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