Alex Riley's Finisher

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Here are my 3 suggestions...

1. Flying Elbow Drop-I think this could work with this athletic ability. It's a time honored move and could easily be bought into as a finisher again. It would also elicit a nice pop every time he went up and hit it.

2. Flatliner(Top Rope Samoan Drop)-Admittedly this move would require more set-up, but would be a match ender. The move is not currently in use, so it would have a uniqueness factor as well.

3. Mic Check-I feel this would be a great new finisher for Riley. The Mic Check is more or less a reverse Skull Crushing Finale, which would play perfectly off his fued and history with Miz. It also could be used on anyone he faces, and has more of the spontaneous feel to it.

On a personal torment note, I can't say I'm a big fan of Alex Riley. Reason being that my girlfriend comments on his good looks and physique every damn time he comes out. Wouldn't mind seeing him blow out both knees and tearing his scrotum.:lol:
Yeah, it's weird. There was only one man in history who could pull off the DDT as a finisher. I'm talking, of course, about the one and only Gangrel. ... Or was it Jake the Snake Roberts?

Everyone else failed miserably, including Edge, Drew Mcintyre and many others. The bottom line is it's a shitty finisher.

I really want A-Ri to become a big thing, but this finisher is indeed holding him back, in my opinion.
Yeah, it's weird. There was only one man in history who could pull off the DDT as a finisher. I'm talking, of course, about the one and only Gangrel. ... Or was it Jake the Snake Roberts?

Everyone else failed miserably, including Edge, Drew Mcintyre and many others. The bottom line is it's a shitty finisher.

Raven used the DDT for years and it was a perfectly fine finisher. Drew's Future Shock DDT is good too, and I always liked Edge's version of the move

I think its a believable enough finisher, but whether he will keep on using it depends on the crowds reaction, as the crowd must buy into a move as a legiitmate fmatch-ending move.
I was on youtube messing around when I ran across this move. I think Riley would look excellent using this. Spine buster, wit for them to get up then hit this move. He can still call it the TKO. I know Daniels uses it in TNA, but oh well...I think it would be legit.

Reno - Roll the Dice. Start watching at the 4:12 mark
i dnt know wat u guys r talking about. i mean the first time we saw it i was abit confused about it cuz he didnt deliver it right. but now i think it works for him, he just has to figure out how to deliver it better
Eh, I don't mind him doing the finisher as a tribute to Edge, but a big guy like him should do something more impressive than a DDT, even if it is a lifting DDT. He's a young guy though, one that's extremely prone to botching, so giving him that's simple to execute like the Lifting DDT might just be the WWE's way of playing it safe until he's more comfortable using a bigger finisher.

Still, I would like to see him perhaps use his TKO down the line, or perhaps even the gutwrench mat slam that Randy Orton has been using as a signature move. He should definitely be using some sort of big time slam rather than a DDT, though, that's for sure.
i think mark jindrak's "mark of excellence" can also be a better option aside from alex's old nxt finisher (Spinning fireman'scarry cutter).i really hate the fact that alex is just using a regular looking ddt.
It's cool that he's using the move as a "Tribute" to Edge, but the only thing is, Edge never used it as a proper Finisher did he? It's not got as big of an impact as something like the Spear or Sharpshooter, which Edge would use. A-Ri's old finisher was great and really, even with Edge gone, there's no reason for him to use it. Maybe it's a way of having someone just use a DDT as a Finisher to make him set out from the others? I mean, lots of other Wrestlers have Finishing Moves where they lift people up onto their shoulders and granted, they all end differently, but the same set-up for a finisher can be a bit *Yawn* every now & then. Hopefully, he goes back to the old one soon, it just look better.
Edge used it when he was still pretty new.
After that it became on of his "Vintage" moves.
I'm sure they're going to give him something better later on down the line, this is just the start of a long career for A-Ry.
Before edge retires though, look how many people use to complain about his Spear, saying it shouldn't be his finisher.
I like the DDT, and have always been a fan of it.
For the record, Jake Roberts was the master of the DDT, not Raven. when Jake hit it, you knew it was over.
One person complains about something - everyone else does.
Funny. I plan on breaking the trend.

A-Ry just switched stance. From heel and dominating (use of the TKO) to clean cut and good guy. He needs a finisher that screams that. I love the Edgecution and actually really like A-Ry's version. It's not EXCELLENT but he'll learn it. He'll get used to it. I don't think he struggles at all with it. He'll get there.

This move is a match finisher - quite easily. I like it and think it works.
The finisher is no good. He doesn't make it look or feel like it should end a match. Its over rated just like him and he will not be a superstar. Those same people who think he will are probably the same people who think evan bourne will be a world champ one day.

Oh no, the pops when come out totally mean nothing, and the fact that he's up against the guy who just headlined and won WM also means nothing... Don't be ******ed, Alex Riley is over with the crowd and the writers.

As for him using the DDT, I'd say it's more him having to work on it than it is him using it as a finisher. Face facts, when Stone Cold started using the stunner, it looked like straight shit. But after he did it over, and over, and over again it started to look cool... well to some people. I still think that the stun gun was his best finisher, but I digress.

With a bit of practice, Riley can master his DDT. And you have to remember, it's not like the last person to use his variation as a finisher (Foley, not Edge) was any better...

If he did have to change it, I would say give him the super kick. With his structure, it would be very believable and he can even use it as a tribute to Shawn. Or who knows, maybe he can go with a submission.
Alex Riley used The Edgecution, which is a lifting DDT. It is supposed to look forced. It looked forced nearly every time Edge used it himself. The difference is, we've gotten so used to seeing Edge use it over the last 11 years, we don't realize that it looks virtually the same. When Edge first starting using it back around late 2000, he called it the Buzzkill. The name never really stuck, so we got the Edgecution in 2001. Anyway, my point is, the move looks the same as it did when Edge first began using it. Edge has just been doing the move for a lot longer time, so of course it's going to seemingly flow better when he does it.
Riley's finisher is fine as it is, like Straight Line Stitch said it's just about getting used to it, I honestly don't think he executes it worse than other who used it in the past, I still get a little smile on my face when he does it because of Edge, so why not?

If you were to choose a different finisher for him, it would have to be the Spinebuster, that move looks sick when he pulls it out, he might want to show Trips how's it done now that he's back too ;)
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