Alex Riley...


Dark Match Winner
First off... is this guy amazing or what? He's a natural on the mic, looks very confident and feels very comfortable out there... and he's been getting a lot of ring time because of the Miz lately too. His in ring skills will only get better. Anyone else expecting big things outta this kid? I think he'll be feuding for a mid card title soon... and I can certainly see him in the main event scene in the semi-near future.

Secondly... how much longer is he going to put up with the Miz treating him the way he does? He's CONSTANTLY being thrown under the bus while the Miz tries for an easy win or a quick get away. Last night for example, he left Riley out to dry while he walked away. Or when he let Orton power bomb him through the tables. I think Riley will eventually cost Miz the title when he finally reaches his breaking point and says he's done with the abuse. What do you think?
Yea I to agree with you on what you said about riley. Hes an amazing talent, and hes only goin to get better. Im expexcting big things out of him once he splits with The Miz. But it would be AWESOME to see both Miz and Riley holding Titles. Miz obviosly WWE Title, and Riley US, but DBD is doing to good at the moment, but thats for another topic.

I think he will split with The Miz sometime after WrestleMania, and he will cost The Miz the title or a match or something like that.
Too right he's great. At times he looks a lot more comfortable than half the roster and that was since day one I'd say. I suppose some people just have IT, and he definately has IT.

He could either turn face by costing Miz the WWE title, or he can do it such a way that makes him more of a heel than Miz thus turning Miz into the "face of the company". It may happen at WM, if it doesn't I wouldn't really mind, don't think he could go solo just yet but he will definately main event some time in the future.
I don't see it. I find him to be merely riding Miz's coattails. I don't see what makes him so special. He appears as a wrestler with average mic skills and ring ability. I can't really see him moving beyond the mid-card.
He's a reasonable wrestler with pretty good mic skills. I'll give 'im credit for that. He's also able to play pretty well off of The Miz. That's where all of his relevance is wrapped up. Without The Miz to tow him along, he'd be shot straight to Superstars and then booted out eventually.

It could be that he's being held back by his gimmick. His "school bully" bit is just very generic. It's only workable as a heel persona and even then, he's trying to put forth a whole gimmick based around a quality that many other heels have as merely a part of their own gimmicks (Jack Swagger for instance.) Under that persona, I don't see him as anywhere but an entry-level midcard heel, if that. He's doing well right now because he's playing yes-man to The Miz, that's it.

I think the guy's got potential...but I'm waiting to see if he can exist on his own. Also, if he can play a face as well as a heel, there may be some hope for him.
Haha the exact text message I sent my friend last night was "Riley>Miz". Riley is practically just as good on the mic, and comes off more naturally than this whiny character that the Miz literally has to force out of himself. His physique is ten times better than the Miz, he's equally as entertaining in the ring (or at least when he's getting involved in matches), I almost think the two should switch places.
I honestly don't get what people say about him. He's alright in the ring, and his mic skills aren't all that impressive. Maybe it's that sucky gimmick he has, but I see him as nothing more than Miz's lackey. Once thats over, I just see him as another Eric Escobar.
I saw this when he was on NXT, I started really believing him when he started following The Miz afterwards. I started loving his mic skills when Pee-Wee came to town. So yeah, I think it's pretty safe to say Alex Riley is my favorite rookie right now (I know he debuted last year, but I consider anyvody who's been around for less than 12 months a rookie). But he is definately not better than The Miz. Yet. And I'm not just saying this because The Miz is the WWE Champion and A-Ri has never won a title. I feel like The Miz is more believable at the moment and draws more heat simply because A-Ri doesn't do enough. If I remember correctly, he's been oput through a table and had one match since NXT2 ended. If VKM decides to use Riley more than just an apprentice carrying around a now-worthless red briefcase, then I might buy into him a little more.
hes probably one of the few guys thats worse than the miz in the WWE. average worker, no gimmick, couldn't talk his way out of a paper bag without being fed lines etc. zack ryder without personality.

the main event program for RAW is probably at its all time worst right now, and its sad, because everything else is going great.
plain and simple he's the WWE's Robbie E oops no wait thats Zack Ryder he's nothing to write home about he's a lamer version of Miz, thats it and niether one is AWSOME!
Alex Riley is an interesting cat. He has the ability inside the ring and outside the ring.

Microphone-wise he most definately has it. He is a spectacular talker. He knw's how to combine his mouth with his wrestling and pusts on a good show.

I think he needs a new gimmick down the road a little bit. He is a protege. He still has that NXT smell on him.

I just think it's awesome that everytime Miz tells Riley that he has to fight someone he's all jacked up about it. He doesn't care if it's Orton or Big Show or Cena. The Alex Riley character looks forward to getting his ass beat more than anyone I have ever seen.
I used to like him but his mic skills have gotten worse week by week. I cant remember any of his matches and he sold that knee to face by Morrison horribly. He reminds me of a built Zak Ryder the couple of weeks Ryder was trying to impress Edge. Except replace Edge with Miz in his situation.
It's early days, right now he's like Miz' baby brother and hasn't had enough ring time to be gauged properly.

He certainly has confidence on the mic and moves pretty well in the ring, I think once he spits from Miz he needs a feud with a good worker that can help bring him on like Rey or Bryan.
I'm not sure how good he is. I think he tries too hard. He speaks well, he comfortable on the mic, but he's not natural. It's very clear that he's performing, & that's not what you want to see. As for in the ring, he's nothing special. He's solid, but he shouldn't be getting any major pushes anytime soon. I'm not sure what his best gimmick would be. He's probably where he should be-a lackey to a main event guy. Now, whether The Miz should be in the main event picture to begin with is another issue.
I am not a fan of Riley's. However, I think that he is sadly underestimating himself to be so admirable of Miz. He was not that bad on NXT. I was a little surprised he didn't win, given the fact he's still there and not Kaval. I have seen good improvement on his promo skills, and his ability to roll with punches, (i.e. being made to job to the bigger stars as punishment for DUI arrest.). Most lower level people would probably have cracked under the pressure and decided to pack it up and leave..(Nathan Jones...and he actually served prison time.). Anyways, I am slowly seeing more potential in Riley. However, the only way I'll have more due respect for him, is if he would realize that Daniel Bryan became a champ AFTER realizing that Miz is NOT 'MUST SEE' as he claims to be. I have a feeling that sooner rather than later, we would see Riley get enough confidence and hopefully realize that he can never be taken seriously as Miz's sidekick, or that he is not truly appreciated as the sidekick to Miz. Once that happens, I'm sure he probably will really be elevated.
hes better than ted dibaiase jr., cody rhodes, dolph ziggler, and every other nexus member not named cm punk. hes getting better and better on the mic every week and he seems to be more of a natural heel than miz probably cuz hes bigger and can actually wrestle a little. i think wwe is grooming him to be a triple h like heel when he was in dx with miz playing the hbk role as we have seen riley play a role in the main event of raw the past few weeks.
This guy is decent at best. Even Vince doesn't like him. He is not going to get pushed. Not now, not ever. WWE has built him to be a sucker-upper. He has been getting his butt kicked by Randy Orton, sucking up for The Miz. He is just a slave. He will never be a WWE Champion. He is built to be a JOKE.
This guy is decent at best. Even Vince doesn't like him. He is not going to get pushed. Not now, not ever. WWE has built him to be a sucker-upper. He has been getting his butt kicked by Randy Orton, sucking up for The Miz. He is just a slave. He will never be a WWE Champion. He is built to be a JOKE.

I already stated Im not a fan but can you show me where it says Vince doesnt like him? Your that guy who is running around posting on different forums just to be a douche please go away. Raw is low on mid card heels Ted isnt getting it done and Tyson is just now getting elevated. As much average as I think he is he is still more believable than Tyson (height) and more marketable than Ted (dropped ball by wwe)
I think that he's much better than most of you are giving him credit for. I watched his championship run on FCW and he was a fantastic heel champion. Especially his run in with Kaval.

Right now he is doing his job perfectly. Perfectly. He's taking bump after bump and he's always in the right places, his positioning to put Randy through the table at TLC was phenomenal. He seems to shine more than the Miz. He's decent on the mic and he's got better wrestling ability than a lot of people there. He's in my opinion the best wrestler from season 2 left. Which isn't saying much I know.

This guy will have a career in the WWE without the Miz.
This guy is decent at best. Even Vince doesn't like him. He is not going to get pushed. Not now, not ever. WWE has built him to be a sucker-upper. He has been getting his butt kicked by Randy Orton, sucking up for The Miz. He is just a slave. He will never be a WWE Champion. He is built to be a JOKE.

Seriously?? like what the other guy said Proof vince dosent like him! you obviously dont know how the WWE works.. I do see big things out of this kid, but dont give me wrong its gonna take awhile, but i do see him a high mid card may be a main eventer.
At the moment, Riley is nothing more than a Punching post for the Miz when he need him to be. Riley needs to get out of the control of the Miz and go it alone before he will get the respect he deserves. Now I'm not the biggest fan of Riley or the Miz but cant wait untill Riley kicks The crap out the Miz and completly destroys him. Riley has abilities in the ring that are good and he could go places and win gold but not as long as he allows the Miz to keep him in the rookie role he is in at the moment.
I like A-Ri. I think he has the mic confidence and the physique and face to perhaps even turn face. I could see a cool program with him versus members of the Nexus for mid-card gold. However I think it should be at Miz's side (at least at first). When is the last time someone had a sidekick that didn't turn on him or get turned on. I think what's needed in WWE is some consistency with its booking and alliances. It makes the betrayal THAT much more bitter and unpredictable. Case in point, the Hart Dynasty... The betrayal happened a little to abruptly and without much build up... If they do the sidekick versus main eventer storyline with Miz and Riley, I hope they just don't force it.
If WWE really wants heat and to make the Miz look strong, they should have Miz as WWE champ, Riley as US Champ, and Miz & Riley as tag champs collectively known as Team Awesome. They could still have and wrestle with the same tactics as they do now, cheat, fight dirty, run, attack from behind, etc. But Riley looks like he is getting buried to the abyss. He has lost every time he has wrestled, he keeps getting his ass kicked, treated like shit by the Miz and putting up with it. Them being double champs seems impossible right now.
If WWE really wants heat and to make the Miz look strong, they should have Miz as WWE champ, Riley as US Champ, and Miz & Riley as tag champs collectively known as Team Awesome. They could still have and wrestle with the same tactics as they do now, cheat, fight dirty, run, attack from behind, etc. But Riley looks like he is getting buried to the abyss. He has lost every time he has wrestled, he keeps getting his ass kicked, treated like shit by the Miz and putting up with it. Them being double champs seems impossible right now.

Well who has he wrestled? Mark henry? Orton? Cena? Of course those guys would bury him. They're established superstars and he's a failed NXT rookie.

Anyway I really like Riley. He's better than the Miz in every way pretty much. He has great mic skills, a good look, and is very, very entertaining. he looks like Miz's bitch and well, he is but he does need to pay his dues. He will eventually break off from the Miz, maybe by turning face although I don't know how he'd do as a face. Maybe they find some way to keep him heel while they break up. Whatever happens to this guy, I see a very bright future for him.
Well who has he wrestled? Mark henry? Orton? Cena? Of course those guys would bury him. They're established superstars and he's a failed NXT rookie.

Anyway I really like Riley. He's better than the Miz in every way pretty much. He has great mic skills, a good look, and is very, very entertaining. he looks like Miz's bitch and well, he is but he does need to pay his dues. He will eventually break off from the Miz, maybe by turning face although I don't know how he'd do as a face. Maybe they find some way to keep him heel while they break up. Whatever happens to this guy, I see a very bright future for him.
Well, you are right about how he has only wrestled upper carders but that is the reason he has been getting buried. WWE hasn't set him against any smaller guys, so obviously
pushing Riley is not in WWE's agenda.

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