Alex Riley...

I like Alex Riley! I just thought I should add that.

The problem with Alex Riley though, is that the WWE do not hold him in such high regard. Yes! He has been facing off with some of the big deals in the WWE but he has been getting absolutely buried in every single one of them. It's very annoying to see that when the OP was pretty much right on the button. He is a good competitor who has proven to me, at least, that he deserves to be one of the men who is vying for a place in the main event. He is a confident person and The Miz has seemingly been a great mentor for him. He seems to have a lot of talent on the microphone and all of that seems to have gone in his favour.

The problem being that he is the one who has been taking pins for The Miz for the last few months. Whilst this may be the way that the WWE wants things to play out, it is certainly not the best way for Alex Riley to get over. He has no momentum whatsoever and having him be pinned cleanly on every single episode of Raw is basically killing his career before it even really gets started. I commend him on staying relevant for so long without being part of The Nexus but this has to be having some sort of effect on him. I swear, I might actually die of shock when he manages to pick up a win and that is the problem. All he is, is a way of having Miz lose whilst not being the one who has been pinned and that has been the highlight of Alex Riley's WWE career.

It is about time that they started to realise that Riley has some talent in and out of the ring and start to give him a chance. Give him a match against someone like Mark Henry and have him go over cleanly. That is the way to get him back into the same level as The Miz and actually make him worthwhile to have around. Right now, he is nothing more than a whipping boy for the WWE to protect The Miz with.

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