Alex Riley Push


Pre-Show Stalwart
I have to say I was surprised they let him pull off the win a the pay per view last night. He has been dominating the former World Champion for the better part of a month now. I think letting Riley get the better of Miz is nice but in the end the Miz is the proven star and needs to go over in the long run.

Riley does have a bright future ahead of him. The guy has a good look, good size, ok (all though a little bland) in the ring, and is capable on the mic. Once he is around a little longer the Mic and in Ring skills will improve for him. I think he needs to quit wearing the suits and looking so proper though. This comes off as heelish to me.

So what does everyone think of the Alex Riley push and his future?
i honestly like riley more than the miz,and i too noticed how he was just manhandling the miz lately,i would rather see riley at the top more than the miz but i dont believe either one should be up there
I think Riley is okay.....nothing special, but okay.

Plainly, WWE has big plans for him. We found that out last Fall when the company blatantly ignored Riley's DUI arrest. That's usually the kind of thing WWE will jump all over, making an example of a low-card performer to show their zero tolerance for those arrested who (allegedly) break the law, even if they've yet to be convicted. In Riley's case, though, the company had a program working with Riley and Miz, and it somehow became possible for them to ignore the offense. I wondered about it at the time, since Riley seemed only to be a supporting player.....but I figured they must have big things in mind for him.....and sure enough, here we are.

Yes, I know Riley was just exonerated, but that makes me wonder, too. The case took an awful long time to get to court, and when it did, he got off on a technicality. Could the powerful WWE legal team have put their clout behind Riley? If so, would they have taken those steps if they didn't have big plans for him?

If he's getting the push it seems he's getting, it might be so.
I like the Riley push.. Riley is not half bad in the ring very convincing as a cocky/bad ass character type beating up the bully.:worship: WWE likes him also i hopefully see him winning the US title in the very near future! Riley is good on the mic can hang with the miz anyday and my dream is he beats the snot out of cena!!
Riley is cool with me. Mix should have won and they should have done a Riley took Miz to the brink of defeat thing. Show he's better than what Miz was treating him like but not quite where Miz is. Have him get a few wins over credible ppl and build him up b4 getting ANY title run. Bright future Riley will have no question.
I like this push for Riley. The guy is all around exactly what the WWE looks for in their main event talent.

We all know Vince figures Miz into the future for a long time to come. For Miz to put Riley over really shows what the WWE sees in Alex. I'm sure this feud will continue and Miz will go over Riley at SummerSlam but that's to be expected. There is a reason why Miz has become a big star so quick. He does what he is told, and he does it well. It was a very good match last night, the little bit of the match I saw.
I like the riley push and think its been handled well. Miz has done everything to put Riley over as has the WWE themselfs (good music, long segments etc) but so far his charater seems a little 1D. The acid test will be whether we all get bored of Riley once we see him wrestle a bit more as a face.
So far in his career his in ring action has primarily consisted of taking a kicking to build Miz matches. I did like the match at Capital punishment particulay the jumping kick to miz from the floor (hope that jumping DDT id not his finisher mind as I can't stand that move) but the test will be wrestling week in week out from now on.
As for Miz hopefully WWE notices just how good he has been at putting over Riley. WWE needs more wrestler that can put people over without losing their appeal and since Jerhico left they haven't really had the cowardly heel charater which can do that. To me Miz plays this role perfectly and like Jerhico will probably be a top star without needing the belt constantly.
wow jericho a cowardly guy lol NOOOOO you are very wrong on jericho! A-RYE I see talent in the guy he going to be good but using the impailer DDT as a finsih bad idea that move was a edge set up move: look for something bigger and badder to do A-RYE !!!
I like Alex Riley. I think he has entertaining mic-skills, a good look, and though his in-ring ability might be a bit green, he still has time to improve. But nonetheless, I can see Alex Riley being a main-eventer in the next few years to come (if he is excluded as a main-eventer now.)
I'm glad his push isn't following the A-B-C "rules" of wrestling. Why does a guy always have to be stutter-stop pushed? Unpredictability is cool with me.
While I have been thoroughly entertained by his feud with The Miz, it’s mainly because I enjoy protégé vs. master storylines as opposed to Riley himself, who in my opinion is bland, generic, and uncharismatic. In no way was he deserving of getting a pin over the man who headlined Wrestlemania, especially considering how awkward he is as a face.

I get that he’s currently over; but when his feud with (arguably) WWE’s biggest heel subsides, I see him struggling to be significant, and ultimately failing

Then again, I said something similar about The Miz a couple years back.
I think this Miz vs Riley feud has not ended. The finish to yesterday's match was not necessarily clean. Miz brought in the briefcase and was going to hit Riley with it (Causing DQ) until th ref stopped him by grapping it and slowing the Miz setting up a Riley win.

Now on to Riley himself. I think I will see him winning the U.S Title belt. I think like mentor like mentee we will see him take it from Ziggler at Summerslam. As for down the road career, I truly believe we are looking at a future World Champion. I'm not the biggst fan of FCW, but when I saw this guy in one of the first matches I ever saw in FCW I said this guy has what it takes. I think he has a bright future ahead of him.
I've always liked a-ri. But ilike his new character more then the varsity villain. I've always said a ri was bigger and better then the miz!
I thought that the match at Capitol Punishment between Miz and Riley was very well booked. From an in ring perspective, the match was not anything special but that is because I feel that both guys need to improve in the ring. The booking was, as I said, spot on though. Riley started out hot and then got a bit cocky and somewhat agitated at Cole and tried to take him out as well. That allowed Miz to make his heel comeback. He then tried to smack Riley with the briefcase again in classic heel fashion but the ref stopped him. That distraction allowed Riley to hit the leaping DDT and get the pin. The result makes Riley look strong but at the same time Miz doesn't look weak either because it was the distraction from the ref that allowed Riley to get the advantage.

The feud is far from over, though. I expect the two to have a match on Raw and maybe a blowoff match at Money in the Bank. This feud can also play out till Summerslam if Riley gets into the MITB match and Miz screws Riley while he is going for the briefcase. Miz will ultimately win this feud but Riley will also look good which benefits both guys. After that I can see Riley going after Ziggler for the US title.

Riley does seem to have some charisma but it would be interesting to see if he can maintain this sort of heat for himself once his feud with The Miz gets over.
-you called miz a proven star....... thats so incorrect on so many levels the miz sucks. he was a bad champion and a bad wrestler and annoying on the mic, and he doesnt make people say what......

-as for riley, i hope he beats the hell outta the miz at the next ppv cause lets face it, the miz is gonna bitch out on raw tonight and demand a rematch.

-i hope riley feuds with ziggler, wins the US title, holds it for 5-6 months, loses it, wrestles singles for a few weeks, then gets tossed into the main event cause alex riley is excellent inring, and he isnt half bad on the mic, i personally think that a ry could go very far in the wwe.
-you called miz a proven star....... thats so incorrect on so many levels the miz sucks. he was a bad champion and a bad wrestler and annoying on the mic, and he doesnt make people say what......

-as for riley, i hope he beats the hell outta the miz at the next ppv cause lets face it, the miz is gonna bitch out on raw tonight and demand a rematch.

-i hope riley feuds with ziggler, wins the US title, holds it for 5-6 months, loses it, wrestles singles for a few weeks, then gets tossed into the main event cause alex riley is excellent inring, and he isnt half bad on the mic, i personally think that a ry could go very far in the wwe.

I knew I could count on you to give me something to rip apart.:)

Comment 1)Mis isn't a Proven Star

Response-I'm sorry but having the WWE Championship for 7 months makes you a proven star it is the top title in the WWE and having it for more than half the year is amazing. He had many quality wins albeit heel style but that is how a heel must win and get titles.

Comment 2) Alex Riley should "beat the living hell" out of Miz.

Response- This makes sense considering Miz is still better then Riley. Yes I know Miz lost the match at the PPV, however had it none been for the referee Miz wins here. Miz was dominating this match and in all honestly put on a better showing then Riley.

As for the rest of what you said I agree completely. I have already said somewhere that Riley will be U.S champ and then launced in the Main Event. Had it none been your original comments I would have said you copied me.
I like Riley. His push is more than fine with me. It happened naturally and for a reason, so that's always a plus.

I like both he and The Miz, so this program works for me, as well. I think last night helped both out in the long run. The Miz is almost to the point that no matter what he does, he'll remain relevant. I expect for The Miz to challenge for the title in the near future in hopes of keeping him near the top of the show. However, the win last night makes things interesting.

I assume that this won't be over as most of us would. I think that he either ends up coming out on top or Riley picks up the "final win" because of something outside of the feud and Miz ends up moving on with something bigger to work with. Which gives them both something to build off of.

I like that he was given a chance and really ran with it. Hopefully he can keep it up. Impressed so far.
I must say when Riley was just playing assistant to Miz I didnt think much of him, but I must say that he has gone from someone I saw no future in to my favorite new face. He's become a really likable charecter, and I see him winning the US or IC title sometime soon and perhaps even hold a world title one day. For now his feud with Miz is very entertaining and I look forward to seeing what he does next.
His DUI arrest charges were dropped, BTW.

Yes, that's true. I pointed out that Riley was "exonerated." That means he was freed from the charge; declared blameless.

The report on the court proceeding said: "His lawyers went before a judge earlier this month and argued that police had no probable cause for a traffic stop that led to his client's arrest. The judge agreed, rendering the field sobriety test and the officer's observations about Riley inadmissible."

In other words, he probably did drive drunk, but his lawyers were able to get him off on a technicality. That's what I mean in saying he used high-power legal representation to beat a charge on which you or I would most likely be convicted.

Did WWE throw their weight behind Riley because he was in their future plans? Who knows?
I like Riley in this role against Miz. It's a classic master vs. apprentice concept and that idea always works for me. Miz is an excellent foil for Riley being a loud, arrogant character. This whole storyline works very well, however, I'm still not sold on Riley totally. I think he's decent, but he's yet to show me he can do anything better than average. His match with the Miz was solid and I hope he can continue to showcase what he can do. If he can come out of this feud with the Miz putting on good matches and with some good wins behind him, Riley could lose the walking botch stigma and actually become one of the top faces.
I don't see the fued 'continuing' as people say, because of the fact MITB is coming up. Now Miz is going to be in it, just to play the role of the 'veteran' in the match just because he won the last one. Riley is a fresh face, who I didn't expect to get this over and I'm surprised that WWE broke it's Iambic Pentameter by booking Riley to win even though he was dominating. What I think should happen. Rather than having those ridiculous PPV filler segment/matches. They make one MITB qualifier there on the show with the match being, Miz v Riley. Riley should take him to the limit, but then be upset or should he win, it'll probably be an upset.
I see every1 keeps saying this Miz should of won.And you guys have posted valid reasons.But i think Riley is going to be the bigger star in the future.I think the WWE putting Riley with Miz was the worst thing that could of happened for the Miz.I think that when Vince and the powers to be see them next to eachother they see that Riley is a more natural spotrs entertainer and a way better wrestler,and whatever Vinces big plans for the Miz might be pushed on to Alex Riley now.But since they have already invested so much in the Miz over the past 18 months i dont think he will be going to far down the totem pole.Ithink he probably went from an almost full time main event talent... to probably a 60 % main event 40% upper mid-card talent.Look for him to start being booked like Jericoh if he stays a heel.
But i am a huge Alex Riley fan,and i think there is no roof on his potential.I think he can be a top heel or face in 3 years time,Depending on if CM Punk stays or goes to ROH.Alex showed me how good he could be when he went face.I knew he could be a great heel,but to see him breakout as a face just lets me know this guy is the real deal and i hope he will be 1 of the guys that take over when RKO &Super CeNa are no longer in there primes.

--just 1 guys opinion--

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