Alex Riley or Mason Ryan?

Who will have a more succesful career?

  • Alex Riley

  • Mason Ryan

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Straightedge perfection
These too are both fairly new in the WWE and we haven't seeing too much in ring action for either of them.
Riley had some good matches on NXT but since being on Raw most of the time he has been used for Orton to pin instead of Miz in tag team matches.

Mason Ryan hasn't had to many matches and while looking intimidating his match with R-Truth wasn't to impressive. That was more Truths fault then Ryans though I think.

My question is who do you think will have a more succeful Career will it be Alex Riley who is the more charismatic one and is already comfortable on the mic, or will it be Mason Ryan who is the more physical of the two with the Batista physique but not as charismatic or comfortable on the mic.

I forgot to say who my vote was for. I think it will eventually be Alex Riley. I say eventually because at first Mason Ryan will be having a better caeer recieving a monster heel push but I think all of his likeness to Batista and everyone wanting him to be the next Batista may hurt him because he wont be able to live up to that hype which may end up with him getting stuck in the mid card. While Alex Riley will work his way up kind of like the Miz had too and Rileys mic skills will give hime more longevity and can carry him in some feuds.
When or if alex beef with the miz he will get a push 2 the moon. My point is if he feud with the miz he mite be a future champ, but if not with me seein the miz as the next flair on the mic not wrestlin but mic if he say with miz he be arn part 2 but still farther then mason to me. Cause mason is big and bad but cant carry a match atleast yet
When or if alex beef with the miz he will get a push 2 the moon. My point is if he feud with the miz he mite be a future champ, but if not with me seein the miz as the next flair on the mic not wrestlin but mic if he say with miz he be arn part 2 but still farther then mason to me. Cause mason is big and bad but cant carry a match atleast yet

you are right about mayson ryan the thing is he knows for himself that he is quite ready he admitted it. Its only a matter of time.
As it stands right now Mason Ryan looks like every other boring roid monster, and outside of having an interesting accent, I haven't seen him have any discernible mic skills. Riley on the other hand, has already wrestled some pretty decent matches, and is already VERY solid on the mic, with less than a year in the company. While it's far more likely Ryan will get the belt first due to his size, as far as long term success and longevity in the business Riley wins it hands down (if he can keep his partying under control).
Yeah, I gotta go Riley on this. True, its still too early to say if either will go far, but Riley has that charisma that usually leads to longevity. Ryan benefits from the hype regarding his size and look, but there have a lot of impressive looking guys come and go. Frankly, I think everyone needs to get off of Ryan being the next Batista... he's not. If the dude is gonna go anywhere, he needs to be known for being Mason Ryan, and right now, he just stands at ringside and kinda looks like somebody... that's it. He's hard to understand, and seems lost in the ring otherwise. I really don't think he'll last... but that's just me talkin...
Yeah, I gotta go Riley on this. True, its still too early to say if either will go far, but Riley has that charisma that usually leads to longevity. Ryan benefits from the hype regarding his size and look, but there have a lot of impressive looking guys come and go. Frankly, I think everyone needs to get off of Ryan being the next Batista... he's not. If the dude is gonna go anywhere, he needs to be known for being Mason Ryan, and right now, he just stands at ringside and kinda looks like somebody... that's it. He's hard to understand, and seems lost in the ring otherwise. I really don't think he'll last... but that's just me talkin...

Agreed that Ryan isn't the next Batista that's what i was saying in my previous post and that's what will hurt him. Since it seems WWE wants him to be and that so many fans are making that connection that they will all be disappointed and this will hurt Ryan.
i like both these new young superstars but i think riley will be more sucessful quicker becoz of his mic skill they r very impressive he nevers skips a beat when put on commentery on the other hand if mason ryan was in riley shoes as miz apprectice i think hed be doin the same sorta job n hed be good at it..... i think a ri will be a world champion before ryan....
Agreed, XCalypsoX... I don't think it'll take long for people and creative to make that realization, at which point, unless this dude does some rapid improving and somehow makes his own mark, the show will be over for him. I guess I just don't have faith... pun kinda intended...
I may be crazy but I think Alex Riley has that "something" to make it big. I know we haven't seen much of him in the ring and all but The Miz could really put him over if they were to feud. Mason Ryan is another big guy who will be limited due that size. He can't squash everyone forever. That gets old unless you're the Big Show.
It gets old how the fans compare Mason to Batista. He WILL not, I will repeat WILL NOT, get far. He is like the Great Khali, he can't move! You can't understand a word he says, when he actually speaks. What I don't like the most is how overly confident he is outside the ring. Being compared to the next Batista is one thing, but thinking you're the next Rock and Hulk Hogan is another. It will be a matter of time before he vanishes in to thin air, with his confidence behind him.
Agreed, XCalypsoX... I don't think it'll take long for people and creative to make that realization, at which point, unless this dude does some rapid improving and somehow makes his own mark, the show will be over for him. I guess I just don't have faith... pun kinda intended...
Alex Riley right now...he's getting a major rub by hanging with the World Champ, and gets some time on commentary. He's being groomed for a good position, if he can keep away from DUIs. I haven't seen enough of Mason...haven't seen any personality, and his wrestling has been very green. Too soon to tell, but based on right now, Alex Riley hands down.
Alex Riley absolutely has a future over Mason Ryan. His mic skills are virtually unmatched among the new blood and can show a spark of good wrestling in the ring. I personally just hope that Riley gets cut from the Miz sooner rather than later because I feel under the Miz, although it is his job to be Miz's #1 contender's punching bag, sometimes it just looks ridiculous. If he's been learning from the Miz, he should show it in the ring. A guy under the tutelage of the WWE Champion should be getting wins just as much as the Champion does.
I don't think we've seen enough on Mason Ryan to make to make a definitive decision, but Riley has most of the tools in place. Both of them need time as singles performers to say much for certain, but what little I've heard from Mason I can't say I've been impressed with.

Alex knows how to carry himself as a heel. is solid in the ring and is getting plenty of camera time.

So, until I see more out of Ryan, I would have to say Alex Riley.
A Ry for sure! Batista will be back one day, of that I am very sure, and then what for Mason? Team them up maybe, make a monster tag team, but outside of that, the man has little to no future.
sure we have seen alex riley put on some decent matches and some good mic work, because hes been there for about a year, im not gonna quickly jump to a conclusion about mason ryan yet because hes only been here for a month, im sure with a lot of work mason can become a monster in the ring, and some work on the mic would help also
This really isn't a fair question. Mason Ryan has done next to nothing so far. He's a big, roided up freak, but what else? Haven't seen much wrestling from him, and not much from the talking end either.

On the other hand, it's time for Alex Riley to be given something on his own. He can still back up The Miz while engaging in an actual feud of his own. With Cole at ringside, the time for Riley to make his mark is now. Why not throw him into a feud with Daniel Bryan leading into Mania? I would rather see DB go at it with someone like Jericho, but I don't know if he's coming back in time.

Riley has it all, I really believe that. He has more charisma in his left pinky toe than Miz has in his entire body, and if given time to work with the best, I'm sure his in-ring game has nowhere to go but up. I think Riley has the tools needed to be a MAJOR star in the wrestling business, but I'm not sure when it's going to happen.

Alex Riley>Mason Ryan
Alex Riley by FAR.

Mason Ryan has size and not much else. Yes, he is still pretty green, but apart from being an enforcer of sorts, i really do not see him getting anywhere near the levels Batista hit. Riley on the other hand, has 'it' imo. He can work the mic, he is very decent in the ring, and once he parts ways with the Miz, i see a very bright future for A-Ry. As it stands right now i think he could be better used, he could easily be involved in a feud with DB for the US Title, as their really hasn't been a decent US Title feud since Miz and DB.

I can see Miz and A-Ry teaming up some time in the future, lets say Bryan and Bateman win NXT and win the titles and that SuperCena has beaten miz at Mania. This would help boost Bateman and A-Ry up the card in one hit.

OR, Riley somehow costs the Miz the title, and one of the 2 turn face. Either way, Riley has a massive future in the WWE imo.

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