Alberto Del Rio Says He Actually Hates The Miz, In Real Life


Pre-Show Stalwart
In an interview with 97.7 The Game in San Francisco Del Rio was asked which wrestlers don't get along or that he doesn't like. "The Miz," Del Rio said. "I hate The Miz. This is not part of the show. I really dislike like that guy. I've tried to punch him in the face several times, not in the ring, I mean outside the ring. He's like a little girl. He's always running away from me..."

When the hosts joked that he and Miz are probably too similar, Del Rio disagreed. "There's a big difference between The Miz and I," Del Rio said. "I'm a real athlete. He's just a loud, stupid little kid. He's one of those guys who was probably bullied when he was in school and that's the reason now that he's so loud and he wants to get attention from everybody."


What do you make of this? Is it Del Rio working us towards a possible feud between the two? Or is this legit hatred between the two? Something tells me Del Rio is just another WWE employee who's sick of Miz.
His words actually ring pretty true. Del Rio is a great athlete and knows what he's doing. With a tiny gimmick tweak, he has potential to be taken much more seriously.

I really enjoyed Miz's title run, but I absolutely see where he's coming from. I could totally see that being his real life personality.

From what I've seen he comes off as a good guy though. Who knows. Any insiders got more info?
yeah...gonna have to go with worked shoot on this one.
It wouldn't be hard to believe that people hate him but seeing that Miz is kinda aimless right now, it would make sense for him to go into a feud with del rio as soon as he gets back.
Just not sure I care for ADR as a face couldn't be worse than his heel run.
...or maybe it could...
If it's legit then I don't think they're gonna be in a match together. Putting two guys who actually do hate each other in the same ring is just begging for the match to end up full of them stiffing and potatoing the hell outta each other.
Seems legit. ;)

But seriously, the way he worded it seems to imply it's legit. Why else would he say "This is not part of the show"? The Rock doesn't say "This is not part of the show, I really want to kick Cena's ass, not in the ring, outside the ring." He seemed to make it very clear that this was a non-storylike thing. And they are both heels, so that should say something.

I don't know anything about what either of them are like outside the ring, but I can't imagine Miz being a very likeble person in real life. Have you seen the stuff he did on Real World? I know that show's just as fake as wrestling, but still, he comes across like a dick.

It also wouldn't surprise me if Vince told him to bash Miz.
When the hosts joked that he and Miz are probably too similar, Del Rio disagreed. "There's a big difference between The Miz and I," Del Rio said. "I'm a real athlete. He's just a loud, stupid little kid. He's one of those guys who was probably bullied when he was in school and that's the reason now that he's so loud and he wants to get attention from everybody."

Worked shoot or not, this is great. I could not agree more with this quote. Count me as one of the people who can't take the reality star seriously. I find myself wanting to go on this long rant about how I dislike the miz but ADR hit the nail on the head. Nothing more need be said.
If this is legit Del Rio needs to be sat down and talked to by the powers that be. If it's a work, fine. But if he has actually tried to hurt the Miz then he's not very professional and probably shouldn't be pushed again until he corrects his attitude. Of course it sounds like a worked shoot to me.
Most of the crap wrestling sites throw out there is never accurate, but with this, Del Rio actually said it. I take everything with a grain of salt, but now it finally gets interesting. Either the Miz is trying to get himself fired or maybe the WWE is trying to make a story line out of the Miz because it's gotten so public. Either way what Del Rio has said is more than accurate. The Miz is a whiny person much of the time and he is always running his mouth. In the ring and in real life.
It's obviously a real life hatred, why would he say that it's not a part of the show? Plus, they're both heels so why would WWE push him to say something like that? He just doesn't like the guy but because he's involved in professional wrestling it MUST be a worked shoot, right? Nothing's ever straight forward with some of the fans, it's like, fuck dude...
Apparently The Miz used to be a "loud, stupid little kid". But now, he's supposed to have matured a lot and earned the respect of the locker room. That conclusion is drawn from reliable sources, including the man himself. But yeah, he's a stupid frat boy. Am I right?!

As for del Rio's comments, I'm gonna say it's a rib. To talk about legitimate backstage issues in the media is incredibly unprofessional, and I just can't believe del Rio would be that unprofessional. He's from a wrestling family, so you've got to believe that he he understands the business (and in particular, it's do's and don'ts) better than most. So yeah, it's either a rib or he's been taken out of context or misquoted. That's a possibility.
If it's legit then I don't think they're gonna be in a match together. Putting two guys who actually do hate each other in the same ring is just begging for the match to end up full of them stiffing and potatoing the hell outta each other.

Guys with real life heat work together all the time without taking any liberties.

Benoit stole Kevin Sullivan's wife yet they still worked an angle.
Booker T and Batista got into a fist fight before working together at Survivor Series 2006.
Bret and Shawn couldn't stand each other, but worked together at SS '97
Mick Foley and Ric Flair
Jericho and Goldberg

As for whether his comments are legit are not, I kinda doubt it, but there is really no way to tell.
I don't see it harming Del Rio at all, it's like any other workplace... Some people just don't like each other but can be professional when it matters, but why should they lie if asked if they like that person out of work? If Del Rio doesn't say this he is "politicking" and doing the sort of stuff Nash, Hogan et al have always been slated for, if he says "hey, I don't like the guy and we've had some problems" at least he is being honest, although there does seem to be a bit of tongue in cheek about it.

From the outside, it seems that Vince has a major problem in the Miz... Here is a guy he likes but few others seem to, including the fans. If guys like Del Rio are busting ranks to rip on him then Miz is in real trouble, cos those are the ones who are not screwing up... Vince can hardly punish Del Rio for speaking out cos Del Rio has done all asked of him... This might be the start of the end for Miz in WWE.
IMO its legit which will be turned into a worked shoot
its legit due to the bullying remarks, WWE is very against this, takes away the integrity of their anti bullying campaign wil del rio bashing the miz

i see miz vs del rio vs r truth at mania
Seems totally legitimate to me. Del Rio from what I know comes across as this stubborn guy that is hard to get along with. And of course we all know the miz is this happy go lucky loud mouth guy in the back so its just natural that the two dont get along.
If it's legit then I don't think they're gonna be in a match together. Putting two guys who actually do hate each other in the same ring is just begging for the match to end up full of them stiffing and potatoing the hell outta each other.

I'd retract that post, if WWE knew they hated each other they'd throw them in the ring together, Edge/Hardy being an example, real life/personal feuds make great tv & matches because the fans know this shit isn't scripted so they get vested in the feud and pick sides.
Del Rio hates the Miz for the same rreason I hate the Miz... Good on you Del Rio for saying so and I hope he doesn't get into any trouble for it...

After Miz's screw up with Truth on Monday, he probably wont be...
Do you know what this is?

This is the WWE telling Del Rio to make sure he takes shots at the Miz during his interview. We've all read on how the Miz has "regressed" in creative's minds and to me it's nothing more than trying to get Miz pushing back to climb his way back up the ladder. I won't be shocked if another "report" comes out with another wrestler talking trash about him as well.
Honestly, 3 months ago I thought I was alone when I found The Miz SO stale and SO boring. He's great on the mic don't get me wrong, but is there any other specialty to him other than his decent theme song (for a wrestler) and how his name isn't a real-life name?

He doesn't look like a star, he isn't a star, and he won't be star. He's heading down a wrong path with WWE officials being against him, and he seems to be getting into trouble with the company.

With Del Rio's comment being legit or not (I don't care), they're interesting. And because of all this for some unexplained and bizarre reason, I now am interesting in The Miz.

I like it.
hating a co-worker is ok and normal
trying to punch them is not, anger management or HR appointment will be incoming for him soon enough.
Sounds real to me i can totally see the miz being a dick in real life!! I think they just dont like each other if they put them in the ring together if its indeed real hate nothing good can happen.. Del Rio worked his way up the hard way the miz came via tv reality show maybe its jealously on Del Rios part?? IMO the hatred is real those two maybe just dont get along
The miz and John Morrison theirs destiny are united and theirs departures was normally.
i'm always considered the miz like an guy like Justin Bieber no talent in ring and boring.
The reports that came out a while ago seemed to indicate Miz had gotten his shit together while he was Champion. It could be that he only gives a damn about what happens in the locker room when he's chasing the belt.

Dos Caras is from a large wrestling family - there's no way he is stupid enough to say that on the radio without approval. He strikes me as one of the least likely guys in the locker room to break Kayfabe so obviously.
The Miz is the most painful performer to watch, both in the ring and on the mic. The guy is just boring.

Everyone speaks negatively of Del Rio, but i dont know why because i think he is a very good wrestler in the ring. Say what you want about his promo abilities, but he has come a long way with those skills. The promo he cut from the wheel chair on his last appearance at Raw was very good.
ADR to Miz: "Miz you don't scare anyone,Ricardo could take you" this was a few weeks ago ironically it was the day after Batista implied guys like Miz can't intimidate people. The look on Miz's face as priceless after ADR said it like that wasn't part of the script. I don't believe it was a work. Bottom line is this has not been a good month for Miz.

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