After Tonight, Morrison Just Needs To Go To TNA


Occasional Pre-Show
I wish Mick foley would come out and say "John Morrsion...this is your life". You come out week in and week out and get your ass handed to you by guys that you are "better" than. You figure, Morrsion has been passed by on the chain by Ziggler, Rhodes, Kofi, Miz, Truth, Punk, Barrett, Sheamus, Swagger, Ryder, Del Rio, Mason Ryan, COLE, JIM LAWLER & Daniel Bryan... I mean look at that list of names who have been in bigger spots than Morrison. WWE seems to be trying to turn morrison into what Jeff Hardy was. A guy who shows up, jumps off shit and it. Now, Mr. Morrsion, you look at Mr. Anderson, Christian, Jeff Hardy, Matt hardy and RVD and compare your career to that. Those guys left the WWE, went to TNA and became main eventers in a heart beat. You put Morrsion in TNA, he is one of the top guys the second he walks in the door. You keep John Morrison in the WWE and he joins Drew Mcintyre and Chris Masters...guys who are or were just waiting for the pink slips. Morrsion needs a fresh start just like Christian did and if you want to, then come back. No way he should stay...What you think?
I would not be as extreme to say to send him to TNA but there is a place that he NEEDS to leave right now as well. That place is Monday night Raw, the place where John Morrison needs to escape. Send him to Smackdown so like in early 2010 and late 2009 he can become a big player again, Smackdown always had a lack of guy so why not send Jomo over there? Even his tag partner R-Truth has surpassed him at this point, the guy has to go blue, He can feud with Hunico and his group now that Sin Cara is gone for awhile. There is no need for him to leave for TNA as that just means lower pay. I can see him there if he gets future endeavored but while he still has a job I say get him off the crowded Raw and onto an open Smackdown.
I hate to break it to you man, but right after posting in a Alberto Del Rio thread, I might as well rehash some of what I said about Del Rio. John Morrison is great in the ring, but cannot give anyone to give a damn about him if his life depended on it. He has no personality at all. Being great in the ring will only get you so far in the pro wrestling business. Not everybody can be a Chris Benoit.

I loved John Morrison and had high hopes for him last year (hence my sig, which I will probably be changing soon), but now I just cannot see him as a WWE champion. Like I stated earlier, in this business you cannot just get by on ring talent alone. It's about hyping your matches and building storylines which Morrison lacks in every category imaginable in. There is no heat or build to any match he has. He is just thrown into a match and people go "oh wow that was an awesome match".

This relates to John Cena a lot as well. People make ignorant claims that he sucks in the ring, but even if he did, one thing that seperates him from Morrison (among thousands of others) is that people actually give a shit about him. He knows how to build a feud and to invest the fans into his matches and his character.

As far as TNA goes, sure why not? I don't see Morrison going anywhere in WWE anyway. They pretty much have gave up on him and are just using him for some last minute things before his contract expires, hence the Ziggler match from SS tonight. Yeah he will probably be given the TNA world title at some point, but so what? What is that going to do for TNA? The ratings? Absolutely nothing except give Morrison that lukewarm feel good moment so many people say he supposedly deserves.
zrise I would agree with you but if he wants to be the champ, he won't get that shot on smackdown. Now between raw and smackdown then yeah I'll put him on smackdown but between smackdown and TNA then I would go TNA. He would replace sin cara but where was sin cara going? Morrison would feud with who? Rhodes and Orton seem to be building up something that will probably last until wrestlemania, Christian is hurt, Wade barrett looks to be focused on the title picture (now that henry is "hurt") and feuding with that hunico group would not elevate him in the least bit.He needs to feud with someone who can elevate him as well as elevate the other person. I would say dibase but they ruined him as well. Maybe he could feud with del rio now since they have del rio lose the title every month but TNA is still the way to go. He is better than roode and at worst he would be the top in the X division rather than second fiddle to zac ryder. It seems that ever since the whole trish stratus snubbing, he has been heading closer and closer to the gutter. After tonight, he has landed in that gutter
Smackdown might be a better fit, but I doubt anyone will start to give a shit.

The WWE just needs to do itself and him a favor, release him so he can go spend some quality time with Melina and they can both sign with TNA and continue to not be given a shit about.

He's helped in the burial of himself due to Melina, let him go be with her in TNA where they can both not be given a shit about.
Honestly i dont get why people come down so hard on this guy. If tomorrow night the WWE decides they wanna stop punishing him and have him get back on track they can very well do that. I think he just needs to tough it out for now and if by this point next year he still isent going anywhere then he should make a move.
Morrison needs a push or he just needs to leave. If he loses on Raw tomorrow night then he's most likely not going to re-sign with WWE since his contract is running out,BUT if he picks up a victory on someone like I don't know Swagger Or Ziggler,THAN he'll most likely re-sign & feud with Del Rio because it's obvious Del Rio is going nowhere after TLC & Del Rio needs someone to keep him busy in a Mid-Card feud until Mysterio returns or the feud dies out.

A feud with Del Rio could give him the push he needs to get back on track he can just give Del Rio a mini feud until Mysterio returns & Del Rio well then have his hands full with Mysterio because of Del Rio "Taking him out of action".

If all else fails then Morrison=TNA
First of all... Canada Sucks! You suck! What do you do all day besides mark on the internet?

Morrison and Milena are at least wrestlers! What are you? Some over-weight douche in his grandma's basement eating pork rinds while unemployed.

If Morrison goes to TNA, it's better than being treated like crap in the WWE. He has 100X the talent HHH has, but can't kiss ass as much as HHH or any of the other WWE ass kissers!

Keep your lame life going xoxo French Kiss *** xoxo!

100x the talent HHH has? How do you figure? I have had ZERO interest in Morrison and, judging by the crowd reactions, it looks like I'm in the majority on that. HHH can tell stories which Morrison cannot do. HHH can get people over without looking like a tool in the process. Morrison couldn't get over even if the Rock and Stone Cold both came out and said "Morrison is the best wrestler ever." Reason being is Morrison is a straight up jobber that used parkour when he was slightly over and never grew.

It probably doesnt help that he talked trash about one of the best divas to ever wrestle in the WWE because he wanted his trailer trash girlfriend to be in the match.
First of all... Canada Sucks! You suck! What do you do all day besides mark on the internet?

Morrison and Milena are at least wrestlers! What are you? Some over-weight douche in his grandma's basement eating pork rinds while unemployed.

If Morrison goes to TNA, it's better than being treated like crap in the WWE. He has 100X the talent HHH has, but can't kiss ass as much as HHH or any of the other WWE ass kissers!

Keep your lame life going xoxo French Kiss *** xoxo!

Fact: For its close proximity to the USA, Canada is the farthest thing from sucking.

Fact: Morrison was given every opportunity in the book and failed to get over. You're merely marking out for him because he's a high-flyer; if he wasn't, you won't care shit about him.

Fact: You're as much of a mark as any of us converging on this forum. Maybe more, but let's stick to certainties.
If Morrison is to jump ship it might be better that he do it somewhere besides TNA. Even though I hear good things about the ROH roster I think their tv debut on Sinclair Broadcasting needs alot of star power. He could show up on whatever their show is called like Lex Luger did on Nitro's first show. I am no sure how much of his persona and character he would be able to use outside of WWE though but he needs to jump ship and he needs to condemn WWE in a shoot interview.. in the middle of the ring..
I agree with WunNightStand619 on this. Morrison needs to "Ride out the Storm". He's definately tasted sucess in WWE he had the crowd behind him. WWE doesn't give him any oppurtunity to shine like he once did. I don't know if that's due to him being in the doghouse or whatever. He should suck it up, and work back up the ladder. I find it hard to believe WWE doesn't want to resign him. I think there's a bigger picture, and everyone is believing Internet sites about his future. I see him resigning, and getting a push as a heel. Funny how people kick folks while they're down. When dude was coming back from injury people were anticipating his return, like a salivating dog.
If Morrison is to jump ship it might be better that he do it somewhere besides TNA. Even though I hear good things about the ROH roster I think their tv debut on Sinclair Broadcasting needs alot of star power. He could show up on whatever their show is called like Lex Luger did on Nitro's first show. I am no sure how much of his persona and character he would be able to use outside of WWE though but he needs to jump ship and he needs to condemn WWE in a shoot interview.. in the middle of the ring..

I don't know what kind of "star power" Morrison has, but he definitely would fit in with ROH (more so than TNA). JoMo's talents are being wasted in the WWE. Morrison would also do great in New Japan too.
his star power in this context would consist of name recognition, short term buzz potential, and obviously a large segment of people like to hear about juicy drama and conflicts. His post WWE speech in regards to WWE will be highly anticipated.
He can't survive on Raw, Ziggler would be well ahead of Morrison in terms of overall ability and being net in line for any championship
Morrison needs go to Smackdown where you can get over with wrestling talent. Raw stars need to be everything with emphasis on personality, Morrison imo is a HBK in ring ability with a Marty Janetty personality and a bad case of foot in mouth disease, he'd never be a world champion anyway unless they were desperate, perpetual upper midcarder

Sure he could go to TNA but what would they do with him? nothing. Maybe he'd get a world title for no reason, bury the talent that's there then he'd be back to nowhere land again like the rest of em.

I would condemn WWE they are totally the opposite to there Anti-Bullying campaign
in relation to this, the guy was just speaking his mind. I thought there was freedom of speech in the civilized world?
So because he doesn't agree with there booking and yet still goes out there and busts his ass he should be buried just cause he spoke up?
as for Trish being the greatest womens wrestler of all time, well that's debatable, she was great but that was then, since she left she's lost alot of that impact and was a shell of former self during Tough Enough and her return match as opposed to the Rock returning and once he got to the week of Survivor Series it was the Rock of old, like he'd never left.

So much for anti-bullying, just fire him if you don't like his attitude instead of perpetually dragging him along punishing him til his contract expires.
Lets get grounded and back to reality here for a minute. So John Morrison lost on one of the biggest PPV's of the year to arguably the hottest rising commodity in the WWE, in a title match nonetheless, and now we have a lot of folks saying it's TNA time??? Lets look at the reality as it truly stands here. If you're John Morrison I think that looking at the situation, losing to one of the hottest rising stars in a title match at the biggest built PPV next to WrestleMania of the year is a hell of a lot better looking than packing your bags and going to the minuscule TNA, to never be ever close to being on as big of a card, as big of a PPV, or even on as big of a show on a weekly basis. Seriously folks, listen to yourselves. What does TNA legitimately have to offer him??? Jobbing out to people on a lower level and maybe getting a meaningless title at some point, for far less money at that?

Morrison would be crazy to go to TNA. You are missing the bigger picture here, look at where he was just at and what he did? He put over the U.S. Champion. That tells me the WWE at least sees him as a guy that is good enough to elevate other guys in matches. It's the mentality "If you beat this guy, you must be pretty damn good". It's almost like he's become a measuring stick, if you can beat John Morrison, you are good enough to get to the top because he's good enough to be at the top. That's not nearly as bad of a spot as you make it out to be. And, realistically; what does he care if he loses, no one ACTUALLY wins anyways, but he gets paid the same either way, so what is it to him?

I'm sure he'd like to be in a title picture or something but that should be the motivation of every guy in the locker room, to be a champion. Until his time comes though, and bet, it will, he has every reason to stick around, be content in his place, and work through it until they call him up. This is a test, don't you see that? They want to see if he WILL stick it out, if it means that much to him, if the WWE means that much to him, and if he's willing to lose to some guys and put over some other talent for the betterment of the company, to see if he really is a company guy. They want to see where he really stands because anyone who takes this win/loss stuff too seriously is just a fucking mark in the business. It's not about that, it's about doing for the company, the fans, and doing your best to be better at that everyday, but they have to know that you can see that before they go to the next level with you. The writing is on the wall, we just need a better grip on reality here and some patience. His time is still ahead of him, make no mistake about that. If they didn't care about him he wouldn't have been on that card. If they were going turn him into Chris Masters or someone like that, that's where he's be, but he's not. I have a feeling something bigger is on the horizon and all of this is simply the prelude to it.
Morrison is boring, and doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut. He's a guy who should be significantly further ahead than he is, but falls painfully short of his potential. Oh well, won't miss him if he's gone.
Stop with the JoMo Loving he aint that special.

Lets Make A list of what JoMo has going for him:

1.Good In The Ring
2. Got A Good Look

Thats it.

Ziggler, Rhodes, , Miz, Truth, Punk, Barrett, Sheamus, Ryder, Del Rio & Daniel Bryan all deserve their spot and should always get the spot over Morrison . They all have more then 2 Things going for them.

You say Mr. Anderson, Christian, Jeff Hardy, Matt hardy and RVD all main event Stars in TNA well Jeff Hardy & RVD Where Main Event Star in WWE.

Mr Anderson was on his rise to a Main Event Star he was on one of the biggest push ever as more then likely going to be revealed as Vinces son until the Wellness Violation & then the Orton issue.

Christian could have become a Main Event player but he left so who knows but he came back and look he is a 2x Champ

As for Matt Hardy who gives a crap he shouldn't even be a mid carder let alone main event.

JoMo is the reason he is not a Main Event Star He needed to put effort into his Mic skills and not mouth off towards big WWE Alumni to defend his $lut of a girlfriend
\John Morrison is great in the ring, but cannot give anyone to give a damn about him if his life depended on it.

Before his injury, the crowd gave a huge damn about him. He stole the show at the Royal Rumble AND Elimination Chamber earlier this year, put on an amazing match with the Miz on Raw, on top of numerous live matches that made people go nuts for the guy. He's got way more personality & mic ability than people give him credit for, and before WrestleMania EVERYONE acknowledged this.

JoMo is the reason he is not a Main Event Star He needed to put effort into his Mic skills and not mouth off towards big WWE Alumni to defend his $lut of a girlfriend

What makes you call her a ****? There's not even a single rumor of Melina sleeping around the locker like Kelly Kelly or anyone. Blind hate towards women leads people down the path of spousal abuse and criminal activity, you should really knock that shit off, bro.

Anyways, his mic skills were fine & still growing before he got injured. You can't really say he should put effort into that area when the WWE has barely let him speak since he's returned. He never did anything unimpressive on the mic before he left.
I hate to break it to you man, but right after posting in a Alberto Del Rio thread, I might as well rehash some of what I said about Del Rio. John Morrison is great in the ring, but cannot give anyone to give a damn about him if his life depended on it. He has no personality at all. Being great in the ring will only get you so far in the pro wrestling business. Not everybody can be a Chris Benoit.

I loved John Morrison and had high hopes for him last year (hence my sig, which I will probably be changing soon), but now I just cannot see him as a WWE champion. Like I stated earlier, in this business you cannot just get by on ring talent alone. It's about hyping your matches and building storylines which Morrison lacks in every category imaginable in. There is no heat or build to any match he has. He is just thrown into a match and people go "oh wow that was an awesome match".

This relates to John Cena a lot as well. People make ignorant claims that he sucks in the ring, but even if he did, one thing that seperates him from Morrison (among thousands of others) is that people actually give a shit about him. He knows how to build a feud and to invest the fans into his matches and his character.

As far as TNA goes, sure why not? I don't see Morrison going anywhere in WWE anyway. They pretty much have gave up on him and are just using him for some last minute things before his contract expires, hence the Ziggler match from SS tonight. Yeah he will probably be given the TNA world title at some point, but so what? What is that going to do for TNA? The ratings? Absolutely nothing except give Morrison that lukewarm feel good moment so many people say he supposedly deserves.
That's pretty much it. Morrison is on the terrible limbo of guys that are very talented, but just can't get the crowd to care about them at all (and yes, I agree that Del Rio is also like this, only to a bit lesser extent, and I don't see him getting another main event belt until this changes).
Morrison, in the WWE, can only be used for those cool moments and intense matches to fill midcards, or as a "last minute" tag team partner for a main eventer for a single night. I don't think he needs to leave, but I think he will - and, even if he's stay, things most likely aren't going to change for him.
Anyway, I like Morrison and hopes he ends up staying with the WWE and back to his upper midcard spot.
Wow dude, you seriously need to like, go have a cannoli or something and feel better. You're a feisty devil.:blink:

Stop with the JoMo Loving he aint that special.

Lets Make A list of what JoMo has going for him:

1.Good In The Ring
2. Got A Good Look

Thats it.

You're optometrist just called, he said you're incredibly short sighted.

Ziggler, Rhodes, , Miz, Truth, Punk, Barrett, Sheamus, Ryder, Del Rio & Daniel Bryan all deserve their spot and should always get the spot over Morrison . They all have more then 2 Things going for them.

That's not entirely true.

Ziggler has the fortune of being used meaningfully. Put him in the same situation as JoMo, being used here and there, and he's not going to make people care about him any more than JoMo does, use is a big part of it, and Ziggler is on the push of a lifetime.

Rhodes isn't necessarily MUCH better on the mic, he's sounded ridiculous for months wearing the mask and once again has the benefit of a push going for him.

Miz and Truth, Both involved in a high profile feud as well. Miz is admittedly much better on the mic, not so much in the ring. Truth, not a genius on the mic, but he gets it done.

Punk is the most popular guy in the business ATM, and is a complete package you could compare the rest of the guys you mentioned to and say that none of them have what he does, so it's not exactly a fair comparison to single out Morrison on that one.

Barrett, No one cares about Wade Barrett, his push has been forced because they need some more heels on SmackDown, he sounds like hes' swallowing his tongue half the time on the mic, and is nothing special to look at or watch wrestle.

Sheamus, He has the natural charisma but isn't doing anything special. He has the luxury of being a big guy who is friends with the right people, being a good wrestler at his size, and also being PUSHED. He is by no means a GREAT mic guy either, he's passable.

Ryder....Are you serious bro???

Del Rio, go look at the rest of the forum and see how people feel about Del Rio. I happen to like him, but he's not exactly a genius on the mic, he has a very repetitive gimmick, and gets PUSHED

Daniel Bryan, oh and look at how great they've been treating him. He's a guy a lot of people feel lacks the charisma to get over and isn't great on the mic, but because of his technical style the want to see him succeed. I'd say of all these people he's the closest to being in the same position as Morrison. Still, He was given the MITB and put over plenty of guys before that with a PUSH.

Do you see the trend here that REALLY makes the difference between Morrison and a lot of these guys??? Few of them are so far and away better than him in the ring, on the mic, have soooo much more charisma, or anything else, and I would go as far as to say that he sells for his opponents better than a lot of those guys too. The difference is that most of them are in the middle of pushes and the WWE is trying to make them look as great as they possibly can.

Morrison just get's thrown in a match here and there, so how is he supposed to make people care about him by carrying a feud or something when he doesn't get one, and everyone else is being highlighted regularly??? He's just been in the doghouse for a while, his contract is almost up and so there's no reason to put him in a big feud at the moment, and until the contract situation is figured out he won't be put in anything major. However, he has kept himself relevant to the fans enough that there are threads all over talking about him, anticipating what will happen with him, he still gets pops, the fans respond well to his matches, and he maintains all of that without being pushed, without being highly featured, and without getting a lick of mic time.

I'd say he's shown that he's a lot better than people give him credit for with all of that said. Most of those other guys would just be gone and forgotten for the most part if they weren't being pushed, and featured, and given tons of mic time, and good feuds,etc....He's shown that he has staying power without all that, so what else have you got to say?
Morrison is given tons of opportunities to get over. fact is, in NEW YORK FUCKING CITY, a place that is very smarkish and LOOOOOVEZ flippity small dudes....Morrison didn't get any chants. zack ryder, who wasn't even in the match, who got himself over, got the chants.

In pro wrestling you dont' get pushed because of your workrate or your number of five star matches or your flips, you get pushed because you get over. Morrison doesn't. End of story, stop being a mark.
Im just surprised no one else caught this!

You figure, Morrsion has been passed by on the chain by Ziggler, Rhodes, Kofi, Miz, Truth, Punk, Barrett, Sheamus, Swagger, Ryder, Del Rio, Mason Ryan, COLE, JIM LAWLER & Daniel Bryan...

Who in the blue hell is JIM LAWLER? Is that some bastardized test tube clone of JR and King? Just asking.

Morrison is crap, I gave up on him a long time ago. He has done NOTHING to change his character. *NEWS FLASH* WHEN YOU AREN"T GETTING OVER ITS TIME FOR SOME CHANGES!

Seriously Morrison has been the same character since he first came in as Johnny Nitro in MNM. Morrison made his bed and has done NOTHING to change it...he is complacent. He hasn't gotten better on the mic so he cant have good feuds. If you cant talk nowadays then you just dont work out. Since managers have basically gone the way of the do-do...if you cant talk you're screwed. Look at Miz, he worked on his character and skill, same with Ziggler and Sheamus. Morrison is still the same dead character.

His actions with Melina towards Trish (a legend BTW) were the final shovel of dirt on his already dead and buried career.

Morrison doesn't need to go to TNA cause frankly TNA DOESN'T NEED MORRISON. Let him and Melina waste away somewhere until the day comes when he finally realizes that she is nothing more than a cancer to his career.
First of all... Canada Sucks! You suck! What do you do all day besides mark on the internet?

Morrison and Milena are at least wrestlers! What are you? Some over-weight douche in his grandma's basement eating pork rinds while unemployed.

If Morrison goes to TNA, it's better than being treated like crap in the WWE. He has 100X the talent HHH has, but can't kiss ass as much as HHH or any of the other WWE ass kissers!

Keep your lame life going xoxo French Kiss *** xoxo!

I wanted to get in on this discussion, but that is one of the most asinine statements I have ever heard. No HHH doesn't use the "Parkour" style...he doesn't have a slo mo intro or terrible intro music, but he does have a throwback style, where he can compete with someone at the top of the roster, or the bottom. Morrison is one of the guys that can really wrestle, but he cannot carry a match on his own, at all, and he has -0- Mic skills. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but even speaking Morrison's name, along with HHH's, in a sentence involving talent, should be a crime. :wtf:
I think everyone is missing something here about Morrison and that was back when the Morrison gimmick first surfaced and he won the ECW Title his mic skills were unreal on ECW! The guy was awesome and his feud with Punk was great. Both of them had the chops on the mic to get the fued over and the skills in the ring to keep me in my seat watching. In my opinion teaming him with Miz tamed him somewhat, I think WWE saw something they liked in Miz more and went with him. Miz became the breakout star of that teaming because of booking and look where he is now. The guy has the talk but he is shit in the ring compared to Morrison. Morrison did once have it all, looks, ring ability and mic work but WWE shifted their focus. Putting him back on Smackdown would probably help heaps because RAW has got a few midcarders already that they are looking to book strong and one of them is Ryder, so they won't want to dampen his run any time soon by having Morrison jocky for position with him. Ziggler will put over Ryder so Morrison needs to swap brands and get into a good rivalry with the likes of Rhodes, Bryan, Barret etc to get him over. Give him a bit more freedom on the mic because that early John Morrison stuff was gold and I feel that his main problem character wise is that his balls were snipped so to speak. At the end of the day if WWE wanted him to succeed then they would, Austin was once shit on the mic but they had him work with Pillman and look what happened. Let Morrison work with someone who can help him, even it is backstage and give him a little bit of freedom and a bit of an edge that makes him more than just a run of the mill face... he needs attitude to go with his rock star looks!
Now, Mr. Morrsion, you look at Mr. Anderson, Christian, Jeff Hardy, Matt hardy and RVD and compare your career to that. Those guys left the WWE, went to TNA and became main eventers in a heart beat. You put Morrsion in TNA, he is one of the top guys the second he walks in the door. You keep John Morrison in the WWE and he joins Drew Mcintyre and Chris Masters...guys who are or were just waiting for the pink slips. Morrsion needs a fresh start just like Christian did and if you want to, then come back. No way he should stay...What you think?

Yeah I think a few things need to be pointed out about some of those guys you've named who left WWE and became main eventers in a heartbeat.

Mr. Anderson did go onto the main event in TNA, but the result was him being the weakest and most overall irrelevant he's been at any point in his career. He has two nothing runs with the TNA WHC that equaled a total of around 60 days and was consistently booked to look weak throughout both reigns. Now, Anderson is damaged goods that TNA is going to have to really put a lot of work into before anyone really buys into Anderson as a main event level threat. Anderson was built up heavily over a long period of time but when the time came to put him in the top spot, he shined about as much as a rancid turd. In this sense, he's kind of TNA's version of Alberto Del Rio.

As for Jeff Hardy, as you recall, Hardy was a main eventer in WWE when he left. He left in the middle of the biggest push of his career and during a time when his popularity was at its peak. But yeah, TNA elevated Hardy to the main event spot and look what happened. His first TNA WHC run involved him mostly sitting on the title for 3 months. He literally wrestled a single match on iMPACT! while he was champ, a 3 minute match against Raven in which Raven would "quit" if he lost. He dropped the title to Anderson, he got the title back from Anderson not a month later and then came Victory Road. Hardy's drug & legal problems have made him the butt of endless series of jokes since he came to TNA and became TNA WHC. Now, Hardy might well be damaged goods on a permanent basis despite his mention about maybe going after the World Title this past Thursday during his promo with Karen Jarrett. So yeah, I wouldn't exactly use Jeff Hardy's time in TNA as a sign of greatness.

As for Matt Hardy, he's NEVER been a main eventer. Matt Hardy doesn't have, has never had nor will he probably ever have the talent to be a main eventer. During the time Matt Hardy was in TNA, he was almost immediately relegated to the same role he'd had in WWE for the past few years: bring him out to wrestle a match on occassion and lose most of the time. And TNA did fire him after a bit as you recall all before Hardy had really done anything except work as a low level stooge in Immortal.

As for RVD, again, RVD was a main eventer in WWE before he was let go. RVD sabotaged his own career in WWE with his well known fondness for marijuana. He was arrested, along with Sabu, after all for possession during a time when RVD was simultaneously the WWE & ECW Champion. WWE gave the guy a shot and he blew it..after inhailing deeply first however. :blush: In TNA, RVD did have a long run as TNA WHC but it wasn't all that memorable. None of the matches were all that great but, to be fair, the TNA Ranking System screwed things up quite a bit as well. It generally resulted in RVD having one match feuds with wrestlers before moving onto wrestle a different contender.

I guess the point of my going over all this was to point out that, in spite of what some might say, heading to TNA doesn't mean that you're going to exactly be "used right" or that you're going to be an ultimately bigger & better star there than you were in WWE.

As for John Morrison, I enjoy the guy. He's a helluva lot of fun to watch inside the ring but the man just generally has no real charisma. His lack of promo skills and just really forming a connection with the fans have been his biggest weaknesses overall. His gimmick needs an overhaul in my view as he's gone about as far as he can as the ultimate Hollywood metrosexual. In a lot of ways, JoMo really reminds me of Kazarian: they both have the pretty boy thing going on, both are really athletic and neither one can cut a promo worth a damn. Just like Kazarian, I don't think Morrison would rise higher than X Division Champion if he headed to TNA.

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