Wow dude, you seriously need to like, go have a cannoli or something and feel better. You're a feisty devil.
Stop with the JoMo Loving he aint that special.
Lets Make A list of what JoMo has going for him:
1.Good In The Ring
2. Got A Good Look
Thats it.
You're optometrist just called, he said you're incredibly short sighted.
Ziggler, Rhodes, , Miz, Truth, Punk, Barrett, Sheamus, Ryder, Del Rio & Daniel Bryan all deserve their spot and should always get the spot over Morrison . They all have more then 2 Things going for them.
That's not entirely true.
Ziggler has the fortune of being used meaningfully. Put him in the same situation as JoMo, being used here and there, and he's not going to make people care about him any more than JoMo does, use is a big part of it, and Ziggler is on the push of a lifetime.
Rhodes isn't necessarily MUCH better on the mic, he's sounded ridiculous for months wearing the mask and once again has the benefit of a push going for him.
Miz and Truth, Both involved in a high profile feud as well. Miz is admittedly much better on the mic, not so much in the ring. Truth, not a genius on the mic, but he gets it done.
Punk is the most popular guy in the business ATM, and is a complete package you could compare the rest of the guys you mentioned to and say that none of them have what he does, so it's not exactly a fair comparison to single out Morrison on that one.
Barrett, No one cares about Wade Barrett, his push has been forced because they need some more heels on SmackDown, he sounds like hes' swallowing his tongue half the time on the mic, and is nothing special to look at or watch wrestle.
Sheamus, He has the natural charisma but isn't doing anything special. He has the luxury of being a big guy who is friends with the right people, being a good wrestler at his size, and also being PUSHED. He is by no means a GREAT mic guy either, he's passable.
Ryder....Are you serious bro???
Del Rio, go look at the rest of the forum and see how people feel about Del Rio. I happen to like him, but he's not exactly a genius on the mic, he has a very repetitive gimmick, and gets PUSHED
Daniel Bryan, oh and look at how great they've been treating him. He's a guy a lot of people feel lacks the charisma to get over and isn't great on the mic, but because of his technical style the want to see him succeed. I'd say of all these people he's the closest to being in the same position as Morrison. Still, He was given the MITB and put over plenty of guys before that with a PUSH.
Do you see the trend here that REALLY makes the difference between Morrison and a lot of these guys??? Few of them are so far and away better than him in the ring, on the mic, have soooo much more charisma, or anything else, and I would go as far as to say that he sells for his opponents better than a lot of those guys too. The difference is that most of them are in the middle of pushes and the WWE is trying to make them look as great as they possibly can.
Morrison just get's thrown in a match here and there, so how is he supposed to make people care about him by carrying a feud or something when he doesn't get one, and everyone else is being highlighted regularly??? He's just been in the doghouse for a while, his contract is almost up and so there's no reason to put him in a big feud at the moment, and until the contract situation is figured out he won't be put in anything major. However, he has kept himself relevant to the fans enough that there are threads all over talking about him, anticipating what will happen with him, he still gets pops, the fans respond well to his matches, and he maintains all of that without being pushed, without being highly featured, and without getting a lick of mic time.
I'd say he's shown that he's a lot better than people give him credit for with all of that said. Most of those other guys would just be gone and forgotten for the most part if they weren't being pushed, and featured, and given tons of mic time, and good feuds,etc....He's shown that he has staying power without all that, so what else have you got to say?