AF 25: Amber Warren vs. Jimmy Flynn

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the Frog
After being taken out of action by the Carnival of Carnage a few weeks ago, Jimmy Flynn will be returning to in-ring action as he takes on the fairly new superstar Amber Warren who is 1-1 in WZCW. She'll be looking to increase that a 67% winning ration whilst Flynn has the chance to return with an almost fresh slate and build some momentum with a win before looking to head after the man responsible for his short absence.

Deadline is Wednesday, June 26th 2013, at 11:59 P.M. (Central Time Zone) Soft Extensions Only.
Head down, books held close to her chest, she walked through the hallways as if she didn’t hear anything. Faster and faster she walked but could not ignore what was being said.

She’s fat.

Look at her walk, she’s so weird.


Chunky Warren…Chunky Warren…Chunky Warren...

Tears ran down her face. This time, she ran. She ran as if her life depended on it. Her arms would flail around because of her weird running pattern which only caused a few other kids she passed by to laugh even more at her. Her pudgy legs didn’t do her any favors and almost gave out on her. She raced through the hallway, breathing heavily, making lefts and rights to finally reach her destination; the exit. She bursts through the door and looks out to the sea of people. What she saw was just like any other school whether it was parents picking up their kids or other kids playing on the playground. She looked through the sea of people and finally spotted someone she could run to, her brother, Nate.

You okay Amber? What happened?

Nate pulled his sister in, giving her a big hug. He took her by the hand and took her bag as they made their way to the car. As soon as the car door closed, you could hear Amber sigh a sigh of relief.

Sis, talk to me, what happened back there?

Nate tried his best to get his younger sister to talk but she wouldn’t say anything. After a long while, they finally reached their house. Nate attempts once more to talk to his sister.

Sis, I know middle school is tough, but you gotta tell me what happened back there so I know what’s wrong.

Just as Amber clicked her seatbelt to go off, she just sat there, silent, with Nate having a concerned look on his face. Her lips began to quiver before blurting out what’s been bothering her.

I’m fat Nate, that’s what’s wrong!

This prompted Nate to remove his seatbelt as well but before he could say anything in return, Amber opened the car door, and ran with her face buried in her hands with tears, making her way inside the house. Nate got out of the car as well and followed suit.

In the house, Nate was already too late as Amber was inside her room with the doors locked. Nate noticed that their parents weren’t around….again, which made Nate upset. He tried opening the door leading to Amber’s room but had no luck in opening it.

Amber, let me in! Let me talk to you.

No! You wouldn’t understand, just leave me alone!

Nate realized that Amber really wouldn’t budge so he hurried over to the living room and approached a drawer. He rifled through the drawer, throwing out various things in his way such as pieces of paper, a stapler, and envelopes. Nate was getting frustrated as he couldn’t find the keys. He began banging on the door again, pleading with Amber to open the door. Nate didn’t know what else to do so he went back to the drawer again and finally found what he was looking for and picked up a set of master keys with each key being labeled to what they open. He quickly got the key that was labled Amber’s Room.

Amber! Let me in, open the door right now!

The scene goes to the inside of Amber’s room, it looks just like any teenage girl’s room. It’s purple with a ton of stuffed toys around, along with a huge mirror in her room. Nate’s persistent banging on the door could be heard but Amber pays no attention to it. She gets off the bed, still in tears, but her crying seems to have died down a little. She approaches the mirror and takes a moment to look at herself. Her big brown eyes are covered by her long, dark brown hair as she parts her bangs to see her face. She looks at herself once again and begins feeling the sides of her waist which are big for a girl her age. Amber’s loud cry returns but this time, we hear Nate throwing himself at the door, trying to barge in as the keys seemingly don’t work for some reason.

Amber! If you don’t open this door, I’m just gonna have to knock it down, do you want that?!

Nate’s plea falls on deaf ears as you can just hear the pain and anguish in Amber’s loud crying wails. Amber continues on crying before she can’t take it anymore, she punches the mirror! The sound of glass shattering mixed in with Amber’s crying was the final straw for Nate as he finally knocked down the door to enter Amber’s room. Blood trickles down from Amber’s hand, clearly a big wound. Nate quickly picked his sister up and brought her outside of the room to get her away from the glass before talking to her.

Amber, why’d you do that?!

Nate is completely frustrated but knows that getting mad won't fix anything. He fixes Amber’s hair so that he can see her face. He gets her a cup of water and some bandages to treat the wound that Amber caused to herself.

Why Nate, why do I look like this?

Look like what? You look great Amber, don’t matter what anyone thinks. I know you’re going through a rough time in school, but you can’t punish yourself every time, now can you?

Amber calms down a little as she gulps down the water Nate got for her.

Calm down sis, calm down. It’s all over.

The scene ends with Nate hugging his little sister before fading out.


We are backstage as the cameras enter a locker room and is revealed to be occupied by Amber Warren. Leon Kensworth barges in with his camera crew who seems to be disturbing Warren as she is doing some shadow boxing.

Amber, can we bother you for just a moment?

Amber looks intense which makes Leon back off a little but stops her shadow boxing and calls over Leon for the interview.

After winning your first match in your WZCW career at Aftershock 24, your next opponent is no slouch, he’s been a gifted athlete it seems his entire life. What will you do against Jimmy Flynn to ensure you get your second win in your WZCW career?

Easy Leon, just go out there and wrestle my ass off. I know that may sound cliché but what else can you do? Every superstar’s job on WZCW is to go out there and work their butt off to pull out the win. You can’t take it easy on anyone because anything can happen, an upset can occurr, that’s why you always have to be on top of your game.

That’s true. Also, people have been saying that you and Jimmy Flynn are a lot alike because you both were high school athletes, care to comment on that?

A thought comes to Amber and she just simply smirks.

People say we’re a lot alike huh? Well those people can’t be more wrong. You see, Jimmy Flynn had it easy. He was a gifted athlete, he was praised for it. His life in school was a cake walk. Now that’s not me undermining Jimmy, but when people say we’re a lot alike, that is absolutely, one hundred percent WRONG.

How so?

Here’s a history lesson for all of you who don’t really know me, pay attention WZCW universe. In my teenage years, I was one fat kid, like really fat, I don’t even know how I got that big. But yeah, I went through a lot, I went through hell if you will. I was made fun of, I was called all kinds of names, and I broke down, that was the low point in my life. However, I turned it around.

Amber’s attitude gets intense as if telling all her haters out there to look at how much she’s grown.

Not sure if this was a blessing in disguise, but I learned a lot from it. One of those things is to stay hungry, and not the hungry that involves food, but the kind of hungry that makes you wanna be the best at what you do. I could’ve done something else other than wrestling, but I chose wrestling despite my parents not approving of it. Hell, to this day, they still don’t approve, but I’m working on it. But back to wrestling, I chosewrestling because I love doing this and because it’s been a passion of mine that helped me in the rough times in my life. Wrestling played a very big part of my life. And hey, why stop what you love doing right?

Fair enough. Any last words before we end the interview?

Amber then looks right into the camera.

To all of you who don’t know me yet, that’s fine. My quest of getting to WZCW has happened and it has only just begun. I came here to wrestle, to fight, to be the best this company has to offer. And Jimmy, you’re in the way of that, you’re simply a stepping stone on my quest to the top. I’m here to show you all that I’m not just a pretty face, but a pretty fierce competitor.

With that, Amber begins shadow boxing once again and winks at the camera. The cameras face down, but is brought back up by Amber, as she throws a right hand punch to the camera, shattering its lense. Because of this, the feed gives out and the scene fades.
Ok, let’s see if we can’t find someone back here for a piece.

Johnny Klamor is walking through the backstage area of the Cheyenne Frontier Days Arena during the WZCW house show. The roar of the crowd is dimmed in the distance, and is getting quieter still. The cameraman with him looks through the halls, finding the door to a locker room, which he points out to Klamor. The interviewer makes sure he’s all ready to enter, then throws the door open to spot the Devil’s Dancer watching a tape of Aftershock 23, rewinding it over one moment.

With Hunter and Blaze advancing on the ring, Flynn stands his ground. The two slide into the ring and Flynn gets the jump, hammering away with stomps and wild haymakers. He succeeds in initially kicking Blaze from the ring, before lifting Hunter up for a powerslam, but Hunter rakes the eyes, allowing him to slip away. A low blow allows time for his partner to recover. The two then continue their assault, hammering away with punches and elbows. They measure up Flynn and hit simultaneous elbows to the front and back of the head, Addictive Chaos. Blaze then walks to the corner and removes the protective padding from the top turnbuckle. Hunter drags Flynn over and slams his head hard into the exposed steel. Blaze then grabs the head of Flynn and follows suit, slamming him hard. They release Flynn, blood oozing from a gash on his forehead. Hunter tosses him to the ground as Blaze goes to retrieve a microphone.

Johnny walks up to the former state champion, raising his microphone. Jimmy turns at the last minute to see Klamor getting ready with the cameraman.

Jimmy: Was I ever going to be notified of whatever it is you’re planning?

Johnny turns and looks at Flynn, chuckling to himself.

Johnny: Jimmy boy, you just sit there and I’ll let you know when I’m ready for you.

Jimmy sighs, and stands up and walks over next to Johnny, shaking his head.

Jimmy: John, I’m really not in the-

He is interrupted by Johnny’s opening.

Johnny: Ladies and gentlemen, I’m here with one of the more overrated wrestlers today, Jimmy Flynn. Now, Jimmy-

Jimmy returns the interruption earlier in kind by yanking the microphone out of the interviewer’s hand, and glares at Johnny.

Jimmy: First off, was that really necessary? Second, I’m really not in the mood at all for this, and you jumping on me with this is really not helping at all. Aftershock wasn’t the best time for me. Now, if you’ll excuse me…

With that, Jimmy thrusts the microphone back at Klamor, who struggles to keep a hold on it. Flynn starts to walk out of the room, as the video follows him walking out the door, then returns to Johnny, who seems to be a bit ruffled at what happened.

Johnny: Well, that was a bust.

Jimmy sighs and shakes his head outside the door as he continues to walk out of the arena.

Jimmy: Aftershock was the worst night of my career so far…

Looking across the ring at Hades, the mind starts to think.

Ok, big boy. Let’s try to cut him down some, then head to my specialty.

A belly to back suplex after Hades runs into the ring post.

Well, getting him down isn’t that bad, now let’s keep him down, Jim.

When Hades returns to his feet, the vision ducks down and drops him back onto his back. But, the situation turns itself around and ends up with Hades on top, raining punches with one arm, his other one left alone.


We see a small shift, as legs come into view and wrap themselves around Hades’ free arm, locking in the omoplata, and wrenches down on it.

Don’t give an inch…

The view goes further more, and a sickening pop is heard, almost like a gunshot.

What the he-

The view quickly rolls forward and looks down at Hades clutching his arm in pain.

Dear lord…

Hades is taken out on a stretcher, as the view fades down.

We return to a new scene at a beautiful lake, with no breeze to disrupt the calm of the water. The trees surrounding the area aren’t moving as a figure appears on a dock off the water. He looks up to the sky, then sits down on the edge of the dock.

Jimmy: To quote a former wrestler, “I used to never worry about getting hurt, just screwing up.” My first major screw up happened at Aftershock 23.

Jimmy looks out at the water.

Jimmy: When I injured Hades, it was my screw up that did it. I pushed too hard, and something had to give. It was a complete accident, and I hope Hades makes a full and speedy recovery. But that’s only part of what was bad about that night.

Flynn stands up from the dock and makes his way over to the shoreline.

Jimmy: Dustin Hunter, I’ma share something with you that you’d want to learn pretty quick: I’m not a guy you wanna piss off. And you managed to do just that when you attacked me then. I’ll be coming for you, and then you’d wish that you hadn’t gotten rid of your friend.

Flynn picks up a rock and throws it to the lake, and watches as it skips, making small disruptions in the calm.

Jimmy: But, on to more pressing issues. I’m being given another newer person, by name of Amber Warren. She gave a good showing last week, while I was recovering from the attack.

Jimmy sits on the shore, breathing in deeply.

Jimmy: Miss Warren, you may have gone well last week, but I’m a whole different beast. I’ll give you a big introduction to WZCW, and you best be ready to dance with the best.

Jimmy stands up and walks away as the scene fades.
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