AF 26: Chris K.O. & Dustin Hunter vs. S.H.I.T. & Jimmy Flynn

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the Frog

Both Chris and S.H.I.T. were successful in carrying the mid-card titles out of KC V. Now, they will square off in the ring in a +1 scenario. Lower card athletes Dustin Hunter and Jimmy Flynn will get to rub elbows with some top superstars in this tag team match-up.

Deadline is Tuesday (August 20, 2013) at 11:59 P.M. (Central Time). Extensions are allowed via request.
The Low:

July 29th, 2013 9:30 PM
Dodger Stadium, Los Angeles, California

The cameras go into a dark hallway backstage where we see the shadow of a man who's banging his head against the wall in anger. As the cameras get closer they can hear the man yelling "stupid! stupid! You had it won!" and after hearing the voice we can now tell the man is The Nightmare, Dustin Hunter. Next to him stands his brand new manager, the beautiful blonde Katie, who's trying to calm him down as the camera man approaches and taps Hunter on the shoulder, which causes him to spin around and glare at the camera man.

Dustin: What do you want? What do you want with me? You people are always bugging me! I see you all watching me, waiting to see if I'm gonna do something crazy. I did what you wanted, I went out there and gave it my all in the match and again my best wasn't good enough!

Dustin gets angry and punches the wall as the camera man takes a step back out of fear of being decked. Katie stands behind Dustin trying to calm him down as she knows how he gets when he loses his temper.

Dustin: I go out there every week and every week I give it my god damn best effort but it's just not good enough! Am I not good enough? Am I not good enough to be in WZCW?

Dustin runs his hands through his hair as he begins pacing at the end of the hallway while the camera man stands his ground and Katie looks worried as Dustin begins to slowly get more and more worked up.

Dustin: You know Albert Einstein once said insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Am I insane? I must be. Don't you agree?

The camera man isn't sure how to react but shakes his head no as he assumes that's the right answer. Dustin however isn't pleased and gets in the face of the camera man, who begins to fear for what might happen to him.

Dustin: Get out. Get out of here now!

Dustin gets handed his cane from Katie and he raises it to the cheek of the camera man, which causes him to turn off his camera and walk away quickly, almost jogging but not quite. Meanwhile back in the hallway, Katie is trying to calm down Dustin and it seems to be working as the scene fades out.

August 14th, 2013 6:00 PM
Dustin's Apartment, Detroit, Michigan

The scene fades into the stairway leading up to Dustin's apartment when we see Dustin and Katie reach the top of the staircase.

Dustin: You think he's already here?

Katie: Maybe. He's not exactly predictable.

The two walk into the apartment after Dustin unlocks the door and Dustin turns on the lights in the apartment and they see Azazel sitting in a chair looking angry as he glares at both of them. Suddenly they realize they're in trouble.

Azazel: How the hell did you BOTH fail at Wrestlezone Weekend? I gave you both your orders of what to do and you failed! This is unacceptable!

Azazel stands up and he looks beyond angry at these two being unable to get the job done as of late. Katie seems fearful as she backs up and has a look of sorrow in her eyes. Dustin however shows no signs of being scared and instead takes a step towards Azazel which shocks the other two people in the apartment.

Dustin: Well, what do you expect me to do different? I took out Brent Blaze and The Angel already!

Azazel: That's child's play! It's time for you to sink your teeth into the big names of WZCW!

Dustin laughs sarcastically as Azazel tilts his head, as if he's confused at what he's laughing at.

Azazel: Problem?

Dustin: You realize that's impossible right? I'm a fucking jobber! WZCW management would never put me in a match with a big name!

Azazel laughs before an evil grin crosses his face which confuses Dustin.

Azazel: It's easy to manipulate people, even WZCW management, when you know their vices.

Dustin: What do you mean?

Azazel: I have set up a big match for you this week in the main event of Aftershock. You'll be teaming up with Chris K.O. to take on Jimmy Flynn and S.H.I.T..

Dustin seems shocked at the big match he'll be in this week. He's about to speak, but before he can he's cut off by Azazel.

Azazel: Yes Hunter my boy, the match is big league, but it is not your opponent I want you to decimate, but your teammate.

Dustin: Wait...what? You want me to take out Chris KO? Why?

Azazel: Because, what better way to make everybody remember the name Dustin Hunter than to take out the reigning EurAsian Champion?

Dustin slowly nods as he realizes Azazel has a point here. But at the same time he hesitates about taking out another partner.

Azazel: I can tell you don't seem thrilled about the idea. But hey you already took out one worthless partner in Brent Blaze. What's it matter if you take out anther one on your path to immortality?

Azazel gives Hunter an evil grin as Dustin still seems somewhat hesitant about his big task ahead of him this week. Katie is standing back watching as Azazel taps his foot while waiting for an answer.

Azazel: So can I trust you to take out KO this week or not?

Dustin thinks for a few more seconds before taking a deep breath.

Dustin: You know you can trust me. Consider it done.

Azazel takes a step back and reaches behind the near by recliner that Katie is sitting in and from behind it, he pulls out the ringmasters cane he gave to Dustin a few weeks back.

Azazel: You know what to do.

The two shake hands, both wary of the other not knowing if they can fully trust the other as Dustin remembers what happened to his old friend Brent Blaze when he let down Azazel and Azazel begins to think he chose the wrong superstar to trust with his mission as the scene fades out.
The locker room door swings open as the Devils Dancer Jimmy Flynn enters carrying his gym bag, he slings it on the floor and sits down on one of the benches, rubbing his face in his hands, after a while he begins to mutter to himself as if someone else is in the room with him.

"No, no, don't touch me there." Suddenly Flynn looks up and gasps in surprise, "Holy shi..."

Stood in the corner of the locker room is S.H.I.T, bedecked in an array of jewellery that would make even the most flamboyant of rappers envious, gold chains and bracelets that even Jimmy Saville hadn't discovered, and underneat all that a ridiculous red tuxedo that has been torn at the seams where someone has tried to force it over the Robot's square frame. Taking precedence over all that however, is the Elite X Title, which is draped over the Machine's shoulder.

"What in the name of?"

Greetings Jimmy Flynn, S.H.I.T said with all the warmth of a snow storm. This one apologises for the poor state of its dress, this tuxedo is only temporary until one is made up to fit.

Jimmy nods, mouth still wide open. S.H.I.T strolls over to him, the sound of the gold making a noise like the worlds most horrendous wind-chime.

S.H.I.T thought it prudent to discuss our upcoming match against Chris K.O and Dustin Hunter.

Jimmy closes his mouth, as if pleased to finally be discussing something productive. "Yeah, I figure we need some kind of game-plan," he said slowly, still not taking his eyes off what could possibly be a small fortune stood in front of him.

Affirmative. S.H.I.T pauses, SUGGESTION; S.H.I.T and Jimmy Flynn destroy them! S.H.I.T nods, as though the matter is settled. Thank you for your time Jimmy Flynn, this one will see you again in the ring when we defeat Chris K.O and Dustin Hunter. S.H.I.T goes to leave, but Jimmy stops it.

"I have to ask, whats with the get up?" When the robot cocks its head questioningly Jimmy indicates the jewellery and ripped tuxedo. Finally S.H.I.T understands.

This one asked former World Champion Barbosa on advice on how to be a Champion, Barbosa said stage 1 is to dress like a Champion.

"Don't you think you've overdone it?"

S.H.I.T pauses, Barbosa had seemed to be legitimate with his apology and had seemed very eager to help S.H.I.T look the part, perhaps in his desire to make up for his past actions it could be possible Barbosa went a little bit overboard, S.H.I.T thought the best course of action was to wait for the fitted Tuxedo but Barbosa had insisted on dressing it now with an inferior fit.

Negative. It lied. A Champion must look the part, it said, parroting Barbosa, Champions represent the company and S.H.I.T is a Champion. It unslung its Elite X Championship and held it up as if to prove its point.

The lie itself had come easily, far more so than any previous effort and to serve much less of a purpose, S.H.I.T had lied simply to spare itself wasting valuable time explaining something that is completely unimportant to the person being explained to, time which Jimmy Flynn could be better spent preparing for his match. Such a small reason to not tell the truth, yet there was at least some merit to it.

Jimmy shrugged. All the while never taking his eyes from the title, held aloft.

Chris K.O is also a Champion, S.H.I.T reflected. When we compete against him on Aftershock you will see that he has made similar efforts.

You can be sure of that can you?

S.H.I.T nods, S.H.I.T and Chris K.O have a long history, this one foiled his plans to betray Ty Burna at Kingdom Come, he will take his title very seriously, S.H.I.T can not be seen to be doing less.

S.H.I.T waves its title in Jimmy Flynn's face for more emphasis, the gold chains clinking with the movement, Jimmy eventually bats the title away when he realises S.H.I.T would keep the movement up all day until he got the point.

"So, you've got my back out there against those two?"

You should be in possession of your own back.

"I'll see you out there." Flynn moves to pat the Machine on the shoulder, considers that he isn't entirely sure where its shoulder is and instead extends his fist for a fist bump. S.H.I.T stares at the fist.

Is this an act of aggression?

"No," Flynn pulled his hand back and scratched his head, "and another thing, maybe you shouldn't wave that thing around in peoples faces."

S.H.I.T cocks its head questioningly.

"The title I mean, people might take it the wrong way. It might seem a bit arrogant, like you're rubbing their noses in your success."

S.H.I.T considered this for a long moment, valid point. Even without Championship symbol, S.H.I.T indicates its title still held in the air, this one is still Elite X Champion. Perhaps S.H.I.T should store it somewhere safe? S.H.I.T should not appear "over the top."

Flynn absorbs that sentence, looking at the Robot's current costume. "No, I just meant don't wave it around inches from my nose."

S.H.I.T blunders off, completely oblivious, INITIATE SEARCH; Safe location for Elite X Title.

Flynn sighs, "you've got a locker over there." He points and finally the Machine makes note.

This one was not aware of the existence of this "locker storage facility."

"Well, you're never in here." Said Flynn, picking up his bag and storing it in his own locker. "See you out there." He said, before leaving.

S.H.I.T watches him go, before opening its locker door, completely oblivious to the fact that it lacks the ability to lock the door again. It takes off its title, looks at it a while, and stores it in the locker, before taking its leave.

-------- ------------- ---------

"I am just saying, I still think you are worrying about nothing." Said the Scientist to the other man down the phone, after Kingdom Come he had finally convinced him that the Machine was in WZCW to stay, which meant that they could stop following it around to every show, staying in dingy motels all the while trying to steal it away from the psychotic Barbosa. He had been stuck with the man he only knew as "the moderately dressed man" for close to 6 months, now, finally when he had some freedom, he was not going to be denied it just because the other had got cold feet. "It beat Wasabi Toyota and John Constantine, Barbosa didn't interfere in his match, he didn't interfere in Barbosa's."

This is broken off by squeaky, incomprehensible voice from the other end of the phone.

"No, why do you think he'd do something crazy just because he's a Champion now?"

More squeaky dialogue.

"Delusions of grandeur?" The Scientist laughed. "It's mantra is S.H.I.T exists only to destroy! I'd imagine that for as long as they keep putting challengers in his path things should remain very much the same as they were."

The squeaky voice sounds somewhat appeased.

"Yeah, I doubt he even cares about the belt really."

Squeaky voice sounds placated.

"Okay, good, good. Yep, speak to you soon. Okay, bye." The Scientist puts the receiver down. "What a drip."

-------- ----------------- ----------

The locker room door swings open again, a faint jingling can be heard as S.H.I.T crosses the room again and opens its locker, taking the Elite X Title out again, it slings it on its shoulder and departs, looking like the squarest pimp stereotype in history.
The High








Prince: Alright, that’s enough!

Chris K.O. backs away from the bloodied legend known as Titus as the referee, Prince, pushes him back with a forearm. Chris drops the chair that he is currently holding his hands. Prince calls for the bell and gets a ringing response. The crowd intensifies in ruthless heat, but some are left in shock over what just happened. Chris’s face is covered in scratch marks and his torso smeared with blood. He looks at the crowd, but their noise is muffled by adrenaline. An official comes up to Chris and shoves the WZCW EurAsian Championship into his chest and ushers him out of the ring. Chris looks down at his belt in adoration as he slowly makes his way up the ramp. Several medics and officials make their way down the entrance ramp to attend to Titus. Big Dave is among them as he passes by Chris. He shouts at him a lone sentence.

Dave: Are you happy now?

Chris brushes it off and makes his way to the top of the ramp before hoisting the title high into the air. Half of the crowd soaks him in heat as the other half curiously watch the damaged Titus in the ring. The scene goes black.


The scene cuts to a shot of Chris standing behind a podium. There is a close up on his lips as a cigarette slides in-between them. He flicks a lighter and sets the cigarette ablaze. Chris speaks out of the side of his mouth.

Chris: Not one.

Chris reaches up and holds his cigarette as he takes a deep drag. He then pulls it away and points out at whomever he is addressing.

Chris: Not - a - single - fucking - one.

The camera reveals that Chris is addressing a gym full of junior high kids. Hundreds of them litter the bleachers and floor of the gymnasium as they all gawk up at Chris.

Chris: Not one of you thought that I would be standing here right now as the WZCW EurAsian Champion after Kingdom Come V.

The camera pulls back and we see Chris in a full view. He has a the EurAsian Championship draped over his shoulder as he casually sports a pair of dark-faded blue jeans and a grungy looking tank top. Four scratch marks stream down his face from where Titus had clawed him during their “I Quit” match at Kingdom Come V.

Chris: I look around this room today and I see a bunch of hypocrites.

The camera shows the innocent faces of several children.

Chris: I see your Saboteur bookbags and your light-up Krypto sneakers, but where are your Titus shirts? It wasn’t but a few weeks ago that I was written off by the mass population of the WZCW Universe, which is highly comprised of children your age. How did your prediction pan out? Let this be a lesson to you kids. Never assume anything. Because you know what happens when you assume right? You make an ass of yoursel-

???: Alright, alright!

A woman comes out on stage with an adminstrative looking outfit.

Woman: Thank you Mr. K.O., but I think that’s all the time we have for you now.

Chris: One second, Principal Hadley. One more thing kids. They asked me to come here today on the first day of your new school year to talk to you about success. I can tell you how to achieve that very simply.

Chris takes a drag of his cigarette.

Chris: Find the biggest, and baddest, bully in your school. Then, find the nearest blunt object and smash his skull in-

Hadley: Okay, okay!

Hadley reaches for the microphone at the podium and pushes it away from Chris’ mouth. She then grabs the arm of Chris to nudge him towards the exit. Chris shrugs off her grab, but heads for the exit anyway. Hadley seems rather flustered, but she pats down her outfit to compose herself.

Hadley: Kids, let’s *ahem* thank Mr. K.O. for his time.

There is some awkward and sporadic clapping that occurs as Chris arrogantly smiles with a cigarette hanging out his mouth. He waves at the junior high kids as if he truly felt he imparted some type of profound wisdom upon them. The camera shot cuts to Chris walking behind a set of curtains off-stage. He walks by an individual, but pays them no attention. However, that individual speaks up as Chris walks away.

???: Mr. K.O., that was a rather uninspiring performance.

The camera shows Chris rolling his eyes as he looks back at a woman in a black business attire with a red undershirt. Chris continues to speak with his cigarette hanging out of the side of his mouth.

Chris: Excuse me?

???: My name is Astrid Kulman. I work for WZCW doing “damage control”. And Mr. K.O., you are my latest assignment.

Chris looks highly confused as he pulls his cigarette out his mouth and tosses it on the ground. Astrid watches this and gives Chris a “really?” look as she tries to possibly fathom why any mature human being would throw a lit cigarette down on the ground of a junior high school.

Chris: Wait, WZCW has someone doing “damage control”? And what do you mean that I’m your latest assignment.

Astrid steps towards Chris.

Astrid: That’s right Mr. K.O., as hard as it may be to believe, WZCW has several superstars who leave behind a sour taste when they do things such as radio interviews or speaking to junior high school kids. So, despite most of these superstars being “adults”, I am left with the painful task of cleaning up their messes. You don’t exactly have a desirable tongue for public speaking events, but with your recent win over Titus and your current status as the EurAsian Championship it means that you’ll be speaking on behalf of the company a lot more. Which means, there will be a lot more messes.

Astrid gives a sarcastic smirk as Chris gives an over-the-top “highly offended” expression.

Chris: Look sweetheart, I don’t need a babysitter.

Astrid softly chuckles.

Astrid: Look Mr. K.O., you don’t have a choice. If you have a grievance, then I suggest you take it up with who assigned me this role, and that is WZCW Management. But I can assure you that after witnessing your performance out there; I can almost guarantee that we will be seeing a lot more of each other.

Astrid proceeds to walk straight past Chris in a stern manner. Chris is left aghast. He re-adjusts his belt on his shoulder and mutters under his breath.

Chris: She’s kind of a bitch.


The scene transitions to a shot of Vance Bateman sitting at a desk in what is presumably his office. He has a folder opened out in front of him as he thumbs through a set of documents. He has a pair of old-fashioned spectacles on as he mutters the words to a song that is coming from a audio system behind him.

Bateman: Wooahhh, we’re halfway there. Wooahh, we’re living on a prayer.

Intercom: Mr. Bateman.

Bateman reaches back and turns down the music. He goes to press a button on his intercom, but someone speaks out of it before he can reply.

Intercom: Mr. Bateman, I’m sorry. I tried to stop him, but he insisted on seeing you now.

Bateman mumbles under his breath.

Bateman: What the hell?

The door flings open and Chris walks in with the EurAsian Championship draped over his shoulder. Chris is now sporting rose-colored sunglasses in addition to his attire from the junior high event.

Bateman: Chris?!

Chris: Hey Bateman, how’s it going?

Chris makes himself at home and takes a chair on the other side of Bateman’s desk. He pulls it up to the desk and sits on it, before putting his feet up on the desk.

Bateman: What the hell is this about?

Chris just shakes his head and smiles as he removes his glasses. He tucks them on the top of his tank top and looks at Bateman.

Chris: What’s the matter Bateman, you look surprised to see me?

Bateman: Well, considering you just bursted into my office unannounced, yes I-

Chris: Nah, that isn’t it. Maybe it’s that you didn’t expect me to be walking into your office with this thing on the other side of Kingdom Come V. Hmm?

Chris points at the EurAsian Title on his shoulder. Bateman rubs his eyes as Chris continues.

Chris: So what now? Should I go out on national television and push my hand for a bigger contract? Or maybe I should put in a name-change for the belt. I’m not European or Asian. Hell, I don’t think we even have five guys on the active roster that fit the bill. The Oklahoman Title has a nice ring to it. Nah, I guess that type of privilege is only reserved for the “Elite”, isn't it Bateman? Besides, you guys are not that high on me anyways, despite my success, are you? So much in fact that you have the audacity to have a “Damage Control” agent follow me to every press conference and/or speaking event? Hmm, Bateman?

Bateman looks up at Chris.

Bateman: “Damage Control”?

Chris: Don’t play coy.

Bateman makes a gesture as if a light bulb went on over his head.

Bateman: It was Dave’s idea. Usually we just have one guy take care of all of that, but he thought you might be worth an extra amount of work after your work. So, he hired an individual just for you. Now, don’t you feel special? If you have a problem with it, take it up with him. None of it was my doing.

Bateman begins to thumb through the documents on his desk again, as if he assumes the matter has been fully addressed to Chris’ liking. Chris mulls over his current disdain for Dave in his head, but then stares at Bateman. Chris finally stands up with an annoyed aura. He seems rather insulted by Bateman giving him the cold shoulder. He walks to the door, but Bateman stops him just before he exits.

Bateman: Hey Chris, while I have you here I can avoid having to send you a message.

Chris looks back at Bateman.

Bateman: This round, it’s you and S.H.I.T., plus one.

Chris: Plus one?

Bateman: You two are going to be doing a little bit of charity work. We had to bump some guys from the Gold Rush tournament so we threw them into a tag match with you and S.H.I.T. as sympathy gifts so to speak.

Chris: How nice of you.

Bateman shoots him a fake smile.

Chris: His partner?

Bateman: Jimmy Flynn.

Chris: And mine?

Bateman: Dustin Hunter.

Chris hesitates, buy Bateman adds on.

Bateman: Who knows, Hunter could be the next you.

Chris breaks out in a cold sweat. The statement has clearly affected Chris in someway. Bateman looks up at Chris and notices that he is conflicted about something.

Bateman: That’s all I have Chris. Any questions?

Chris shakes his head "no" and exits the office.


The scene transitions to a shot of Dustin Hunter sitting down on a bench in a locker room. He hoists his gym bag up next to him on the bench. He unzips the bag and pulls out a set of boots before beginning to unlace his current footwear. Suddenly, another bag falls down next to Hunter. It belongs to none other than Chris K.O., who standing tall next to upcoming teammate. Hunter looks at Chris and then looks at the WZCW EurAsian Championship that is on his shoulder. Chris feels as though he is intimidating Hunter, so he cracks a smile.

Chris: Relax.

Chris proceeds to open his own bag and rummage through it. Hunter feels less threatened and continues to unlace his shoes.

Chris: So, about tonight. I’m coming off the biggest win of my career against Titus. I know you know that.

Hunter pulls off his shoes and continues to listen. He occasionally looks over at Chris in a cautious manner.

Chris: I have no intention of losing here tonight, or losing my momentum. So, here is what we are going to do. We are going to stick with what we know, and win. You have history with Flynn. You know him well enough in and out of the ring that you can at least keep him at bay while I take care of business. I have history with S.H.I.T. Not only that, but I have beaten him in the ring. There does not have be any in-depth research or preparation, Hunter. No amount of statistics, watching film, or anything can change what we already know. We both know what it takes and we both know what we gotta do. Got it?

Chris looks over at Hunter with a darting glare. Hunter rubs his chin roughly and then coldly replies.

Hunter: Yeah.

Chris: Good.

Chris suddenly reaches for the collar of Hunter’s shirt and pulls him up to a standing position. Hunter tries to grab Chris' arms, but Chris tightens his grip to let Hunter know he is in control. Chris gets into his face.

Chris: Listen to me Hunter, and you listen damn well! I know what you did Blaze. I saw it. Everyone saw it. If you even think about trying to pull a stunt like that on me, I’ll make your life in WZCW a living hell. I'm not some stepping stone for you like Titus was for me. Know that I'm keeping a close watch on all young talent like you. So don't even think for a second that you pull a fast-one behind my back.

Hunter looks Chris straight in the eyes and grits his teeth as he shoves him back.

Hunter: Don’t worry.

Chris smirks as he seems somewhat surprised, yet impressed, that Hunter pushed him off with such confidence. Hunter doesn't remove his eyes from Chris as he slowly sits back down on the bench. He pops his knuckles, as if letting Chris know that he won't be treated so roughly again.

Chris: You have some gall kid. I’ll give you that.

Chris goes over to his bag and zips it up. He throws it over his vacant shoulder and looks at Hunter. Hunter is still glaring at him.

Chris: Remember Hunter. It’s simple. I’ll do my job, you do yours.

Chris shoots him a cocky smirk as he walks away. Hunter stalks him down with his eyes. After Chris leaves, Hunter slowly reaches into his bag. He pulls out the Ringmaster Cane that he has adopted as his trademark weapon. He holds it calmly out in front of him, before clinching his hands tightly around it.

Hunter: I’ll do my job Chris, but I don’t think you are going to like it.

The scene goes black with the last shot being Hunter staring off-camera with a serious look upon his face.
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