AF23: Jimmy Flynn vs. Hades

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW

WZCW welcomes a somewhat confused Greek warrior to the fold, as the God of War, Hades, makes his in ring debut against Jimmy Flynn. While he may not have his mythology straight, Hades is a fearsome opponent, but Jimmy Flynn has a few matches under his belt now, and will look to prove himself a fierce competitor for the newcomer.

Deadline is Tuesday, May 28th 2013, at 11:59 P.M. (Central Time Zone)
A being is in the darkness in an abandon building. A manical laugh is heard that echoes the room. A single torch lights part of the room where a statue of Cerberus, the three-headed dog, sits. Next to it is a throne decorated with skulls and spikes. And a dark figure sits in the thrown.

?-WZCW Universe! Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Hades, Lord of the Underworld. Prepare yourself, as you all will bow down to my power. And it all starts at Aftershock 23 when I take on the "Devil's Dancer" himself, Jimmy Flynn. Mr. Flynn, I have watched you for weeks now. I have looked into you're soul and I smell fear. Fear of knowing what lies ahead and knowing what it is scares the hell out of you. And I thrive for that.

Hades snaps his finger and a women whose hands are chained to the wall walks over and hands him a drink.

Hades-Jimmy, I'm glad you are my first victim.

A small smile appears on his face.

Hades-And yet, I am almost sorry. Sorry that I am going to end your career in my first match.

The woman looks over at Hades.

?-So confidant aren't you?

Hades-Persephone, if I wanted your input, I would have asked for it. And besides, I am confident. I've been fighting since I was a boy. I was thrown out of the care of my parents when I was just a boy. Fighting in the wilderness alone. Eating only what I could kill.

Persephone-Yes. Trust me. I've heard the stories before. I have only been married to you for thousands of years. And not by choice trust me.

Hades smirks.

Hades-Persephone my dear, you are in denial about your love for me.

She rolls her eyes and looks away, ignoring her husband.

Hades-Flynn, at Aftershock, You will cease to exist. I am not looking for the victory as much as to make an Impact. You will never forget my name. I will see you in Hell.

The torch blows out and the laughter starts again. Then as quickly as it started it stops.
Thank you for taking time out of your schedule to do this, Jim.

Jimmy Flynn is walking in a hallway in a nice black suit, smiling at his companion in this walk.

Jimmy: No problem at all, sir. This place has been like a second home to me, and it’s great to come back and do this.

The man chuckles as the two approach a set of double doors. Flynn waits as the other man puts his hand on the door, then turns to look at Jimmy.

Man: Ok, so I have a few announcements to make then we’ll introduce you, and you can do your thing.

Jimmy nods, and the man walks through the doors, releasing a sudden burst of noise into the hall.

Jimmy: *chuckles* Yep, doesn’t seem like anything’s changed.

He looks up at some pictures hanging next to and above the door, as the muted noise now silences as the man Jimmy was walking with starts to speak.

Jimmy: I’m quite surprised he still works here; I thought he was getting up there when I was here.

Jimmy flinches as a loud vibration is heard, then reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone.

Jimmy: How do I have service down here?

Flynn looks at his phone and reads what was sent, as the voice on the other side of the door changes. When Jimmy notices this, he pushes the door open just enough for him to hear what’s being said.

Voice: Jim Beal is a former Washington Academy graduate, and left a legacy of greatness for our sports. He was a part of the first-ever Varsity Raiders football team, and was a All-LTC Lineman his senior year. He also was a big spot on our baseball team that was the only team to gain a home playoff berth since our school’s founding. But, his biggest moment was being the only Washington Academy wrestler to win 100 matches, and a two-time Maine State Wrestling Champion. Beal then went on to the top of his class at The University of Maine, and now travels the country, giving his fans entertainment every week. Please welcome, Jim Beal, or as he is more commonly known as, Jimmy Flynn!

On the last words, Jimmy thrusts open the doors as the area explodes into sound. He looks around the area, now revealed to be a gym, and walks his way over to a podium set up in the middle. He waves to the crowd, and grips the wood, looking out.

Jimmy: Hello to all! Thank you for the very nice introduction, you do sure know how to flatter someone.

He nods at the person who introduced him, as a few chuckles are scattered across the crowd.

Jimmy: Now, as a WA grad, I know what you people are going through, and, trust me, there is life afterwards. I can’t guarantee that it’ll be easier, but it’s there.

He looks over at the left side of the maroon bleachers, where there are some kids sitting against the wall. He walks over and raises his voice to talk.

Jimmy: Yea, I believe I sat over here, and barely paid attention. Gentlemen….

Jimmy walks back over to the podium as the rest of the gym shares a laugh at the picked out group’s consent.

Jimmy: Anyway, high school wise, I was like most of you, taking all the honor classes, trying to get out of my English class.

The crowd laughs.

Jimmy: And, as you heard, I was an athlete here. I played for the Raiders with pride. That was our saying my junior year in football: Raider Pride.

Flynn takes a breath and looks out across the students.

Jimmy: Speaking of sports, who plays?

Jimmy walks back and forth near the stand as he watches a smattering of hands go up.

Jimmy: Good, quite a few of you. So you know what I mean, for the most part. Finding that balance between sports and school is a tricky thing. But very satisfying when you get it.

Jimmy steps back for a second, then returns to his spot.

Jimmy: How am I on time?

He looks at an older gentleman up front, who gives him a thumbs-up.

Jimmy: Ok, I believe that most of you have questions for me, so I’ll go ahead and open the floor for questions.

A few hands go up in the crowd as Flynn walks to the left of the crowd and picks the hand of a boy near the top of the bleachers, who stands up.

Boy: Did you always want to wrestle, and how did you get started?

Jimmy chuckles light to himself as he returns to his stand.

Jimmy: Actually, until I saw an episode of WZCW on TV, I had no idea what I wanted to do. Like most of you either already have or will, I changed what I wanted to do multiple times growing up. I ending up going to collage for computer engineering, but didn’t do much of anything with it exiting UMaine. I did a lot of hunting, a bit of freelance stuff, then I saw WZCW and decided to do that.

Jimmy takes another breath before speaking.

Jimmy: I thought “Hey, I can already do some wrestling, why not try this?” So I went and spoke with Management, got back in shape, and I’d say that it hasn’t gone that badly.

A chuckle goes through the crowd as Jimmy walks to the right, yelling for more questions. He searches for a minute, then selects a girl up front.

Girl: Has wrestling affected your personal life at all, and how?

Jimmy runs his hand on his head and returns to the podium.

Jimmy: Good question. Absolutely, it has. Since I’ve left, I have been home a grand total of five times. Wrestling is, mentally, one of the toughest things that I ever started. It keeps me away from my loved ones, and I rarely get to talk to my girlfriend. There are times where I’ve felt it wasn’t worth it, but it is, and I can work through it.

Jimmy steps back and motions for more questions. He selects a boy in the center with a camo sweatshirt.

Boy: What’s the biggest buck you’ve ever bagged?

A round of laughter emerges from the crowd and The Devil’s Dancer, who returns to the mike.

Jimmy: ohhhhh, now you’re making me think…

Another round of laughter.

Jimmy: I can’t remember the exact measurements, but I think it was around one-seventy-five, with 8 points.

The boy looks surprised, and Jimmy picks another boy in the center of the crowd.

Boy: What’s your training like?

Jimmy chuckles to himself, and takes a breath before answering.

Jimmy: If you play football, I based my training around what we used here. Weights on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, cardio the other days. I need to always be in the best shape I can be, so I require the best I can do.

As Jimmy finishes his answer, the older gentleman up front rises and motions to Jimmy, who steps away from the mike to talk with him. The older man turns.

Man: Unfortunately, we are out of time. Thank you, Mr. Beal for coming.

Jimmy: It was great, thank you all!

Jimmy waves at the crowd, who applauds and cheers for The Devil’s Dancer. Flynn steps back and is approached by a familiar face.

Jimmy: Leon! What brings you here?

Leon: I heard you were doing this, and I thought I’d stop by. Have you heard your matchup for this week?

Jimmy nods.

Jimmy: Yep, got a message about it before I came out. The crazy Greek, Hades.

Leon nods, then pulls out a piece of paper.

Leon: Thoughts?

Jimmy chuckles, then shakes his head.

Jimmy: First, get your myths straight. Second, I’m ready to give this rookie the crash course. His first match will be the way for him to learn, and I’ll teach him the ways of the ring. Hades, be ready to dance.

Jimmy walks away as the scene fades.
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