AF16: Vega vs. Jimmy Flynn

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
This is a non-title contest by order of Chuck Myles.

The main event of Aftershock this week goes to the newly-crowned Mayhem champion Vega taking on newcomer Jimmy Flynn who has an amazing opportunity to take down the champion, possibly pushing himself up the ranks in contendership should he win. Vega is going to have a handful with not only an "unknown" competitor facing him but also Connor Reese lurking around...

Deadline is 11:59pm Central Time, Wednesday 28th November. Extensions as per thread.
???: The roar of the crowd is something to get used to.

Backstage at a WZCW house show, Jimmy Flynn is toweling off, watching a DVD replay of the WZCW Supershow II. He smiles at the video, then turns and throws the used towel into a bag, which he picks up and walks out of the locker room. He nods at a few stagehands, before stopping at a room that’s barely cracked open, but yells can be heard from the other side.

???: Why do you always get the new guy’s interviews? Some of us may want to see him for a change!

Jimmy chuckles lightly, then slowly pushes the door open to reveal the two arguing people to be two interviewers, Stacy Madison and Leon Kentsworth. Flynn smiles and looks at the third occupant in the room, Becky Serra. He shakes his head, and she shrugs in response.

Leon: Well, it’s not like I want to keep interviewing him, I’d rather just phone him. Flynn keeps asking for me, I don’t like flying out to Maine every week.

Flynn: Oh, Leon. You flatter me so.

The two jump at the sudden jest from the former high school champion. Flynn laughs and walks up to the interviewers.

Flynn: Well, it’s good to know I’m loved in this community. It’s comforting to know that.

Stacy walks up to the wrestler, Leon takes a step back.

Stacy: Why do you keep asking for him? Why not have some diversity about who you get?

Flynn shakes his head at the woman, then looks straight down at her.

Flynn: Well, I like Leon. Reminds me of some of the knuckleheads back home. But, if you’re going to start complaining, then you both can interview me now.

Leon walks up, while Stacy looks back at him, then returns her gaze at Flynn.

Stacy: Wait, how are we going to do this?

Flynn stares at her, while Leon stands by.

Flynn: Well, you ask me a question, then Leon, you, Leon, so on, so forth.

Stacy looks over at Leon, who shrugs.

Flynn: Best you’re getting for now.

The two interviewers glance at each other, then look back at Jimmy, apparently approving.

Stacy: Ok, then. How did you find the courage to enter the lost cause that you had-

Flynn sighs, cutting off Stacy’s question before she finishes asking. He shakes his head while looking over her in a random direction.

Flynn: If you want to do something, it can be done. Just because there were former champions, contenders, and all around more experienced people than me, it’s not a lost cause for me to want to go out and prove something. Just like a moment on my football team. Our second year of Varsity we made it to the playoffs for the first time. No one on our team thought we would get past who we were facing, but we still went out, played hard, and sent a message to the league: We will not back down. That’s what I set out to do at the Supershow, prove that The Devil’s Dancer, Jimmy Flynn, is not backing down from any fight!

His voices raises at the end, and Madison steps back, stunned, allowing the second interviewer to jump in.

Leon: And by going after the crazed Barbosa, being the catalyst to his elimination, I think that message was seen by everyone, most of all by Chuck Miles, who has you facing off against the new Mayhem Champion, Vega.

Flynn: Vega, wasn’t he a former wrestler?

Leon: No, you’re thinking of someone else. Vega’s one of the newer superstars on Aftershock.

Jimmy rubs his chin, pondering the match when Stacy pushes her partner out of the way.

Stacy: What I want to know is why do you still think about this? You’re facing the newest champion in a division that produced numerous world champions. What competition can you provide?

The wrestler chuckles at the interviewer, and Flynn looks back at her, knowingly.

Flynn: The wrestling part, that’s where I excel. If someone wants to try and get down and dirty with me, I respect them for trying, but it ain’t gonna work. I can out-wrestle anyone on this roster. It’s the part that may come after that concerns me.

Leon glances up at Jimmy, questioning his concern.

Leon: What comes after?

Jimmy shrugs.

Flynn: Well, Vega’s a champion, correct?

The two interviewers nod.

Flynn: Well, if I beat the champion, where does that put me?

The interviewers now glance at each other, then back at Jimmy.

Leon: I don’t quite know, Big Dave’s already made the championship match at Unscripted, but I’d assume you’d also be in contention.

Flynn smiles and nods.

Flynn: Exactly, and that’s what concerns me. The mayhem division, while it has been proven to be a good starting place, is not the place I want to be. I want to be on the mat, technically wearing down my opponent, not taking a chair and bashing someone’s skull in.

Stacy jumps forward, seeming to find an opening for a few questions.

Stacy: But will you? A few champions have needed so much in the way of the foreign objects. If you don’t, I don’t know how you’ll be able to survive.

Jimmy shrugs, then leans on the door.

Flynn: “If fighting is surely to result in victory, then you must fight”. That quote from Sun Tzu is a driving force in so many competitors. As is the same for me.

Flynn comes off the door and stands in front of Leon.

Flynn: Leon, the first time you interviewed me, what was it that I said let me back to wrestling?

Leon looks up, his fingers combing his hair. Flynn rolls his hand at him, when Leon suddenly snaps his fingers.

Leon: Competition.

Flynn: Bingo. I entered the battle royal, A, to send a message, and B, to have the competition I want and prove that I can bring competition. On Aftershock, I will give Vega a good run, I will give him competition.

Flynn looks at Stacy, who hasn’t moved since her last question.

Flynn: You done?

Stacy doesn’t respond, and Jimmy shrugs in response.

Flynn: Ok, then. Aftershock it is. Vega, be ready to dance.

Flynn leaves the room quickly while Stacy stands staring at the door and the video fades.
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