WrestleZone Weekend '13: Warren vs. Angel vs. Hunter vs. Flynn vs. Thrash (Scramble)

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Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus

Right before the unprecedented Pay-Per-View known as Kingdom Come, WZCW will be featuring a special fan access weekend where everybody who has purchased tickets can participate in an array of activities such as autograph signings, a WZCW '13 video game tournament and most importantly, a special bonus show where WZCW Superstars will be set to compete in a number of matches. A special bonus match has also been added to the card where Amber Warren, The Angel, Dustin Hunter, Jimmy Flynn, and Thrash will be competing in a Scramble match for a unknown prize!

Deadline is Thursday July 25, 2013 @ 11:59 P.M. (Central). No Extensions
The scene opens up as it scans the area of the WrestleZone Weekend festivities. We see shots of people getting their pictures taken with various superstars of the WZCW roster. The event seems like a jolly good time with families and die hard WZCW fans attending the event. We then cut to a certain area of the festivities and see that it’s an autograph booth. Action Saxton and Saboteur occupy one booth, Showtime occupies another, and Amber Warren occupies the last available booth.

Fan Guy #1: Man, I can’t wait to get my poster signed by Showtime! He’s my pick to win the main event at Kingdom Come.

Fan Guy #2: Yeah, mine too. Oh look, we have the same poster of Showtime, small world aye?

Amber hears this conversation between two guys who are in line for Showtime’s booth. However, her booth sees no one at all. She sees some people peeking over at her booth but no one comes over which brings a frown on Amber’s face.

Amber: Sure, put me on the same time as three of the most popular superstars on WZCW.

Amber rolls her eyes. Her booth is filled with posters of her and some sharpies ready for her to sign with. A few moments pass on and she hears the laughs and chatter of the fans while she still doesn't have a fan. She closes up her sharpie and fixes her posters, ready to take them off the table before….

Little Girl: Ms. Warren? Can I have an autograph?

Amber looks to the voice. It’s a girl, who can’t be more than 11 or 12 years old as she is dressed in some jeans and a nice blue blouse. The girl is a brunette with big brown eyes, similar to how Amber looked when she was a kid but this girl was fit. It appears that she’s alone which sort of worries Amber.

Amber: Why, yes you can. But hey, who are you with at this event?

Little Girl: Oh, I’m with my brother, he’s over there getting an autograph from Mr. Showtime.

The little girl points over to where her brother is as she waves to her and he waves back, confirming to Amber that this girl isn't alone. Amber puts her posters down and with an excitement like no other just throws it on her table, leaving some posters to fall to the floor. She wastes no time in taking one and gives her John Hancock on the poster before she looks up.

Amber: Hey, can I get your name?

Little Girl: Oh right, it’s Annie.

Amber again is happy to know the name of her first signature to someone. She signs it and hands it over to Annie who is full of glee.

Annie: Thanks! I wanna be a wrestler just like you one day.

Amber: Aww, that’s sweet. It’s not easy but it’s fun once you get the hang of it. You know what, how about I give you the VIP tour of this event?

Annie: Really!?

Annie jumps up from where she’s standing in pure happiness. She runs over to her brother and tugs on his shirt. She tells him that she’s going around with Amber Warren and the older brother looks over as Amber waves. He nods his head, giving Annie permission. Annie runs back to Amber and informs Amber that she has permission from her brother. Amber takes Annie by the hand as they tour Wrestlezone Weekend’s festivities.

They approach a huge group of people but they eventually get to the front and see why there’s so much people.

Annie: Wow, those guys can really eat!

The cameras turn to show that it’s Grizzly Bob, Beard, and Krypto in a pie eating contest. Pieces of pie are still stuck on Beard’s face but he continues on munching down those pies. Grizzly Bob seems to have had enough after holding onto his stomach. All the while, Krypto is just munching on these pies with one gulp!

Amber: Yeah, those guys are a joy in the locker room. But hey, how about we go do something fun? I feel like we’re gonna be part of the pie eating contest soon with all those pieces of pie flying all over the place.

Annie: Haha, that would be awesome. Let’s go!

They leave the scene of the pie eating contest and as they do, we see that Krypto is awarded with a trophy which gets an applause from the crowd. Amber and Annie wriggle their way out of the crowd and look around to see what’s next.

Amber: Over here, c’mon.

They then approach a huge red-colored bouncy house. Not only that, but we see that it’s being watched by Angel and Thrash.

Amber: Well, look who we have here.

Angel: Amber? Hey! How you doing?

Amber: I’m fine, thanks. How you holding up?

Angel: I’m fine –

Thrash: Yeah, yeah. You don’t really wanna ask him that and make him all sad again, do you?

Amber: Oh right, my bad. But guys, I’d like to introduce you to someone.

Angel and Thrash look on.

Amber: This is Annie, she came up to me at my autograph booth and I’m giving her a tour of the festivities around here.

Angel: Hey Annie, nice to meet you.

Thrash really isn’t in the mood for this right now but he simply nods at Annie.

Angel: By the way, it looks like we’re all opponents in our match this weekend along with Dustin Hunter and Jimmy Flynn. You guys excited?

Thrash: Oh yeah. I actually forgot about those other two being in the match. The way I see it, it’s gonna come down to the three of us. And if you mean excited as in excited for me winning, then yes, I’m very excited to win.

Annie: No, Amber’s gonna win!

All three wrestlers look to Annie who kind of hides behind Amber after what she just said. But Amber lightens up the mood and just laughs which gets Angel to laugh and Thrash to smirk. When Annie sees this, she comes from hiding and has a smile on her face.

Amber: So hey guys, can we go in the bouncy house?

Thrash: Of course you can, but you have to pay the fee.

Amber: Oh c’mon guys. No one should have to pay to have fun, c’mon. Just this once and I’ll be outta your hair for the rest of the night.

Angel and Thrash look to each other. Thrash still doesn't wanna let them in but Angel convinces him that it’s alright.

Thrash: Alright, go on in. You get 5 minutes though.

The bouncy house is pretty big because when Amber and Annie enter, there are about five other kids and adults that are inside. Some kids are doing crazy flips while Amber and Annie are just bouncing around having a great time. They eventually get tired before their 5 minutes is done and exit the bouncy house. When they exit, Angel opens up the entrance for them.

Amber: Thanks Thrash, thanks Angel. See you in our match. I’ll be ready.

Angel: Yeah, no problem. And I can’t wait!

Thrash: Yeah, you better be ready.

Amber waves at them as she and Annie leave the perimeter of the bouncy house. Just then, she catches someone out of the corner of her eye leaving the autograph booth, it’s Ty Burna!

Amber: Hey Annie, follow me. Let’s go try and meet Ty Burna.

Amber and Annie walks briskly towards Ty Burna. Ty seems to be heading towards the refreshments table which Amber and Annie figure out since the table is pretty close. As soon as Ty grabs a sandwich and a bottle of water and turns around, Amber and Annie are right there.

Amber: Mr. Ty Burna!

The surprise caused Ty to drop his bottled water to which Amber’s eyes become big and Amber panics.

Amber: Oh my god! I’m so sorry Mr. Ty Burna. I’ll get you another one, I’m so sorry.

Amber goes to the cooler and gets Ty a new bottle of water. Ty looks at Annie who just has a big smile on her face. Amber hurries and hands Ty his water.

Amber: I’m so sorry Mr. Ty, I didn’t mean to –

Ty: It's no problem at all. Though you're that Amber Warren girl that just started right? I've been impressed by your work so far. I haven't had a chance to keep up as much as I should due to rehabbing my knee, but I've seen enough to know you got a great future.

Amber looks surprised at the comment from Ty.

Amber: Really? Wow! That’s pretty big coming from someone like you Mr. Ty, thank you so much!

Ty: Please, you can just call me Ty. And who is this young lady with you? What's your name?

Amber: Oh right, this is Annie. I met her today at my autograph booth. She wants to become a wrestler when she gets older so I decided to give her a tour of the festivities.

Ty: Is that so? Well I can certainly tell you it's not an easy road to go down Annie. I've gone through many battles to get to where I am at. Are you prepared to work your hardest to reach that dream?

Annie: Yes sir!

Ty chuckles and so does Amber who pats Annie on the head.

Ty: Speaking of wrestling, Amber, I saw that you're in that Scramble match this weekend, is that right?

Amber: Yes I am, I’m quite nervous for it actually.

Ty: Nervous? No need to be nervous Amber. You've got the skill and ability to compete with anyone.

Amber nods and Annie just watches this conversation go along.

Amber: Mr. Ty – I mean, Ty. Would it be okay if you give me some advice going into my match?

Amber looks a little worried that Ty might reject her and actually be annoyed with her. But Ty looks happy to do it.

Ty: Of course, I'd be glad to. Well you’re in a Scramble Match, so it’ll be important for you to watch your back. I’d advise you to keep your back to the corners so that you have full vision of the match. That way, nothing will surprise you and you’ll be ready. Opponents cam come out of nowhere, but if you can cut off part of that danger, it will lead to an increased chance of winning.

Amber nods in agreement as she looks for more advice.

Ty: Also, in this type of match, it’s important for you to pick your spots, but you must be smart about it. You don’t want to rush in and be an offensive flurry like you have been. You must use your wits, be smart about your attacks. Limit your mistakes and maximize your opportunity. You do that and you’ll be a favorite to win this match, if you aren't already.

Amber’s face lights up after what Ty just said. She goes on to hug him which catches Ty off guard but he accepts it. After this, Ty puts his water on the table and takes something out of his pocket as he goes over to Annie, kneeling on one knee.

Ty: Hey Annie, it’s great that you want to be a wrestler. If this is still your dream as you get older, I want you to take this card. I'm assuming you’re about 12 years old?

Annie: Yes.

Ty pulls out a sharpie and signs the back of a card before he hands it to Annie.

Ty: Great, so in a few years, go to this gym and say Ty Burna sent you. He’ll know and if you work as hard as you say you will at it, I know I'll be seeing you in the future.

Annie is so happy that she jumps up and down as Amber just smiles at her.

Annie: Thank you Mr. Ty Burna.

Ty pats Annie on the head while he shakes hands with Amber again and heads off.

Amber: Well that was just great! But hey Annie, I gotta get going right now. I have to go and prepare for my match. I hope you had a lot of fun, I know I did.

Annie: Yeah, it’s no problem Amber. I’ll be watching your match and cheering you on!

Amber: Thanks Annie! It means a lot, it really does. Well, let’s go find your brother.

They hug each other as they hold hands and look for Annie’s brother. We see him getting a hot dog and Annie runs towards him while Amber follows behind.

Annie: Nate, I’m back!

Amber looks a little confused but realizes that Annie’s brother’s name is the same as her brother, Nate.

Nate: Hey kiddo, did you have fun? How was it?

Annie: It was great Nate. We went to the bouncy house, I met a few wrestlers, oh and I met Ty Burna!

Nate: You did?! Tell me all about it on the ride back to the hotel.

Nate then approaches Amber.

Nate: Hey, thanks Amber. You really made my sister happy tonight. I bet she didn't tell you this, but she’s suffering from a heart condition and well, this is the happiest I’ve seen her in a long time.

Amber looks taken back from what Nate just said. But she tries to refrain from looking surprised and just hugs Nate.

Nate: Say goodbye to Amber, Annie.

Annie: Thanks for today Amber, I had so much fun.

Amber: I did too. See you later hopefully huh kiddo?

Annie: Definitely!

They hug again before parting ways. Nate and Annie wave bye to Amber as they are lost in the sea of people. The scene ends with Amber looking out to see if she can still spot Nate and Annie and a big smile on her face.
August 16th, 2013 10:00 PM
EnergySolutions Arena, Salt Lake City, Utah

We cut to a hallway backstage where we see a cane go flying down the hallway to a loud "FUCK!" coming from the end of the hallway where the cane came from. The man who threw the cane now walks into camera view and we can see it's none other than "The Nightmare" Dustin Hunter who punches the wall in anger.

Dustin: Are you freaking kidding me?!?

Dustin kicks a nearby trash can, sending it flying.

Dustin: What the fuck is wrong with me? I looked like a complete joke out there! I AM NOT A JOKE!

Dustin walks up to the trash can he just kicked and throws it as far as he possibly can in anger.

Dustin: I'll tell you what though, now I am DONE with being the laughing-stock of WZCW! Starting now, anybody who dares cross my path will get their arm ripped out of its socket!

Dustin is still furious over his loss to Jimmy Flynn in the Mayhem Rules Match as he turns around and bumps into his new partner in carnage, Katie Silva.

Dustin: You! You're supposed to help me and be my partner in carnage! Where the hell were you during my match?

Katie: I...I tried to go out there. I got told I wasn't allowed out there!

Dustin spits blood out of his mouth and on the floor as Katie is clearly fearful of how Dustin might react.

Dustin: Figures. They realize if you were out there that it would have been the end of Jimmy Flynn once and for all so they stop that by letting him jump me before the match and by banning you from ringside!

Dustin punches the wall again in anger and now we see blood dripping off his knuckles but he ignores it.

Katie: Just calm down alright? There's nothing you can do about tonight right now.

Dustin: Calm down? You want me to calm down? I'm 1 and 10! I probably have the worst win-loss record in WZCW history and you want me to calm down?!?!?

Katie: Yes. Because you have the perfect chance to make up for what happened tonight at Wrestlezone Weekend in a match you're gonna need to keep your cool in if you wanna win.

Dustin: What are you talking about?

Katie: Oh you didn't hear? On Wrestlezone Weekend you're facing 4 different superstars who have wronged you in the past in a Scramble Match for a mystery prize. One of those 4 superstars being Jimmy Flynn.

This grabs Dustin's attention as he perks up and stares directly at Katie.

Dustin: Who are the others?

Katie: The Angel, Thrash and Amber Warren.

Dustin: So I'm facing the three biggest goody too shoes in WZCW plus my old rival Thrash eh? That could be the perfect match to create carnage in....the perfect chance to mutilate the faces of 4 people those idiotic fans look up to!

Dustin gets an evil grin on his face as Katie walks down the hallway and grabs the ringmaster's cane that Dustin whipped down the hall earlier and she hands it to him.

Katie: My point exactly. This time they won't keep me backstage either....even if they try. But you will need to keep your anger under control during the match if you plan to defeat them. Remember they have all defeated you in the past.

Dustin: The Angel is a shell of his former self, he's a broken man these days now that his son died. He will be the least of my worries in that match, even with his new buddy Thrash watching his back out there. A broken man cannot succeed in this business, at least not broken in the way he's broken. So on Wrestlezone Weekend, I'm going to crush the soul of Angel into a million pieces to end him once and for all.

Katie: How are you gonna do that?

Dustin: I'll expose him for the false hero he is by ripping off that mask. Remember he is Armando Paradyse under it and everybody knows without the mask he's a bigger joke than I am.

Katie: What about the others?

Dustin: Amber Warren is nothing but a pretty face and the biggest suck up I have ever seen. But see I know deep down inside of her, she's still the short little fatty who got bullied in high school, she has no real self-esteem because of her insecurities about her weight problems in the past. She, just like Angel is broken on the inside. Jimmy Flynn on the other hand, he is not broken on the inside. He lives in a world where everything is always perfect and nothing ever goes wrong, he will soon realize that's not how the world works because in the real world, everybody is just looking for a way to screw you over.

Katie: You forgot about Thrash. You know the guy who has more wins over you than anybody? How will you overcome him once and for all?

Dustin: The way I see it, Thrash will be my biggest challenge to overcome in this match. He has beaten me many times and I need to rectify that by tearing apart his face with my little friend here.

Dustin holds up the cane and runs his hand across the spike as Katie is listening closely to everything Dustin says.

Dustin: Thrash has yet to see the full power of Dustin Hunter. At Wrestlezone Weekend I plan to unleash every demon from my past into the match and create carnage. Wrestlezone Weekend WILL be the biggest step yet in my path of destruction.

Katie: Good. Because when Azazel hears about your loss tonight he isn't gonna be happy...he doesn't like when people don't live up to promises they make to him. But if you expose 4 superstars for the freaks they are, he will be very pleased with you.

Dustin doesn't respond and instead walks away towards the exit of the building as Katie hurries after him and the scene fades out.
Jimmy Flynn sits in the middle of the ring, the silence of the arena accentuating the loneliness. Flynn’s attire is off from his usual; just a pair of sweat shorts is covering The Devil’s Dancer. A vision of Flynn breaking Hades’ arm appears, and Jimmy looks away from the image, visibly cringing at the sight.

?: This is the cutthroat attitude that you need, Jimmy-boy!

A second version of Jimmy appears, with longer, dirtier hair and darker eyes, his grin wide and deep.

Damien: You need to drop the “goody-goody two shoes” act and start doing this more!

A replay of the WZCW Supershow with Jimmy attacking his rival, Dustin Hunter, with the cane appears in front of Flynn with Damien walking slowly behind him, chucking as his real form cringes more.

Jimmy: This was different-

Damien: And you think people give a damn? The fans that you ever so love to pander to love the violence that you don’t give them!

Damien bops Jimmy on the top of his head and walks back in front of Flynn, leaning on the ring ropes in view of him.

Jimmy: I don’t pander to them, I deliver entertainment to them.

Damien shakes his head at him, and walks back in front of him, dragging his right toe behind him. The dark one runs his hand through his hand and stares at Jimmy.

Damien: And the “entertainment” that you deliver isn’t want they want, you idiot!

He whaps Jimmy on the temple, and he responds by shooting to his feet and getting face-to-face with his dark side.

Jimmy: You don’t get to tell me what I can and can’t do!

Damien laughs, a deep boom that echoes in the empty arena.

Damien: And yet you’re the one who released me to gain my opinion. Face it, Jimbo, you’re not what these people want, and your light is fading. Remember what people want!

Jimmy winds up a punch, and his other side laughs in his face.

Damien: Hit me! You want to! Do it, the anger is your weapon!

Jimmy starts to throw a punch, but stops right before he hits Damien.

Jimmy: No. I’m not you, and you have no power over me.

Damien smiles.

Damien: Au Contraire, Jimmy-boy.

Jimmy sighs, but Damien slaps him in the face! As Jimmy reacts, Damien pulls him down and starts a neckbreaker! But, before the two hit the mat, the scene blacks out, and we see Jimmy shoot up to a sitting position in his bed, breathing deeply. He franticly looks around, before calming himself down.

Jimmy: Damn, I can’t let those get to me.

He takes a drink of water, and checks a clock next to his bed.

Jimmy: 6? Well, it’s late enough for me.

He turns and gets out of bed, his attire the same as we saw it before in his apparent dream. He throws on a white t-shirt before walking outside into the Maine sunrise. He breaths in deeply, and looks out on his driveway, his truck sitting at the top near his house.

Jimmy: You needed some work, old girl.

Flynn walks over and pops the hood, keeping it up so he can examine it.

Jimmy: Well, there’s the problem! And a simple fix, too.

Jimmy looks to his side, and then stops completely, as slow clapping can be heard.

?: Bravo, bravo. Well done with Hunter last show, keep it up.

Jimmy: Wait a minute…

Flynn gets out from under the hood and turns around, and spots the source of the shots on his porch.

Jimmy: You. What the hell do you want? It’s bad enough you’ve taken over my dreams!

A slight chuckle as Damien makes his way down the steps and walks over to Jimmy.

Damien: I’m just here to provide that tad bit of motivation that you need. You’ve been crap lately, but with a good time with Dustin.

Jimmy glares at his alter ego, taking deep breaths in an attempt to stay calm.

Jimmy: I don’t want anything to do with you. Just leave-

Damien: But it’s been under my training that you’ve done your best!

Jimmy jerks back from Damien.

Jimmy: Like hell you think!

Damien: Think for a moment, you’ve always done best when your anger gets released, like your mayhem rules match at the Supershow. Release it at your next match, and you’ll be fine.

Jimmy continues glaring at Damien as he walks past Jimmy to the bed of the truck.

Damien: You obviously don’t like Dustin Hunter, hence why you whipped his ass two ways to Tuesday.

Jimmy: Dustin is a clown, a little ingrate that only works through getting under people’s skin, and gets whatever is coming to him.

Damien smiles.

Damien: You have some payback for Amber Warren; she was able to beat you.

Jimmy: That was a damn fluke! Warren shouldn’t have been able to win, and the only reason she did was because I made some stupid mistakes. I will prove that she is the inferior wrestler and destroy her.

Damien chuckles some.

Jimmy: Angel and Thrash have no history with me, and they’ve had some good showings, but Angel seems to still have some ring rust after his return, and Thrash will be focused on Hunter as well. Neither of them should be any issue in the match.

Damien: Ahh, but they’re all still after your prize that you’ll get after winning the Scramble, which is why you must break them all. They are all in your way from greatness.

Jimmy looks over at Damien, his eyes glazed over like he’s in a trance. Damien laughs, and Flynn’s eyes clear up.

Jimmy: Fine, you’ve made your point, now leave.

Damien frowns.

Damien: But I’ve just started to have fun. But, if you insist, I’ll let you prepare. Bon Voyage!

Damien swings a punch at Jimmy, but the scene blacks out again as Flynn is again in his bed, but he’s laying down this time.

Jimmy: The hell?

He groans as the scene fades.
Angel is seen in front of a camera, sitting on a stool. Next to him, is Becky Serra, interviewer for WZCW.

Becky-Welcome to a very special interview, only days before "WrestleZone Weekend"! My guest at this time is Angel, who will be competing against Amber Warren, Dustin Hunter, Jimmy Flynn, and his tag team partner Thrash!

Angel starts to act confused.

Angel-Partner? We're not partners?

Becky-I just did an exclusive interview on WZCW.com with him and he said you two are an official team.

Angel-Thrash and I? Never heard of any kind of team.

Becky-Strange. Anyways before we continue, I want to say I'm sorry for your loss of your son Ronney. He was a nice kid.

Angel-Thanks, senorita.

Becky and Angel both stare at each other.

Becky-Did you just call me senorita?

Angel gets nervous and his hands begin to shake. He takes a deep breath and exhales slowly.

Angel-Sorry Becky, I don't know what came over me.

Becky-It's OK. Out of your opponents, who do you think will give you the most trouble?

Angel-Amber Warren is one tough cookie, however, I am Arman.....Angel? The man who is one hundred percent....Angel?

Becky-Are you OK?

Angel falls to the floor and begins to roll around as if he was in pain. Becky begins to scream in terror. She screams for help, but no one is there but them two. Finally, he stops. He gets up like nothing is wrong. And sits back down on his stool.

Becky-What the hell happened to you Angel?


He takes off his mask to reveal Armando Paradyse.

Armando-Hey WZCW! I'M BACK!!!!!

Angel shoots up from his bed, panting. It was only a dream. He glances at the clock. 4:33 AM. He stands up, puts his mask on, then heads to the bathroom. He turns the water faucet on and rubs his hands in it. He bends over and rests his head for a minute. He shakes off is exhaustion and stands back up and looks at himself in the mirror. He jumps back as the person he sees is not himself...but Armando Paradyse.

Armando-Look at yourself Angel!

Angel-You...What do you want?

Armando-You have been hiding behind a mask for too long. I'm you. The real you. The senorita chasing, Armando Paradyse.

Angel-I don't understand. I have no memories of you...

Armando-Put it this way. I'm you're alter ego. You created Angel so people would like you. So you would have a chance in WZCW. And it worked for a while. Then people stopped caring. And that's why I'm back. I'm here to turn you from a joke to a champion.

Angel-Weren't you a joke too.

Armando-I defeated Alex Bowen and my former tag team partner in a Mayhem match to dethrone a king and win the Mayhem Championship.

Angel-And I just defeated Rush and Sam Smith.

Armando-I defeated Steven Holmes and Steven Kurtesy. Former and current world champions. Quit trying to one up me. I'm better than you Angel. But I don't have to be. I have an idea. Everyone will be expecting you in the scramble. But I have something up my sleeve they won't expect. Listen carefully.

Angel-You are my demon.

Armando laughs.

Armando-You are pathetic, Angel. Trust me on this. And don't worry, I'll be a good little Armando Paradyse.

Armando fades out and Angel's actual reflection turns back to normal. He shakes his head and walks off. The rest of the night is sleepless for Angel, as he has so much on his mind. He ponders for a minute and then runs off again. Noises can be heard coming from his room. Sounds of a sewing machine.


Becky Serra is setting up her interview stage with Angel who is running late surprisingly. She looks down at her watch and she is told is here and to go ahead and start the event.

Becky-Welcome to a very special interview, only days before "WrestleZone Weekend"! My guest at this time is Angel, who will be competing against Amber Warren, Dustin Hunter, Jimmy Flynn, and his tag team partner Thrash! So without further ado, please welcome Angel!!!

She waits patiently a few minutes and notices that Angel is not coming out from backstage.

Becky-Sorry folks, Angel must not have heard me.

Her voice sounds as if she is nervous. But a sigh of relief when she sees his mask heading towards her. She has a smile on her face that quickly disappears in what she sees. Angel is wearing his usual mask...but Only half of it. In fact, half of his normal attire is gone and replaced with clothes that Armando Paradyse use to wear. His wrestling trunks look as if they had been ripped apart and sewn back together with something else. His left leg say "Angel" while the right says "Paradyse".

Becky-Ang...Angel...Are You OK?

Angel sits on the stool and doesn't acknowledge her. He just stares at the ground and rocks his upper body back and forth a bit. Becky looks at the camera and mouths what should she do. The cameraman behind it shrugs and tells her to carry on and ask something else.

Becky-Angel? What is your thought on the upcoming Scramble match at "WrestleZone Weekend".

Angel-I feel pretty confident. I feel as if I can....

Paradyse-Shut up Angel! She was talking to me!

Angel and Becky look at each other very tensely. She opens her mouth to speak but closes it as she don't know what to say. She has never seen a man tell himself to shut up.

Angel-Sorry if I scared you.

Becky shakes her no.

Becky-No, It's fine. I'm OK.

Angel-Anyway, like I was saying before I was rudely interrupted. Becky, I feel as I can, and will, win this scramble match. Becky, I'm going to win....Becky...such A pretty name...Becky...

Becky looks at him speechless. She has no idea what to say to the deranged man.

Angel-Stop it Armando! I'm trying to talk!

Angel whispers something to himself that Becky cannot hear. She looks down at her watch and notices that she still has ten minutes left in the interview.

Becky-Sorry Angel...or....whoever? But we are out of time. Good luck to you during the scramble match.

She stands up and leaves Angel alone. He is still rocking back and forth, and doesn't even seem to notice that Becky has left or the camera off.

Angel-I told you I didn't want you to talk right now. We have to prepare people for what we are doing. The Lord wants us to work together. To be the best we can be.

Armando-There is no we! Just I. We are like Ying Yang. I have what you need in the ring. You are going to be better than ever.

Angel rocks back and forth for few before finally stopping, standing up, and quietly leaving.
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