Advice From The Experts


Championship Contender
Well then, I thought I'd give you all my take on some things that could really work for you Book This. Help people starting out etc. Also I consider myself and expert, not like I'm wrong :p.

Formatting: I cannot stress this enough. If I can't read it, if it is so unbearable and black and white, if there are so many words together. If it is a clusterfuck, then I for one am not going to read it.

My recommendations for this are add some colour when people are speaking. Bold the people in the match, and name the match at the start. Also Bold the winner at the end so people can get the quick results.

Setting Out: Similar to above. Except, here I am more talking about how you set out your matches, how you set out promos and your esk things.

You should Bold the match at the start, and then Bold the winners at the end. Also take a space between matches and segments, between speakers as well. Also, even though it may look neater, I personally prefer speaking to be aligned to the left not centered. Also Bolding the name of the speaker is preferable IMO.

Matches: You shouldn't write out the whole match for Book This. You should tell the story of the match, who is in control. That way it is easier for the veiwer to define what level people are on. Tell us the storylines in the matches, tell us what has happened between stars before. You should tell us the psychology of the match.

Storylines: This is very important. No one cares, no one will care if you just have random matches. Why will no one care? Because you can't actually see the match they are putting on. I mean, if the story is just a wrestling match then it is useless because I can't get into a match I can't see.

I want detail stories. You need to put all your active stars in tense storylines, and if you must have random matches, use them as fillers.

"Insiders": Alot of you are utilizing these type things in your Book This things. That's not what I personally go for, I much prefer the actual shows. If you must have them, try to only use them when absolutely neccessary and not all the time.

Shows / PPVs: You need to have a good ratio of these. It is easier for me personally because of SvR. I just use the regular PPV show settings at what not. Try to have a good balance.

Also in your shows and PPVs. Try to have a good balance of matches, I recommend 4-6 matches depending on what is going on in the show. (I use 5 because thats the max SvR has ... at bigger PPVs I probably will cheat and use a few more.)

Rosters: It is basically all up to you with this one. You need a good ammount of people on your roster, not too many for it to be crowded. Not to little to have no one. Just enough so people can know what is going on with them, or at least the main ones.

Who you have is up to you, I am using SvR so I use most WWE workers. I know people have said they like to be original, but it is harder to get into the stars you don't know. People will prefer stars they know about. But it is ok to be original as well.

Understanding: People really need to understand your show, and the storylines. It is hard to do, but try your best to get people to know what is going on.

Well that is it for now, if I think of anything else I will definately edit it in.
this was a really good read.... Much respect

My first show I was lost at what to do... I've never done this before so I'm just starting out here...

Again, thanks for the read and I'll take all of this into consideration.
Well then, I thought I'd give you all my take on some things that could really work for you Book This. Help people starting out etc. Also I consider myself and expert, not like I'm wrong :p


Formatting: I cannot stress this enough. If I can't read it, if it is so unbearable and black and white, if there are so many words together. If it is a clusterfuck, then I for one am not going to read it.

My recommendations for this are add some colour when people are speaking. Bold the people in the match, and name the match at the start. Also Bold the winner at the end so people can get the quick results.

If I can't read it, or if I have to work hard to read it, I will not read it. I agree, make sure you format well. I am not a fan of color, myself. Mine is nice and neat and that is how I prefer it, but as long as I can read it easily, it's good.

Setting Out: Similar to above. Except, here I am more talking about how you set out your matches, how you set out promos and your esk things.

You should Bold the match at the start, and then Bold the winners at the end. Also take a space between matches and segments, between speakers as well. Also, even though it may look neater, I personally prefer speaking to be aligned to the left not centered. Also Bolding the name of the speaker is preferable IMO.

I agree, except I prefer things to be centered.

Matches: You shouldn't write out the whole match for Book This. You should tell the story of the match, who is in control. That way it is easier for the veiwer to define what level people are on. Tell us the storylines in the matches, tell us what has happened between stars before. You should tell us the psychology of the match.


Storylines: This is very important. No one cares, no one will care if you just have random matches. Why will no one care? Because you can't actually see the match they are putting on. I mean, if the story is just a wrestling match then it is useless because I can't get into a match I can't see.

I want detail stories. You need to put all your active stars in tense storylines, and if you must have random matches, use them as fillers.

This is very, very, very important! I don't think many people have a problem with storylines, though.

"Insiders": Alot of you are utilizing these type things in your Book This things. That's not what I personally go for, I much prefer the actual shows. If you must have them, try to only use them when absolutely neccessary and not all the time.

I disagree. Yes, you should focus more on the shows, but I'm not someone who can update every day or two. The "Insiders" give you something to read and keep you interested between shows.

Shows / PPVs: You need to have a good ratio of these. It is easier for me personally because of SvR. I just use the regular PPV show settings at what not. Try to have a good balance.

Also in your shows and PPVs. Try to have a good balance of matches, I recommend 4-6 matches depending on what is going on in the show. (I use 5 because thats the max SvR has ... at bigger PPVs I probably will cheat and use a few more.)

I tend to like 4 shows, then a PPV.

I say 4-6 matches on shows and 8 on PPVs is best. That's just me.

Rosters: It is basically all up to you with this one. You need a good ammount of people on your roster, not too many for it to be crowded. Not to little to have no one. Just enough so people can know what is going on with them, or at least the main ones.

Who you have is up to you, I am using SvR so I use most WWE workers. I know people have said they like to be original, but it is harder to get into the stars you don't know. People will prefer stars they know about. But it is ok to be original as well.

I don't care about Indy wrestlers. Period. I would much rather read about guys I am framiliar with. But again, whateve floats your boat.

Understanding: People really need to understand your show, and the storylines. It is hard to do, but try your best to get people to know what is going on.

Yep. Agreed.


Really, there wasn't much for me to add. Them are some good tips.
hey thanx for making this thread for me lol, if anyone has any questions you can ask the expert haha, im kidding, im just doin this for fun, but last i checked, ive had more views than anyone in the past month....
yeah but u have the same number of post and only half the views, and im doin with people u have never even heard of....
Heres the number one book this! rule - Pick people you know how to use..I can't stress this enough.Lets say you pick some indy guy like Bryan Danielson for your fed-but you've never saw him in action.Thats going to be a bit hard isn't it?

Also Always make your world title feud feel very special.It's your main title and it has to centre stage.Thats basic.But if the feud ain't good it devaules the title.
Well I geuss I would like some advice. If you've read the GPW title tournament you would know about Cena vs MVP and how Cena unfairly retained at Aftershock. Now this fued isn't ending anytime soon, but I've thought long and hard and I still don't have any idea how it should end. Now this is a title fued, actually a main title fued. MVP is the face, Cena is the heel. So if you would be kind enough, could you give mesome ideads on how it should end or soem ways youd like it to end?
Well I geuss I would like some advice. If you've read the GPW title tournament you would know about Cena vs MVP and how Cena unfairly retained at Aftershock. Now this fued isn't ending anytime soon, but I've thought long and hard and I still don't have any idea how it should end. Now this is a title fued, actually a main title fued. MVP is the face, Cena is the heel. So if you would be kind enough, could you give mesome ideads on how it should end or soem ways youd like it to end?

Well I looked at how that was being booked, and it kinda depends on who you want to win the fued. I will go through a couple of ways to do it.

For Cena to retain/ win the fued:

You could have him win cleanly, it won't hurt MVP because he won the no-DQ cleanly and got the shot fairly. This way Cena looks like a heel underdog ... not sure if you want to go that route.

You could have him cheat to win, but not via DQ. For instance the ref gets knocked out and Cena uses brass knuckles, the ref gets back up and cena gets the pin.

For MVP to win the feud:

You could have win win clean, in a basic way. That would also extend the fued because Cena would get a rematch (I assume).

You could have Cena going to cheat, but MVP reverse the attack. That way, MVP (the face) won't be seen as using cheating tactics. You could also extend the fued this way.

Other ideas:

MVP may have to win the belt to extend the fued, because if Cena wins clean then you'll have to be creative in making MVP a contender again without making it look stupid.

Don't make it end in DQ ... no one really likes that.

I had another idea which was pretty good, but it seems to have skipped my mind.
Q: What did King Tut say to the museum? A: I want my mummy!............................................ .................................................. ...............................................warhammer gold warhammer gold lotro goldlotro gold lineage 2 adena

I'll never understand why people leave idiotic coments like this and end up getting themselves banned (no effence)

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