A1 To WWE?

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Former TNA star A-1 (real name Alastair Ralphs) is expected to go to Ohio Valley Wrestling.

He has the size WWE likes, so that's why he's getting his foot in the door. He doesn't have a WWE developmental deal just yet, but he's going to OVW in hopes of landing a contract eventually.

He was recently released by TNA because they had nothing for him.

I am in no doubt that he will be part of the ECW roster in 6 to 9 month's. He's exactly what WWE look's for. Big, muscular, worthless. He's the new Batista.
lol yea i cant really comment on that any better....hes pretty much the next batista...possibly turn him heel and have him fued with another big muscular worthless LASHELY for the ECW title...just another way to ruin the already doomed ECW
Man, if WWE picks up this guy I'll just be pissed. A1 never showed anything remotely good to me, maybe a couple of spots I don't even know I can't remember much of anything about him.

I'm hoping that WWE doesn't pick this guy up, or if they do, keep him in OVW or DSW for a long time before bringing him up to majors.
Big muscular guys are good at winning wrestling matches. I know, I was actually in wrestling and they have something called weight divisions for a reason.
Oh, great. This was just what I was expecting. Laurinaitis' dumb ass was probably frothing at the mouth to get a hold of A-1. This guy is the last thing WWE needs. They just got rid of one of them in Test, and potentially another one in Dupree. As soon as one talentless wonder gets the boot, there is another to take his place. Chances are, this guy will fill in for Dupree in a rejuvenated La Resistance. The world is safer now, and I know I feel better in knowing that they'll find another unqualified schlep to stink up the tag division.
As ive said before, TNA is a company that is so starved for new talent and the next big thing and being the best thing next to wwe and whatever.

WWE is a company that has nothing to worry about, they can make the product suck as much as they want but chances are they will still get higher ratings then impact and whatever else. They will always have a fanbase no matter what.

but anyways, TNA clearly had lost all hope for A1 so they decided to let go of him, so what does WWE see in him, the only reason the WWE has ever thought is because of TNA.

This is off topic but im always reading people saying how TNA is stealing WWE stars, Well, At least TNA takes the talented stars. Monty Brown, Cassidy Riley and now A1.....wow I see the decline in Impact ratings already.
WWE is a company that has nothing to worry about, they can make the product suck as much as they want but chances are they will still get higher ratings then impact and whatever else. They will always have a fanbase no matter what.

I think WWE is alienating a large number of their bread and butter fans like I used to be. I don't watch WWE anymore because their entire product stinks beyond belief. I hate how they have mishmashed the brands (not that having brands was a good idea to start with), shit all over the ECW name and the people who made it, they have fake overpushed talentless champions, flipflopping meaningless titles, insulting offensive and yet boring at the same time storylines and the list goes on and on.

TNA is far from perfect and they have tons of room for improvement, BUT they (like WWE still) have the potential and the talent to have an awesome product that satisfies both hardcore fans like ourselves, and the cena-lovers.

As far as " SteakSauce" goes, he's a perfect fit for WWE.
He is just going to be one of the bad wrestling, big men that WWE don't need, but McMahon cherishes

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