A word from the wise


Turn Bayley heel
A shoot implies that the rest of what I say is a work. This is the real world, not fucking wrestling, and everything I do is a "shoot". Not that I would ever use wrestling parlance in the real world. I rarely use it on here beyond "heel" and "face".

Nobody has made the predictable "shoot on IC's shoot on shoots" thread. Well done. I will offer some general thoughts though, based on something he said. I cared as much about the guy with 5 posts shoot as anyone else's. One of the worst things about this place is people questioning who new posters are. I'll tell you who they are, they're names on a screen who have as much a right to post here as you do. If people don't want to read them, they don't have to. You wouldn't tell a new guy at work to shut up if he tried to instigate a conversation, so don't do it here. The validity of one's opinion does not correlate to the amount of time spent on a wrestling forum. If it did, it would almost certainly be an inverse correlation.

Don't get wound up about things you don't understand. The creationist thread in the bar room lite is an absolute festival of people getting the wrong idea, on both sides of the argument. To summarise 1) If you don't know anything about the big bang, don't pretend to. 2) If you think the bible is intended literally, you're a moron. Before anyone comes back with "it's not stupid to have faith", I agree, but St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Augustine spent their whole lives re-interpreting the Bible to their contemporary worlds, and that little "St." before their name is an indication that they're probably a bit closer to God than you.

Don't take this place too seriously. It's a wrestling forum. It's not that good being a mod. You get to go in the board room, which is cliquier than a frat party at the masonic lodge, and spend your time being told that you live in your mother's basement or that you are a member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, by a bunch of goons that think "SEAN MICHALS IS THE BEsT2" is a detailed opinion. For the record, I have neither a mother nor a basement, and even if I wanted to be a Nazi, I'd have to travel back in time 43 and years before I was born, as that party has been defunct since 1945. Why do I continue to be a mod? Because I have one of the easiest sections, and it encourages me to actually read threads.

If you do want to be a mod, I don't suggest you pester the mods about it. All they do is take the piss out of you. And then Slyfox says "We won't be promoting [username] at the moment". And then that's it. I certainly wouldn't suggest trying to point out which mods aren't doing their jobs. Number 1, you don't have a fucking clue. Number 2, all it will do is guarantee that whenever you make a slip up, you will be punished.

Memes aren't funny, and never have been.

I don't do correspondence. I have been here 3 years, and if it wasn't for quote notifications and infractions, I'd never have cleared out my PM box. Perhaps I'm not approachable enough. I've literally met more people on this forum than I've had personal messages in the sense intended. I can't really imagine how people break the ice? This is not an invitation to break the ice.

These are only interesting if you mention people, so here's a selection:

Sam is funnier than you.

Gelgarin is a better poster than you.

I am mildly surprised at the fact that I've actually liked all of the people I've met on these forums, but that's more about me than you. Madcap is the one you can see from furthest away, for the record. And Dave has the most annoying fish tank, Lee can verify this.

Sidious' assertion that Norcal is young dumb and full of cum is at least a third wrong, but while everyone felt it necessary to point out that his success with the ladies meant that it was the "full of cum" part, it was a shame that nobody pointed out that the real point of stupidity there is that Norcal is evidently not dumb, and is easily one of the most aware of how wrestling actually works here. It's a shame people either can't or don't look past the sex stories.

I predicted almost exactly what would happen with Sidious months before it did. Lee can corroborate this. The whole gay thing was a bit of a swerve though.

Doc, Sly, tdigle and Lee. Those are the people who I don't think are ***** when it comes to discussing TM negatively in public, because those are the ones who did it when he was here. Pretty much everyone else should be ashamed. Ashamed either because you kissed someone you didn't like's arse for two years or ashamed for ditching your friend. For the record, I like TM, he was one of the only long term members that made new people feel welcome. Were his actions weird? Yes. Do I think he was being sinister rather than inappropriately curious? No.

The old Tastycles newsletter was my favourite thread. I valued the high level of contributions from Dave, Lee, Sam and Barbosa.

It started to take the piss out of fromthesouth, who turned out to be a racist. Can't say I'm surprised, to be honest with you. He didn't notice that it was there to take the piss.

Shocky is underappreciated.

People who get on Doc's back, or anyone else's for that matter, about being a virgin are far more pathetic than any virgin.

I'm sure nobody will read this, nobody ever reads anything I write in the bar room. Except Sam. Still, that's more people than read what I write in the non-spam sections.
Another display of why this guy is one of the better mods on the forums. Really sensible comments, without the bullshit. Great read.
Sidious' assertion that Norcal is young dumb and full of cum is at least a third wrong, but while everyone felt it necessary to point out that his success with the ladies meant that it was the "full of cum" part, it was a shame that nobody pointed out that the real point of stupidity there is that Norcal is evidently not dumb, and is easily one of the most aware of how wrestling actually works here. It's a shame people either can't or don't look past the sex stories.
I pointed out almost immediately that I think NorCal is a bright guy. Which you would have noticed if you weren't so enthralled by all the cum discussion.
Oh god Tasty, your sig...I can't handle....the laughter.

I'm sad I got no mention. Unless I was one of the unmentioned in the TM bit. But I don't think I ever kissed anyone's ass or turned my back on TM. We were never very close at all to begin with. He would IM me on MSN occasionally for chit chat but that was about the extent of our relationship. I absolutely do not think he was a bad poster at all and I actually liked a lot of his threads and posting. He had good taste in music too. Yeah, I don't think I ever turned my back on TM. I miss him and wish he'd return.
Just when I was ready to stab my self in the brain with a spork with all these damn shoot threads, Tastycles goes and blows my fucking mind. Well done.
I didn't think he was such a good thread starter. In the same way that Jack-Hammer isn't at some points either. They generally just post the latest news with their thoughts about it. They just beat everyone else to the punch.

Decent enough poster though.
I didn't think he was such a good thread starter. In the same way that Jack-Hammer isn't at some points either. They generally just post the latest news with their thoughts about it. They just beat everyone else to the punch.

Decent enough poster though.

Sid was great at stirring discussion, and he was a workhorse with Discipline.
Sid was great at stirring discussion, and he was a workhorse with Discipline.

Yeah, I would never call into question his work ethic. He was more than a workhorse. That guy put Ferbian to shame. And he was definitely good at getting under people's skin. That's why he got so much discussion going.

As far as thread starting goes, I didn't think he was as good as he was made out to be. People who create more broad threads, like jmt deserve more credit than Sidious.
Call me crazy, but I like people IRL who can have discussions. People who need to "stir" them are *****.
Best shoot that, as it actually had some substance to it. I'd be lying if I said I didn't take something out of it.

Who thinks NorCal is dumb? Besides Sidious, that is. They clearly have not actually taken the time to read anything he has written and have gotten hung up on that fact that he is too busy living life to engage in any lengthy debates about why Rey Mysterio is better than your favorite wrestler.

I also didn't realize that Shocky was under appreciated. I think the fact that he's not as regular a poster as say, X or Dave or myself makes some of the newer guys forget about him, but I'd say he's been one of the most influential people in terms of my opinions on taste wrestling.
Please, not another Sid discussion, Do not sully such a fine thread with this nonsense. Again.

He did good work, was possibly the biggest, creepiest twat to walk the earth. Move on.
I like this.. Well done. I have to say, as someone who is still considered a "new poster" I appreacate what you had to say about us. I know most of us get shit on for it. No, not saying it's by all the Mod's or the more well known posters either. Just some of the people who have been here a while, and some of them it was probably out of bordum, or due to having the same thing happen to them. I will admit I deserved it for the most part, but tips on what the person was doing wrong, and how to fix it, go a lot further than just saying "you're shit". Good job Tastycles
Best shoot that, as it actually had some substance to it. I'd be lying if I said I didn't take something out of it.

Who thinks NorCal is dumb? Besides Sidious, that is. They clearly have not actually taken the time to read anything he has written and have gotten hung up on that fact that he is too busy living life to engage in any lengthy debates about why Rey Mysterio is better than your favorite wrestler.

I also didn't realize that Shocky was under appreciated. I think the fact that he's not as regular a poster as say, X or Dave or myself makes some of the newer guys forget about him, but I'd say he's been one of the most influential people in terms of my opinions on taste wrestling.

As I said in my rep to tasty, its actually sort of a funny phenomenon on this forum. Its actually why I put myself on a "most underrated poster" lists when they come up. Sure people mention me when they talk about the forum heavyweights, but NEVER for the right reasons, and its been that way for years. People like IC and Will have been giving me back-handed compliments for years. Its kewl though :)
Maybe you do need to make the thread about how Rey is better than everyone else. I'd mark out.

Then again, I can think of worse things than being vastly under appreciated on a wrestling forum.
A shoot implies that the rest of what I say is a work. This is the real world, not fucking wrestling, and everything I do is a "shoot". Not that I would ever use wrestling parlance in the real world. I rarely use it on here beyond "heel" and "face".

Everybody get that? Tasty doesn't use those words in real life, so neither should we.

Nobody has made the predictable "shoot on IC's shoot on shoots" thread. Well done. I will offer some general thoughts though, based on something he said. I cared as much about the guy with 5 posts shoot as anyone else's. One of the worst things about this place is people questioning who new posters are. I'll tell you who they are, they're names on a screen who have as much a right to post here as you do. If people don't want to read them, they don't have to. You wouldn't tell a new guy at work to shut up if he tried to instigate a conversation, so don't do it here. The validity of one's opinion does not correlate to the amount of time spent on a wrestling forum. If it did, it would almost certainly be an inverse correlation.

You're so off base here that the only thing making my skull hurt worse is how everybody else seems to be giving you a reach around for it. So let me bring some real world education to YOU...

The biggest flaw in a paragraph filled with them is the juxtaposition of the new guy shooting on the members of a wrestling forum with the new guy in the office getting involved in the conversation. Let me complete that comparison for you with a real world busines application:

First, new guy "investigates a conversation:"

New Guy said:
"You know, I may be new here, but I was looking at these numbers and I can't help but think that there is a bit of a discrepency here. What do you all think?

Now, new guy "shoots on the rest of the forum:"

New Guy said:
"You know, I realize I've been here a fraction of the time you've all been here, but here's what I think about all of you. I realize I haven't contributed much yet, but I still think my opinion of all of you should carry as much weight as the managers."

There's a difference, Tasty, and I stand by my assertion that the right to post a rant on the other members of the forum without an established name is a little off. Sure, they damn sure have a right to do it, but then I damn sure have a right to criticise, regardless of what you say, Capt. Self-Righteous. You make it sound like I'm saying they have no right to post. Not so at all, but thanks for twisting my comment around. I am saying they shouldn't "shoot" on the other forum members.

S'pose you and I are about to start another little disagreement? I hope so - you've long been one of the only people I genuinely regard as a purely intellectual challenge. But the fact remains - you called me out for disrespecting newer posters, I'm calling you out for being self-righteous. Maybe we're just both doing what we do best.
Everybody get that? Tasty doesn't use those words in real life, so neither should we.

You're so off base here that the only thing making my skull hurt worse is how everybody else seems to be giving you a reach around for it. So let me bring some real world education to YOU...

The biggest flaw in a paragraph filled with them is the juxtaposition of the new guy shooting on the members of a wrestling forum with the new guy in the office getting involved in the conversation. Let me complete that comparison for you with a real world busines application:

First, new guy "investigates a conversation:"

Now, new guy "shoots on the rest of the forum:"

There's a difference, Tasty, and I stand by my assertion that the right to post a rant on the other members of the forum without an established name is a little off. Sure, they damn sure have a right to do it, but then I damn sure have a right to criticise, regardless of what you say, Capt. Self-Righteous. You make it sound like I'm saying they have no right to post. Not so at all, but thanks for twisting my comment around. I am saying they shouldn't "shoot" on the other forum members.

S'pose you and I are about to start another little disagreement? I hope so - you've long been one of the only people I genuinely regard as a purely intellectual challenge. But the fact remains - you called me out for disrespecting newer posters, I'm calling you out for being self-righteous. Maybe we're just both doing what we do best.

Ahem. Im pretty sure he wasnt on about new guys shooting, more on the way new posters are treated in general. I dont think he was calling you out or twisting anything, you may just be being a tad oversensitive

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