A new way to use stables???


Dark Match Winner
So I was thinking earlier about the whole Tripple H, Randy Orton story line and it seems like (to me at least) the whole Legacy stable kind of died down the only time you see Rhodes and Dibiase is when they try and help Orton jump HHH and he (HHH) usually takes them out and it's Orton that does the damage. This made me think that instead of using stables to attach some mid card stars to a main event star they should make a stable with just up and coming talent (Evan Bourne e.g.) or popular mid carders (CM Punk) and have them feud with other stables or one maybe two champions I also think this would be a good way to breathe life back into the tag team division.

Let me know what you think of that and while your thinking just for fun if you could create a mid card stable (no less than 3 people) Who would be in it? What would you name it? and Who would they fued with? You can use superstars from all three brands.

I'd put Regal, Finaly, and Paul Burchill (spell check on the superstars names lol) and I'd probably call them something like the European union lol sense they are all from overseas and I'd have Finaly and Burchill fued with who ever the tag champs were and Regal fued with who ever the U.S champ would be at the time and to add to Regals angle he would want to win the belt to change it to the European championship. I think it'd be fun to watch and just by association you have Layla, Katie Lee, and Hornswoggle so there's eye candy and comic relief lol but just for the hell of it you could have Layla chasing the Womens Championship and Katie Lee chasing the Divas championship. Well there's one for ya hope ya enjoyed it lol
If I had to create a new stable I would put together Edge, Mr.Kennedy, The Brian Kendrick, and MVP. I would call this stable Seize The Oppurtunity. Edge would of course be the leader. Edge would preach to them on how to Seize every oppurtunity if they want to be great. This would be a great heel stable. MVP would be US champ, TBK and Mr.Kennedy would be WWE tag team champs, and of course Edge would be WHC. Mr.Kennedy and TBK could really use this as a spark for their carrers.
Hmm...mid card stable..it would need to have a main event player as the leader though, so I'm going with Chris Jericho as the leader, Shelton Benjamin & Brian Kendrick as the tag team duo, and William Regal as the other singles competitor, especially with Layla. I guess I would call them The Kings of the Ring. I know it's not the best but it's all I got at 11am. Regal would feud with Punk or Rey for the IC title, Shelton & Kendrick could feud with either The Carlons or Rey/Bourne or Punk/Kofi, and Jericho could feud with HBK forever.
Interesting ideas so far. While Regal, Finlay, Burchill sounds fun (especially considering you get two hot chicks and a midget out of the deal), it wouldn't really be too original. Edge, Kennedy, TBK and MVP? Sounds like fun but, wow, ego overload just a smidge.

First thing I would do is can the Ziggler gimmick and just make it plain old "The Natural" Nic Nemeth, add John Morrison, Ken Kennedy, and Vladimir Koslov. The gimmick would be pretty much an outrageous take (spoof, even) on the original 4 horsemen (stylin' and profilin', jet-flyin', limousine ridin, etc.) not that Dean Malenko, Chris Benoit, stuff, but the party animals, big money guys. They would basically bribe Koslov into joining the group by promising him the glam and ladies of the night life, the "American dream" if you will, in exchange for basically being the enforcer, the muscle of the group, and they'd have his name changed into something ridiculous he didn't understand like Joey Bananaz. It'd help Nic and Vladimir "Joey Bananaz" get over and with Kennedy and Morrison passing the mic back and forth, it could just be miles and miles of fun. Yeah, it'd be awesome, and could eventually lead to a nice face turn for Bananaz (someone I think as of now is unfairly looked down upon at the moment just because his gimmick is dull and stupid)

That's what I think, I look forward to this thread continuing. Mad props, Ronbot.
I'd like to see some mid-card stables, like how DX and The Nation used to fued, when their leaders, The Rock and HHH were fueding over the IC Title. It varies the show, and makes those mid crad titles seem mroe important, and gives these midcrad guys BIG storyliens to get invovled with instead of thrusting them into the main event.
I think a good stable would consist of, The Brian Kendrick, Ezekiel Jackson, Ricky Ortiz and Michelle McCool.
The Faction would be called something like
The Impression
Kendrick would be the singles star, and he would go after the US title or World Heavyweight Title
Jackson and Ortiz would go after Tag Team gold as the big powerhouse team
and Mccool could ofcourse go after the Divas title
you would have kendrick tell jackson and ortiz to do his dirty work, until one of them started to get fed-up with the idea, like Ezekiel,and make him into a hot singles star like Batista a few years ago
Fun shit willie. I wish there were more guys around the IWC like you who are dying to watch our fledgling midcarders carve their way to the top. Everybody in your group has some potential, and I think if Zeke played his cards right he could be the next Ahmed Johnson, except, hopefully without all of the move botching and obesity, you know, more like popularity wise I mean, hopefully better in the ring.
nWo, 4 Horsemen, DX..., some of these were great but who came out? Triple H out of DX, Scott Steiner of the nWo out of how many members? I loved Evolution because everyone came out great in the end. It worked like a stable (or at least in my mind) should. Main stays bringing up newer talent. The Ministry helped Edge, Christian, and Bradshaw but left a lot to drown. The Nation was an anomoly. Most great stables use a main star's place to build up and make you pay attention. Too bad they are rarely used that way. Too bad Rhodes and DiBiase are losing momentum they had just to build Orton's.
This was the way that the wwe used to do stables, back in the 90s. For instance, you had the original Nation, which had Farooq, Crush and Savio Vega. All these three men were midcarders at best, and they pretty much were around to feud with Ahmed Johnson. Then this stable broke up, and the new Nation was formed, with Farooq, Kama, Dlo, Henry and later the Rock. This was a stable with midcarders again (as the Rock was still small fry at the time). This stable feuded with DOA and Los Baricaos(SP?). These were good feuds, because it was the first time I could recall in a while that 3 separate stables were feuding. None of these guys were big name wrestlers at the time, but yet it was exciting. What the wwe needs is something like that. While a stable like Legacy is good in that they can be dangerous, until the likes of Rhodes and Dibiase are able to do something on their own and not just be lap-dogs of Orton, this stable will not be very good. Its was made a stable like Evolution work, in that while it did have the ultimate goal of keeping the title around Trips, Batista and Orton were able to forge their own paths while being apart of the stable. If Legacy is unable to do this, then it will be a waste. Maybe it will be the time to turn the clock and go back to just a group of midcarders forming together for a common goal that is not related to just a title.
Bringing in stables is a good thing. Brings up young blokes. I would like to see Legacy extend and use some guys like the Colons. Make a stable of five. I would Like to see even Miz and Morrison start a stable with a couple of younger blokes. But i would really enjoy Edge, y2J with DH smith, Tyson Kidd and Nattie to create like a Dungeon group. then at least you woul have a group on each show and then go from there.
I love stables and when used right they are amazing and help the product immensely(NWO, DX, and Four Horsemen). When used wrong you get La Familia.

To me to make a great stable you got to have the main event guy the guy going after the belt the leader of the group. Followed by the tag team of the group and midcard guy who's in the mix for a midcard belt. Somewhere in the stable one of those guys in the mouthpiece and one is the enforcer.

Also, the stable has to serve a purpose and have some sort of reason to being together. Putting a stable together just to have a stable serves to purpose and is pointless. Legacy fits well because they fit together bc they are 2nd and 3rd generations guys out to prove they are better then their fathers before them. Putting kendrick mvp and shelton together just for fun is stupid unless their is a reason for it.
Two stables for me,
H.N.I.C. “Head Nation In Charge”

It would be Consist of:
Shelton Benjamin
Shad Gaspard
Alicia Fox

They could play a hip hop type tag team. A stereotypical black group at best.

My next stable of mid-carders
The Trilogy or N.E.X.:

John Morrison
The Miz
The Brian Kendrick
Tyson Kidd (I just like the name. It fits in any stable).

I like N.E.X. but I just can’t think of what it would mean.

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