a new stable


Occasional Pre-Show
stables are a huge part of wrestling i think. massively entertaining to see fueds between them. unfortunately nowadays they're all really small. the spirit squad being about the biggest i can think of. and they're not really a propper one, just a load of cheerleaders. so if you could all make you're own stable for wwe at the moment what would it be like, who would be in it, what show would it be on, what gimmick would it have etc?

i think an interesting idea would be to get bischoff and a group of wrestlers, some older like maybe nash and some new younger guys to 'invade' smackdown and challenge teddy long for general management position. kindof a cross between the nwo/invasion angle. on a smaller scale obviously
This is the stable I would make...

Original Gangstaz
Group Leader - MVP
Secondary Guy - Shelton Benjamin
Inforcer - Lashley
Tag Team - Cryme Time

Now that would be a sick stable.
PauLwaLL50 said:
This is the stable I would make...

Original Gangstaz
Group Leader - MVP
Secondary Guy - Shelton Benjamin
Inforcer - Lashley
Tag Team - Cryme Time

Now that would be a sick stable.

that would be hott as hell, but that meand Shelton needs to go to SD
I definitely agree with the statement about stables. They definitely are very entertaining to watch. I personally enjoyed the mid-card stable feuds back in the day even with Nation of Dominaton, Los Boricuas, and that Motorcycle stable that I forget the name of. Even though they weren't main event stables, it was still interesting. And then you have the premier stable feuds like the Wolfpack vs. the nWo Black and white, or DX and the Nation Of Domination.

Anyway, I think the Spirit Squad should break up soon to form two tag teams and revamp the RAW tag team scene and give one of them a singles push. I personally think a good idea for a stable would be moving Matt Striker to Smackdown since he's isn't a good fit on ECW and join him up with Michelle McCool, KC James, and Idol Stevens. And you have a "Education" theme stable, and call them the Faculty.

I would personally move over Jeff Hardy (to re-form the Hardy Boyz) and Benjamin and Haas (the World's Greatest Tag Team) to Smackdown to take on the stable (separately) and reform a Smackdown tag team division.

I could also definitely see Elijah Burke and Sylvester Terkay being lead by a heel Chris Benoit. Also possibly having Vito drop the dress gimmick and joining the team for more credibility. Benoit as a stable leader would give him much needed exposure and a defined role and character. He could play the hard-nosed mentor for them. With this role he could also stay in the main event. While having Vito and Burke a tag team, and having Terkay dominate the mid-card. Eventually, down the line, an emerging Terkay can feud with Benoit.
ok i consider a stable something like 3 or 4. so i would say orton,edge,lita and masters.. orton and masters as a tag team would be something funny to see, but if they can get a little better timing could be a dominate team. i cant think of a name but would be nice presence
orton deserves way better than just tag team. but i see edge as a stable leader. hed be perfect for it. with nitro as his right hand man, and edge could then in turn help nitro with his promos, which kinda suck right now. whether lita or melina would be in it, idc.
as for the rest of the stable, someone with an alex shelley like gimmick would be awesome, maybe they should do that with a new talent.
I'd like to see like Haas and Masters team up with Edge and Nitro like you said
yeah that would def be the best possible stable. and it would be beneficial in so many ways. nitro can learn from edge on promos and haas can make nitro and masters better wrestlers. haas can teach the ways of a tag team division to masters and theyl all benefit. plus they all have similar personalities. so it would be a good one.
Here are my stables.


First bring back piper full time to the smackdown roster and then move The Highlanders to smackdown. Then make rowdy piper the Highlanders manager. After that have Highlanders with piper fued with king booker t court ( regal and finlay ) for the tag titles. Then regal and finaly join the Highlanders to make the group a real stable. It would be Piper as the leader, then Rory and Robbie as the tag team, and finally regal and Finlay could wrestle in singels matchs or for the united states belts or even the w.h.b. they could also from a second tag team if something happens to the Rory McAllister . Oh yeah they would also have Little Bastard. Who should be used more often. Is it just me or does anybody else think that Little Bastard be great with piper ? Since there all scottish and british they could name the stable something scottish or british.

The second stable should be manged by booker T. It should include booker T, Sharmell, Lashley, Mark Henry, mvp, and Elijah Burke as the new Nation of Domnation. booker T could have the new n.o.d. fued with pipers stable for regal and finaly turning on him and joining piper.

The third stable should be the return of Jbl and his cabniet. It should Jbl as the guy in charge. Bring back Jillian hall as the consultant or instead of jillian they got use Kristal. THen have simon dean as the mid carder and the guy who helps Jbl make more money ( Jbl could be the main investor in the simon system ). The Gymini's ( jake and jesse ) could be used as the bodyguards and fight for the tag titles. Then have Joey Mercury or Mike "The Miz" Mizanin as the assistant or Jbl could claim that mike or joey ( which ever one is in the stable ) know people in holloywood and that could help him and thats why one of them is in the stable.


The First stable should be DX. Hbk and HHH as the leaders. THen x-pac should be brought back as the mid card wrestler. Then have Shelton and hass reform the TWGTT and join dx to replace the new age outlaws. they could have Victoria or that other muscular female wrestler ... Beth Phoenix... take the chynes spot as the bodyguard. which ever female is more muscular should replace chyna. I personally think it would be Beth Phoenix.

The second stable would be lead by Edge. It would be Edge as the main eventer, Mitch and Johnny as the tag team, Rob Conway as the mid carder, with Lita as the sl***y cheerleader/girlfriend if she is still with the wwe.

For the third stable Ric Flair comes out on raw and says that he is lengend and that the true evolution will start right now. Flair is about introduces the second member of the stable when Randy Orton's music hits and a heel orton walks to the ring. Orton says he is the legend killer. then it looks like ortons about to attack flair but instead they hug and flair informs everyone that orton is the second member of the true evolution. then he says that over the next few weeks he reveal rest of the members. The next week flair and orton come out and are about to introduice the next member when everybody breaks out in a batista chant. orton point to the ramp and chris masters comes out as the third member of the True Evolution. A Few weeks later flair comes to the ring and says the man who reformed evolution and helped flair make it better then what it used to be. Flair points to the ramp and half the crowd chants batista's name and the other half chants HHH's name. But when the music hits everybody goes silent and Chris Benoit walks to the ring.
There needs to be a Stable to fued with DX, instead of DX fueding with the McMahons/Big Show becuase everyone is bored of seeing that. So thats why the nWo should come back (Hall Nash and Hogan) but im not sure about Smackdown!, Benoit could maybe bring back a version of The Radiclez with like bringing Perry Saturn, Dean Malenko and someone else
Real Wrestling Inc.: They'd be a stable of wrestlers who can actually entertain us with a skilled mat wrestling match

Members: Shelton Benjamin, Chris Benoit, Sylvester Terkay, Charlie Haas

I'd drool over their matches...send them to ECW
I still like Edge, Nitro with Maters and Haas.... thats a team
WHY the HELL do people keep talking about Chris Masters? If he were about 6 inches taller, and bald, he'd be indistiguishable from Nathan Jones...

This is the guy that BROKE Steven Richards' nose, people! With a frickin double axe handle! How can a guy F*** up a polish hammer?!?!?! And WHY the HELL was he brought back? Did they think a couple months off would fix his stiffness????

Sorry. This thread is about stables. You know, when I found out DX was coming back, I honestly figured Edge and Lita would be involved (don't their current personas fit perfectly with DX?), and perhaps Orton. I think bringing X-Pac back will be a mistake; they need a mix of young and veteran wrestlers in a stable.

Personally, I'd like to see Ric Flair retire from wrestling and come back to teach a few of these young kids how to wrestle, in a managerial role. Give him a mix of guys, maybe Cade and Murdoch for the ground-and-pound, Kendrick and London for the aerial attack, maybe Haas or Benjamin as a ringleader...
Masters has the look, he just need some training from like Haas and or Edge.. Maters could be a good heel just give him help
really? i agree the 90's was a brilliant decade for stables, but i think whenever theres wrestling they have to exist. They can be massively entertaining and also help to get guys over a lot better. For instance shelton could be great if he was involved in a stable like some of the previously mentioned ones. It would give him a great gimmick, allow him to show off his wrestling moves while someone else did the talking for him. I think stables help generate brilliant storylines and allow for a much larger variety of matches and storylines. whoever mentioned about the ric flair and the new evolution group btw, it would be a fantastic group with great members!
Check this out...

Edge, MNM, Charlie Haas, and Sylvan.


DX w/HHH, HBK, Nitro, Miz, & the Pitbulls.
Hey guys, I was just thinking 'cause smackdown! needs help and in a way it was his show, bring The Rock back as like a manager or something, and mabey give him a match at a PPV when theres another stable?

but the stable couold be...
The Rock
Mr. Kennedy
and someone else?
can anyone think of someone?
You kno who I think would be a nasty stable... I dont kno the name but here they are...

Leader - Chris Benoit
Inforcer - Sylvest Turkay
Future - Elijan Burke
Older Guy - Flair

I dont kno why... But I just like that idea...
Not every stable needs to follow the typical Evolution (Past, Present, Future, Enforcer) mould, stuff liek the nWo had a totally different group.

Something like Edge and MNM would be a good stable, maybe once Lita leaves. They have similar ''glamour'' gimmicks, especially if Edge brings back his shades haha

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