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A.J. Lee and Layla? Dynamic Psychos? Diva Division?


Hailing from his own planet its...
Not ever am i excited about the divas division but this has me curious. I'd like to see how this plays out. Layla plays an awesome heel in my opinion and A.J.s heel? Need i say more. I think A.J. is right up to par with Maryse and Michelle McCool. They were awesome heels. My problem with the situation is there really isnt any interesting babyface divas. Im going to say while its on my mind that i do love the roll that the Bellas play also. hmm... the more i type the more i notice that there are some divas that i would like to see get more t.v. time.

I am going to say that natayla is possibly the most well rounded diva in the ring and that goes in almost complete agreement with the wrestling community. I will say this though, nattys character is stale and not very interesting. Natty as a heel? Sure she would get a boost from that but do we need a natty heel right now? the answer is no. There are far to many heels in the diva division. It almost makes me feel like every woman in the world is evil. giggity.

Lets quickly talk about a personal fav of mine, Alicia Fox. I think if given the spot light and a great push that she could have the potential to play a great heel or face. But she needs the time to become such.

Layla, i always liked her, her accent, her attitude, may i add beauty? She to me is also fairly well rounded. i think that its terrible the way the divas had been dragged through the mud and only 2 or 3 of them a week get a good 10 minutes out of the what 6 hours of t.v. that wwe gives us a week?

Im not purposely forgetting the funkadactyles or ms.snuka. I just dont have much to say about them to be honest.

So as usual i have a question for the WZ readers, where do you see layla and aj headed? what can be done with a heel team of divas? do we turn the bellas face and give some good tag matchs? do we pull those nxt divas up right now to the main roster and get the divas some more tv time to tell a good story? Who do you think is the next divas champ? I know most of you want to see natayla at the top but does she have what it takes outside of the ring to continue solid story lines?
If the Divas division was built around the ones you listed, I wouldn't have an issue. There's no reason why AJ/Natty/Layla/Tamina/Kaitlyn shouldn't be the core of the division with Naomi, Alicia, Cameron, Bellas on the outskirts. Unfortunately, those other divas are just window dressing for the Bellas. It's sad.
OK so Admins please realize this is not to bump this thread up or anything but I have a question for the readers. Is it because no one cares about the divas division that over 400 people viewed and not one of you have anything to say? You guys must have something to say?

Except this guy up there^^^^^^ thank you that guy or girl?
Not ever am i excited about the divas division but this has me curious. I'd like to see how this plays out. Layla plays an awesome heel in my opinion and A.J.s heel? Need i say more. I think A.J. is right up to par with Maryse and Michelle McCool. They were awesome heels. My problem with the situation is there really isnt any interesting babyface divas. Im going to say while its on my mind that i do love the roll that the Bellas play also. hmm... the more i type the more i notice that there are some divas that i would like to see get more t.v. time.

I am going to say that natayla is possibly the most well rounded diva in the ring and that goes in almost complete agreement with the wrestling community. I will say this though, nattys character is stale and not very interesting. Natty as a heel? Sure she would get a boost from that but do we need a natty heel right now? the answer is no. There are far to many heels in the diva division. It almost makes me feel like every woman in the world is evil. giggity.

Lets quickly talk about a personal fav of mine, Alicia Fox. I think if given the spot light and a great push that she could have the potential to play a great heel or face. But she needs the time to become such.

Layla, i always liked her, her accent, her attitude, may i add beauty? She to me is also fairly well rounded. i think that its terrible the way the divas had been dragged through the mud and only 2 or 3 of them a week get a good 10 minutes out of the what 6 hours of t.v. that wwe gives us a week?

Im not purposely forgetting the funkadactyles or ms.snuka. I just dont have much to say about them to be honest.

So as usual i have a question for the WZ readers, where do you see layla and aj headed? what can be done with a heel team of divas? do we turn the bellas face and give some good tag matchs? do we pull those nxt divas up right now to the main roster and get the divas some more tv time to tell a good story? Who do you think is the next divas champ? I know most of you want to see natayla at the top but does she have what it takes outside of the ring to continue solid story lines?
You see I am a guy that has watched WWE since I was like 4 maybe 5. I think this story will be great if they do it right. All they have to do is have Layla as some crazy woman like A.J. and on the WWE's YouTube channel on their show Backstage Fallout it looks like they are going this route. This will turn out great if done right. Maybe a Tag Team? Team LayJ?
Hey, im actually excited for this storyline,
wwe's divas are actually getting time on tv,
and we should support any woman they push since most of us are sick of the 2 min diva matches. i like layla but her turning heel on kaitlyn should have waited till aj lee and ziggler rivarly is over.
can you really see ziggler feuding with aj and layla?
this is weird. ziggler and aj feud needs to just stop.
and ziggler go to mid card. and aj and layla can actually make the diva divison interesting again! im excited:)
See, I think this is actually a colossal mistake. The AJ/Kaitlyn feud has been the most compelling thing in recent memory as far as the Divas division is concerned, but AJ needs her next contender. It would have made perfect sense for Layla, who has been Kaitlyn's best friend for some months now, to step in as AJ's next feud and even keep the angle going with Kaitlyn in her corner or just supporting her backstage. It seems like overbooking in an effort to keep AJ over as a heel, which she doesn't need help with. The Divas division doesn't get nearly enough time for Kaitlyn and Layla to have a story while AJ goes off to feud with the next contender. I'm worried this will kill any momentum the division had going for it.

AJ is also involved in Ziggler's storyline and has her apparently blossoming relationship with Big E as well, so it feels like throwing Layla in there, who has zero commonality with either of them, overcrowding the entrance ramp. Sure, it's early and nothing has progressed yet, but my snap judgment is that this is a totally unneeded swerve that does nothing for anyone.
I just try to look at certain things with positivity in mind. This is one of them. Having them try anything with the Diva's division, storyline-wise is a good thing I guess. The focus on Total Divas is not on ALL the Divas. AJ, Kaitlyn and Layla being involved in something is great because it gives quite a few Divas something to actually do.

Now storylines or angles getting over is a whole new question lol... Who knows how they end up being booked? Hopefully it is somewhat entertaining is all I can really hope for.
See, I think this is actually a colossal mistake. The AJ/Kaitlyn feud has been the most compelling thing in recent memory as far as the Divas division is concerned, but AJ needs her next contender. It would have made perfect sense for Layla, who has been Kaitlyn's best friend for some months now, to step in as AJ's next feud and even keep the angle going with Kaitlyn in her corner or just supporting her backstage. It seems like overbooking in an effort to keep AJ over as a heel, which she doesn't need help with. The Divas division doesn't get nearly enough time for Kaitlyn and Layla to have a story while AJ goes off to feud with the next contender. I'm worried this will kill any momentum the division had going for it.

AJ is also involved in Ziggler's storyline and has her apparently blossoming relationship with Big E as well, so it feels like throwing Layla in there, who has zero commonality with either of them, overcrowding the entrance ramp. Sure, it's early and nothing has progressed yet, but my snap judgment is that this is a totally unneeded swerve that does nothing for anyone.

Well, it is possible it could still go that route. Kaitlyn and Layla could have worked together to mess with AJ's head and then when AJ finds out about the plan, boom instant rivalry between AJ and Layla. I find this doubtful though as WWE aren't that smart to think of that kind of storyline, plus since it happened in a title match, this scenario is most unlikely.

AJ and Big E Langston might be done, because if you caught commentary during AJ's match with Kaitlyn they said that Big E has been banned from ringside during AJ's matches because of intimidation.
I think this decision, along with banning Big E from ring side, is so AJ has someone on her team that can actually interfere in matches. There is absolutely no way Big E was going to be allowed to interfere in a match which means the only way he could interfere is by standing there. Eventually that will wear out because it will become obvious that he can't do anything. On the other hand, Layla can do any kind of interference the WWE want. Plus Layla has a proven track record of been a Heel Diva that can draw some real heat. I think WWE are onto a good thing here, two of the biggest heel diva's they have had over the past 5 years joining together. Give them some promo time and really let them push forward as heels, after that you can build up some faces.

There are plenty of opponents for AJ/Layla. Kaitlyn might get one more match, but there is still Naomi and Natalya for now. They aren't very over, but facing the right heels can change that easily enough. Plus if Tamina does well in her new movie then WWE has a Diva returning soon who could be quite over as a face if played right. They have enough Diva's to last as opponents for AJ until Wrestlemania season anyway. In the meantime they should build up one Diva to face AJ at Mania, start experimenting with Diva's to see who can get over as a face before Mania.

Let AJ hold the title to wrestlemania, build up whoever they want to be a face for the diva's division from now until Mania cheating to win with Layla at her side. Have the newly built up face beat Layla at the Royal Rumble (or Elimination Chamber) then they can move on to beat AJ at Mania.
I agree with all of you and thank you all for speaking up. I think the divas deserve an equal shot and they should give them the op to run a good story at least. Give them a little more time and start 2 feuds so they have more then one way to the divas title. I do agree that Kaitlyn, am, and Kayla are getting the time on TV currently because the rest of the divas have their own show. Let's actually work them and see how entertaining they really can be.
It's pretty pathetic what's going on with the divas division. I love AJ but I just don't see why they have to put the belt on her, she is more effective in a managerial/GM role. I really feel like there is enough good diva wrestlers on the roster to have the division be legit and warrant more tv time. I love Tamina, she should be owning the division. The Funk-a-whatever chicks do good in the ring. Aksana is great in the ring and sexy as hell & has a mystique to her so she needs more tv time. I like Natalia and hope WWE doesn't give up on her because she has the legacy and could be a major player in some way some day. I hear good things about Paige and other talent waiting to come up so in my opinion the WWE is really fucking up the divas division right now. Let's not forget that Kharma is still out there somewhere and she could really heat up the interest in the division as well be transparent like Chyna was and wrestle against the men if need be. I think if the WWE is going to acknowledge a divas division they need to put more time into the story lines and character devopment or just only use them as managers. This shit they are doing with the tv show on E is just the preview of how things are going to start going with the WWE I'm afraid. Wrestling is about to become a reality type deal and over time less and less emphasis will be put on wrestling and they will loose the old school fans like me and true wrestling fans and end up with a bunch of viewers who are only interested in what happens outside of the actual show.
Makes you wonder where they will go with this.

To me, it reminds me of the Laycool story with Mickie James where they called her "Piggie James" and it was really low brow. I don't really understand Layla's turn. Maybe she'll end up feuding with Kaitlyn once she ends up winning the belt back?

Who knows? It doesn't really affect the bottom line with the WWE, but it could get interesting if they go the bullying route with her, AJ and Kaitlyn. Add in the Bella Twins and it could be the makings of a very controversial angle.

Then again, I don't see much of anything coming out of it.
I love AJ but I just don't see why they have to put the belt on her, she is more effective in a managerial/GM role.

Yes, but the company really needs to provide more interesting material for the girl wrestlers, not the managers, and one of the best ways to take advantage of this is to utilize the notoriety gained by A.J. as a manager/GM and use it to stimulate the diva division. As others in this thread have said, there isn't much to get excited about on the women's roster right now; they have to come up with personalities who can take over.....and who's better than A.J.?

I think making her a wrestler again is a great move for two reasons: Her prior accomplishments give us a reason to watch the divas....and A.J. seems to have played out her games with the guys, at least for now. Both features point to her joining the gals.

Of course, folks on this forum have the same problem as always with faces. If you read the comments before this post, they're saying that every woman mentioned is preferred as a heel; we don't want any of them to be faces, even though half of them need to be.

Okay, so it's Layla's turn to be bad again. After her return from that long absence, she won the championship on her first night back.....then faded as a personality; the writers seemed to have nothing for her, but there are so few divas around these days that she still showed up on our TV screens. Being a bad guy should invigorate her character, and that's good.

Still, they have to create some faces to oppose the Shield-like influence A.J. and Layla are going to enjoy for awhile. It will be interesting to see what they come up with, especially if they can coax some of the former divas back with the promise of featured roles.

Hopefully, they can fulfill that promise. There were actually two diva matches this past Monday. When's the last time that happened?
As of right now, I ultimately see this as a potential means of continuing AJ's program with Kaitlyn while adding Layla to the mix so that it has something fresh going on about it. Would I prefer to see AJ move onto her next challenger? Ideally yes but, realistically, who exactly would that be in WWE at this time?

Right now, if the debut episode of Total Divas is an indicator, Natalya looks to be playing The Bella Twins' bitch at the moment. Plus, they've had her doing a pointless angle in which she serves as The Great Khali's love interest. Maybe during this continued thing with AJ, Layla & Kaitlyn, they can ditch Natalya's baggage and build her up as the very good and useful in-ring competitor that she is so she can be a future challenger.

Speaking of The Bella Twins, do you seriously want to see AJ involved in some sort of feud with them? I know I don't for any number of reasons. The most important reason is, in my eyes, The Bella Twins are pretty close to useless. Their mic skills are average at the very, very best and they simply can't wrestle all that well. However, they've managed to suck & fuck their way to the top of the WWE hierarchy and have a level of pull that's FAR beyond what any other Diva currently has. As a result, if one of The Bellas wants to be Divas Champion in a feud with AJ then, unfortunately, she'll probably wind up Divas Champion. Fortunately though, I don't think this is something that's going down anytime soon. One of the Bellas, I forget which one, recently had a pretty decent match on Raw against Naomi in which the Bella lost and lost cleanly. If she was on WWE's radar as a potential challenger for AJ's title, I doubt she'd have lost that match to what would have to be thought of as a rookie Diva.

Speaking of Naomi, she's a potential future possibility. She's actually shown herself to be pretty decent inside the ring. She's extremely athletic and has been able to consistently get a rise out of the live audience. She has some degree of personality, something that I think could be expanded further than her ability to dance well. Since it looks as though she's going to be part of the focus of Total Divas, maybe WWE can use the show in conjunction with stuff from Raw & SD! to build Naomi into a future contender for AJ. As of right now though, I don't think she's there.

Alicia Fox is athletic enough and decent enough in the ring, but she's so one dimensional and has generally been used, for the most part, as a jobber for quite a while. She could be built up but, as of this time, she's not ready.

Tamina Snuka is, in my eyes, about as entertaining as watching paint dry. From what I've seen so far, there's just no real spark of energy or personality about her.

I'm not sure if AJ & Layla will ultimately be LayCool 2.0, but I don't think WWE is going in that direction. AJ's got this whole crazy/devious chick thing going on, so I don't see her switching from crazy chick to mean spirited high school cheerleader. It's just instinct, but I believe that Layla will be portrayed in a more serious light with this heel run. Some hated LayCool but I got a kick out of it as both Layla & Michelle McCool worked really hard to pull off an annoying heel act that worked. Still, I don't want to see that rehashed with these two.
I think there is a very clear and logical path that you take with this idea. There is no better idea than to eventually turn the Bellas face and have them face the Crazy Chicks. With the success of total divas plus the fact that despite what the IWC may say the Bellas are over and could put on a good feud. I think this is the logical step and after this feud I think it's clear one of the crazy chicks will turn on the other boosting one up to even more of a heel and the other looking more like a face. But yes we're building to Bellas vs AJ and Layla.
The Layla heel turn had been on the cards for a while but I must admit I was surprised when I saw her skip away hand in hand with AJ. I thought Layla would provide Kaitlyn with a separate feud to get some momentum back, and that AJ would move on to something new as she's made Kaitlyn tap out 3 times now so I don't see there being much left with that feud right now.

AJ is a fantastic little worker but her strength is in her character and she needs someone to play off, I'm guessing this is the reason Layla has not only turned heel but paired up with AJ. I imagine they realize the man eater route is done and I think Big E will go face after Summerslam.

The key now is Layla's reasoning behind joining up with AJ, hopefully they have a reason other than just being "Mean bitches," the Laycool thing played out 3 years ago and The Bellas are doing a lamer version of it right now. I'd prefer AJ and Layla's dynamic be built on something more creative than ripping off a movie that Lindsay Lohan made back when she didn't see Cocaine as a food group.
I think a heel turn for either Layla or Kaitlyn was pretty obvious. I think WWE made the right decision by turning Layla heel, she was always entertaining as a heel especially in LayCool. Right now it looks like we have two similar stories happening in the divas division. We've got the Bellas picking on Natalya and Layla and AJ picking on Kaitlyn. Maybe we see Kaitlyn and Natalya form a team and overcome the heels. This could be interesting and pretty entertaining.

I think whatever happens with AJ and Layla it's going to be entertaining, I think they'll both work well together.

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