A different idea for Bryan/HHH/Wrestlemania.....

They can still have Daniel Bryan lose at EC and get into the WM Main Event pretty easily,lMO.
Have Randy Orton win the EC to go into WM as champion. However, make DB and Orton be the last 2 in the Chamber, and have Bryan screwed by Batista(who turns full heel and is angry at the Bryan love). Post-EC, Bryan demands his inclusion in the Main Event. Long story short, he gets placed in the Triple-threat everyone talks about. Job done. :)

Yeah, pretty much. I can't see the EC match ending clean. I'd be shocked to see if Orton wins without interference like he did at TLC against Cena. History shows his wins are flawed.
Bret Hart & Yokozuna wrestled twice at WMX, Bret lost his feud opener to brother Owen and then defeated Yoko for the title in the main event. Yokozuna defeated Luger earlier that night. They both had title shots owing to the finish of the Rumble (draw).

Correct they did but I believe that was done simply because the roster was paper thin and really really bad. Undertaker was injured, Diesel was a body guard, Mr Perfect had semi retired, Bulldog had left the company, Hogan had left the company....

I cant see Bryan pulling double duty at Mania. I think he wiull get a shot in Washington at Extreme Rules should he win.

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