A different idea for Bryan/HHH/Wrestlemania.....


I'm the Big Daddy
So I know there are a million Wrestlemania threads and a million Daniel Bryan threads. But hear me out on this different and never been thought of way of booking him to the ultimate Wrestlemania moment.

So with the current Punk situation (if u believe it is not a work) HHH doesn't have an opponent. So everyone is guessing Bryan v HHH at Wrestlemania.... Now how about Bryan continues to demand a shot at the title at WrestleMania..... and yadda yadda yadda.... HHH says you beat me then you get it. So if HHH knows what's best for business he puts Bryan over in the opening bout then turns the Title match into a three way with Batista n Orton.... Bryan does the ultimate underdog come from behind, wrestles 2 times at the granddaddy of them all and ends WrestleMania holding the title.

Does this sound feasible? Would HHH put Bryan over? Is this totally out of the realm of a good idea? Actually has anyone wrestled twice at WrestleMania before? I think it would be a great moment to win twice and walk out champ for Bryan
Actually, sounds like a very good way to push db to the moon.

I mean, the guy faces the COO, overcome the odds, go to the main event, knock batista with the running knee....and make orton tap.

That would make one hell of a story for the most over guy in the last decade.
Bret Hart & Yokozuna wrestled twice at WMX, Bret lost his feud opener to brother Owen and then defeated Yoko for the title in the main event. Yokozuna defeated Luger earlier that night. They both had title shots owing to the finish of the Rumble (draw).
I was going to post something similar to this in another thread, but this probably deserves its own thread. I love the idea, the only issue I can see with it is escaping EC without DB being that champ. I think giving DB the win at EC is a huge mistake, it *needs* to be done on the grandest stage to really make for a huge moment.

Booking after that would be pretty elementary; the underdog champion the company doesn't want can be put into matches with just about anyone from there with little reason other than punishment/the authority believes he can't beat Batista, Lesnar, etc.
Basically, have DB and Orton be the last 2 in the EC, have them going at it, have Batista sneak in, and hit the Batista Bomb on DB, Orton gets the win. Going on to WM30, HHH and Bryan keep cutting promos at each other, DB demanding a rematch, HHH telling him that he had his chance, and once again, he couldn't make it. Finally, in total smugness, HHH says, "Ok, Daniel, if you can beat me at WM30, then I'll let you have another shot at Orton and Batista. If you win, we'll make it a Triple Threat. But I don't think we really need to worry about that, do we? I've been an A+ Superstar my whole career, and you could barely make it to B+ before you started blaming 'The Man' for holding you down."
I am glad some agree with my plan here......
I def do not see Bryan winning at EC.... I see him getting screwed somehow, whether by Batista or HHH but that sets the rest up perfectly!
I think him beating HHH and then winning a triple threat with 75000 + me at the Superdome chanting YES will go down as one of the top 5 or 6 WrestleMania moments of all time.
Hey make it even juicier and have him fight HHH as the second to last match and then have him have to go right into the triple threat match..... meaning he fights over an hour straight!
I remember when I first heard that the plan was for HHH to fight CM Punk I was a bit let down because I think it just makes so much more sense for bryan to fight HHH at wrestlemania, and a little earlier a cool idea I heard on a podcast was that bryan would fight HHH at wrestlemania for a title shot at Extreme Rules which is also in his home town. The pop he would get for winning the title at his home town would be amazing, plus I would love to see him finally get his revenge on HHH at WM 30
They can still have Daniel Bryan lose at EC and get into the WM Main Event pretty easily,lMO.
Have Randy Orton win the EC to go into WM as champion. However, make DB and Orton be the last 2 in the Chamber, and have Bryan screwed by Batista(who turns full heel and is angry at the Bryan love). Post-EC, Bryan demands his inclusion in the Main Event. Long story short, he gets placed in the Triple-threat everyone talks about. Job done. :)
Of course, my plan is assuming that CM Punk and his walkout is all a work by WWE, because that is how I see it at this time until further notice.
I love the current uproar and while I'm not a big time Bryan backer he is leading the movement and an over the top moment with him at WM would be insane.

I like the ideas already suggested but would like to toss out to other options.

Punk Stays Gone:
EC: Final three Bryan, Sheamus and Orton. Bryan has Orton down for the count but just before the three Sheamus attacks. He helps Orton back to his feet and the two just destroy Bryan. After five minutes of punishment and taunting the crowd Orton pins him. Triple H's music hits. He has a mic, "Sheamus, Orton I can't believe the two of you... I can't believe the two of you just pulled that off!" We get a finger poke of doom and Orton retains. They continue the beat down of Bryan until Batista makes the save. Batista grabs the mic and tells Triple H he came back to face the best and become world Champion. He has zero use for H's games and if they pull any of this BS at WM he will personally kick H's ass.

Next Night on RAW: Triple H is out to claim he knows what's best for business and he is the ultimate puppet master. He books Bryan vs. Sheamus at WM as the opening match, as far away from the main event as possible, and promise to run Bryan out of the E like he did to Punk. Batista makes his way out and repeats his claim to want the best in his quest to be the champ. He then introduces Vince. The main boss man says if Bryan beats Sheamus he will go onto challenge the winner of Orton/Batista to close WM..... Roll out the network.

WMXXX: Bryan overcomes some odds and beats Sheamus and then goes onto beat Batista and win the title.... Cue 75000+ YES Chants!

Reasoning: Bryan gets his WM moment, people like Batista, turn Sheamus and save Triple H/Bryan to hype a B event.

Punk Comes Back:
EC: Final two Bryan and Orton. Punk enters and screws Bryan. We end the event with a major WTF.

Next Night on RAW: Punk explains he signed a deal with the devil, Kane, that promises him the world championship. The show ends with Vince announcing a "Golden Ticket" match between Punk and Bryan at WM. The winner will advance to take on the winner of Orton vs. Batista to close out WM..... Roll out the Network.

WM: Bryan goes over Punk and onto beat Orton for the title. Can you smell those YES! chants?

Reasoning: Bryan gets his WM moment and we get a bad ass Bryan/Punk war until July, maybe longer.
These were my initial thoughts and still my thoughts:

The Daniel Bryan saga is all a work. Listen, would WWE tolerate DB openly talking in a promo how he is being held back? Then add on his tweet? Mick Foley's tweet?

WWE is playing this all off perfectly. Keep causing a huge buzz, get people talking about DB. And then at Elimination Chamber, screw him over again. Cause another riot. Keep playing the fans and getting them more and more worked up. Let those fans riot on Twitter and take over Twitter. Get WWE in the spotlight even more.

Vince and company are not blind or dumb. They clearly understand DB is the most over superstar since Stone Cold it seems. He is that spark WWE needed. He is the new fresh main event talent WWE needed. Do you think they'd keep giving him the spotlight if they didn't have plans to give him the title?

And then at Wrestlemania, he gets his title match. He wins the match and the fans absolutely explode. I actually can't see this not happening.
I don't think he'll get the the main event at WM 30. With Punk gone for the forseeable future, I think they will re-work the card at Mania from Bryan/Sheamus (as rumored) to Bryan/Trips with the stipulation that if he beats Trips that he gets a title shot at the next PPV, which would be May 4. I only say this cause it still gives him his big moment, but in his home state. That is probably the only thing that can top him doing it at Mania.
I don't think he'll get the the main event at WM 30. With Punk gone for the forseeable future, I think they will re-work the card at Mania from Bryan/Sheamus (as rumored) to Bryan/Trips with the stipulation that if he beats Trips that he gets a title shot at the next PPV, which would be May 4. I only say this cause it still gives him his big moment, but in his home state. That is probably the only thing that can top him doing it at Mania.

I respectfully disagree with you my man. NOW (with punk gone) more than ever BRYAN will be at the main event and he will walk out wrestlemania WWEWHC.
If Punk has truly gone home and won't appear at WM (I think he will) then the WWE should probably pair Bryan and HHH. It is a feud that has been developing for about 6 months now and this would be a great pay-off. Reportedly Bryan is set to face Sheamus, a rather uninspiring choice, but him finally getting his revenge over Triple H would be great.

If they wanted to use Punk walking out and how that effects Bryan they could also mention how he got fired after the Nexus debut and the whole Justin Roberts' incident.

I quite like the idea of: if Bryan wins, he is in the WWE title match. It adds a bit more to the match with Bryan and it opens up the opportunity for them to put the belt on one of the most over wrestlers in a long time. Would Batista accept that I don't know but I think it would be worth a shot.

Triple threat matches can be hit or miss but generally I enjoy them. The Benoit/HBK/HHH was one of the best WM main-events of all time and while we wouldn't have the same talent, we would certainly have three talented guys that could put on a great match.

Add in the fact that Batista/Orton are former team-mates and that could be really good. They would slowly turn on Bryan making his task even more difficult. Hell, have Flair make a run-in during the Triple H match and Bryan could run the Evolution gauntlet in order to win the title.

I quite like this idea. It would give Triple H something to do; we would get a great WM moment and we wouldn't have to see Batista in a singles match - assuming he isn't at his best.
So I know there are a million Wrestlemania threads and a million Daniel Bryan threads. But hear me out on this different and never been thought of way of booking him to the ultimate Wrestlemania moment.

So with the current Punk situation (if u believe it is not a work) HHH doesn't have an opponent. So everyone is guessing Bryan v HHH at Wrestlemania.... Now how about Bryan continues to demand a shot at the title at WrestleMania..... and yadda yadda yadda.... HHH says you beat me then you get it. So if HHH knows what's best for business he puts Bryan over in the opening bout then turns the Title match into a three way with Batista n Orton.... Bryan does the ultimate underdog come from behind, wrestles 2 times at the granddaddy of them all and ends WrestleMania holding the title.

Does this sound feasible? Would HHH put Bryan over? Is this totally out of the realm of a good idea? Actually has anyone wrestled twice at WrestleMania before? I think it would be a great moment to win twice and walk out champ for Bryan

Um, the scenario of Daniel Bryan wrestlnig twice has been mentioned numerous times in varying D Bryan threads since the XCM Punk walk out. Having Daniel Bryan vs Triple H open the show though is a shit idea, nobody would dispute the outcome, and no way in hell HHH opens Mania, have the D-Bry vs HHH as the match before the main event, then yes I can see that working and the crowd will be in for a roller coaster of a ride. I like the idea, and could save the plan of Batista vs Orton at Mania not being shat all over. But WWE will have something in mind for EC, pending who leaves with the gold will play a massive part in creative, and Wrestlemania is six long weeks after the EC match, so patience from fans is required.
I put this in another thread, but this would I do.

Have DB beat Orton at EC. Then a now heel Batista decide to spine buster and Batista-bomb DB. Meanwhile after Batista walk away, Orton slither in the ring and use his rematch clause like MITB case to win back his title.

Therefore, DB will be screw again, but the payoff will be so much better now. We can see DB vs. Triple H's buddies, overcoming odds, etc. and finally win the big one in Wrestlemania.

I hate the idea of DB vs Triple H for title shot in Extreme Rules. Come on, is the idea of Wrestlemania is to be part of the title shot. Why trying to be a #1 contender in the grandest stage of all and win it in a B-show. Yes, Extreme Rules will be at DB's hometown, but it would be sweeter if he win it at Wrestlemania and now some random PPV of rematches.
I see Punk's departure as a work and it's Punk vs HHH at Mania with HHH as COO and Punk's reinstatement on the line.

I do like the idea if Extreme Rules wasn't in Seattle. I would be 50/50 on watching Extreme Rules in Seattle with DB coming in as champion. I would 100% watch if DB came in as the number 1 contender in a WWE title match in Seattle. WWE knows this. You want to maximize buys. DB earns his shot at Mania, which gets a ton of WWE Network subscriptions regardless of the card (for the most part) and you also boost Extreme Rules buys by having it headlined by Bryan in a match he's obviously going to win. Sometimes obvious isn't a bad thing when it means drawing more.
I see Punk's departure as a work and it's Punk vs HHH at Mania with HHH as COO and Punk's reinstatement on the line.

I do like the idea if Extreme Rules wasn't in Seattle. I would be 50/50 on watching Extreme Rules in Seattle with DB coming in as champion. I would 100% watch if DB came in as the number 1 contender in a WWE title match in Seattle. WWE knows this. You want to maximize buys. DB earns his shot at Mania, which gets a ton of WWE Network subscriptions regardless of the card (for the most part) and you also boost Extreme Rules buys by having it headlined by Bryan in a match he's obviously going to win. Sometimes obvious isn't a bad thing when it means drawing more.

I can see where you are coming from but I still think Mania needs that big moment, it's not just a tag line when they talk about it being the showcase of the immortals, the moments that happen there really do stick with fans and a wrestler.

The other issue is that if Bryan beats Triple H and earns the shot at Extreme Rules, Orton vs Batista still has to go on last and you have Mania booed off air. Now I guess they could do Bryan vs Triple H last instead but it doesn't really feel big enough to gazump the title match.
Your main events should go in this order at WM30.
Title match
HHH match
Taker match

There's no other way to close out WM30. Daniel Bryan should be in either the Title match, or the HHH match. In no way does Daniel Bryan close out WM30.
Your main events should go in this order at WM30.
Title match
HHH match
Taker match

There's no other way to close out WM30. Daniel Bryan should be in either the Title match, or the HHH match. In no way does Daniel Bryan close out WM30.

It's kind of sad that the title match wouldn't close out Wrestlemania, especially after all they did to try to make the title more credible
The Title match should have never closed out WM in the last several years. Taker and Rock are both more important than the Title. And this year, HHH and Taker are more important than the Title.
DB vs Batista and RKO vs HHH. It's logical because Orton has been in a grey area with the authority. Problem is Trips and Orton is a beaten horse but it gives DB the opportunity to go obver clean at WMXXX main event.
This is actually a great idea and would definitely get over huge (provided we all aren't overrating how over Daniel Bryan actually is...if that crowd is not white, white hot then they might get burnt out, D-Bryed out).

But it would be very hypocritical if people marked for this and then bitched about how Cena was portrayed since 07.
Batista won the Royal Rumble, he faces Orton at WM30. Bryan is being "held back by the Authority" he fights HHH at WM30. Bryan isn't winning gold at WM30, which is fine, really, but if you're going to write him into this underdog position, you have to have a payoff sooner or later. The sad part is how far down the ladder Bryan falls when people don't relate to him anymore.

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