9/11 Was A Inside Job!!!!

I'm expecting Todd to stop visiting this thread and return in a week with something on JFK or Tupac and, god forbid, the illuminati. If Todd starts doing the illuminati I'm reaching through the screen...
So tell me if I am wrong here but...

If he says the building 'mysteriously' fell as if by explosion- not fire, does he not understand that a plane (carrying large amounts of jet fuel) crashing into said building would cause an explosion? Also setting off other things that explode & causing structural damage?

But no. It all remains a mystery....

Also, I bet he thinks that the wrecked parts of the plane from the Pentagon were 'planted' there. Possibly by a guy with a large wheelbarrow full of pre-exploded & shredded AA plane parts- just in case he ever needed them.
So tell me if I am wrong here but...

If he says the building 'mysteriously' fell as if by explosion- not fire, does he not understand that a plane (carrying large amounts of jet fuel) crashing into said building would cause an explosion? Also setting off other things that explode & causing structural damage?

He's talking about a building that wasn't struck by a plane. Building 7 that collapsed that they said was due to fire.

He's saying that building went down more like a controlled explosion.
Well, all his rambling about buildings must have run together then when I was reading thru his insane posts. Still -fire burns, causes damage, building falls. Not hard to understand.
Well, all his rambling about buildings must have run together then when I was reading thru his insane posts. Still -fire burns, causes damage, building falls. Not hard to understand.

I totally understand your point on his rambling.
Well, all his rambling about buildings must have run together then when I was reading thru his insane posts. Still -fire burns, causes damage, building falls. Not hard to understand.

Fire has never caused a steel frame building to collapse. Fire wouldn't cause a steel frame building to collapse like a controlled demolition.

If all that jet fuel caused the world trade center to collapse like a controlled demoltion, how come the pentagon was only left with a hole that was only 15 ft wide?

The same fiery explosion that a passport made out of paper survived but not the black box.

What about the people inside the building who claimed to have heard an explosion before a plane hit any tower?

Here is the impossible maneuver that the hijacker performed who was known as a terrible pilot.


Just read it.

You can only provide one picture of a tiny part of the plane. I like how that little piece is your evidence that I’m wrong.
He'll just going to leave for 36 hours and then ignore everyone else's arguments so that he can fight with AndThat'sTheBottomLine.
I got all but the name right. Also, it was only 34 hours, but I'm willing to allow for a small margin of error.
Fire has never caused a steel frame building to collapse.


Fire wouldn't cause a steel frame building to collapse like a controlled demolition.

Not established. Read that: http://education.jlab.org/qa/meltingpoint_01.html

PS: Ha!

If all that jet fuel caused the world trade center to collapse like a controlled demoltion, how come the pentagon was only left with a hole that was only 15 ft wide?

We've already established that this isn't true. There was at least two holes in the pentagon, one of which was 75m across and that was explained by the loss of the wings on impact.

The same fiery explosion that a passport made out of paper survived but not the black box.

There's no telling when the passport fell off the air plane, nor how close it was to any fiery explosion.

What about the people inside the building who claimed to have heard an explosion before a plane hit any tower?

Who knows? Were they right, were they wrong. Anxiety can do things to people's memory.

Here is the impossible maneuver that the hijacker performed who was known as a terrible pilot.


Just read it.

Nothing there says that it's impossible. Unlikely at best. nothing wrong with unlikely. Also, it was about two years between him being outed as a terrible pilot and the event itself. Plenty of time to get better.

You can only provide one picture of a tiny part of the plane. I like how that little piece is your evidence that I’m wrong.

There's plenty of plane in the background as well. But it that isn't enough for you, which it clearly isn't. From Sly's link:

FACT: Blast expert Allyn E. Kilsheimer was the first structural engineer to arrive at the Pentagon after the crash and helped coordinate the emergency response. "It was absolutely a plane, and I'll tell you why," says Kilsheimer, CEO of KCE Structural Engineers PC, Washington, D.C. "I saw the marks of the plane wing on the face of the building. I picked up parts of the plane with the airline markings on them. I held in my hand the tail section of the plane, and I found the black box." Kilsheimer's eyewitness account is backed up by photos of plane wreckage inside and outside the building. Kilsheimer adds: "I held parts of uniforms from crew members in my hands, including body parts. Okay?"
Fire has never caused a steel frame building to collapse. Fire wouldn't cause a steel frame building to collapse like a controlled demolition.

The McCormick Centre in Chicago says hi.

If all that jet fuel caused the world trade center to collapse like a controlled demoltion, how come the pentagon was only left with a hole that was only 15 ft wide?

1) The pentagon isn't built like the WTC

2) By "like a controlled demolition" you mean "it collapsed story by story with the air displacement causing dust to be blown out the side" you're right.

3) the 15 foot hole was made by the landing gear, you idiot.

The same fiery explosion that a passport made out of paper survived but not the black box.

Which fiery explosion are we talking about? The Pentagon (where the black box was recovered. Whoops) or the ones that hit the WTC? Where, ya know there's a shit ton of rubble on top of them and you wouldn't expect to find it easily.

Black boxes aren't indestructible you know.

What about the people inside the building who claimed to have heard an explosion before a plane hit any tower?

Wasn't the guy who famously said that two miles away and didn't actually see anything?

Here is the impossible maneuver that the hijacker performed who was known as a terrible pilot.

This isn't worth refuting

You can only provide one picture of a tiny part of the plane. I like how that little piece is your evidence that I’m wrong.



Understand now?
I just picture him running around chasing his tail like a dog & getting so excited he pisses on the floor.

Funny thing is, no matter if you put him in a DeLorean, set it to the exact date & took him there- he would still stand there & say it was all bullshit.
Fire has never caused a steel frame building to collapse. Fire wouldn't cause a steel frame building to collapse like a controlled demolition.

No, the supports in one floor giving way due to fire, and then each subsequent floor collapsing would.

If all that jet fuel caused the world trade center to collapse like a controlled demoltion, how come the pentagon was only left with a hole that was only 15 ft wide?

Because the WTC was made out of steel and glass, and the Pentagon was designed to be bomb proof. If you build a house out of bricks and one out of sand, pissing on the sand one will weaken it, and maybe bring it down, pissing on the other would do nothing.

The same fiery explosion that a passport made out of paper survived but not the black box.

The found passport reeks a bit of bullshit in my eyes too, but even so, the black box hasn't been found because a building fell on it, a passport is far likelier to have been carried by the blast/wind away from the tower before it fell than a heavy box.

What about the people inside the building who claimed to have heard an explosion before a plane hit any tower?

If there was a controlled explosion several hours before the towers came down, what was it for?

Here is the impossible maneuver that the hijacker performed who was known as a terrible pilot.


Just read it.

You can only provide one picture of a tiny part of the plane. I like how that little piece is your evidence that I’m wrong.

Did you read my first post at all? All of this was explained.
No one proved me wrong with anything.

What about building 7?

I still wasn't given enough evidence that it was a plane that hit the pentagon.

What about the people who claimed to hear explosions before a plane even hit any building? I like how you put words in my mouth and say it was several hours before a plane hit the twin towers.

Not only do you make stupid excuses for the pass port but you make stupid excuses that explains the maneuver that this hijacker performed to fly a plane into the pentagon. He was a terrible pilot flying a little plane, not a Boeing 747 where someone of his level wouldn’t be able to figure out that plane. With two years of practice you will still not be able to do what he did. Especially while flying a Boeing 747, this is a maneuver that not even the best pilots can do who have been flying for multiple years.

What about how they found several of these so called hijackers alive after 9/11, or how all the steel to the building was shipped overseas right away to melted down to prevent any investigation if explosive weapons played a part in the buildings falling down?
Slyfox's link actually answered all those questions, but you're utilizing a strategy of going after the weakest arguments you can find while ignoring the strong ones, so have at. I'm watching flies swarm around manure.

Apparently you're an expert now in flight mechanics and aviation training too. Do they teach that as part of the community college classes for dog catcher school, or was that an elective?
Rayne said:
Slyfox's link actually answered all those questions, but you're utilizing a strategy of going after the weakest arguments you can find while ignoring the strong ones, so have at. I'm watching flies swarm around manure.

Apparently you're an expert now in flight mechanics and aviation training too. Do they teach that as part of the community college classes for dog catcher school, or was that an elective?

He got the Flight Mechanics for Dummies book from Books A Million. He probably watched a guy on YouTube fly an airplane. It's the same thing according to him.

Posted from Wrestlezone.com App for Android
Slyfox's link actually answered all those questions, but you're utilizing a strategy of going after the weakest arguments you can find while ignoring the strong ones, so have at. I'm watching flies swarm around manure.

Apparently you're an expert now in flight mechanics and aviation training too. Do they teach that as part of the community college classes for dog catcher school, or was that an elective?

I bet he's recycling something he read on the internet or saw on television that was probably recycled from someone else. Odds are it started out as speculation but because someone said it then it must be true.

I don't think he understands with conspiracy theories you have to take what is said with a grain of salt because the truth is often bent the way they want it to be bent.
I don't think he believes one bit of this 9/11 nonsense, but he's throwing a temper tantrum because everyone laughed at him over his other attempts to be intellectual. He's doing a pretty good job of trolling this thread along too.

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