9/11 Was A Inside Job!!!!

Nooo, then the casual observer would think that Todd could do good grammar. Why should he look smart when I cant?
What a dumb use of a dumb?

Not a question Mr. Fogg.

Why is that most of the terrorist that they said caused the attacks were found alive after 9/11//?

Well for one, most of them weren't on the plane. Also, "Shortly after the attacks and before the FBI had released the pictures of all the hijackers, several reports appeared claiming that some of the men named as hijackers on 9/11 were alive.,[33][34] and were feared to have been victims of identity theft." But moreover, I want you to prove beyond doubt that MOST of the men allegedly responsible for 9/11 were found alive afterwards. That would include showing how many men were involved and how great a number were alive afterwards.

How did a bad pilot with not a lot of experience be able to do what was claimed the plane did to crash into the pentagon, when some of the best pilots in the world can't even do what that terrorist did?

How do you know he was a bad pilot?? Show me evidence from some of the world's best pilots (that's multiple pilots) that they aren't capable of doing what was alleged to have been done on the day.

You are right with one thing that is was terrorist who caused the attacks. Those terrorist are own government. Don't you find it strange that are government doesn't consider it terrorism when its them who is spreading the terror?

Prove it incontrovertibly. But even if your theory were correct, it wouldn;t be strange that a government would not refer to themselves as terrorists. They are hardly going to condemn their own actions in such a way to jeopardise their career if avoidable.

You talk about proof. How come there is no video evidence of a plane hitting the pentagon? Don't you find it strange that all the scarps from the world trade centres was destroyed right away? Show me proof that Navy Seals killed Osama Bin Laden? Don't you find it strange how most of those Navy Seals just suddenly died after they killed Osama Bin Laden?

Can you prove that there is no video evidence of a plane hitting the pentagon? Have you seen every video that applies to the situation? You can't possibly even know whether or not you have, that's a freebie for you. Show me proof that Navy Seals didn't kill Bin Laden. Provide me a link to something that talks about how the Navy Seals responsible for killing Bin Laden died suddenly afterwards.

I was also put in here because the people here don't like people who speak the truth or talk about things that are real.

How do you feel about CM Punk, John Cena, The Rock? It will make sense.

Like Kid Rock I'm a Rebel without a Clue

Close though.

There is plenty of evidence that provides that more happened on 9/11 then what we were told. All you have to do is a little research look at the facts and not believe everything that your government says. The facts simply don't match up with what our government said happened that day.

This is actually probably true to an extent. You do have to take into account the government don't actually necessarily KNOW all of the information about the event themselves even to this day. Nor can they actually disclose all of it even if they did. But it's interesting that you should say you shouldn't take the word of the government as law, because equally you shouldn't taken things written on the internet as undeniable truth.

Do you yourself actually know how a building is supposed to fall down when struck by a plane. Have you even been a demolitions expert. Do you know if a plane is supposed to blow up into little bits on impact? It seems to me like you're just replacing one unarguable source of truth with another. What you should really do, is stop posting links and do your own research on these things, not just follow other people's, and then you can make a more sound conclusion. I would find it interesting to look at exactly what evidence it is you have that can prove beyond doubt that the United States government caused the 9/11 attack, because it must be somewhere you just haven't wanted to show us yet.

Your wrong....It was a mule!

First thing you've been unequivocally right about.
Fuck you Todd. Seriously, fuck you. If you had any real connection to what happened on September 11th, 2001, you wouldn't spout off about it, no matter how incapable of rational thought you may be.

What makes it worse is that you were obviously way too young to grasp the gravity of that situation on that particular day, so you can't possibly have a true informed opinion of what happened.
Theres a quote originally about arguing with creationists that fits Todd pretty well.

"Debating [Todd] on the topic of [anything] is rather like trying to play chess with a pigeon; it knocks the pieces over, craps on the board, and flies back to its flock to claim victory."
Fuck you Todd. Seriously, fuck you. If you had any real connection to what happened on September 11th, 2001, you wouldn't spout off about it, no matter how incapable of rational thought you may be.

What makes it worse is that you were obviously way too young to grasp the gravity of that situation on that particular day, so you can't possibly have a true informed opinion of what happened.

Are you suggesting this post you have made here is rational?
Fuck you Todd. Seriously, fuck you. If you had any real connection to what happened on September 11th, 2001, you wouldn't spout off about it, no matter how incapable of rational thought you may be.

What makes it worse is that you were obviously way too young to grasp the gravity of that situation on that particular day, so you can't possibly have a true informed opinion of what happened.
Why is every getting so mad?

How can you not see that 9/11 was an inside job?

Before you call me an idiot show be full evidence that shows that Osama Bin Laden was the master mind behind 9/1l. Evidence will show that he was once in the CIA. More evidence shows 9/11 was an inside job.
Why is every getting so mad?

How can you not see that 9/11 was an inside job?

Before you call me an idiot show be full evidence that shows that Osama Bin Laden was the master mind behind 9/1l. Evidence will show that he was once in the CIA. More evidence shows 9/11 was an inside job.

Why does everybody have to show you evidence when you haven't provide shit supporting your idiotic claim? How about YOU show me indisputable proof that what you say is is without a doubt 100% fact.
Not going to bother engaging you on the whole 9/11 thing, it's pretty clear that you're just trying to ruffle feathers. My offer to debate you on a neutral court with money on the line remains standing, but so long as you're going to do the whole "if I don't say I'm wrong I must be right" thing, the schtick isn't worth going through.

However, I will take the time to farm about ~50 rep out of you, and work a bit on my Photoshop skills.

Remember Mike Tyson's Punch Out? You're probably too young, but you're the Don Flamenco of these boards.


See, Don Flamenco's a bitch. He prances around, walks out to the middle, and begs you to hit him in a certain way. When you do, he blocks it and then throws the world's most obvious, easily avoidable uppercut:


Then, you just punch him in the face until he falls down.


He keeps getting up, repeating the same exact thing, and gets knocked down again, and again. Even after Mario is out there saying "TKO", he's probably telling anyone who'll listen that he wasn't knocked out since he technically managed to get back up at some point in the future.

Then he goes away for a while, you move onto other things, but motherfucker, you beat Soda Popsinski, and there he is again, after a long absence, in the World Circuit. And he's just as much of a bitch as he was before.
Y'lnow I'm starting to get sick and tired of the 9/11 truth movement. it's a dying subject. Sure I can say I know something you don't know about 9/11 because a friend of a former CIA employee said so. And you know what? People like Todd would believe me.
You want proof that that planes hit the Pentagon? You mean other than the footage the news showed that day? Or the pictures and footage of the aftermath? I'll give you the government might have known it was coming and let it happen so they'd have an excuse to go to war but that's it. Hell that's still just an opinion there's no proof to support it. :shrug: You do this same shit every thread you make. You make a statement with a link to some bullshit website with no credibility, basically presenting nothing to back up your statement, and then tell US to prove YOU wrong. Try presenting actual evidence instead of some website called "make an opinion". Then you might get somewhere.
Has anybody thought of just ignoring this fucktard and his bullshit treads? Quit giving him the attention he craves and he might just go away!!!!!
You want proof that that planes hit the Pentagon? You mean other than the footage the news showed that day? Or the pictures and footage of the aftermath? I'll give you the government might have known it was coming and let it happen so they'd have an excuse to go to war but that's it. Hell that's still just an opinion there's no proof to support it. :shrug: You do this same shit every thread you make. You make a statement with a link to some bullshit website with no credibility, basically presenting nothing to back up your statement, and then tell US to prove YOU wrong. Try presenting actual evidence instead of some website called "make an opinion". Then you might get somewhere.

Funny you mention the pentagon. The footage they showed that day didn't really show a plane hit. The pentagon is a place that has cameras every where you look so how come we were only given one shitty video of the attack. There was hardly any plane debris left from the plane crash. Where was the black box? How come a plane hits the world trade center and causing a steel frame building to collapse like a controlled demolition within a short amount of time but The Pentagon is only left with very little damage. Building 7 wasn't even hit by a plane and that fell down. What about the damage caused? This so called plane that hit The Pentagon left a hole around 15 ft wide and 10 ft wide. When they say a multi ton jet liner with a wing span of 125 ft some how found a way to squeeze itself into that very small hole. The windows in The Pentagon the window adjacent to where the wings should hit were completely fine. Examine the hole in the pentagon and examine the plane that they said hit the pentagon and you will see no plane hit it. What about the maneuver the plane did just to hit the pentagon? It is impossible to do what they said this hijacker did with a Boeing 757. It would have caused a lot more damage outside the pentagon and the pilot who did this maneuver was known as a terrible pilot and he managed to do something on a plane that not even some of the best pilots can do.

You say the government knew about it so that gave them a reason to go to war. Do you think killing thousands of people then invade someone else's country and kill there civilians even the children by bombing there country just so they can go to war? We have troops and civilians dying for nothing. Way more people died there than on 9/11? They like to name all the people who died that day on the anniversary but they never mention all those innocent people in the other countries that America bombed.

What about Building 7?


No one has answered this question for me yet.

How did the pass port made out of paper of the hijacker who flew the plane into the world trade center some how fell out of his pocket and land on the street, but no black box was recovered? How is that a passport made out of paper survived this fire but the black box was destroyed and also this fire was so strong that it caused a steel frame building to collapse also caused a steel frame building not even hit by a plane to collapse. No fire has ever caused a steel frame building to collapse. They also all fell down like a controlled demolition.
No, it doesn't, nor was it intended to. Like I said, I have no intention of engaging you on the whole 9/11 thing, I only intend to mock you. I encourage others to do the same.

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