5 Wrestlers you would NEVER want pissed off at you.

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Awesome Thread

New Jack:Nah i feel like living another day i wont even cross the same side of the street hes on!!
LOD:Legit bad ass dudes i think they could whipe out an entire elite squad of army rangers again i am keeping my distance..
Bad News Brown:Nope dude was insane never smiled and always in a bad mood!!! Hell man his friends were Harlem Sewer rats!!!
Andre the Giant: Yikes thats one man i think i die on site if i got him mad at me!! Just drop dead if he started charging at me!!!
Big Van Vader: Nope and nope and no thank you!!! Looks like he beats people up for fun and dont dare call wrestling fake to his face!! Man will whip the hell out of you!!! Theres more but the list calls for five! FIVE!!! haha reminds me of King Kong Bundy
Scott Steiner - Known for temper and after Sunny was fired for drug possession in WCW, framed by Kimberly, He scared her & DDP so bad that Kim never came to an arena since

Taz - Legitimately trained in Judo. while traing to wrestle at Johnny Rodz gym, Bill DeMott has claimed that Taz would toss him around the ring like he was the size of a baby

Arn Anderson & Sid - The infamous hotel room scissor fight in Puerto Rico

Jericho - 2003 locker room altercation with Goldberg where Bill wouldnt apologize so Jericho took him down to the concrete floor in a front facelock

Freddy Blassie - Before he was "Classy", he was "The Vampire"...when he'd wrestle, he had a habit of biting till oponent would bleed

Haku - forget who said this in an interview but they said The Barbarian used to be afraid to piss off Haku due to his unhuman strength

Joey Styles - WWE tour of Iraq...JBL would haze him non-stop until Joey punched him in the eye. it knocked JBL on his ass, gave him a shiner, plus a cut over his eye

Roddy Piper - the man has been shot at, stabbed by fans twice, has incited riots in various countries...

Stu Hart - even in his 80's, he loved to take young guys the size of Batista & Brock Lesnar, down into "The Dungeon" and stretch them untill they are screaming so loud you can hear their screams echo through the entire house

Hurricane - when WCW was brought into the WWE, he was the first to earn the respect of WWE wrestlers enough to be allowed to dress in the WWE locker room instead of WCW's. he did so when Buff Bagwell first came in and was a arrogant & cocky bastard. Copped an attitude with Shane Helms. Shane knocked him on his ass with one punch

Vladimir Kozlov - under his real name Oleg Prudius he has quite the training and trophies in various MMA disciplines...Ironically was brought to WWE offices by TNA co-founder Jerry Jarrett
While Bob Holly seemed like a legitimate tough guy, his gimmick as Sparky Plug, the two sport "athlete" who also races cars pretty much ruined it for me. Seriously, that could have been one of the worst gimmicks/names ever, and I'm a fan of most of the old school wrestler gimmicks.

That being said, I would still never want to face him in a dark alley.
Not particularly in this order:
1. Mark Henry- looks like a freggin bear and looks like a dark boulder
2. :undertaker2: Undertaker- He's the Undertaker, nuff said :shooter:
3. Triple H- As a heel, he's crazy and really violent. Plus, his wife has his sledgehammer in her purse :p
4. Mick Foley- He's especially in his Mankind gimmick just watch his matches
5. Brock Lesnar/Scott Steiner- LOOK AT HIM!!!
1- Taker : He's got it all. Size, brain, skill. One of those punches and you'll be out.

2- Lesnar : He's too athletic, he'll be all over you in a second

3- Vader : The dude is scary. He's shown that he can easily break someone's back if he's pissed.

4- Kurt Angle: Again, I respect athletes more than insane guys. Withe rest of them you can pull a trick but when you're facing a pro-athlete, there's no way out.

5- Jericho : Based on the Goldberg accident.
1. Adorable Adrian Adnonis: I would be too embarrased to get beat by some dude in drag.

2. Haku: Legitimate bad ass.

3. Yukon Eric: Legitimately broke a bear's ribs with a bear hug.

4. Kurt Angle: This guy can take anyone to school whenever he wants.

5. Roddy Piper: Was a streetfighter back in Toronto in his younger years and is legitimately tough as nails.

Honourable mentions: Bad News Brown, Andre, Mick Foley, CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, William Regal, Jim Hellwig, Mark Calloway, Tazz, Big Sal, Mordecai, Afa, Dean Malenko, Chris Jericho, Arn Anderson,
1. Yukozuno- Of the responses I saw everyone forgot about him. He's a freakin sumo wrestler!!! Not only will he beat the crap out of you but he could sit on you and kill you then eat ur remains.
2. Brock Lesnar- Dear lord this guy eats things stronger than me for breakfast. I'd never wanna mess with him.
3. Andre the Giant/Big Show-Must I explain?
4. Batista-Almost as big as Lesnar. Almost as scary Lenar. Just as much potential to rip you apart.
5. Vader- The guys a monster. Even if I was drunker than a pig I dont think I'd pick a fight with him.
Ken Shamrock (ufc, agressive)

Vader (400 pound, stiff and pretty fast for his size)

New Jack (3 homicides says it all)

Haku (Heard he's pretty dangerous)

Scott Steiner (he's been in a lot of backstage fights, probably roids rage?)
When I think about it...a few names come to mind:
1) Vader
2) Sid
3) Nash (did you hear about him beating up that guy for hitting on his wife? Let's face it...he's still ripped)
4) Andre the Giant
5) Roddy Piper
Honorable mention: Goldberg and Brock Lesnar. Both guys are HUGE...and I know Jericho took Goldberg down, but honesetly...I'm not Jericho and I'd be scared to death to mess with him.
1. Haku- he bites people's noses off and gouges dudes eyes out. Plus I read that he knocked guys out in a bar with one shot. Seems like a very dangerous man.

2. Don Jardine(The Spoiler)- He almost beat someone to death for pulling a prank on him 7 years earlier. Gary Hart also tells another story about what he did to a bellhop in Australia that I don't want to post.

3. Danny Hodge- Even at his age I can imagine he is dangerous.

4. Stu Hart- After I heard all the horror stories he did in his "dungeon"... wow! Jim Ross once said Stu is the toughest man he ever knew.

5. New Jack- He wasn't even pissed at Mass Transit when he cut him up badly. Just imagine what he would do to someone he is actually pissed at!
1. New Jack

Literally insane. I would NOT want to get New Jack pissed. The guy has 3 justifiable homicides, he has admitted on camera to trying to kill Vic Grimes when he threw him from a platform in the rafters at an XPW show after holding a grudge against Grimes for a botched stunt in the past.

Plus, everyone knows the Mass Transit incident where he cut a young guy with a scalpel down to the bone, and he wasn't even mad at the guy. New Jack is a very dangerous man.

2. Haku

Well known as probably the toughest guy in the business. He would beat the shit out of you if you pissed him off. Look around the internet, there are many stories about Haku and how tough he was (biting someone's nose off, ripping an eyeball out). He is regularly mentioned by other wrestlers as being the toughest man in wrestling also.

3. Triple H

Hunter is a big, tough guy but get him pissed off and its not your body that will be fearing for, it will be your job. He has that much power now after marrying into the McMahon family that getting on the wrong side of The Game could get you fired.

4. Big Show

Imagine get hit with that ham-sized fist. Think you could stand up afterwards??? Thought not. Getting punched by Show would be an instant KO and you would probably need facial reconstruction aftwerwards.

5. Undertaker

The guy is huge. Not only that but he commands the most respect in the WWE locker room. Get on the wrong side of Taker and you coluld be living on borrowed time. Kronik pissed him off, they got sacked. He didnt rate Mike Awesome- he was buried. He is well known for his toughness, and even at his age I wouldnt dare to fight him
The ultimate warrior, but its too late for that as I seem to already have legitimate heat with him on Facebook and he's already p!ssed off at me. To the point of Jim calling me a delsuional asshole, I was like pot, here's the kettle.
I would like to change my top 5... I want to remove Brock Lesnar. The guy's a UFC badass, I don't want to take away from him, however... There's someone I think pretty much every one of us here have missed.

Jesse "The Body" Ventura
Why? He's an ex Navy Seal. If he commits assault, it's considered a felony because his fists are a lethal weapon. This guy was trained by the US Military to kill and torture in Vietnam.

"You give me a water board, Dick Cheney, & 1 hour, and I'll have him confessing to the Sharon Tate murders." -Jesse Ventura

Honest to god, I think Ventura, even more than Haku, or Newjack or anyone, was the most dangerous guy in wrestling history. If Ventura was pissed at you, the only thing keeping him from putting you in the ground and never found again is his own self control, which thankfully he has a lot of. However, because of his own self control he's probably not the scariest wrestler out there either. Would you like to take that chance though?
1. meng/haku everyone on the legends of roundtable has said that everyone in the business agrees he the baddest of them all he bit a dudes nose off and gouged a guys eye out that dude was/is straight wack dont try to be a hero with him lol
2.undertaker the dude is 6'10 310 pounds at least he knows mma fairly well and he is a real life biker
3.mick foley although he seems like a pretty nice guy do remember his hell in a cell match with undertaker and all his hardcore matches like the death match but wat u gonna do to a guy thats been thrown off a 20 foot high hellin a cell structure and also got chokeslammed 20 feet through it to the mat plus tombstoned on the mat yea i wouldnt fuck with mick
4.big show his size and his strength and the fact hes pretty damn quick for his size means when u piss that guy off u can run but he will catch up and the worst part is hes pulled down the titantron hes pushed over a truck and oh yea THE WORST PART OF ALL if u want to see wat he can do to a normal man like 6' tall man well built look how he tossed john morrison around like a rag doll in a match youtube that shit he looked like a frisbee when big show threw him
5 andre the giant just like big show hes a big guy and the worse thing is i think andre had a bigger temper he used to chase guys outta the locker room and also he didnt like to job to people i also saw on youtube where they told a story when the ultimate warrior faced him warrior hit him a bit to hard and warrior came runningi at him and he legit punched him really hard and warrior went stumbling out of ring
Great thread.

1. Scott Steiner, you hear stories about his temper and roid rage

2. Goldburg. Same reason really

3. HHH, when you had the Orton Vs HHH's family thing he was downright terrifying.

4. Jeff Hardy, Meth is one hell of a drug.

5. Brock Lesner, one rather suspects when he was in the WWE he could have literally torn anyone he wanted asunder.
I've got two guys here that I'm amazed aren't getting any (or barely any) love in this thread.

Harley Race

Considered among his peers the toughest guy in the business, save for Haku who was a later generation from him.

There's many stories about Race's toughness out there, but here's a simple one. He was working a tag with Nick Bockwinkle against Hanson and Brody, who both had reputations for being very stiff and taking liberties with their opponents. Bock started the match and both Brody and Hanson were taking all sorts of liberties with him as their way of testing the AWA champ and seeing what he really had. Bock handled himself adequately, but never pretended to be the tough guy that either Brody or Hanson were. Race on the other hand was, and was seething on the apron. He got tagged in, and immediately took Hanson down with a shoot hold, got into his ear and asked him if he wanted to be cute, or if he wanted to work the match. Both Brody and Hanson thought better of messing with Harley Race and the rest of the match went off exactly as planned. As Mick Foley would say... he put the fear of Harley into them.

Rick Rude

Amateur arm wrestling champ. Street tough. It was said that just a slap from him could explode a mans face and knock them out. He was a stand up guy that no one wanted to mess with. There's a story about him and Kevin Nash. A bunch of wrestlers were in a hotel bar after the matches one night. Nash was running his mouth, which didn't sit well with Rude who was already upset with him over something that had happened on the show earlier. Rude gets up, asks Nash if he wants to settle this right now... and Nash begs off, goes up to his room, and I believe actually checked out of the hotel that night. Nash could handle himself, and was never one to back down from someone, so the fact that he wanted nothing to do with Rude should tell you everything you need to know about how tough he was.
Okay, this is NOT just because I've been watching wrestling for two years only. This is just how I feel. Plus these are characters in wrestlin that I know, so don't go "You're only picking them because you're new" on me. Tho that hasn't happened to me yet... I'm starting from 5 and going down.

#5 Andre the Giant- Even us newbs know this guy was NOT to be messed with. I mean seriously; this guys opened hand was the size of my torso (okay, maybe smaller but you get the picture). He was hardly if never beat and pretty much slauhtered the entire roster of superstars. I'd much rather be on his Fezzik's side.

#4 R-Truth- Before yinz start bashing me I mean his character. Currently hes psycho right? Be honest, who wants to mess with a lunatic? Sure, tease him a little but full on piss him off? Hell no!! I like myself the way it's shaped right now, I don't want some crazy messing it up.

#3 Abyss- Give me one reason NOT to be scared of him. The dude used to carry around a spiked 2 by 4!!! (or 6 by 8, big piece of wood, nonetheless) Plus his character is extremely twisted and messed up making him a threat to well, everyone. If I saw this guy in an alley and I was alone I'm outta there in three seconds.

#2 The Miz- It's not worth it. I don't want to hear him insult and bitch about me. It's just not worth it. He's annoying enough without insulting you.

#1 Justin Gabriel- Okay, who is shocked by this one? Seriously? This guy is pretty deadly when he's attacking someone and when he's bad (which right now he's not) he will beat the crud out of you. Plus his 450 Splash is extremely painful and no one wants to get hit with that on purpose. Besides. Who the heck wants their fav wrester pissed off at them???

Remember, I mean the characters, not the actual people
Real Life

1. Haku/Meng - just read the rest of this for reasons why

2. Brock Lesner - the man is a freeking animal, not only can he rip your head off but he'd enjoy it.

3. Lou Thez - this man is just a total legend. 7 World Titles because promoters knew he could not be beaten unless he wanted to.

4. Harley Race - another legend with multiple world title reigns for pretty much the same reasons as Thez.

5. Andre the Giant - truly did not know his own strength scary looking man who would just crush you


1&2. Hulk Hogan/John Cena - no matter what you do they will just comeback like Freddy or Jason.

3. Abyss - giant psychopath glass, barb wire, board with nails in he will hit you with anything he can

4. Bruiser Broody - One of the best Wildmen ever. John 'berserker' Nord couldn't hold a candle to him even with a sword.

5. Abdullah the Butcher - just look at his matches, especially the bloodbaths with Carlos Colon.
My #1 may be a little morbid but its equally self-explanatory: Chris Benoit

#2 Goes to Goldberg, he's too big, strong, and clumsy to want him mad at me.

#3 Stone Cold Steve Austin, do you remember what happened when he got mad at Debra?

#4 If I'm employed at WWE, I wouldn't want Orton or Michaels to be mad at me cause then I'd lose my job.

#5. Brock Fucking Lesnar. I don't want the pain to come here, bring it to Overeem in Dec.
great thread but ima do it a little differently going from 5 to 1

#5 undertaker i mean come on he said it himself if ufc had been big when he started he would have been a ufc fighter

#4 triple h i mean i know hes harmless most of the time but he has that look piss him off you better run

#3 big show look at the guy if he wanted to he could deal some serious damage

#2stone cold this guy is a legit bad ass he does all his own stunts in his movies from what i hear

and the #1 guy i would want to stay away from is william regal he was legit fighting from a young age on the streets plus ive seen him legit punch a guy it knocked dude out with one hit
1) Brock Lesnar. He would end me in seconds if I pissed him off. Although I wouldn't mind being given the F5; it would feel pretty cool until I hit the ground.

2) Ken Shamrock. I like my ankles just fine and intact, thanks. He played a great psycho in his WWE days; not sure if he's like that now.

3) Big Show. Pretty obvious selection here.

4) Undertaker. He's got great fighting skills for someone his size.

5) New Jack. The guy has weapons for days; I'd hate to be on the receiving end of some of those.
Meng- crazy strong and the guy would love you to death if he liked you but if he didn't.....

Rick Rude- a legit strong guy and a total bad ass. Heard many stories about him. Rude asked the Warrior during their feud to lighten up a little. Warrior got in Rude's face and said he didn't have to because he was the Warrior. Rude knocked him just about out with one punch.

Andre- If he caught you, you would be dead.

Bad News Brown- A legit tough guy who didn't like anybody. Have fun getting on his good side.

Paul Orndorff- Took Vader down and the fight only took one punch. With one bad arm and in flip-flops.
My five guys are:

#1 - New Jack: I think The Mass Transit Incident and the scaffold match with Vic Grimes from XPW speak for themselves as to how crazy this dude is...

#2 - Scott Steiner: As jacked up as he is, I think he'd be able to snap any of us in half like a twig if he were to really let loose...

#3 - Hiro Matsuda: He broke Hulk Hogan's leg the first day of training him. I would not underestimate him (or any Japanese wrestler for that matter) as it is more of a sport over there rather than the "entertainment" that it is here in the states, and I wouldn't be surprised to see them go into shoot mode on a moments notice...

#4 - Terry Funk: The Godfather of Hardcore Wrestling. The real question is what hasn't he done in the ring? Probably would go mentally unstable if provoked enough...

#5 - Ken Patera: If he's angry enough to throw a boulder through a restaurant window, what could/would he do to one of us if we were to upset him? He's spent some time in jail for doing that...I'm pretty sure he may have gotten tested a time or two in jail...
Goldberg - dont want ur career ended
Scott Steiner - man he's legit psycho with all them roids! dint he beat up DDP backstage and had to be separated?
Austin - ofcourse lol
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