5 Reason wrestling will never be the same again

#1 reason why wrestling sucks today!! Chris Benoit. Because of this guy their will never be another edgy storyline or anything a white collar wall street bill oreilly type asshole would frown upon. There will never be anything resembling any storyline from attitude era that we loved so much because Benoit was a pyscho and associated with wwe.

remember after Benoit's death, a study was done on his brain. I have read where he was shown to have the brain of an 84 year-old with full-blown dementia. credit the extreme/attitude era with many stiff bumps.

and here is a site regarding steroid's side-effects and remember part of proper use is needing them.

I think the problem is that Wrestling is a spectacle. You go to a Wrestling event to see things you can't see every day. Back in the 70's, the hot ticket was Andre the Giant because well, you can't see a man that large every day. As such, another spectacle to see is the Herculean like bodies that some men could sculpt (with the help of steroids or not). Lastly, you come to see ability that you can't see every day, such as Hulk slamming Andre. Much of that carries over to the modern fan, though in a lot more glamorous way.

What many of you forget in this forum is that you are the minority of wrestling fans. Be nostalgic if you like, but Wrestling changed forever with Hulk Hogan. Yes, you could look at Billy Graham and see a similar character, but Hogan oozed charisma, and the business, especially when it came to free TV became about telling an ongoing story that never ends. The only difference between this and soap operas is the athletic aspect and the feats you could only see there.

Wrestling in its prime in the 80s had men like Hogan, Savage, later Warrior as the big fan favorites due to their ability to entertain, not wrestle. The idea that the technical prowess of someone sold was already becoming old hat. Business was good though, albeit aided due to steroids. There is no questioning it was rampant at the time.

However, I do NOT believe that just because business was good then that steroids would help now. The difference between now and then is that sooo much more is known about body building and weight training and the body in general. It IS possible to build the bodies we are used to seeing without the use of supplements. Case and point, Cody Rhodes' listed weight is about 5 pounds less than Macho Man. Cody looks healthy, Macho man looked large. However, more of that could be attributed to the larger than life personality he carried around and the fact that we were young (at least I was) and was in awe of these guys. Now I see Cody who is a year younger than me, and it's not as shocking.

To summarize and answer the thread question, wrestling will never be the same again because, like everything else, it has to adapt to the times. No one understands this concept better than Vince McMahon and that's why he's here and no other companies can touch him. Part of adapting to the times was ridding the company of steroids and other drugs, at least in principle. I sincerely hope that stays the case and that guys like Cena and HHH, who hopefully built their bodies the clean way, can educate others on how to do it and move the company forward.
I completely agree with you on #1, the best storylines were the edgy ones, Like when Taker crucified Austin to the Undertaker symbol, or when Undertaker cut his wrist and used his blood for a sacrifice, pretty much anything from the ministry of darkness storyline, or when Raven crucified Sandman In ECW.
Those have always been my favorite and got my attention ever since i was young.
As you can see, this thread moved from whats wrong with wrestling, to steroids. That is because whoever started this post was wrong with his reasons, with the exception that THERE IS NO COMPETITION. No matter how bad they want to be TNA is nothing.

Steroids deserve to be gone, do it naturally, they are good in small doses to help aid in injury healing, THATS IT.

Eric Bischoff didnt kill WCW either, you wanna talk about reading up on facts, do some research then get back to me, Bischoff single handedly turned that company into something relevant.

Competition is gone and that cant be helped, if you had the chance to become the king of ur profession and your business, you would. We cant fault Vince McMahon for that, hes a genius, and he dont have to beat anyone, they have to beat him now.

Chris Benoit is irrelevant!!!! At the time it was big, no more. Thats the past, he did what he did and should never be mentioned again.

It sounds to me that the person starting this thread is the HATER, because you cant appreciate what wrestling provides at the current time. I have been watching wrestling for about 22 years, it moves along, advances, and changes, and if it didnt, nobody would progress. I loved Edge when he would enter through the crowd, am i mad he doesnt do it anymore? hell no, because he changed with the times, NOW ITS YOUR TURN.

Not to mention, if you cant see that Orton is the next big thing, you should stop watching wrestling.
So ur saying Hey guys lets bring back steriods and have wrestlers go have roid rage tell they kill the familys and selves.....but wait didnt u say its chris's fault too? hmmm so ur preaching for steriods yet u didnt like what beniot did while on them? funny huh.....talking bout reading facts read your own stuff first...and yea short term it might be great...unless u want a small penis no kids andkilling ur family but other than that its a amazing drug

You seem to have concluded all by yourself that the Benoit tragedy was due to steroids, this thanks to the media brainwashing. In fact, there has been no conclusion as to what actually caused Benoit to act the way he did, and to top it all off, there's far more evidence that his actions might have been caused by massive brain damage due to multiple concussions that went untreated. Of course, it's much simpler to blame steroids than to carefully examine the evidence, you know, there was an old joke going around it went something like this.."There are no steroids in pro wrestling, Scott Steiner took them all." If you looked around, you'd notice that there are worse abusers than Benoit ever was, and they seem to function without killing their family and themselves just fine.

Okay i like that a few people come out and supported my ideas and just weren't narrow minded as the first few.

Bischoff did run wcw into the ground ask all the guys that weren't named Hogan, hall, nash, sting, goldberg what was the main reason wcw failed and they will say bischoff or lack of leadership which falls on bischoff.

Get off the idea that benoit killed his family because of roids. He killed them because he was a crazy fuck and brain destroyed like previously posted.

Okay you say wwe hasn't lost its edge. watch raw monday then watch a tape of raw is war from scsa first main event run and let me know. how easy one forgets.

normal dosage of steroids is say 1cc. a mount to much is what 3cc. okay. normal pain pill amount is what 2 to 4 at a time and these guys take 50 to 75!!!! think about that for a minute and which abuse is higher.

you care so much about these guys and their health and cry and moan ohhh steroids is ruining the business. then worry about the drug testing and prescribed pills and alcohol and then act like mother teresa.

Finally ask the wrestlers if you know any or read or watch what they say about roids. I bet 8 out of 10 will say its the best thing in the world. Hell watch what christian boeving has to say and if you don't know who that his youtube it. bet all the people
I'm not going to go in-depth about the steroids because I think enough people on here have already made you look like an idiot
...nahh i think they just showed they probably never worked out a day in their life and have no clue on the subject but they watch the news and they say its bad.
but if you have been watching wrestling for 20 years why is the only old name you bring up is the Ultimate Warrior?
  because i was making a point and obviously you didn't get. Not trying to see who can list more old wrestlers.
Did Curt Hennig, Ted Diabiase, Bret Hart, Ric Flair, Tully BLanchard, Harley Race, Jake Roberts have huge muscly bodies? No they had wrestling talent. Big bodies sell tickets, great wrestling makes people come back.

bret hart did roids, sure jake and henning did, and don't know about the rest. I would take 5 guys who are know steroids takers vs your 5 non users any day. if you could come up with any.

And as for Brock and Rock, that comes in where some wrestlers dont have as much dedication to the business as others. Hogan was in movies, but he kept wrestling first. That is not wrestling's fault, that stuff just happens sometimes.

Competition I can see because WWE doesn't have to be as creative with things if they aren't competing with any other wrestling show. They are however competing with the economy and falling ratings so storylines are getting more creative.

Eric Bischoff was an idiot, but not even he can bring the fall of wrestling.
 Not the fall of wrestling no but the fall of wcw absoulutely. i thought that was clear.

Chris Benoit is just considered a psycho by people who already hate wrestling (you are in this category apparently). Chris Benoit will be remembered by wrestling fans for his Crippler Crossface, Diving Headbutts, and Knifehead chops. I'm not condoning his actions, he did an awful thing. But Benoit is only fuel for the fire that burns for people who hate wrestling.

this comment is just ******ed. Benoit will be remembered as a guy fans looked up too liked or loved only to find out their hero had serious issues they never knew about. Benoits actions are the reason wrestling is soft because wwe don't want guys to look like killers. Imagine the press if taker were to throw mankind off a cage now.

In conclusion, stop trying to ruin wrestling for real fans. Just go start watching UFC or something dude.

I love the ufc but love wrestling more.
5. Steroids in wrestling, everybody in wrestling did steroids, Bret Hart did it Mr. Perfect did it, Rick Rude did it, even Flair did it. Their body might not have been there with Hogan’s, but they all did it for their own reasons, either to be a little be faster or look better. But steroids has nothing to do with wrestling, as it can’t make you wrestle better. Look at Dusty Rhodes, the only thing he put in his body was a cheeseburger and pork and beans and could wrestle with the best. Cracking down on steroids didn’t hurt the product, as I don’t watch wrestling for the ripped abs on men, I watch it for entertainment and lets fact it, the WWE hasn’t been entertaining lately. When was the last time we had a classic Raw we can all remember and talk about? But I bet we could talk about the Raw after WrestleMania 14, Austin arrested, New Nation is formed and a New DX is put together. The crackdown on steroids didn’t hurt wrestling like it hurt baseball, because wrestling isn’t a sport like baseball. What is hurting the WWE is bad writing, the same thing that would hurt any other TV show.

4. Let me quote Kevin Nash on this, what killed WCW was none of the crap that people put out there like the finger point of doom, the NWO or Bischoff, it was Vince McMahon buying WCW right from under Bischoff. WCW ratings were half of the WWE’s rating at the time. The WWE was in the 4.0 range every week, WCW was in the 2.0 range. Doing much better than what TNA is doing now. If Bischoff had bought WCW, he had plans to find a network for the product and to longer compete with the WWE but make there audience happy. That was is plan, but when Vince bought, Vince waited too long to do something with WCW and it did a painful death in front of millions on TV and the ratings began to fall.

3. Everything needs competition to succeed. Wrestling needs it bad. You can blame Vince for buying WCW and Heyman for buying the worst business man of time, but the biggest blame should be on TNA. They have some of the greatest talent in the world and no one watches as its as boring as the WWE is right now. I mean they can hardly beat ECW and the WWE looks like they write for ECW two minutes before the show starts. Until TNA figures out how to be competition or Heyman and Bischoff come together and form a promotion, we won’t have competition for the WWE to really try and give us a great show. Just to add, for TNA to ever mean something, until their champion is recognize by the WWE, then they are nothing!

2. Orton pushed got stopped because Vince nutted too early when jerking off Orton’s push. Instead of slowly making Orton a tweener and having this big pop of nut that would have hit the ceiling and shot someone in the eye, it dribbled out and ran down his hands because he was too quick. He turned Orton face one week after winning the belt which was the wrong move. And the fans just didn’t buy Orton as a face and so he went down the drain till he turned heel again. I do believe that the WWE needs to push a guy like they did Brock, but the WWE wants a star that will stay so I doubt we will see that again. That’s why we see Jeff Hardy winning the title after being associated wit the WWE for over a decade, the same goes with JBL, Jericho and others.

1.Benoit is a son of bitch, he might of killed his family, but he didn’t kill wrestling. People didn’t stop watching because Benoit was a self-fish crazy prick. Benoit death gave us John Morrison, so he kind of helped the WWE out. But serious though, the WWE going PG is why we won’t see the edgy storylines anymore. But that hasn’t really hurt the ratings as TNA is still TV14 and they haven’t jumped with fans wanting Tits and Ass.

WWE problem is bad writing right now. They have found something that would get the world’s attention like they had in the attitude era or the Federation era. They have to find something that makes wrestling “Cool” again. Hogan was cool, Austin was cool, Bret Hart wasn’t cool, John Cena isn’t cool. Until the WWE taps into the something cool, then the business will see this downfall. I say give the WWE title to a black man and plan on the Obama factor that the world is going though of naming black people to every job possible. Hell it’s working for me.
i feel like ur suggesting that the only way a wrestler can be successful is if they're physically big. Stone Cold Steve Austin didn't have a raging 6 pack and most likely not on steroids (if he was, he should get his money back). He was great because of his Charisma and abilities in the ring to match his charisma. I consider HBK to be one of the greats and he was never physically huge.


About Austin never using steroids. Apparently, a week after the Benoit murders, Austin's ex-wife, Debra McMichael (who appeared as Debra on WWE television) appeared on Larry King and claimed that "Stone Cold" Steve Austin claimed that his outburst which lead to him being physically violent to her, forcing her to leave the marriage, was due to his alleged use of "roid rage". She suspects that it may have been the same situation in the Benoit case, but she left, while Nancy stayed with Chris Benoit.

I am not saying that this is true. Austin may have claimed "roid rage" to excuse his behaviour for bashing a woman (Austin was also arrested later on for harrassing a girlfriend, and being physically violent with her). But, in any case, steroids produce different reactions in different people, and it seems that you don't get pushed unless you use (HBK aside). I mean, it seems funny to me that Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit and Rey Mysterio ONLY got the World Title AFTER their bodies were massively bigger (compare footage from six months before they won the title, and when they won it, and see).
No-one can get that big in such a small length of time without chemical help.

Are we seriously invoking the name of Brock Lesnar AGAIN?!

I thought we were done talking about this clown. Was I the only one that got tired of this man never paying his dues after he was shoved down our throats month after month after month and bulldozing everyone from Undetaker in a Cell match to smearing Hogan's blood on him?

Roids can be beneficial when it comes to re habbing from injuries, however once a performer gets into heavy steroid use to maintain a larger than life figure along with using pain pills and muscle relaxers it is a recipe for heart failure.

Five reasons the biz will never be the same.

1. Harley Race isn't in it.
2. The IC belt is not the star maker it used to be.
3. They rarely have the main eventers squash anyone anymore.
4. There are no more personalities like Heenan, Rude, Hennig etc.
5. It is impossible to incite emotion from the crowd using blading, weapons and dirty tactics anymore.

Are we seriously invoking the name of Brock Lesnar AGAIN?!

I thought we were done talking about this clown. Was I the only one that got tired of this man never paying his dues after he was shoved down our throats month after month after month and bulldozing everyone from Undetaker in a Cell match to smearing Hogan's blood on him?


Paying dues in a fake sport is overrated. Paying dues is the reason now wrestling sucks. Instead of pushing a guy when he is hot, like they did Brock, we have to wait and hope guys get push because they have to pay their dues like Shelton Benjamin. Hulk Hogan may have worked for other companies before he won the WWE title, but he did win that belt in a matter of months after returning to the company and the WWE blew up. He did the same thing in WCW and WCW blew up a little bit more. Maybe what the WWE should do is give a new guy the belt on his first night. I mean people like shockers, as long as it isn’t an actor or booker winning the belt. Think about the shockwaves in wrestling it would have been if Ted Dibiase had won the World Title in his first night in the WWE. I would have love to see that. And don’t say the belt would lose credibility. Wrestling is fake. And can’t bring credibility to a sport where the winner is predetermined. It’s a TV show, a Soap Opera, and like TV, Wrestling needs swerves and new characters to bring ratings up.

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