5 Reason wrestling will never be the same again


Pre-Show Stalwart
I don't know about you guys but i am so bored with wrestling in the past probably 3 years that i am really losing all interest in it and getting pissed that something i have loved for almost 20 years sucks now.

So i'm going on a rant of reasons why wrestling may never get back that excitement that made you rush home to watch and now you tivo and watch when bored.

#5 The crackdown on steroids. period. guys with builds like cody rhodes don't catch your eye. he could be the greatest wrestler of all time you still don't care. Then you see a promo of the ultimate warrior and say damn. that sob looks bad and what he about to do.

#4 Bischoff wanted to be a star instead of running wcw right. Great talent, money out the ass, great history, Everything to compete, But after nwo took off bischoff lost focus and lost control. If wcw was still around it could still be a golden era right now. #4 and #3 could be put together but i'm lazy.

#3 No competition. No ECW No WCW. Heyman created stars that were just regular guys no stupid gimmicks, guys just like us, acting like normal people just kicking ass. If heyman took over TNA things would pickup. Face facts TNA will never go nowhere with who's in charge. They can get all the talent they want they are just structured worse than wcw was at their demise.

#2 Brock Lesnar and The Rock. Never again will mcmahon push some newcomer to the moon based on fan approval. Sure we could help but if that guy ain't one of the boys that vinnie can trust is gonna stick around he won't ever be the man. Look who's the top now. HBK, HHH, Taker, Cena. they aint going anywhere. Orton could of really got a SCSA type gimmick and been a tweener and fans were eating it up, but vince can't trust him and thats why he'll always be below those guys. hell just bring back the 20 year contracts and that would help.

#1 reason why wrestling sucks today!! Chris Benoit. Because of this guy their will never be another edgy storyline or anything a white collar wall street bill oreilly type asshole would frown upon. There will never be anything resembling any storyline from attitude era that we loved so much because Benoit was a pyscho and associated with wwe.
I don't know about you guys but i am so bored with wrestling in the past probably 3 years that i am really losing all interest in it and getting pissed that something i have loved for almost 20 years sucks now.

So stop watching it and quit complaining about it to those of us who still like it.

#5 The crackdown on steroids. period. guys with builds like cody rhodes don't catch your eye. he could be the greatest wrestler of all time you still don't care. Then you see a promo of the ultimate warrior and say damn. that sob looks bad and what he about to do.

Yes let's have a business full of drugs so even more people die just so you can enjoy big muscly men.

#4 Bischoff wanted to be a star instead of running wcw right. Great talent, money out the ass, great history, Everything to compete, But after nwo took off bischoff lost focus and lost control. If wcw was still around it could still be a golden era right now.

Yes the Monday Night Wars were great, but WWE are still turning out a top product week in week out so there is no need to complain

#4 and #3 could be put together but i'm lazy.

So you don't really have five reasons?

#3 No competition. No ECW No WCW. Heyman created stars that were just regular guys no stupid gimmicks, guys just like us, acting like normal people just kicking ass. If heyman took over TNA things would pickup. Face facts TNA will never go nowhere with who's in charge. They can get all the talent they want they are just structured worse than wcw was at their demise.

ECW was so overrated, just gimmick match after gimmick match, there is a reason WWE has higher ratings than TNA, people don't want to see hardcore matches ALL the time. And WWE has not slacked off since, they have entered a different era which is not worse than the attitude era, just different. Get with the present.

#2 Brock Lesnar and The Rock. Never again will mcmahon push some newcomer to the moon based on fan approval. Sure we could help but if that guy ain't one of the boys that vinnie can trust is gonna stick around he won't ever be the man. Look who's the top now. HBK, HHH, Taker, Cena. they aint going anywhere. Orton could of really got a SCSA type gimmick and been a tweener and fans were eating it up, but vince can't trust him and thats why he'll always be below those guys. hell just bring back the 20 year contracts and that would help.

Orton sucked as a face, and has said himself he always wants to be the most hated heel, he knows himself he can't do tweener/face. Oh, and he seems to be THE man at the moment so he isn't below the other guys. The Rock and Lesnar achieved so much so quickly they had nothing left to do, so it is a good thing wrestlers aren't pushed to the moon. A slow build up brings greater rewards in the end, like Eddie Guerrero and Jef Hardy. Look at the reactions when they win the belt finally.

#1 reason why wrestling sucks today!! Chris Benoit. Because of this guy their will never be another edgy storyline or anything a white collar wall street bill oreilly type asshole would frown upon. There will never be anything resembling any storyline from attitude era that we loved so much because Benoit was a pyscho and associated with wwe.

So this house invasion we had the other week in a storyline about a heel taking out a babyface's family is not edgy? The handcuffing and the sledgehammer attack on RAW? Jeff being assaulted in a hotel, in a car attack is not edgy? Edge going psycho and pushing Vickie out a wheelchair is not edgy? Taker chokeslamming Edge to hell is not edgy? Jericho beating up old , defenceless legends is not edgy? Is it still edgy!!

You need to forget about the past and enjoy what the product is now. If you don't like WWE, go to TNA, go to ROH, just don't try and tell everyone that wrestling isn't the same anymore at a times where ratings are their highest in a few years.
Okay so you proved that you are a hater and gonna cut down anything i have to so...oh well. the only thing i care to comment about is your steroid remark. About it causing big muscely men to die early.

Steroids don't cause wrestlers to die ok. its the fact that they pop pills like skittles, sniff mounds of cocaine, drink alcohol like water and take steroids. but steroids are taboo so they get the blame. Because bodybuilders, pro athletes and anyone taking steroids the right way are just dying off left and right. No they aren't what just wrestlers, but why. So your wrong do some research. know what your talking about then cut down everything. Ask a doctor if steroids are taking the right way they are proven to have no side effects except acne and minimal hair loss. Thats straight from the FDA.

I'm sorry i just read your last comment the ratings are high????? really. huh guess compared to TNA
#5 The crackdown on steroids. period. guys with builds like cody rhodes don't catch your eye. he could be the greatest wrestler of all time you still don't care. Then you see a promo of the ultimate warrior and say damn. that sob looks bad and what he about to do.

The crackdown on steriods is one of the most positive things to happen to wrestling. I for one feel more comfortable knowing guys' health are more secure now with the whole testing measures WWE have introduced. Cody Rhodes doesn't have to look like Ultimate Warrior to succeed, in fact I would say that in terms of in ring talent Rhodes is probably better. The charisma is something he can work on. But yeh, I would rather a so called 'smaller' guy like Rhodes stayed clean and look like he does rather than risk his life to get bigger just to please people who prefer the 'larger than life' look or to get over.
Okay then I will take that comment away, and re-direct you to Chilli's comment on the subject.

With the ratings, yes they are up. RAW the other week was the highest rated RAW in four years, showing that the WWE product is back to it's appealing self. A few years ago it was on a decline I'll admit, just seems strange you coming out with this stuff now when it's back on the rise again. You're three or four years too late.
like i said just do your research on roids before you bash. because doctors will go on record as saying it is considered a wonder drug and could elimante common cold forever if taken correctly.
youtube it. i know thats simple enough for you. and get back to me. check out the unbiased behind the sports documentary on it. Oh and i'm not saying that cody rhodes is bad or anything just saying product looked a whole lot better when guys were jacked and it keeps them from breaking down.
There was another thread that discussed the role of spoilers in the downfall of wrestling. I read spoilers, I do, and sometimes that causes me to purposefully miss a show, sometimes I have to watch it to see (such as edge cashing in mitb to beat taker on smackdown) but I really do think that leaked spoilers has caused last minute changes ( a la christian) or a lack of viewership for televised shows, dropping ratings.
you got a point with the spoilers and if i would of thought about that earlier i would definately included that. but the whole spoilers thing can be a double edged sword like you sad about the edge thing. I think posting the results of the show hurt but the day of the show its annouced RVD is backstage at raw then your more compelled to watch. so its how you look at it i guess.
You are not right about the steroid.Yes while the side effects are minimal,those are the side effects at the beginning of steroid use.While it is considered a Wonder Drug,that is again how it feels at the beginning.

But do you know the effects of being old because of taking steroids when you were young.One of the effects for taking steroids is that after a while you become sterile.Meaning you cant have kids,evident by "Superstar" Billy Graham.Also your body gets ravaged.It causes many health problems later on.It can cause an enlargement of the heart muscles.It causes violent, aggressive behavior and mood swings,otherwise known as Roid-rage.

So i think that you should take your own advice and do some research.

Roid-Rage-Hmm,let's think for a minute.Oh, I got one.Chris Benoit,he killed his son and wife then himself because of roid-rage,which stemmed from the use of steroids.

You become Sterile.I already said Billy Graham.He has said it himself.Because of his steroid use,after a while he became sterile and couldnt have kids with his wife.

Eddie Guerrero died because of because of an acute heart failure arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease,which came from his years of doing drugs,one being steroids.

your body gets ravaged.Again billy graham.There's others like hulk hogan.and many other whose body have been ravaged because of steroid use.
Dangers of Anabolic Steroids

Steroids are dangerous for two reasons: they are illegal, and they can damage a person's health, especially if used in large doses over time. Also, the health problems caused by steroids may not appear until years after the steroids are taken.

Although they might help build muscle, steroids can produce very serious side effects. Using steroids for a long time can negatively affect the reproductive system. In males, steroids can lead to impotence, a reduction in the amount of sperm produced in the testicles, and even reduced testicle size.

Females who use steroids may have problems with their menstrual cycles because steroids can disrupt the maturation and release of eggs from the ovaries. This disruption can cause long-term problems with fertility.

Steroids taken for an extended period of time also can cause:

* stunted growth in teens (by causing bones to mature too fast and stop growing at an early age)
* liver tumors
* abnormal enlargement of the heart muscles
* violent, aggressive behavior and mood swings
* blood lipid abnormalities that contribute to heart disease
* acne (or a worsening of acne)
* increased breast growth in males, especially teens
* irreversible stretch marks
* a heightened tendency for hair loss and male-pattern baldness
* muscle aches

Teen girls and women risk these additional side effects:

* male-type facial and body hair growth and male-pattern baldness
* deepening of the voice
* enlargement of the clitoris

In addition to the health risks, people who use steroids without prescription are breaking the law. Drug testing for all athletes has become more prevalent, and those who fail a drug test for steroids can face legal consequences, including jail time, monetary fines, exclusion from an event or team, or forfeiture of trophies or medals.

Andro use has been banned by many sports organizations, including the International Olympic Committee, the National Football League, the National Basketball Association, the National Collegiate Athletic Association, the Association of Tennis Professionals, and most high school athletic associations.
okay i'm talking about use vs abuse. this topic was not created because i wanted to talk about steroids. do you really think only wrestlers take steroids if they are so deadly why isn't stallone, schwarzenegger, all these bodybuilders, bonds, a rod dead, because its the other "demons" take do on a daily basis.

and savage taker you got your info on kidshealth.com key word kid. no one under 18 should take them we're not talking about kids. and they are talking about abuse
i feel like ur suggesting that the only way a wrestler can be successful is if they're physically big. Stone Cold Steve Austin didn't have a raging 6 pack and most likely not on steroids (if he was, he should get his money back). He was great because of his Charisma and abilities in the ring to match his charisma. I consider HBK to be one of the greats and he was never physically huge.

and lets say for arguments sake that a wrestler MUST be ripped to be successful... who says they have to do it with steroids? can't someone actually put their ass to work and earn their physique?

and u wanna put the "failure" of wrestling ALL on beniot? wrestling wasn't doing so hot even before Benoit.
i dunno, ur list doesn't seem legitimate.
The government know jack all about steroids as they wont allow any research into the area.

Steroid abuse is bad hence why so many older wrestlers are having problems. They didn't know what to take or in much, mix that in with the physical abuse called wrestling and the stupid amounts of other drugs they take, thats when you have problems.

You'd be stupid to start taking anabolic steroids in your teens.

Yes there are side effects to taking anabolic steroids. Some unwanted such as increase speed of balding, moobs etc. Roid rage is made up by the media, if you are a dick before taking anabolic steroids you will be a bit more of a dick after taking them.

Taking anabolic steroids is not illegal, selling them is.

Most people know sod all aobut steroids and beleive what they are told by the news. Check out a documentry called bigger faster stronger, if that doesn't teach you something you are being ignorant.
So ur saying Hey guys lets bring back steriods and have wrestlers go have roid rage tell they kill the familys and selves.....but wait didnt u say its chris's fault too? hmmm so ur preaching for steriods yet u didnt like what beniot did while on them? funny huh.....talking bout reading facts read your own stuff first...and yea short term it might be great...unless u want a small penis no kids andkilling ur family but other than that its a amazing drug
SavageTaker summed it up perfectly. Lets be honest a mentaly ******ed 10 year old would know steroids are bad for you.

But hopefully a mentally ******ed 10 year old would know a blanket statement like "steroids are bad you" is completley wrong. Maybe if we try and educate this mentally ******ed 10 year old, he may listen and realise how ignorant he was with a statement like "steroids are bad for you"
While I somewhat agree with the OP about having lost my enthusiasm for wrestling over the years, I pretty much disagree with everything he listed as the reasons. Steroids killed wrestling...period. Prior to sterdoids, you used to have to be talented and a good worker to get to the top. You say you liked ECW because they were all "regular guys" but then a few paragraphs earlier, you complain that they've cracked down on steroids.

Take a look back at wrestling tapes pre-Vince McMahon...notice a pattern. These guys were all built like normal people. They didn't all look like jacked up backne factories. They were real people. A guy like Paul Orndorf had the gimmick of being a bodybuilder type, so he was one of the only ones who looked like that. That being said, there is a lot at work besides steroid use that pushes wrestlers into their early graves. First of all, they work five nights a week putting their bodies through hell. And all it takes is one slam taken awkwardly to leave you with a lifetime of pain to deal with. Another reason is simply the lifestyle of excess that being on top tends to bring.

To bring this topic back to it's original intent. For me, the one reason wrestling will never be the same is because after everything that's happened to the business in the past few years, suddenly I can't absolve myself of responsibility.

I was there in Edmonton for Smackdown when Benoit german suplexed Austin ten times in a row, cheering him on. Then once I found out that repeated blows to his head likely led to his mental deterioration, suddenly the guilt set in.

I was at Backlash when Foley wrestled Orton marking out when they took their respective dives off of the stage. Does that make Mick's physically shambled state partially my fault, well in my own mind it does because I remember back to when I would mark out when he did something crazy like at KOTR(an match I still cannont stand to watch to this day).

I grew up in the late 80's-early 90's watching guys like Jake Roberts, Randy Savage, Bret Hart, Hulk Hogan and the like. Now that I look back on it, it's hard to remember the simple pleasure and entertainment I got from watching them, knowing the toll the business took on all of their lives. How something that brought so much happiness to me, could bring them all so much pain and insanity is really hard to reconcile with these days.

Now a days, I've come full circle as a wrestling fan. I started off mesmerized by the characters that were larger than life, then I went through the crash tv attitude era where it was about shocking people all the time and constantly raising the bar for dangerous situations, then a brief hardcore phase watching ECW and whatnot before the constant barrage of violence got old, then I went through my spot mark phase where I thought I was smarter than everyone else because I read internet sites and dammit I know what a good match is, and now I'm back to wanting something simple and entertaining again.

These days I would much rather see two great workers killing ten minutes of a twenty minute match doing schtick than see some 18 year old kid get head dropped on barbed wire.

I would rather watch "Sweet and Sour" Larry Sweeney doing a strut off with someone in a highschool gymnasium than see Jeff Hardy almost kill himself again by jumping of the next highest thing he can find. I would rather see people who remember that wrestling is supposed to be fun, than go watch people who take it way too seriously.

I guess, to put it simply, my love for wrestling hasn't died, my love for the wrestling I grew up on has.

Again, to bring this topic back to it's original point. The reason wrestling will never be the same is because we know too much. It's easy to distance yourself from it when you don't know about this guys drug problems or that guy being broke and in a wheelchair.

We don't enjoy the show anymore because we're too busy bitching that so and so is getting buried and should be the champion because he's a better worker than the champ.

That's all I have to say on this subject. For those of you that get where I'm coming from, all I'll say is there is good stuff out there, you just have to look a little harder to find it.

For those who don't...whatever.
and savage taker you got your info on kidshealth.com key word kid. no one under 18 should take them we're not talking about kids. and they are talking about abuse

It really makes no difference where the info came from,because those effects can still happen to adults.

I agree with everything mitch said.

also,there are many more things wrong with wrestling than the things you listed.You should have thought out what u were writing,because by the looks of things,you didnt think enough of what was wrong with wrestling.
I'm not going to go in-depth about the steroids because I think enough people on here have already made you look like an idiot...

but if you have been watching wrestling for 20 years why is the only old name you bring up is the Ultimate Warrior?

Did Curt Hennig, Ted Diabiase, Bret Hart, Ric Flair, Tully BLanchard, Harley Race, Jake Roberts have huge muscly bodies? No they had wrestling talent. Big bodies sell tickets, great wrestling makes people come back.

And as for Brock and Rock, that comes in where some wrestlers dont have as much dedication to the business as others. Hogan was in movies, but he kept wrestling first. That is not wrestling's fault, that stuff just happens sometimes.

Competition I can see because WWE doesn't have to be as creative with things if they aren't competing with any other wrestling show. They are however competing with the economy and falling ratings so storylines are getting more creative.

Eric Bischoff was an idiot, but not even he can bring the fall of wrestling.

Chris Benoit is just considered a psycho by people who already hate wrestling (you are in this category apparently). Chris Benoit will be remembered by wrestling fans for his Crippler Crossface, Diving Headbutts, and Knifehead chops. I'm not condoning his actions, he did an awful thing. But Benoit is only fuel for the fire that burns for people who hate wrestling.

In conclusion, stop trying to ruin wrestling for real fans. Just go start watching UFC or something dude.
So this house invasion we had the other week in a storyline about a heel taking out a babyface's family is not edgy? The handcuffing and the sledgehammer attack on RAW? Jeff being assaulted in a hotel, in a car attack is not edgy? Edge going psycho and pushing Vickie out a wheelchair is not edgy? Taker chokeslamming Edge to hell is not edgy? Jericho beating up old , defenceless legends is not edgy? Is it still edgy!!

I agreed with everything you said except for that WWe is edgy. The WWE product is different and it will take some people time to adjust but you can see that the quality is improving and that was all a process....However, unfortunately the edgy part is definitely gone. Now first i wanna say that the WWe is cyclical so i believe that it will eventually get back to its roots but that may take 10-15 years....However gone are the days where the undertaker committed a satanic ritual or hung the boss man in a cage...i remember a castration once even... divas matches are really boring not because there's no bra and panty matches but once wwe divas had a hardcore match and some women were the hardcore champs or were getting powerbombed through tables by the dudleys... The Orton & HHH altercation in his house may seem edgy to the new or young wwe fan but compared to the late 90's, it's about as edgy as an arm wrestling match...

Still the funniest thing i have ever seen is Mae Young giving birth
Firstly, in regards to the comment on steroids: I agree that they don't cause the death of people taking them but they do cause health problems after a period of time which doesn't help the matter so I thing the crack-down on steroids is a good thing.

Second, in regards to whether wrestling is better/worse than before: I will always love wrestling no matter what happens - I love the business, but people need to stop waiting for an attitude era return in wrestling! It was fantastic while it lasted but like everything that has a beginning - it had to have an ending and wrestling has merely just evolved into something different which many people still enjoy so anyone claiming to hate the way wrestling is today, you're obviously not as big of a wrestling fan as you say you are/were! Sorry if there is anyone who doesn't like that comment but as a wrestler myself here in england - I couldn't care less!

Finally, the chris benoit comment: true wrestling fans will remember him for the fantastic wrestler he was - no matter what he did at the end of life! I've heard alot of guys from wwe say how he was acting differently in the last month of his life where he just got worse and worse and he just wasn't the same person. He should always be remembered for his in-ring performances and will always, to me, be looked at as a legend of wrestling!
Steroids may not be the sole reason for a person's death, but to deny that they contribute to it is ridiculous. Look at the recent, tragic death of Andrew 'Test' Martin, and tell me that steroids did not play a huge part in that. To deny the harmful effects of steroids for the sake of guys looking better is ******ed.
/QUOTE][The crackdown on steriods is one of the most positive things to happen to wrestling. I for one feel more comfortable knowing guys' health are more secure now with the whole testing measures WWE have introduced. Cody Rhodes doesn't have to look like Ultimate Warrior to succeed, in fact I would say that in terms of in ring talent Rhodes is probably better. The charisma is something he can work on. But yeh, I would rather a so called 'smaller' guy like Rhodes stayed clean and look like he does rather than risk his life to get bigger just to please people who prefer the 'larger than life' look or to get over.[/QUOTE]

okay i know i'm going to sound like an asshole but i wan to see guys get as huge as they can and i don't care what they use to get big. they're big boys and should know by now the effects of long term steroid, alcohol, cocaine, etc use. they know they could die when they're thirty and still they do it so why should i care. and for cody rhodes to ever succeed he needs to see a speech therapist. and a little roids wouldn't hurt.

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