3rd annual FAP

Its amazing how much healthier you feel when you're not watching 40 guys jizz on some womans face on a daily basis

Not that I have a problem with the aforementioned, I just like changing my habits from time to time.

I don't enjoy blokes in my porn. Strictly lesbians.

I am pretty detached from om-screen stuff, tbh. I just see the pornstars penis as a tool of his trade, when he flops it out its no different from a bricklayer reaching for his trowel or a carpenter his saw.
Not that I have a problem with the aforementioned, I just like changing my habits from time to time.

I am pretty detached from om-screen stuff, tbh. I just see the pornstars penis as a tool of his trade, when he flops it out its no different from a bricklayer reaching for his trowel or a carpenter his saw.

It's when he starts groaning and all that shit it's of putting. Nothing sexier than a woman getting another woman off. For some freaky reason i'm enjoying the chunkier women at the moment.
It's when he starts groaning and all that shit it's of putting. Nothing sexier than a woman getting another woman off. For some freaky reason i'm enjoying the chunkier women at the moment.

I love me some junk in the trunk. Sir Mixalot got it down
So I've lasted two days but I'm seriously struggling right now. Like I've got no plans and the only seemingly good option is to watch porn.
Well I survived being drunk and not watching it.
I fucked up and watched some savage footporn this morning. When I realized my mistake I hit "refresh" and subsequently cleared my conscience/history. That was a close one!! Three days in - going strong.
7th April in the UK now. Easier than previous years.
Still going strong :D
Helps that I can't stay awake long enough to do anything (I died from sickness a week ago - might drop below 170 pounds from 200 which isnt ideal) but a win's a win.
Myself (I believe Miko and jGlass too) have found the not watching porn for the month helped in how you view sex.

Im not saying porn is wrong, it's just for some people they may not realise how much they watch it.

This is also not a no *********ion thing.

I totally forgot about this last year and until now, this year as well.

I'll partake henceforth, though.

I find not watching porn sharpens your sexual imagination, which I suppose isn't exactly the most important function of your brain, but it's not totally unimportant either.

Also, the most intriguing thing about this experiment is how hard it is for people to quit. You hear about porn addiction and think, "That's ridiculous, I'm not addicted to porn," but you probably are a little. I certainly have porn cravings after not watching it for a while, but at the same time I find other ways to occupy my time/deal with sexual needs.
I find not watching porn sharpens your sexual imagination, which I suppose isn't exactly the most important function of your brain, but it's not totally unimportant either.

Oh dude I've been using my imagination like it was going out of style. The scenarios I come up with I could write porn scripts

Also, the most intriguing thing about this experiment is how hard it is for people to quit. You hear about porn addiction and think, "That's ridiculous, I'm not addicted to porn," but you probably are a little. I certainly have porn cravings after not watching it for a while, but at the same time I find other ways to occupy my time/deal with sexual needs.

I was surprised as well. Two days in and I really want to watch a video and I have to conciously tell myself no. I've done a lot more designy stuff and practiced my guitar more which is good though
Your call whether it does or not but a lot less hardcore than normal stuff, so it's an improvement.
Around a week and a half to go and I must say it's gone by pretty quickly. I'm holding out pretty easily, but I'm not promising I won't catch up on the whole month of stuff I've missed as soon as the clock strikes midnight :p

It was more the start of the month that was hard. As it went on it got easier.
I found weekends or after a couple of pints harder.
Well I work quite a few weekends till late and because of that rarely get to socialise so there was that. Oddly it was trying to do stuff during the week so i ended up going for walks, designing stuff and playing DMC

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