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3 Minute Diva Bowl


Sliced Bread...............
I just watched this and i dont get wwe's logic with this one. All divas had spots which you never see with a diva tag match. But 3 minuites they were really over with the crowd, the action was great. Why have a ref if she throws flags at the begining and when it counts does nothing. I think that if wwe misses their opprutunities like this to put the divas back in action why even have them in action. Why do you all think they even put the divas in a match with that many divas only lasting 3 minuites
I couldn't believe this opener. Thankfully I have two televisions on (mine and my roommates) so I don't have to change channels to watch the Viking's game, but if I didn't, I would have certainly not watched that bull. "Okay we're going up against a huge football game tonight, lets have a ridiculous diva thing to start off with." Just idiotic.
Yeah, this wasn't exactly great material here, but it's not anywhere near as bad as some of the trash they've been putting on Raw recently. I'd take an entire 3 Hour Raw special dedicated to those Diva Bowl matches then sit through one more Hornswoggle vs. Chavo match.

Wasn't bad seeing all of the divas in those tights though, atleast that was watchable. When the flags started to get thrown though...yeah, then it became a bit much.
It wasn't that bad, in my opinion. I think you're just looking for something to complain about. It was three damn minutes, no harm done, and like Fear said, there's been a shit loads of worse stuff on than this.
When I saw the OP, I figured they did it here because Big Ben was hosting, and is a dirty rapist. But, who knows why they did it. I had a chance to go tonight, and am very glad I didn't if this is the crap they're putting on.

If they want to open with a Divas' match, fine. But, make it one-on-one or a tag match at least. I find it hard to believe there would be more than 4 of them I'd want to see in the ring at any one time anyway.
i don't think it was that bad personally, i mean thats more than likely the most diva action one is gonna get. despite the fact that there was a fuck up. it was really back and forth and i'm actually a fan of that.
I had no problem with the Divas segment. It was about 5 minutes total (including entrances), had pretty much all the Divas on it, and had them in enough clothing to make it easy on the eyes, and not be too risque. Even the penalty flag/whistle made sense to me. Gail Kim (why was she the ref anyway?) needed to get control of the Tag Match, blew the whistle, threw a flag, and broke up the melee. Was there a penalty that made the flag throwing accurate? No, but since she was a ref, she had to throw the flag, because refs do that (the ref role was not meant to be 100% like NFL refs). All in all, it was actually one of the better diva giant-tag match segments in recent memory.
I never thought I would say this.......but I would to love to have intercourse with the Steelers on Raw.....as long as they were Diva's and not Surf-n-turfer.
they did it so they can put the Raw Diva's vs the Smackdown Diva's at the up coming PPV. As with everything that involves the guest host, and the Diva's it sucked.

Raw should of started with Orton and Cena to recap Orton winning the title back last night, and lead into the Iron Man Match at bragging rights
I don't think the people who are saying how short the segment was realize the importance of an 'opening segment'. I'm sure most people heard 'diva bowl' and then clicked previous channel on their remote back to ESPN. The Minn-GB game had a great first half and I wouldn't be surprised after that if few remembered Raw was even on.
umm... well id say sure keep this idea but DO NOT put it at the beginning of the show. If it was like 1 or 2 matchs in i wouldn't really care to much but i didn't like how it opened up the show. This could be setting up a face vs heel diva tag match at bragging rights just my thoughts on this anyway.
I personally thought it was a cool match. I like watching the Divas matches, and last nite was a great nite to see some of the women you hardly see wrestle that actually can. Plus, how all the Divas were doing their finishing moves, that was sweet. I think how that match ended, sets up a match at the next PPV. Mickie vs Michelle McCool. That would be a killer match, and I'd love love love to see Mickie kick Michelles booty!
The problem with this is simple... vince dont give a flying crap about the divas OR the womens division... he never DID and he never WILL... end of story. if youre gonna argue that he DOES then explain to me why he sends EVERY woman that competes for his federation to get BREAST IMPLANTS? i'll tell you why.. cause he is a friggin pervert and only sees women wrestlers as T&A instead of competitors.

2/3 of the women involved in that debacle last night should be FIRED cause they arent needed.. keep mccool, natalya, gail, beth, melina, jillian, rosa, maryse, and KATIE LEA (where was SHE last night anyway?!?!) everyone else is talent-less fluff who are better suited for a centerfold spread than a wrestling ring
I didn't get to see the Diva Bowl segment, but it sounds like it was pretty horrible. WWE is really messing up with their Divas. And like a few people have said, why would they bring in all the Divas if the segment is only going to last 3 minutes? What is that about? Why even employ Divas if you are just going to screw them over like that?
I am a huge fan of the divas and honestly i got more out of that 3 min match then i have gotten out of 5 or 10 min matches between 1 on 1 divas. It was fun to see the action between three diffrent brands even though we saw no katea lea or Savanna which was suprising only on the Katea lea part but what ever it was just an entertainment match the wwe universe seemed to be really into it and looked like they enjoyed it so what ever it was good to me.
I personally thought the tag match was good, bar Kellys botch but she's a botch-happy-blonde anyway so it didn't exactly come as a shock. The crowd was hot, and they loved it. Mickie James was on her game and absoloutely owned that match up; from her reverse mick-a-rana, to her sick DDT, to her victory roll, she was off the chain to say the least - the crowd where eating out her hand. Regardless of the gimmick, the divas basically where on fire, i'm not normally a fan of huge ass tag matches, but needless to say this one was well planned. I'm hoping it was a set up for the Bragging Rights PPV, you know Raw vs Smackdown. Hopefully they continue the Alicia/Mickie feud, whilst adding Mickie/Michelle to the PPV card, as much as I love the beautiful Mickie James, having Alicia cost the match against Michelle would be a perfect momentum builder. Hopefully the bookers do something right for once, seeing the Smackdown/Raw girls go at it was fresh and the crowd dug it because they'd not seen it before, they should mix the girls up in the next draft, imho.
The only issue I have with this segment is that it opened the show. Divas wrestling is shit, and the opening segment is designed to keep you watching the whole show. The only saving grace is that it was so short that people tuning in late would have missed it. If it was half an hour into the show, I wouldn't care, but having it open the show was straight up bad planning.
Although this match was the opener of the night, which I deem was an experiment to see if the Diva's attract anything for the opener or does anything good to get the segments over and done with, nothing during the match happened that I did not like. They kept Mickie in the ring at all times to take out all comers and performed well. The flak about her weight can be easily counteracted with her working ability in the diva bowl easily. She did well enough and the crowd appreciated her as the main woman.

The bit at the end where the diva's all did their finishers kind of made me want to fast forward through that endless sherade, but all in all... I was impressed. Pile all the diva's in one short match at the start of the show. Good move.

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