You and who? Smarks? Yes, I said that. The number of people complaining are in the thousands, not millions, so WWE doesn't need to pander to you. Reigns is extremely popular, and needed to be there. I don't know how fans can possibly dispute that without feeling idiotic.
No, fans never say he isn't good. They just complain he's being forced down their throats. I've always been curious, though - if he is, in fact, a good wrestler, why the hate in the first place? Ohhh, right, he wasn't Daniel Bryan. I almost forgot that shitshow logic people had. Boo anything that isn't Daniel Bryan because the company is holding him down. Then it turned out he had the health of an 80 year old man. I could keep going, but I think I've made my point.
Here are my issues with Reigns:
1. People liked Bryan because they saw him suffer. What has Reigns gone through to make us care about him? He showed up in the Shield, dominated, and then just became the top star. There's no root to him and people see through it.
2. He doesn't act like a face. A face doesn't shove a new bride into a cake for no specific reason, nor does a face get beaten up in the Royal Rumble and walk back to the dressing room before coming back later in the match.
Reigns has been very, very poorly booked, be it in winning far too much without ever facing any major adversity or just generally acting like a dick that we're supposed to cheer. His rise came just after Bryan, who was the definition of the people's champion. Going from that to the definition of "cheer this person because we say so no matter how much you don't care" isn't going to work. You can't make the fans believe that they can cheer their way into whatever they want and then take that same authority away from them just as fast.
It's similar to Rocky Maivia back in the day. He came in and was just so happy about everything that people hated it because it felt fake and forced. Then they turned him into the arrogant jerk that people wanted him to be and it was all gravy from there. With Reigns, it's the exact same stuff over and over.
It's much more like 1994/1995 WCW Hulk Hogan. It was the same old formula that had worked before but times had changed. Hogan wasn't cheered so they finally turned him heel and it worked like a charm. For some reason, WWE insists on sticking with something that isn't working and it's like a child who just won't listen.
Finally, how are common fans supposed to connect to Reigns? Consider Zack Ryder, who got over because people got behind the idea of someone who was being held back because a lot of people felt the same way. The same was true of Austin ("Who hasn't wanted to beat up their boss?") and several others.
How many people can related to being a 6'3 former college football star who comes from one of the most celebrated families in wrestling history while being handed the keys to the company and basically being told "don't worry about doing what they want because you're our pick no matter what, including when you get busted for a Wellness violation."
There's no connection to the character and people don't like it being forced to the top of the company. Reigns is perfectly fine in the ring but he was the Shield's power guy in May and main eventing Wrestlemania in March. In between he won a single big singles match against Randy Orton and then won a horrible Royal Rumble. That's not enough to sway him to the popular side and it's shown badly ever since.
The fans aren't booing Reigns. They're booing lazy writing and a lack of effort from a company that is telling them what to like.