2012 Debater's League: Smack Talk and General Discussion Thread

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lulz. Anyway, it's gonna be fun to win this round with internet issues. It took me 10 minutes to find one pic.
Wow, Stormy. Is it just me, or are your posts getting shorter, sloppier and well... Degenerated into backhand responses. I'm afraid you can't keep up.
actually, I'm the only one actually replying to anything the opponent says.

You're just posting random stuff, which is why you can post immediately after I submit my post. Since you have no reply for anything I say (which is contrary to what I'm doing), it's actually an easy matchup for me.

I mean for fucks sake, you replied 4 fucking minutes after I posted. At least make it look like you're TRYING to reply to me.
Hey Stormy, are you gonna keep trying to belittle me or am I the one who's gonna have to keep bringing new information?

So you know, I'm not wrong. I'm doing my job. You're too busy trying to slap me to notice, it seems though.
Reading through the Stormy/Killjoy debate right now so I can get a head start on getting through most of the text. DAMN YOU KILLJOY!!! I want a Pepsi now. :(
Reading through the Stormy/Killjoy debate right now so I can get a head start on getting through most of the text. DAMN YOU KILLJOY!!! I want a Pepsi now. :(
I know, I'm sorry he badmouthed the good name of Pepsi by calling them Coke. He's grasping at straws and coming up empty.
I'm starting to see a trend in these debates.

I hope you guys realize that proving your opponent's points to be wrong doesn't win you debates. If it's not coupled with reasons why your points are right, it doesn't really give you the edge. Hell, anyone could point a finger and say "You're wrong." It's proving them wrong with your own base of facts that convinces others instead of just making them look at you like you're ignorant.

Hopefully, you guys know what I'm talking about.
I'm starting to see a trend in these debates.

I hope you guys realize that proving your opponent's points to be wrong doesn't win you debates. If it's not coupled with reasons why your points are right, it doesn't really give you the edge. Hell, anyone could point a finger and say "You're wrong." It's proving them wrong with your own base of facts that convinces others instead of just making them look at you like you're ignorant.

Hopefully, you guys know what I'm talking about.
I do, but by thoroughly disproving all of Killjoys points by showing how he stole ideas actually proves my point as well.
Lulz. Tell that to CH.
yeah, he doesn't understand it. Can't fix ignorance. I made it ridiculously clear that McMahon never created anything, but he wants to think that just saying he's like Steve Jobs means you're right. He's not at all like Steve Jobs.

Vince McMahon is like OJ Simpson.

There, now you must believe Vince McMahon is a murderer, simply because I said it.
I feel like I should acknowledge being called ignorant.
Maybe I should have just questioned whether I killed your dog or something, then?

Sorry, but I'm allowed to disagree with someones opinion. Especially since it's from someone who seemed to have it out for me all tourney.
Maybe I should have just questioned whether I killed your dog or something, then?

Sorry, but I'm allowed to disagree with someones opinion. Especially since it's from someone who seemed to have it out for me all tourney.

Oh, it's time for Stormy to start ruining this already? I thought we still had another round or 2 left before this went down.
Maybe I should have just questioned whether I killed your dog or something, then?

Sorry, but I'm allowed to disagree with someones opinion. Especially since it's from someone who seemed to have it out for me all tourney.

You're in the final debate of the winner's bracket.

What the fuck are you complaining about?
Oh, it's time for Stormy to start ruining this already? I thought we still had another round or 2 left before this went down.
Oh shove it up your ass, Nate. I didn't ruin shit. I only said one thing about one judge. I haven't ruined a fucking thing.
You're in the final debate of the winner's bracket.

What the fuck are you complaining about?
I don't know what the hell you're talking about.

I didn't complain at all. All I said is that I disagreed with one persons judgement (who has judged against me in every single round where my opponent didn't give up early). I'm entitled to my opinion.
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