2011: Who will lose their World Championship virginity?

Well i hope to see Cody Rohdes win a world title. Reason being he has impressed me every time he is in the ring. He works his butt off and shows why he is a great talent. He really has improved over the years and should be rewarded with a world title win.

JoMo: Once again a great talent and i am shocked that he still isnt a main eventer. He is possibly the most talented guy in the WWE. Yeah he still has a few things to work on before he can become a main eventer things such as his mic skills but at least he should have a title match but what iv read about him having backstage heat it looks like he wont be getting a push soon.

Christian: Again i am flabbergasted that he isnt a former world champion and i dont recall him ever having a shot at either the WWE title or the WHC. It's a shame that someone like Christian who is a great wrestler is considered a mid carder.

Alberto Del Riiiiooooooo: I have no doubt that he will become a champion soon. I mean it's his destiny.
Alberto Del Rio - Like most, I think it's pretty certain he'll win the WHC, and fairly soon. But after him (and someone I want with the title even more):

Christian - Definitely deserves it. May be a little biased as I'm a big fan of his but I think most also agree he deserves at least one World Title reign with WWE. Back in 05 or so he got a main event push, I just want to see it come to fruition this time. Good thing is, they are keeping him relevant in the Edge/Del Rio feud, and he did have two victories over Del Rio prior to Mania. I'd love to see him turn heel and feud with Edge for it, but if that can't happen and Del Rio has the strap, I'll settle for that (they could always feud afterwards). I just really want him with the World Title this year. MitB could be a good option like someone mentioned.

John Morrison - I hope any kind of backstage heat he may be getting won't affect him, as I have been hoping after the Miz/Cena feud that Morrison would challenge Miz for it. Could be a great feud, and they do have history (not nearly as much though) like Edge & Christian. I'd love to see him with the WWE Title, I just don't know if WWE will do it.
The best bets are Christian and Del Rio. One of them is probably going to be the one to take the title from Edge. I don't really know which one as I assumed it would be Del Rio at Mania but when that didn't happen I wonder if maybe they are slowing off on him just a little bit. It shows how much they believe in him though how often we have seen him on raw even though he is a Smackdown superstar. Christian definitely could be and I do believe that at some point he will at least be given a title run even if its a short one. Wade Barrett is a real possibility as they keep trying to give him time on the main shows and I believe its just a matter of time just don't know if it will be this year or not. Morrison, I really don't think its going to happen this year. To me he has little pushes but always seems to come short of cementing himself. The only reason I believe that it could happen is the lack of top faces on Raw and his obviously easy potential feud with the Miz who he should be comfortable with promo wise. Cody Rhodes is another darkhorse possibility who has really looked good of late. World title is probably a stretch though. If you count Ziggler's first semi-reign then obviously he wouldn't be included but I think he will almost definitely have a run at some point this year. The key for the young stars this year is who can easily make a face transition because if Miz holds on to the belt, Cena won't be around the title picture all year and we have seen Miz and Orton already a number of times.
If anyone's read the report about John Morrison having heat on him, it seems rather unlikely that he will be getting a push towards the world title anytime soon. Melina seems to be a perennial backstage nuisance and Morrison may need to get rid of her if he ever wants to get his shot. It would also be great if he could get some promo skills, but that's another argument for another time.

I would be absolutely shocked if Alberto Del Rio isn't the World Heavyweight Champion within the next couple of months. In fact, I was pretty surprised as it was when Edge retained the title at Mania. But it's obvious that Del Rio is getting it, sooner rather than later, and is likely going to be pushed as the SmackDown brand's top heel. If they decide to hold off and stick him back in the midcard for a while, then I can see Wade Barrett stepping up again and winning it; he already deserved it last year from where I stood, due to his tremendous work as the leader of Nexus. He needs to get his momentum back somehow to establish him as a real main event player, and getting another push into the title scene might be just the thing to do it.
I honestly believe ADR right now is the only Championship material, JoMo i believe needs a mic person. possibly Melina.
The other guys need to prove themselves a bit more.
Cody Rhodes, Drew, Bryan.

In regards to Wade, I agree with berlinbrawler, he should have more time in the mid and then work his way up.
I agree with everyone about Dolph Ziggler, he's my RAW MITB winner pick right now.

Alberto Del Rio, same, he's gonna get the gold this year.

I don't agree with Barrett though. The time to give him the title was last fall, now it would feel flat and forced, maybe at Summerslam it wont
if Sheamus can win it as fast as he did, and Swagger could win it coming off a mini feud with Santino, then I see no reason why Cody cant win it....he is absolutely believable in the main event...hell, he is more ready than Ziggler was when he won it....I would almost be tempted to say he's about as ready as Miz was when he won his title....Cody has been around almost 4 years now, why not?
Wade Barrett hopfully but I would settle for a long IC Title run for the time being seeing as he has just come onto the scene and too many guys get pushed to the top before they are ready then fall off.
Alberto Del Rio would be the easiest and safest choice. Despite the WM loss to Edge, it's pretty obvious his title win over Edge is looming. Edge's last reign as been forgetful at best and ADR has been given a solid push. There's nowhere for ADR to go but up at this point.

As far second most likely...it has to be Barrett. I want to go with Ziggler but A.) He's on Raw and Miz is still getting uber-pushed and you have CM Punk as the other top heel. and B.) Despite Ziggler's title "reign" i'm not sure the WWE has complete faith in him yet.

Despite The Corre getting buried, all you have to do is break up the faction, and but Barret right back on his own and his credability is back in no time. BUT...you already have ADR on SD...Either there's going to be a multiple face turns or the draft is going to mix things up, becuase both shows have to many heel with no viable faces. Barret has a looked more suited for the ME and he's a better talker. Ironically, evem though Ziggler is officially already a world champion, if would be alot easirer to push Barret at this point. Also, it's pretty funny they were both horribly used at WM.

I want to say either Morrison or Christian get a WT reign this year but...I just don't see it. Christian just isn't going to. His best shot was last year when everybody and their brother had a injury. I suppose the window is shut yet...but with so many younger stars on the rise, it just looks like it's too late for Christian.

Morrison might just have to get pushed just for the sake of it. Raw already has Cena/Orton but they're both kinds just...there. Raw needs another face at this point and Morrison is the only canidate by default. Still, l i'm pretty sure Cena or Orton would get another for Morrison. From his spotty mover-set to his lame gimmick, to his underwhelming mic-skills, it would take alot of work to make Morrison seem the least bit credible. Especially on Raw. The guy just isn't ready to carry Raw as top face...and more and more it lookes like he never will be.

As far as Kofi goes...

Lasty there are two dark horse. First Cody Rhodes. I knows, he's only 25 but he's done more wiith what he's been given than anyone in recent memory( that means you JoMo). It's hard to believe this is the same Cody with the terrible lisp who was only know for not wearing knee-pads and being Orton's glorified lacky. He's made all the people who proclaimed Ted the crown jewel of Legacy look like an idiot, he's been having consitently solid matches...looking quite comforable against proven main eveners, he's been delivering golden promos(he carried the feud with Rey singlehandily), not to mention he didn't just strike gold an average gimmick that could stunted the carrers for a lesser superstar...he managed to evolve it. Compare his Dashing promos where he instrusts you how to spit to his recent promos, where he manages to capture all the little mannerism nuisances of a broken mand. The guy has grown more in one year than the rest of the roster combined. If ADR doesn't take the title from Edge, I wouldn't be shocked if Rhodes was at least in WT contention.

The second would be Drew McIntyre. There's no real viable, concrete reasons... besides the fact he has the look, and a certain untapped prescene. His theme, as well as the manner in which he carried himself right before creative gave up on him for the time being. In the EC hewould've looked totally believeble had he emerged the victor. And I know he's 24 but I have to at least consider him because it would be to eady to build him back up, and even have him win a WT. He already has the finsiher, he was completely believebale as the serious badfass, he already wrestles in a way that would allow him to have a good match with nearly everyone (good, not great), meaning he's not like say JoMo who is too spotty for the ME.

Perosnally, I don't see many of the guys as true main eventers, but it was based on who is most likely. Christian is over the hill, ADR is overrated, barret is meh, Ziggler is just...missing something, and Morrison is Christian all over again. Drew has ALOT of untapped potential but he's not ready. Cody is the only one at this juncture that I could see as a guy who would fit in at the top, but not just flounder out later(ala Swagger, Sheamus)...seriously, if he continues to be half as impressive as he was last year, then he has to win the SD MITB.
I agree that Cody Rhodes will be a champion by the end of the year. He proved that he can carry a fair majority of a feud with a big time player and can perform at a championship level with a amain eventer. 2 is Jomo, its his time but I've thought that for about a year and a half now. 3 is Dolph Ziggler. I know he had a mini reign but I think he will get a legit title run on raw. He is my vote for money in the bank. 4 has to be ADR preferably by Night of Champions. He has the talent and will ne a WWE champion sooner than later. My 2 lottery up in the air picks are Wade Barrett and Daniel Bryan. I see both of these 2 more than likely getting lost in the shuffle. Barrett wont be a world champion til he looses his faction and Bryan needs to move over to smackdown to be an affective champion. Raw is more for the big dogs and i'm not sure if he can hold up with guys like Cena, Ortin, and Miz on that show much less Ziggler and Morrison.
Christian-I think Vinny has finally realized Christian is too talented and too over to be stuck in Mid-Card hell. I dont think he'll be a main-stay ME I think he'll do what Jericho was doing challenging/being World Champ than puting people over when he aint Challenging/Being World Champ

Kelly Kelly-Yes a Diva I know some dont care about the divas but yeah oh well Kelly while not the best ring(not like ring skills matter in WWE Look who the WWE Champ is) she is insanely Over and I see her winning the title by SummerSlam if not sooner(not like the title is doing anything anyways besides being backstage on RAW)

and my Darkhorse
Drew McIntyre-Yes he's doing nothing right now(unless he's on Superstars I dont watch that) but Swagger went from jobbing to Santino Freaking Marella to World Champion in 2 months. Drew isnt that low yet
Alberto Del Rio is a lock. He will win it at Extreme Rules unless they crown a new champ on Smackdown this week which would be him anyway. He was gonna win it at Wrestlemania if Edge wasn't retiring so they had to give Edge his Mania moment and hold off a month on ADR.

Wade Barrett and Christian are also strong possibilites but I wouldn't call either of them locks just yet.

Sin Cara has a chance because he's already a huge international draw and WWE wants to draw in his fans.

Also why are people saying Ziggler? He was champ for 10 minutes this year. And John Morrison will thankfully never be champ. He pissed off everybody backstage with his comments and actions torwards Trish. I expect him to be released this year.

Del Rio - They have too much invested in him to not pull the trigger now.

Dolph Ziggler - He has the complete package and is fantastic in the ring.


Christian - It would make sense to have him basically take over the role of Edge on the show, and a championship reign for him would be well-deserved.

Kofi Kingston - not sure what the deal is with burying him of late, unless its to get him in the main event against Del Rio once he wins the title

John Morrison - if he quits being a jackass, it'll happen.


Wade Barrett - I like Wade, but WWE has all but blown it with this guy. The time to put the belt on him was last fall at the height of the Nexus/Cena feud.

R Truth - He's undeniably talented, but he's hit this glass ceiling that I don't think he's gonna get out from under. He's only in the main event because of JoMo being in the doghouse.
Really I only need to state two

ADR, I love this dude. I think he has the chops in the ring, and on the stick. He has a huge heel bodyguard, and another person to have his back in his ring announcer. Like it or not this is the making of a great Heel champion. His promo's are really slick and like he says, It's his destiny.

Daniel Bryan, I honestly don't want Vince and Co. to squander the tallents DB has. He can be an amzing face if you are using him right. But I think atm he would flounder in the sea of heels. Ring work you all know of, he just needs to get out of the midcard. He has promo skills if you've ever seen any of his indi videos. But he really isn't getting mic time, I think he would be a great underdog champion if given the time to work!

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