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2011: Who will lose their World Championship virginity?

Cena's #1 In My Heart

Getting Noticed By Management
Talking about the WWE or World Championship.

So of course every year people want to know, who is the rising star, who is going to break out.

You'd see a list like Drew McIntrye, Kofi Kingston, John Morrison, Wade Barrett, just about every other up and comer..

but lets be real, how many of these guys will actually win the tittle and truly break out this year?

So here we go... Wrestlezone.com forums.. who is going to step up and win their FIRST World Championship this year... it could be more than one.. but try and limit your answers to no more than 3.. because we could name all the bright up and coming stars who are really talented, but I want the nitty gritty.. who is going to be the people who cross the line and actually hold their first World Championship here in 2011 in the WWE?!?

---My Thoughts---

Alberto Del Rio - I think the WWE truly wanted to give him the title at WM27, but I heard things about how Edge "needed" this win because he hasn't done so well at WMs defending his title. So I think they gave it to Edge as a bit of a credibility thing. I think Del Rio will be winning the title here shortly... maybe later on this month...

Christian - Little unsure about this one, I think he truly might not ever win the World Title, but if he is going too.. this will be the year that he does it. With Edge and Del Rio feuding over the title, I think he's in prime position to be lined up for a World Championship Match at PPV against either of them, or maybe both. Maybe he'll win the MITB like Edge has done and cash it in on the Del Rio/Edge angle. Then again, how long are Edge and Del Rio going to feud? There is a group coming up on Smackdown that I'm keeping my eyes on....

Wade Barrett - The group I was talking at the end of my Christian thoughts was The Corre. You can't hold these guys down for long, especially on Smackdown where talent finds a way to surface. I think Wade Barrett is a very legit shot for World Champion in the later parts of 2011 once his Intercontinental Championship reign is over.

John Morrison - I know, I said try and limit it to 3. But all my guys were Smackdown guys and I'm really not to sure if Christian is going to get the strap.. so I just want to throw one more name out there... John Morrison. He looks great in the ring and out of the ring.. I really hope this happens, I'd like to see Morrison win the title and get his shot over anybody I named.. even Barrett.. and I got The Corre in my sig! I mean Morrison was clearly the better guy on ECW and when they were a Tag Team, how did The Miz shoot past Morrison? Miz's promos and cause Morrison went to Smackdown I guess?!? Either way, Morrison deserves a run and I hope they don't miss his chance.


What are your thoughts on my thoughts? What are your thoughts on who will loose their World Title virginity in the year 2011? Let the discussion begin!
Alberto Del Rio and Wade Barrett are my best bets to break their cherry this year.Del Rio's so close to the World Title he can almost taste it,and Barrett's gone from strength to strength (if you don't count them getting their asses kicked by Cena and The Rock this past Monday).

I'm on the fence about Christian.I think he may be world champion if the WWE wants to add a new twist to the Edge-Del Rio feud,but at the same time I know that Vince doesn't fancy Christian as world champion.

After the report on Morrison getting heat from management,assuming that it's true,I doubt he'll get a title shot this year,much less win the world title.He's never been able to be up there with the big boys anyway.Barring an epiphany from him and him getting his act together,I think it'll take a long time before the top brass thinks of Morrison as a main event guy.Who knows,he may end up like Owen Hart (minus the terrible accident).The guy who's considered a great wrestler but never became a world champion.

Drew McIntyre dropped the ball,or WWE dropped the ball with Drew McIntyre.How many golden chances can he or they screw up?He was primed to be world champion and now he's not even on TV.Waste of a good talent if you ask me.
1. Alberto del rio- I am almost positive this will happen within the next couple of months. Like you said, they came so close to giving it to him at Wrestlemania. It's just bound to happen sooner rather than later.

2. Christian- I agree that is the best time possible to get Christian involved in the World title picture. I really hope it happens, although I shouldn't get my hopes up too much.

3.Wade Barret- Same reasons as you.

I wanted to pick John Morrison, but I have a feeling his big moment isn't coming until next year.
Del Rio is a Shoe in, all the reasons listed, and how strong his build has been.

Drew McIntyre, As high as McMahon (kayfabe or note) is building him, I see Drew breaking out sometime, and seizing a title from nowhere, probably a MITB Favorite.

Dolph Ziggler, I don't count his title reign, and I'd hope nobody else recognizes it, he's going to win a real title sometime this year, although I think he's going to have a falling out with Vickie during it, which will probably cost him the title
Well first, Christian lost his World Championship virginty when he won the NWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE in 2006. But if we're only talking about what exists in the "WWE Universe", then he's on my list.

Christian: I don't have to mention how good he is or how much he deserves it, we all know it. But for the first time ever, the WWE has him seriously involved in the World Title picture. Smackdown is lacking a TOP heel. Alberto is assuming that role, but he's only half way through his rookie year and is still in the process of convincing the world he can be top dog. Kane has gone face again and is playing air trumpet with Santino. And any chance of The Corre being taken as a serious threat similar to original Nexus was shot during they're vicious burrial at Wrestlemania then again when they were briefly revived before being killed again 24 hours later by 2 people. I think Christian would be a perfect, and refreshing person to take over that role. If he were to betray Edge out of jealousy and win the belt.. we'd have one helluva feud to carry us through the summer. Now if WWE doesn't wanna recycle the storyline of Christian getting jealous from a decade ago, I could also see Christian winning the belt in a triple threat and Edge's anger could lead to HIM betraying Christian. Either way, I'd be surprised if Christian didn't have a World title reign under his belt by the time the summer is over.

Cody Rhodes: I think I'm the only to mention him in this thread so far, but I usually am when it comes to Cody. Lots of ppl don't take Cody serious, whether it be due his lack of knee pads, the Dashing gimmick, or his size. They're all petty excuses to hold back the pure talent and potential Cody has. He did a great job getting the Dashing gimmick over, and he just beat Rey Mysterio at WRESTLEMANIA! You add in that he has good matches with almost everybody, and you got a sure fire main eventer who SHOULD be winning World Titles for the next 10 years at the LEAST. He's still pretty young. As long as he stays on the blue brand, I'd BANK (hint hint) on him cashing in that V card.

That's my short list.

Unlike everybody else, I just DON'T see this megastar potential that everyone is so sure that Barrett and Del Rio have. And I never saw it in McIntyre. Hell, it wasn't until his Mania win that I've started seeing Miz as a true main eventer. When I think of the future, I see guys like Sheamus, Ziggler, DiBiase, and Swagger leading the way. Not to mention the guys like Rhodes, Morrison, and even Zeke getting they're 15 minutes to shine.
Like others I wish Christian would just get the title. But it probably won't happen this year, maybe not ever.
And I'm 50/50 on Wade Barret.. he may keep the IC title for a few months or at least in the title picture. He'd be a good WHC champion on Smackdown. but id prefer he be moved to Raw if that happens just because he has the ability to get genuine heat. And Nexus were being cheered over Cena.
And unfortunately not John Morrisson. after this new backstage problem it will probably get him demoted. Which Trish was a much better choice. She's great and it was for Tough Enough. And Melina is a heel.

Drew Mcyntire. He may not have a real personality other than a plain Sheamus. He was a total badass in his fued with Matt Hardy. He destroyed him like Orton has to others.
Maybe he needs to lose the ponytail. And work on his promos.
Ill be disappointed if he doesn't because he has major potential. And I see him winning MITB then turning into a shitty run like Swagger or Kane. The only 2 to not get that great of reigns.

Daniel Bryan. Id like to see him win it from The Miz if he's still champion.
He deserves an actual clean pin and not get it from cashing in a case.

Dolph Ziggler. I really want it to happen and he's going to be a major heel if they stay with him and not end up burying him. He could be a top heel tweener on Raw when Edge retires.
Vickie is getting him huge heat and will continue to get it. He could team up with Cody Rhodes and wear suits and give them successful playboy type gimmick.

Kofi is another I'm 50/50 on. It would make most sense at MITB and stay on Smackdown. He's held every title. So he'll be one of the if only black triple crown winners.
But he could continue his descent into the abyss.

Sin Cara I'm almost certain won't get a world title, but wouldn't be surprised if it happened. He'll need some time to build himself seeing as how he's mostly unknown by the casual fan. But winning the Raw MITB would help.

There could be another surprise champion from a new guy like Sheamus.
# 1 person should be Dolph Ziggler.

The guys awesome. Sooner its noticed the better. His matches were good, shame he isn't on Smackdown still. He wont win it on RAW. I like his look and personality.

# 2 Alberto Del Rio

Smackdown needs some world championship credibility. Give Del Rio the ball. He'll prove he is worth the while.

Morrison has been lost in the shuffle, and recent reports indicate bad weather for Morrison.
I agree completely with The Patriot. Ziggler has shown he can hang with the big boys, he's a good wrestler, is probably the best seller of moves I have seen in a long time (the guy just sells like a machine) he just needs a little mic work and he's there.

Del Rio should be an absolute lock to be the next WHC. Could even be the next PPV
I think Ziggler can get over face or heel.

I'd give him that U.S title and have him show his wrestling ability. Im cut he moved from Smackdown, I was enjoying his rise to the WHC. Shame he held it for 12minutes. WWE dropped the ball, it could have been a triple threat at mania.

Honestly Edge is stale and doesn't need that belt, and thats coming from someone who loved Edge.

WWE needs to push some youngsters. Cena, Orton, Punk and Edge cant be your champs permenantly.

Undertaker and Triple H should be used sparingly. Show and Kane are your big man fillers.
The one guy I'm sure about is John Morrison: His chances would be best provided that Miz will hold on to the title a while longer, past his feud with Cena. The Summerslam main event of Miz vs Morrison just feels so right. And unlike with Cena, with Morrison the Miz has shown that he can have a great match. JoMo is not without flaws, but his in-ring skills are turning enough heads.

There are some guys I'm not sure about.

Dolph Ziggler (his first 4 minute champion-by-default run notwithstanding) seems to be making waves. I like him, but I have my doubts. It is entirely possible that I'm biased because I still say he looks too much like Billy Gunn, the personification of midcarder-for-life.

Christian: I was actually long past hoping that he would ever get a shot and I had made peace with that. But recent events put him in a very strange light. Exactly why was it that he defeated the nr. 1 contender for the championship twice right before Wrestlemania? I had predicted that Christian was going to be Alberto's b*tch and that that would provide Edge with the motivation to avenge his buddy (former brother, lol) at Mania. Logical (if predictable) booking, if you ask me. Instead they made Alberto look weak at the expense of a guy who wasn't in the match. Weird. Very weird. Obviously they have something planned for Christian, but if that will eventually translate into a World Title run? Hey, Kane got one at long last, why not Christian, too? Captain Charisma should take a look at what Jericho did, though, and rethink his wardrobe.

Wade Barrett: He is getting a lot of praise from the online community. I'm not sure all of it is deserved. He has a great look and very good mic skills. Check. But he also is green as grass and his matches are average. Check.
How long ago was his debut? 25 minutes? He may have great things lined up, but why is everyone in such a hurry to put a championship belt on him? I'm actually saddened to see guys waltz into the company and see them reach the top of the mountain almost immediately. If they have done it all within their first 2 years, what new goals do these guys have to aspire to? Give them some time to be midcarders and grow.

Zack Ryder: He's got the looks, he's got the skills, he's got... Oh, who am I kidding? ;)
Drew Mcintyre: Sure he's kind of been lost in the crowd recently, and wasn't even on the card for Mania, but then again, neither was sheamus. I see him winning money in the bank and cashing in on sum1 like mysterio?
Alberto Del Rio: I really think he's going to win it at Extreme Rules.
Dolph Ziggler: WWE have been building the guy up 4 months with facing Edge again and again. Don't think RAWs the best place for him right now though.
Dolph Ziggler: Don't think RAWs the best place for him right now though.

I would have to agree with that. RAW is where the sharks are swimming. I don't see Ziggler getting ahead of Miz, Cena, Orton or Punk anytime soon. And thre are plenty up-and-comers there as well in guys like Sheamus (already a two time champion, lol) or Morrison.
On Smackdown! Ziggler's chances wee considerably better. On RAW there is a good chance he will get lost in the shuffle.
There's a couple of guys that I think could break out and win their first world championships and they are.

Alberto Del Rio:
Del Rio in my opinion is a lock to becoming a world champion in the up coming months, the way he's been pushed the last couple of months show that Vince and the WWE are big on the guy and I could see Del Rio being champion by the time SummerSlam comes around.

Dolph Ziggler:
I know he already has a "title reign" but I don't count it as it only lasted less then five minutes. Ziggler has put on some of the best matches we've seen this year with the likes of Orton, Cena, Edge and Kingston and his matches last year with Daniel Bryan were show stealers. As other posters have pointed out his selling is probablly the best in the WWE and has a ton of charisma, just watch season four of NXT to find out how funny he really is.

Cody Rhodes:
Rhodes is my dark horse and here's why. Rhodes, as he's proven with his match with Mysterio at Wrestlemania is a solid worker and capable of carrying feuds and matches at this point of his career. His mic work has improved by leaps and bounds with his new gimmick and is actually getting over with the crowd with this disgruntled and disfiguared character he's got going on. The fact he was chosen by Mysterio as his opponent at mania speaks to the fact his impressed people back stage.
Cody Rhodes:
His mic work has improved by leaps and bounds with his new gimmick and is actually getting over with the crowd with this disgruntled and disfiguared character he's got going on.

I agree that he has greatly improved lately. The one thing that has been bugging me a little bit - He is about as disfigured as Kane is covered with severe burns... Ok, it's no biggie, really. Like Kane's burns it's all supposed to be in Cody's head obviously. But the problem I have then is why didn't the commentators point that out? Are we supposed to think they simply didn't notice that nothing is wrong with Cody's face when the mask came off? I hate it when the commentators have to pretend they are nincompoops.
whether we all like it or not Ziggler has had his first world title already....I could see him winning the RAW MITB though....

John Morrison- I think he's ready, apparently WWE doesnt think so...hopefully without Cena in the main event so much he will get his shot

Alberto Del Rio- this is the most obvious to happen within the next month or so

Christian- I think this is finally his year....I have some gut feeling just like I did with Kane last year before he won his title

Disfigured Cody Rhodes- I could see him winning MITB for whichever brand he is on, and possibly winning his first title by the end of the year

Wade Barrett- I would like for this to happen, but I dont see it just yet, at least not until like the end of the year or even 2012
I'm thinking these guys will finally lose their world heavyweight champion virginity in 2011.

Christian, he has definitely proved himself worthy by defeating Alberto Del Rio two times in a row cleanly, I can smell the world heavyweight champion for the former World Champion Captain Charisma.

Justin Gabriel, I know its a weird choice, but maybe he'll be come a baby face because thats who he is not a damn heel, so he'll leave nexus and prove that he does not need them by winning the world title.

Wade Barrett, my favorite new guy in WWE, way better then Alberto Del Rio, he has proved time and time again that he is the real deal, just as soon as he loses his IC champ.
Alberto Del Rio will get the WHC at some point. I would like to think Christian as well but I don't think Vince sees him as being main event material. Something is telling me Sin Cara will get a shot at the belt too since they are gonna push him majorly. I don't wanna see Morrison get the title because he's not good in my eyes but thats just my opinion. Wade...if he gets better in the ring and ditches that stupid Corre stable.
1st: I think Alberto Del Rio will win the belt at Extreme Rules.
2nd: I believe Christian will be the one to take the belt off of Del Rio.
3rd: Somewhere this year John Morrison will beat Miz for the belt.
4th. Sometime before the end of the year Wade Barrett will finally win the big one after all the chances he had last year.
Maybe 5: If Morrison doesn't take the belt from Miz why not Daniel Bryan. Many people may say that won't happen but the 2 have a past and Bryan did beat him for the US title.

Outside of them, I don't see anyone else this year becoming a first time champ.

You know one other name that can be added is Sin Cara. If Del Rio wins those two evidently had feuds in Mexico and with them pushing hispanics and if this guy gets as popular as they are trying. Why can't he be the one to take the belt off of Del Rio if and when Del Rio wins it.
Cody Rhodes

To berlin Brawler about Cody Rhodes...........

It's not really about his face, Its about his mind..... As an audience member you have to take it to the second level. Dashing Cody Rhodes was so obsessed with his looks that when something happen to it it affected his mind psychotically.

This is different from any of the characters with mask... (Kane, Mankind) because they showed up on the scene wearing mask so when they took it off you were like yea that dude is not great looking but he is not burned or disfigured like the build up was supposed to be. (exclude Mick Foley because he was messed up!) Cody does have model looks or whatever and nothing happened to his face but he plays the character so well right now that it's believable because that's what the character thinks when he looks into the mirror. Thats a testament to the acting skills he is finally getting to show.
Some of these I don't want to list but they are legit choices.

Del Rio - Can't stand the guy from his MMA days, but the push they have given him it is almost certain he will get it this year.

Barrett - I don't see it being a long run with the belt, but I could see him winning MITB.

Danial Bryan - Never saw him on the indie scene but thats because I don't watch indie stuff, but I love him in WWE, and because of him have gone back and watched some of his ROH matches. I think he is high up there for losing his cherry.

Lastly I would say JoMo but I haven't seen anything about what has happened with him backstage, if anyone could PM me to fill me in it would be great.

I would like to think Christian would be the next Champion on Smackdown, maybe in a triple threat match, however Del Rio looks likely to take that honor. Christian is the logical choice because that way you finally get the Edge V Christian fued which everyone wants. Others on Smackdown I could see winning their first title are Cody (He really impressed me with his mania match - I would like to see him win MITB), maybe Barrett, who should of won the Title last year with Nexus and possibly Kofi if they rebuild him up to a level similar to when he was fueding with Orton.

On Raw, Morrison and Bryan are the two I see most likely to win the the WWE Title from Miz who have not yet been Champion, however I fear we may have another year of Orton and Cena being the main guys on Raw. The other person I would like to see have a 'real' reign is Dolph although I think his push came at the wrong time on Smackdown, as soon as Del Rio won the Rumble you knew he wouldnt win the title, and a MITB cash in for me seems likely.

My long shot, and I mean long shot would be Alex Riley. He has been in and around the Main Event for the last 6 months with Miz and is often the guy who gets beaten down to save Miz. WWE has used this type of story before with the lesser guy getting fed up and turning (Orton and Batista on HHH, tesed it with Dibiase on Orton, im sure there are others) on the master and winning the title.
Alberto Del Rio: I'm kinda pissed that he didn't win at Wrestlemania. I didn't see the benefit of Edge winning. Let's spice it up.

Wade Barrett: I'm50/50 on this one. I could see Zeke winning the belt to complete Corre. However, once his IC title reign if over(hopefully he brings back some prestige to it), I can see him going for the big one. The fact that he didn't get it whilst in Nexus was unexpected.

Christian: After the Royal Rumble, I would've said Hell no. However, with him being so involved now, I could see him going for the title. He more than deserves it and has loads of charisma.

Daniel Bryan: I know you said try to keep it at 3, but with Morrison getting heat, and Cena involved with the Rock, I could see him going into a program with the Miz and taking the title.
even though i dont count Ziggler's title run as big, he techniqually still held it, but in time he will get a true title run.

Anyways the 3 guys who will win a world title in 2011
1) Alberto Del Rio- this could happen soon or later, but he will be champion
2) Christian- i REALLY want him to win the world title ASAP. i know people want it to be Del Rio, but he will have his chances, Christian needs his chance with the title even if it's only for 2 months.
3) John Morrison- This will happen if a feud between Miz and Morrison happens and i think it would be a good feud.

Other names to look into would be Dolph Ziggler getting a real title run and Cody Rhodes.
To berlin Brawler about Cody Rhodes...........

It's not really about his face, Its about his mind..... As an audience member you have to take it to the second level. Dashing Cody Rhodes was so obsessed with his looks that when something happen to it it affected his mind psychotically.

Is that not what I said? My problem is not with Cody being a mental case, but with the commentators not stating the obvious by pointing out that Cody's face is just fine. Instead they play along as if he really is disfigured. So whatever psychotic tick Cody has, the commentators apparently have it, too. That's where I draw the line and can't suspend my disbelief any more.

It reminds me of back in WCW when Hulk Hogan saw the Ultimate Warrior in the mirror and Bischoff claimed he saw nothing, Hogan must be crazy. Problem was the viewers at home could see the Warrior, too, so was Bischoff just blind? But later in that show Hogan saw Warrior again, but this time, the viewers at home couldn't, so maybe Hogan really was crazy?! It just made no sense and crossed certain lines, requiring the viewers at home to willfully turn off any sense of logic. Come on, wrestling promoters, at least TRY to pull the wool over my eyes.
My three picks would be:

Alberto Del Rio: He is going to get almost guaranteed, he has had momentum since he first debuted.

John Morrison: After his feud with dolph ziggler is over, i am hoping he gets back into the world title picture.

Cody Rhodes: This one is kind of a long shot but at WM27 he showed he has what it takes to compete with world class competitors.

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