2000-2010 Match of the Decade.


Getting Noticed By Management
I want to apologize if this has been done already. Anyway What is the match of the decade and why. I know somebody might say something like it's suppose to be from 2000-2009 or 2001-2010 if you can tell which it's suppose to be please tell me. I don't know which is technically correct. Anyway.

For me it would be Stone Cold vs. The Rock WM 17 because well the feud was awesome leading up to WM. This had one of the biggest if not THE biggest heel turn in history. Stone Cold won the match and the title and had a great run with Triple H in Two Man Power Trip. Plus this match was an all around great match.
I agree that SCSA vs Rock at WM 17 could be considered the greatest match of the decade but I have to say that the greatest match of the decade would have had been from the following WrestleMania and that match was Hollywood Hogan vs The Rock. This was the match that no one thought we would see. This match had a great lead up and the match itself was great to see. And because you wanted to know, if you want to do for the decade the range would be from 2000-2009.
SCSA vs the rock at wrestlemania 17 was epic, but when i think "favorite match" the first match that comes to mind is chris benoit vs hhh vs hbk at wrestlemania 20 so ill say thats what it is, truly epic match, how long it took triple h to tap out and also chris benoit celebrating with eddie was nice seeing. so i could just say this is the best match of the decade but there are so many other epic matches its hard to choose one.
WrestleMania 25,
HBK vs. Undertaker..
One of the few matches that had you hanging on every pin attempt,just when you think one guy had the other down for the count....the other would come back!!

I think the match went about what??? almost 40 minutes!!
As fan by the time the bell finally rang,I was emotionally and physcially drained from just watching it!!

It will be hard pressed to ever top it!!
My personal favorite match of the decade would be Cena vs Shawn Michaels from 2007 on Raw. The match lasted like 62 minutes...I remember watching the match at the edge of the seat the entire time. Shawn Michaels is always a match of the year candidate, and he deserves to have a "Match of the Decade" as well. It was too bad this match wasn't for the title, because I would've loved to see another HBK title run.
taker vs michaels at WM25 was epic but i think that the top match would be kurt angle vs shawn michaels WM21. that match was simply amazing. it was the first ever wrestlemania i'd bought and it was just simply a great match..
I have to go with HBK versus Angle at Wrestlemania 21. I had been watching wrestling for just a year (although I knew everyone from the videogames) and didn't understand how good Kurt was (I didn't get Smackdown). I thought Shawn was going to win, and they'd have a good match in the mean time. The match was incredible. I loved HBK versus Taker at 25, but this match was flawless (except for the nearly botched Super Angle Slam that actually looked more brutal that way). Angle was like the bad guy in a horror movie in that match, as he would get Shawn just when you felt Shawn was safe for a moment. It was emotional, told a story, and made an eleven year old cry at the end when his favorite wrestler did the unthinkable by tapping out. And then Cena made Shawn tap and it suddenly meant nothing.
without a doubt, Taker vs. HBK I. I've been watching wrestling since 1984 and there's been just a few matches where you just knew that while it was staged, it still had you on the edge of your seat and really, truly feeling the emotion. The other match I remember watching that made me feel that way was Steamboat/Savage from WM III. The Taker/HBK match needs not be explained whatsoever. If you saw it, you already know...
Overall, There are alot of matches that were phenomenal: Jericho vs. HBK WM 19, HBK vs. Taker WM 25, HHH vs. HBK Summerslam, Undertaker vs. Mankind KOTR, Granted all these matches Are noteworthy of Match of the Decade and others previously mentioned. I am going to mention a match that is outside of the box and is a match that does not get as much credit as it should get.

Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit (Royal Rumble 2001) Intercontinental Championship: Ladder Match

I enjoyed the overall quality the matches that Benoit and Jericho put on: from their days in New Japan, Their 2 out of 3 Falls match at Summerslam 2000, The matches that they put on told a story and they put it all in the ring every single time which shows the dedication for the support and the respect that they had one another. This match was so great that I would rate this match AHEAD of the Michaels vs. Razor Ramon Ladder Match at WM 10 as the Best *Singles* Ladder Match of all time. It was an excellent match and is a match that gives me chills every time I watch it.
I have three. . . is that okay ?

First I would have to say HBK vs The Undertaker at
Wrestlemania 25 . Do I really need to explain why ?

Second , would have to be HBK vs Beniot vs HHH at Wrestlemania 20 because it kept me at the EDGE (ignore that lame joke , if you get it .) of my seat . Absolutly phenomanol match .

Third , would be HBK vs Kurt Angle at Wrestlemania 21 . WOW ! Amazing match . I was sad that HBK tapped though . It was emotional and I loved it .

I would have to say HBK gets match of the decade . Great performer .
For me it is Undertaker vs. HBK at Wrestlemania 25. I was at WM 25 and 26, and am ready to head to Atlanta for 27, and that was by far the greatest match I've ever seen live. I've been going to wrestling shows since '88. So it's my personal favorite of the decade.

Hogan vs. Rock would probably be my second favorite match, mainly for the feel of the match. It was a classic mania moment.
i guess its time to be different frm everybody else; i have 3 favs:

TLC II at WM 17: i was there live in houston for my first WM.... enough said

Armageddon 2000 HIAC: 6 men beating the hell out of each other for about 40 minutes... plus the star power in that match was absolutely ridiculous; even rikishi carried his own in that match (Kurt, Austin, Rock, HHH, Taker, Rikishi)

the very first elimination chamber: this was way too special to not be included; with hbks return and they were in MSG of all places
Austin. Rock. WrestleMania 19. The tentpole of the WWE vs. the most electrifying man in sports entertainment. It was Austin's last match and Rock didn't really do that much after that match so you could pretty much say that it was Austin and Rock's last ever great match. I would pay so much money to go back in time to see that match in person had I known it was to be Austin's last.
I have to go with HBk vs Kurt Angle.The match told an amazing story,it was emotional, it din had any outside interference like SCSA vs Rock wm17, no weapon involved, just pure wrestling.

A second close will be HBk Vs Undertaker wm25 again no explanation required of this one.
both hbk/taker matches at mania were epic and worth the price of the ppv alone. but the match of the decade was benoit/angle for the title at Royal Rumble 03. decent buildup. the match itself epic. countless false finishes. superb match wrestling & physicality u just dont c in wwe anymore. hell, there was a standing O at the end. there have been many many great matches throughout the decade. this one stands out more me.
I cant decide you see I love the undertaker vs shawn micheals at wrestlemania 25 because of the false finishes the quality of the match and how two men well into their fortys could steal the show on the grandest stage off them all.
BUT the 1st pay-per view that I ever bought was no way out 2000 with the main event being thriple-h and cactus jack in a hell in the cell match.one of the most underated matches ever it also cemented triple-h as the main eventing ledgend that we no him as today trueley epic match ending with mick foleys 1st of many retirements

so I must say I rank these two stunning displays of drama equal
Alot of good matches brought up in this thread, but so far only NXTrookie2013 and ixsxhxa have got it right in my opinion as the main event of Wrestlemania 20 is the best match of the decade. It was just a great match. The action was non-stop and there wasn't a single dull moment in the match. Everything just flowed nicely and there was some great wrestling exchanges, as you'd expect with the three men involved. The table spot was a nice touch with HBK and HHH temporarily making it a singles match between the two long term rivals.

The very end of the match was extremely exciting, as I was fully expecting a pedigree before Benoit countered into the crossface. The emotion of Benoit winning certainly helped make the match what it was. It might not have been quite the same if HHH had won. Absolutely fantastic match. Honourable mentions to the Taker-HBK matches. Both were just flat out, edge of your seat exciting.
Benoit/Angle is a very close 2nd in my book but my match of the decade has to go to Stone Cold vs. HHH at No Way Out in 2001. They have been going at each other's throats for months because HHH conspired to take Austin out. They beat each other up for almost an hour and had the crowd cheering every minute. I believe if that match was at Wrestlemania it would be one of the top 3 WM matches ever.
My MOTD goes to The Rock (c) vs. Steve Austin for the WWF title at WM 17. The match was just so highly anticipated. The two most popular faces on the roster battling out for the biggest prize in the business, in the main event of it's biggest show.

Now even though this was not the first time these two went toe to toe at Mania, as they had main-evented against each other 2 years prior. The scenario this time was completely different. They were two superstars the fans loved, therefore the crowd was torn on deciding who they wanted to see win.

Not to mention the match itself was great to watch. Awesome back and forth action. Great atmosphere, great crowd, and a shocking end with Austin siding with Mr. McMahon in one of the most surprising heel turns of all time. I can watch this match anytime and that is why it is my MOTD.
The match of the decade definitely for me was Rock vs. Hogan at Wrestlemania 18. I've never seen anything like it in my life, the way the crowd refused to be led by the writers who had set up the Rock to be the clear face and Hogan to be the heel for months. To hear the Rock being booed at that time, the height of his face popularity, was absolutely shocking. And to hear the crowd support Hogan, no matter how hard he was scripted as a heel, made me remember why I loved wrestling so much and why I always will, it got me more pumped up than I had been over a match in years. My vote for close second is no doubt the Undertaker vs. Michaels match at WM 26, I was there with my brothers and every person in that stadium was totally marking out for that entire match, myself included. I had no voice left after that match for 2 days! Epic stuff, epic superstars. I don't think that any match involving Chris Benoit can compare with the likes of Rock, Hogan, Undertaker, and Michaels. Even Angle and HHH I don't think are quite on the same level as those four.

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