14 Year Old Girl Posts Nude Pics on MySpace

Oh, and Sparky, I dont appreciate that red for my "is she hot" comment. I'm 17. She's 14. Perfectly legal.
Still kind of Creepy
I wouldnt want to see a 14 year old nude just because I like my girls to look full grown. With proper sized breasts and such.
dude a 14 year old girl could be a freshman in HS. ACT like you guys didnt/wouldnt have fucked freshman girls when you were jr's or seniors in HS.

I didn't and wouldn't :blink:

Cause odds are if a freshman agrees to have sex with a senior odds are shes done it many times before.
I had no desire what so ever to even look at a 14 year old when i was 17 She is still a kid.

Wes said:
Oh for fuck's sake...
Was you saying that bout me, or him?
I'd just like to point out that I was joking when I said I wanted a link to her profile, I don't actually want to look at a naked 14 year old.

As for wanting someone younger, I can honestly say that I have probably been attracted to about three people who were more than a year younger than me in my life, and none of those were dodgy in the eyes of the law. Young'uns really don't float my boat.
We're just saying we wouldn't do a 14 year old girl because we don't want you to have evidence in a court case... Oh shit does that count?:schild13:

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