1-11-14: A Clue Where WWE Is Going With "Daniel Wyatt?"


WWE put on a house show last night in Glens Falls, New York and one of the matches featured on the card was a steel cage match between Daniel Bryan & Bray Wyatt. What happened at the house show MIGHT be an indication of what WWE ultimately has planned for Daniel Bryan as a member of The Wyatt Family.

Bryan came out to his "Flight Of The Valkyries" entrance music last night, though still dressed in the coveralls he's been wearing as a member of The Wyatt Family. Wyatt ordered Bryan to essentially lay down, but it's reported that Bryan was "fighting" Wyatt's "control" over him and things did get physical. It was also reported that Bryan was acknowledging the "Yes" chants as he once did. Harper & Rowan got involved in the match and Bryan was able to take both of them out. As Bryan was setting up to deliver the running knee to Rowan, Bray Wyatt comes out of nowhere and delivers a big clothesline. The Family begins to beat Bryan down when The Usos come in and make the save. The Usos eventually get Bray Wyatt by himself in the corner and look ready to go to town when Bryan suddenly comes up from behind and makes the save. He & Bray then start beating The Usos down with one of them eating Bryan's running knee while the other was taken out by Wyatt using Sister Abigail's Kiss. The Family left together leaving The Usos laying.

This unusual incident has me wondering if WWE ultimately intends for Bryan to somehow overcome whatever conditioning Bray Wyatt has put him through, turning on them at some point, and becoming a big babyface again. The night Bryan joined The Family, we saw him looking like he was rallying to the loud "Yes" chants from the crowd. You know, kind of "hulking up", before ultimately surrendering to Wyatt's will. We haven't seen anything like that on Raw or SmackDown! as of yet, but I think it could happen at some point on Raw tomorrow night as Bryan & Wyatt are scheduled to face The Usos in a tag team match.

Another possibility occurred to me and that maybe the whole incident at the house show last night was some sort of elaborate trap in the hopes that The Usos would fall for it. I know that it doesn't make sense for two guys on the same side to beat the crap out of each other but, at the same time, it's something that does seem fitting when you consider the bizarre nature of The Wyatt Family. Maybe this "trap", if that's what the purpose of last night's match, was also a means of "testing" Bryan's loyalty. You know, to be willing to endure physical pain of an assault by all three Family members so that The Family achieves what it means to.

While it's still very early in in this particular angle, the match at the house show last night is really the first somewhat solid indicator of where this could be going in the long run.
You could be right... You see he was fighting them when he was alone but when USO's came he wanted to act like he was on their side.
Be careful, I got "Is that a joke" when insinuating this on the Taker/Cena thread yesterday. Of course he will beat the conditioning. It will also make him bigger than he was and I believe it will happen at the Rumble. Possibly setting up a mach at EC. Some people don't think he should go over Bray but that would be ridiculous. He's going to be huge come Mania, thus my theory that he will end Takers streak, or at least look really good in the match. Setting him up for a proper title reign.
I love the "hulking up" idea. Imagine that at Wrestlemania. Bryan and Bray are teaming together; the crowd start chanting "yes" and he goes back to his previous, babyface, state.

It is difficult to predict where exactly they go with this but I'm excited. There are plenty of possibilities and anything ranging from Bryan/Bray at WM to Bryan being part of the Wyatt-family in the long run.

Bryan is, right now, extremely popular and one would imagine that at some-point people don't care for him as much. That is what makes me doubt that Daniel Wyatt is for the long term. The Uso's being used is a great thing for them. They are a very entertaining tag-team. They could easily have used a combination of Rey, Big Show, Henry or The Rhodes brothers.
Daniel Wyatt isnt something for the long term since he is so over as a babyface.

I think if they do something at Wrestlemania , team up like MCMG said, but the crowd chants yes like 2-3 times before Daniel Bryan finally hulks up.It would be like the crowd is really fighting for Daniel Bryan and that would get , I think, an immense pop.That would really be a sweet sweet moment if we can get it.

If they took him out of the title picture so that Big Christmas Diaper can be there and then not be there, and put him with Bray Wyatt, lets hope THIS time they seize the opportunity and really go for something that has a good payoff,something that people will remember fondly years to come.
what if they did a Brothers of Destruction vs Daniel and Bray Wyatt at Mania (who knows maybe Taker cant do a singles match)

still..i think the whole Daniel Wyatt storyline is an indication that the reports are true and Taker and Bryan will happen at Mania..could Danile Bryan be the guy to end the streak? Obviously a guy like Lesnar won't (i still would want to see that too though...)
That's where I think this is going. He's not winning the Royal Rumble like some people think. His moment will be when he finally breaks free of the Wyatts. And that's a long way away IMO. WWE will use Bryan to get the Wyatts over, which was supposedly the plan all along.
I think you're analyzing a house show too hard there buddy. It's actually some good analysis, but I doubt the agents actually gave that much thought when booking the match.

I'm expecting Cena to save Bryan and face Bray at Mania. Or maybe Cena faces Bryan with Bray in his corner. Either way, I don't see Bryan coming off as the huge star in this.

Zack Ryder was red-hot coming off of a US title win and the crowd eating out of his hands. They had Kane torture him, put him in a wheelchair and John Cena "save him".

I know Ryder and Bryan aren't comparable by any stretch, but WWE has a formula with Cena and they're sticking with it. Find someone who is red hot, have Cena save him, and then build towards the PPV.

It happened with Kofi when he saved him from Legacy, with Punk when he defended him against Triple H and the McMahons, with Ryder with the Kane/Eve debacle and now with Bryan.
Wow! That's interesting. Too early to tell what they're going to do though. That'll definitely get people talking if they do it on a RAW.
I hope they can incorporate "Flight of the Valkyries" and Bryan doing the "Yes" chant into the program, regardless of the exact direction it takes moving forward. Those couple of things are critical if he's to sustain any live crowd momentum. If they continue Raw the same way they've played it for the last couple of weeks then the crowd reaction will continue to dwindle for Bryan.
LOL at some of you thinking Bryan will face Bray or Taker at WrestleMania...it's NOT happening...according to WNW, HBK is willing to return ONE FINAL TIME at WM 30 and his opponent will be Daniel Bryan...Taker will face Cena, and Bray Wyatt will NOT be in a big time match at Mania, just stop now lol.
The ONLY way they should be going with this whole angle is for Bryan to USE the Wyatt Family to try to win the Rumble.

---Not that he necessarily will win it, but wouldn't it be cool half way into the Rumble seeing the Wyatt's clear the ring with Bryan standing in the middle and suddenly eliminate them?? Crowd would probably go nuts.---

To me that's the only way to salvage this silly story line and attempt at burying Bryan's popularity.
I still think that this is part of the bigger plot for the Wyatt's to bring down the machine and turn tweener. Eventually there will be some conflict between Bray and Bryan as both can't be champ. But for the next few months I see the storyline being a Wyatt/Daniel V The Authority feud.
I still think that this is part of the bigger plot for the Wyatt's to bring down the machine and turn tweener. Eventually there will be some conflict between Bray and Bryan as both can't be champ. But for the next few months I see the storyline being a Wyatt/Daniel V The Authority feud.

But we've not had even a hint that the Wyatt's are actually going to take on HHH and the Authority. That's the problem. Many are assuming that's the direction this will go in, but after getting beat last week on Raw and only wrestling to a draw on Smackdown, I don't see the Wyatt's as world-beaters that are legitimately going to threaten the Authority. It's just a pipe dream at this moment and we've got nothing solid to tell us that's even a real possibility. I'm not at all convinced that's the payoff for this angle. If it is, they sure aren't going about it very well.
Not a hint? Except verbally, more than once. "Tear down the machine", "the machine would never let me win", etc...And the very real possibility that Kane is working for Bray, as he "joined" the Authority after being abducted and made the 3-1 match at the ppv. I think you will be pleasantly surprised, or we'll all be disappointed, but for now I'm optimistic.
Interesting analysis, but I'm kinda with Feedback on this one. I doubt WWE puts that much credence into what goes on at a house show, unless they unexpectedly decide to show what happened on Raw.

Maybe they can use things such as a house show to test how a crowd may react to a certain situation and see how well it may go over on a Raw/SD/PPV. The house show results aren't put up on the WWE website (unless I'm blind), and you have to search around a little to find them online, and honestly, I've never even looked for a single house show result until just now. Seems like a good way to try different wrestlers with a different angle though without it going viral.
Why do you guys think that the "machine" is the authority ... This is just like when Wyatt talked about the "devil" it is just something crazy and just to make you guys think. There is no way that Wyatt's are going against authority, this just sounds like crazy talk to me.
of course he'll over come the "powers" of the wyatt's, but hopefully wwe are putting alot of focus on it for Byran to finally get the big pay off and come out beating the wyatt's and authority at once..


they wuss out have brie shave his bread and all control is lost. < i wouldn't be shocked if it actually happened.
This angle is essentially a rehash of the HBK & JBL control angle from about five years ago. I do hope that the WWE lasts the distance with this one and hold off on Bryan breaking free of Wyatt's control until Elimination Chamber to set up their pay off match at Wrestlemania
I think the angle will ultimately lead to the revelation that Bryan never bought into their BS and just played along for shits and giggles to make them look like fools. He could turn on them as soon as the Royal Rumble. One way or another the Daniel Wyatt thing is going to be a very temporary one, I have no doubt.

Ideally he would use them to give himself and edge and win the Rumble, efectively putting the WWE in a position to redeem itself from the mistakes of 2013, alas, that's not gonna happen, seeing as Batista winning is pretty much a foregone conclusion and the WWE is determined to keep Bryan down.

That being said, I think the WM plan for Bryan is a match against HBK. This is a very special honor that in many ways ranks much higher than any mere title match. So you can't really say Bryan is getting the shaft. I just think that at this point come Wrestlemania he should be in the championship picture if they want to salvage him from the damage they did in the last year. The match against HBK is fine only if it's the last match of the night.
A WM match with Wyatt or a tag team scenario or whatever and any momentum Bryan has still left will be dead and gone for good.
Not a hint? Except verbally, more than once. "Tear down the machine", "the machine would never let me win", etc...And the very real possibility that Kane is working for Bray, as he "joined" the Authority after being abducted and made the 3-1 match at the ppv. I think you will be pleasantly surprised, or we'll all be disappointed, but for now I'm optimistic.

I should have said not a legitimate, acknowledged hint. Sure, we can speculate all day long on exactly what Mr Crazy-Talk, aka Bray Wyatt, means by "the machine" (btw, did he make any mention of "the machine" this past week on either Raw or Smackdown, because I didn't really catch it if he did). But until we see some interaction with HHH/Steph or Vince himself, I'm not buying this talk of the Wyatt's actually wanting to take on the Authority. They have to show us something, on screen, from that side of things before I'll take it seriously. The ramblings of Bray are not hint enough - period.
Its completly boring, who cares? This guy should be winning the Rumble for god sake.

HOW LONG do we have to wait before see DB with the WWE world title? PROPERLY I mean no screwjobs no cash ins he has a proper reign?
The guy should be taking Cenas spot right now - this whole thing reeks of Politics.
Wow. People were so sure with themselves about DB. On to the Rumble. On to end the streak! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! The crows was unhinged. Slightly disappointed it didn't happen at the Rumble but in the cage was perfect.
There is a God! And his name isn't Vince McMahon!! I'd have preferred this at the Rumble (for the win) as well, but this was fantastic. What it probably means is that creative immediately saw what was happening with lessening crowd reaction and nixed the angle quicker than they originally planned. At least that's my best theory at present.
There is a God! And his name isn't Vince McMahon!! I'd have preferred this at the Rumble (for the win) as well, but this was fantastic. What it probably means is that creative immediately saw what was happening with lessening crowd reaction and nixed the angle quicker than they originally planned. At least that's my best theory at present.

Or it could just be Vince & Company knew what they were doing all along and were only riling up those gullible enough to believe they would intentionally bury one of their hottest superstars.

Admittedly, the plug was pulled sooner than expected, but that could just be because the majority of the feedback coming out of it went something like "omg they're burying Daniel Bryan I'm going to quit watching, etc" and so WWE being a social industry now, took those threats as real and decided to end what could have been an even bigger moment at Royal Rumble or even Wrestlemania.

But now it's over, or presumably so, and we can go back to more "underdog" Daniel Bryan. Yay.

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