Recent content by Top Gun

  1. T


    Hey, I've seen your sig and you gave my brother (911 JP) a pretty cool one as well so I was wondering if you could make me a sig of Christy Hemme, Melina and Maryse so I will leave the creative part to you and I just want those three to be in it. If you you could make that a sig that would be...
  2. T

    Kofi Kingston...Does He Need A New Gimmick?

    Yes, absolutely I mean he's had that same old gimmick for so long and it's just old now. I've never really liked him because of multiple reasons for example he almost won every match he was in, he has a crap gimmick, etc. I think if he had a good image and competed against some real competition...
  3. T

    Who's best to get on FIFA 10 manager mode?

    Hey, just wondering if you have any good reccomendations for who to get on your FIFA 2010 manager mode. I played FIFA 2010 for a long time and got a little sick of manager mode but now I'm starting to play it again and I was wondering if any of you have any ideas on who you think I should...
  4. T

    COD Black Ops ? Question ?

    Yes they do. You can now put an emblem on your gun. You can custimize and create your own titles and emblem which I thought was a good idea. So to answer your question yes you can.:icon_neutral:
  5. T

    Should Tomko Return?

    I'm a Tomko fan no doubt about it. I used to watch him manage Christian when he was in WWE a while back. I tryed to unlock him as fast as I could on the TNA video game. I hated it when he left WWE and then when I heard he signed a contract with TNA I thought awesome. Then when he left TNA for a...
  6. T

    COD MW2, gun classes for different game plans.

    Hi I'm really into Call Of Duty and I'm wondering if you could tell me what you think are the best guns for weapon classes. In your opinion what weapons work best. If you could please add why you think the guns you have told me are the best for each game plan/tactics. Eg stealth, sniping etc.:)
  7. T

    Favourite type of match

    As in a Crash Holly 24/7 Defend his title anywhere match?!?
  8. T

    Heavy Rain - A Review

    I loved Heavy Rain, mainly because like you stated anyone can die and mostly that the games unique. I love the storyline to the game and I mean loved it. The graphics were amazing but I guess that's what you get nowa days in games. I hope no other companies make a game and copy anything that...
  9. T

    The Best Video Games (That are under-rated)

    I don't like all that fantasy crap. Don't get me wrong I like games like Halo but with games where you get powers or Ratchet and Clank its just not my thing. I enjoy the Call Of Duty series, Read Dead Redemption, Mafia series, the Sims series, Fifa series, WWE series, etc. When I see my cousins...
  10. T

    All WWE '12 Discussion

    I just want to have General Manager mode because in Story Designer it just wasn't the same especially as you had no competition and it was quite pointless. I don't know why Layla wasn't on SvR 2011 but she should be on it. I hope you can have challenge matches again like on SvR 2007. I also...
  11. T

    WWE Over The Limit - Miz vs John Cena - I Quit Match

    I think it'd be great to see Miz win a match like this against Cena and it may be the biggest match of his career where as if Cena wins it'll be just a ego boost. I can't stand Cena when he lets his ego get in the way of his career. I think it'd stink to Cena win another match and another and...
  12. T

    Weight Loss - Good or Bad?

    I think it's good to see Bubba lose a bit of weight as it may help him perfect more moves. I think Bubba's not to bad on the mic. have watched a fair few of Bubba Ray's matches and his wrestling has been a bit dodgy but as he gets older he wrestles better. I strongly agree with you.
  13. T

    Would It Benefit Jeff Hardy To Change His Ring Style?

    I don't know how it'd work out but I think it's a good idea and it'd be good to see something different by Jeff. I'd like to see him wrestle a bit similar to Matt Hardy you know. A bit more technical and not focus as much on high flying. (not saying he should stop being high flying). I just...
  14. T

    Ezekiel Jackson

    I think he'll get a push probably at the end of the year and have a fairly big match at SummerSlam. I hope Zeke has a good career and hope he doesn't end up like the previous muscle but I've gotta feeling he'll end up similar to them.
  15. T

    Kharma gone for 9 Months?

    I know what you mean, seeing Kharma cry did effect her gimmick as a monster. I think watching Kharma attack other divas did get a bit old but it's what they needed to do to make her gimmick better otherwise it'd be a bit less impactful. I don't know what's going to happen with Kharma next but...