Yay. The Jamie Noble Push

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Well it's either a push or they've given up on Palumbo. Either way we all win. Noble is by far WWE's best wrestler imo. Just because he's a jobber, doesn't mean he isn't capable of having the best matches. I could watch Noble all day long. I don't give a shit if he's too small. He's bigger than Mysterio and has oodles more charisma. If they are willing to push somebody like Rey, why not Noble? The only reason I can see for Reys big WWE push is because his mask attracts kids. It's not like he's the greatest wrestler or high flyer. Not anymore. In fact he's pretty average now.

Push Noble I say. His promo ability is good enough. He can be anything he wants to be. Cowardly, cocky, angry, happy. He's literally WWE's Mr. Man. He can do these and more.

Oh, thank GOD Palumbo being buried! Jamie Noble is like the cruiserweight version of Edge. He's just that good. Unfortunately he's probably just keepimg the seats warm for Chavo and Helms. But hell, there's definately plenty of room for the three of them nowadays. And why is the CW title still vacant? Why hasn't he pulled a Mideon and just pull the CW title out of a dufflebag or a trash can or something. He could really make the title worth something again. Noble could bring the CW division back to form. Put him as champ, bring Chavo out from suspension, push Jimmy Yang and Shannon Moore just in case Helms doesn't recover from neck fusion surgery, and bring back Billy Kidman and Tajiri. That's SIX CW title contenders. JEEZ, it's NOT THAT DIFFICULT WWE! Hell, I should just drive over there and ask for a job in talent relations or booking or something.
As a side note, LOVE the Xmas spirit! You are SO TOTALLY CAMP!! Can we still call you Jake, or do prefer to just be called Gay?
I agree that Noble deserves this push. He is pretty much the cruiserweight Edge. If WWE had some brains they would take that and bring the Cruiserweight title his way, and actually have a storyline around it when say Chavo or Helms get back. Honestly Noble has always impressed me, even before he got fired a few years back. It's seemingly about time that WWE noticed that guys like Noble can wrestle, have chrisma, and can put on a great show. Pushing Noble could be one of the better choices WWE has made for Smackdown in recent memory.
I agree that Noble deserves this push. He is pretty much the cruiserweight Edge. If WWE had some brains they would take that and bring the Cruiserweight title his way, and actually have a storyline around it when say Chavo or Helms get back. Honestly Noble has always impressed me, even before he got fired a few years back. It's seemingly about time that WWE noticed that guys like Noble can wrestle, have chrisma, and can put on a great show. Pushing Noble could be one of the better choices WWE has made for Smackdown in recent memory.

The problem with the cruiser belt is the same with the X title, smackdown has soo much focus on heavywreights the cruisers havent got the chance to showcase and to me its stupid jamie noble has shown that he has a hell of alot of talent in the ring and on the mic, i loved his promo agains palambo it was hilarious, if anyone deserves a push its noble in my book
Yes it is good to see Nole getting a push, however unlike most people here i also like Palumbo. I know it won't happen but i would like to see this Palumbo, Noble angle eventually turn into Noble wanting Chuck's respect because he is simply better and after constantly pinning Chuck, Noble gets over somewhat as a face, and have Palumbo save him from an attack from Big Daddy V and Striker. The only reason i have these four together is that, i would like to see Striker v Noble in a series of matches, but i can't see them splitting V and Striker up so soon, so this was a way for it to be worked into an angle
I'm not particularly impressed with Palumbo, though there are worse performers in the WWE right now that I'd rather give the pink slip to *COUGH*KHALI*COUGH* but its nice to see Noble getting pushed. The only thing I don't like about Noble is his voice...its just annoying, lol. Other than that, though, he's very solid. Now, I wouldn't push him to the main event, but I'd love to see him involved in a worthwhile tag team (and thusly, tag team champion) and a viable contender for the United States title whenever they give it to a face (either Matt Hardy or Mysterio).
Nah way, man, give Noble the Cruiserweight Title NOW. It's so hard to keep a mid-carder going like that that. Hardy-MVP gonna go to Wrestlemania, and by the time Hardy's Champ, Noble will already have a title or his push will be over. Just like Super Crazy. For awhile it looked like he was gonna be a viable contender for the Cruiserweight title, and then the Intercontinental title, but before he won one, the writing team got bored. And Super Crazy is one of the more marketable cruiserweights.
Its great to see noble might have a hope of getting a push. It was really irritating to see such a good cruiserweight put on those ridiculous squash matchs. Ending palumbos streak shows they really might have some pushing plans for him.I say just slap the cruiserweight belt on him.
i like noble... i like chuck... i think this fued is great... plus michelle mccool is pretty hott... plus its good for us cause they keep showing michelle... i think that is that...
I hope Noble gets pushed. He is one of the very few deserving of one on SmackDown! Though this is WWE, so this push continues until Vinnie Mac gets bored of it. Which will be pretty soo because Noble isn't a "big guy". I think that Noble should win the CW title. He would get to buried as a mid-carder. So I think he should hold on to the CW 'til he's ready.
Jamie Noble definetly deserves a push. And this is a pretty big push. Finally, Jamie Noble can be ECW champion.

I hardly think he's going to be the ECW Champion, but I can see this push leading to him winning the currently vacant Cruiserweight Title. Maybe his little backstage segments with Vickie will mean Guerrero will give him the title. I agree that Noble is a great wrestler, and can deliver some good segments and promo's. Its just a shame that Mysterio has been pushed so much that every other cruiserweight has been made obsolete.
Push Noble I say. His promo ability is good enough. He can be anything he wants to be. Cowardly, cocky, angry, happy. He's literally WWE's Mr. Man. He can do these and more.


What you meant was that he can do almost all of these gimmicks. Let's face it, he could never pull off number 31. . . Mr. Tall

For real, though, I'm not sure how long lived this "push" is gonna be. I'd like to see him get involved in some solid decent angles as things unfold. If the current angle runs its course and there's nothing else left for him, then he's back where he started and the only thing that results from it is Palumbo getting buried, but if they can put Noble into a decent feud then not only will he gain, but the brand will gain slightly as well. Personally, I'd like to see him as the mic piece for a stable, especially a redneck stable. That's how the Rock got his push. I'm not saying he's going to achieve Rock status by any means, but it would be a nice way to get him over and elevate him on the card.
hmm no doubt pretty much any smark is behind this push, jamie noble is great in ring, hes got charisma, he can cut promos, not sure about his mic skills though

but anyway hes a flexible guy that can work many gimmicks, the problem is his size, i mean i doubt WWE will use the underdog storyline for every small guy, rey already took that one.. so how the hell would jamie noble get the WHC? i doubt he will... rey at least draws and gets pops like crazy.. jamie doesnt do either, he maybe could though...

but anyway the main event isnt for him, my hope os for him to bring the cruiser belt back, have him as champ and make that belt mean something... SD has exellent crusiers, use them correctly and in actual storylines so the fans can care about something and that belt could draw man

though.. now that i remember wasnt noble put in charge of booking? not the whole show but i think he was put in charge of booking cruiser matches or booking something i dont know o_O.. but my point is any1 think the only reason hes getting pushed is because hes probably pushing himself? cuz b4 he got to the booking, or whatever it is hes doin backstage, he was nothing...
Im amazed thats 3-0 to palumbo ether chuck really pissed someone off backstage or they finally recognize nobles talent hopefully this leads to US tittle shot since the cruiserweight title is inactive
Im amazed thats 3-0 to palumbo ether chuck really pissed someone off backstage or they finally recognize nobles talent hopefully this leads to US tittle shot since the cruiserweight title is inactive

I think they are gonna try and push the noble chuck feud further see what happens with this whole situation, im impressed that noble is getting a huge push by management
im excited about this push and the storyline tht noble is in right now with palumbo & michelle. i can see michelle mccool gradualy falling for him in the coming weeks as it looks like palumbo is turning heel.

id also love to see him become cw champ again he would bring back alot of prestige to the title especially since the last guy to hold the cw title was a freakin leprachaun ! lol

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