WWE Payback: WWE Raw Women's Championship - Bayley (c) VS Alexa Bliss


Little Miss Bliss picked up a victory in a Fatal Fourway match on Raw to earn herself a shot at Bayley's Raw Women's Championship Payback.

Alexa Bliss is a great heel character and she's a lotta fun on the mic, but I haven't been blown away by her work inside the ring. She's extremely athletic and I wish she'd display some of it rather than what's essentially pretty basic stuff the most part. She hasn't really had that breakout match, though she's come close with Becky Lynch, and I think she has a real chance of that with Bayley.

There's virtually no chance in Bayley dropping the title to her as a feud between Bayley & Sasha Banks looks to be slowly building given how Graves mentions Sasha's motives each week.
I personally enjoy Alexa Bliss a lot. You're right in that her in-ring work hasn't necessarily been ground-breaking, but people are loving her. She's getting pops even as the heel, and that's interesting to me because I would definitely not be surprised if the crowd begins to cheer for Alexa rather than Bayley. They sort of did that when Alexa arrived on Raw a couple of weeks ago - they were siding with what Alexa had to say.

Alexa is definitely a game changer on Raw, but I think you're right. The eventual goal is Bayley vs. Sasha, and Sasha will likely be the heel. Bayley keeps the title for now, but I'm interested to see where Alexa goes from here. Does she maybe turn face? With Nia Jax and Emma hanging around as well, there are plenty of options going forward.
If they are serious about building Bliss they would have Sasha interfere and cost Bayley match. Then you would have Bliss with title and Sasha and Bayley feuding which would mean 2 meaningful matches for Women Division. Unfortunately dont think WWE thinks that 2 meaningful matches are way to go. Bayley pins Alexa clean, maybe even again on another PPV, then go at least until Summerslam to feud with heel Sasha. Alexa loses and goes to be feed with Dana Brook or Mickey James. But hey, I applaud WWE, at least we got fresh feud. Well, kinda...

By far this is the match I'm looking forward to the most from payback. Two of my favorite wrestlers on the roster now and it will be in Bayley's hometown of San Jose.
Not sure on the match but this feud could be great if they let Alexa go full cunt on Bayley. Alexa has high school, mean girl down to a science. Her facial expressions alone make me want to hate her almost as much as I want her to like/ignore me so that I don't feel her wrath. This is the unrelenting character I want to see from Alexa. I want her to completely humiliate Bayley for their entire feud. Don't even let Bayley speak, just let Alexa have all the camera time.

Maybe at Payback one of the two gets DQ'd. Either Alexa to further humiliate Bayley, injure her, and get out of a match she may not be ready for in Bayley's home town. Or Bayley gets DQ'd because the humiliation she suffered from Alexa was too much. It would also be nice to see Bayley not be so wholesome for a minute. If it they don't go this route I can't see this feud ending at Payback. Regardless, this feud is likely to have two or three PPV matches (then again, this is the women's division so it is likely to have a few Raw title defenses and changes too).

Hopefully they will get creative with the matches. I thoroughly enjoyed last night's women's fourway. That was mainly due to the story Nia and Alexa were telling but all four women played their parts really well. Anyway, neither Alexa or Bayley are that great of workers. Alexa is probably the better of the two but that isn't saying much. Hopefully they put enough emotion and story in to their matches to make up for their in ring deficiencies.
This feud shouldn't end at Payback itself.

Alexa Bliss is the best female heel WWE has now and same could be said for the underdog character of Bayley. I would like this match to end in some disqualification or something to avoid Bayley retaining or Bliss losing. Bliss is a 2 time Smackdown Women Champion and shouldn't just flat out lose clean in her first Raw PPV match. I won't mind a Bliss title win as well considering Bayley isn't connecting as much as she can. And that's not on her, rather her booking.

Also, I like the idea of Alexa and Nia as the coherent force of the division.

But Bayley will retain clean most likely.
I don't know why they had Alexa win the belt already. It's not like Bayley's title reign was getting tiring(at least not to me). I hope they don't do a deal like Sasha and Charlotte where the belt switches like every month. If they put it back on Bayley then it shouldn't be until summerslam at earliest.

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