WWE Over the Limit- Drew Mclntyre (c) vs. Kofi Kingston-Intercontinental Championship

I don't really know who to pick for this.Kofi has major talent and skill to win, but drew is ruthless.
I'm leaning towards Kofu for the sole fact that he needs the win.
I'm really looking forward to this match. "Cool heel VS cool face" often means a great match. I see Drew still having the IC belt when all is said and done. He's managed to (kayfabe) get Vince to erase all his losses. That means even if Kofi managed to pull off a win, it will likely still get erased from the kayfabe'd win/loss records. I still think Drew will legitimately win the match though because he will get lots of heel heat for cleanly defeating Kofi after Kofi had won the belt in another match that (kayfabe) got erased. A possible pick for match of the night, it's gonna be great no matter who wins, but Drew's got my vote.

Drew McIntyre will retain the Intercontinental Championship.
Drew will win because, as NorCal said, we need more from this feud. Drew has shown himself to be a pretty solid midcard heel and Kofi is over as a midcard face so why not let them loose and see what they can do. I don't think Drew will win clean, but something similar to his title win over Morrison after a nice, long match will allow McIntyre to retain his title.
This match should hopefully be good but Drew could make it a little boring but I'm sure that this will be a solid match up. Kofi is an exceptional talent and is very athletic and Drew is solid in the ring. This should create a good match.

I think Drew should win and I think he needs this win, Vince seems intent on pushing him hard and getting a cheap win over Kofi is the way to go about this. A cheap win and then a beat down should draw a great deal of heat from the crowd which he really needs.
Pretty good match, surprised by the outcome although, seeing as I had figured WWE would've kept the belt of Drew.

Well, letting Kofi win could obviously serve better for continuing the feud, so I'm kinda happy to see Kofi win it, gives him some significance again, after having been run over and left for dead on RAW after his push from Randy.

Good match, out of the ordinary although.
What was the point in taking the Championship off of Drew McIntyre through stripping him.. only to have a Tournament that resulted in Kofi winning the Championship.. only to bring a note into the situation that gives the Championship back to McIntyre.. *sigh* *losing breath* ONLY to then, finally, have Kofi Kingston win the title at the Pay per view?

Why not just let Kingston keep the belt, and instead of giving it back to McIntyre to lose all over again - merely have the "note" give McIntyre a "rematch". Having him handed the Championship, only to lose it all over again, makes McIntyre look horrible. He doesn't deserve that.

This match wasn't honestly that great. McIntyre's feud with Morrison was better, and to me Kingston is more of a spot-worker than anything else.

Rumors on the front page claim several Superstars are refusing to work with McIntyre. No clue who those guys are, but fuck them. McIntyre is amazing.

I can only hope this leads to McIntyre being put in the Fatal Four Way, as one of four guys, and having him end up Heavyweight Champion. (pipe dreams, I'm more than positive, but I can dream, can't I?)

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