WWE NXT Season 3 General Discussion

Just saw this on WWE.com and figured I'd try and generate some discussion. Also I didn't see a thread about it, but if there is please send this bad boy to the garbage. If it doesn't warrant its own thread be my guest and move it into the general discussion.

WWE Pro Vickie Guerrero has fired her NXT season three Rookie Diva, Aloisia.

Various sources are reporting that Guerrero, the temperamental Official Consultant of SmackDown, had an argument with her 6-foot-9 Rookie Diva over Vickie’s influence over Aloisia.

The news has left WWE NXT season three shaken before it’s even started. But when reached for comment, Guerrero stated she would reveal her new Rookie Diva on the WWE NXT season three premiere this Tuesday night at 10 p.m. ET on Syfy.


It seems as if Vickie will be getting herself a new rookie on NXT3. I for one am a bit disappointed. Aloisia is something new in the divas division. We've seen heavier women wrestle, but a woman with a 6'9 stature is something I've never seen in the E before. Now I can't say I've seen her wrestle, so I don't know how much talent she had in the ring, but it would have been something different. She was a reason I would tune in to watch NXT3 and with Vickie as her pro she could have done some damage. Plus if she won she could have won the title and set up a return for Beth Phoenix to ultimately take the title. Now I don't know if Aloisia was released or if they just didn't think she was ready. So enough of my rambling, what do you guys think of this news and who do you think could potentially be Vickie's new rook?
The only other thing I see is that maybe Vickie could get removed from the show, and someone else replaces her as the giant's pro, or they bring someone in as the new rookie, I thought I possibly heard that Amy Hennig was a possibility, or Alicia Fox's sister was in the talks as well.
Aloisia's firing sounds kayfabe as hell to me. My first instinct is that she's going to be hell bent on getting recognized and will constantly interfere and tear through the rookies until she gets a legit shot. It falls in line with the Wrestlezone report that officials want to focus NXT 3 around her... make her a monster heel diva that tears through the division until someone can finally take her out, (most likely the NXT 3 winner or a returning Beth Phoenix.)

On the subject of NXT season 3, I'm a Danielson mark but couldn't stand season 1, season 2 was worse... but I'll watch every episode AJ Lee is on. >:)
Really getting rid of Alosia would be DUMB. I mean heck she is probably the only thing interesting about the season (Heck I want to see her challenge Primo and lay him out)

So my guesses A) she got injured and screwed WWE over
or B) this is a work and she will find herself on the show anyway

I mean really why would the WWE make such a big deal over it if they were just dropping her. I think they would wait till NXT and then announce it then as I think he rnot showing up would hurt them more as she is a curiosity to see at least
This has work written all over it. Remember, it says that Vickie Guerrero fired Aliosia, not the WWE. "Various sources are reporting that Guerrero, the temperamental Official Consultant of SmackDown, had an argument with her 6-foot-9 Rookie Diva over Vickie’s influence over Aloisia." That's the statement that makes it sound more like a work as Official Consultant of SmackDown is a storyline position like Raw General Manager or WCW President. It's not an actual corporate position in the WWE, so how does Vickie Guerrero have the power to hire or fire anybody. Vickie Guerrero is just a wrestling personality. Now if the statement had said that Vickie had gone to WWE Management and persuaded them to fire Aliosia, it would sound more convincing.

However, I guess it is at least somewhat possible that they just did decided to take her off of the show and are using Vickie's kayfabe position as her pro as part of a storyline to explain her absence and replace her with someone else. Maybe she's just extremely horrible and feel she needs a lot more work before she's ultimately put on WWE television.
I'll be pretty pissed off if this is true. Aloisia was more than likely going to be a pretty big feature on NXT, and the fact that she is gone leaves no real stand out Diva left. The Diva's division needed a boost, and Aloisia could have provided that, as an Awesome Kong of WWE. Although Aloisia is still working with WWE, I was looking foward to seeing her in the ring to see what she has. Why Vickie got rid of her seems fishy, Im sure Vickie would have known that NXT was all about giving newcomers time to shine, be themselves, so I really dont think Vickie would have "fired" her because Aloisia refused Vickie being a big influence on her. Again if this true, and non-storyline, ill be ticked.

As for a replacement, Knowone will know. It could be anyone, even Chavo with a wig. She could possibly have a new talent, who hasnt even been in FCW yet. We'll have to wait and see.
Aloisia was one of the main reasons people wanted to tune into NXT Season 3. Maybe this is a story line, but anything can happen. Since Vickie is talking about it on Twitter then maybe it is a story line. On the other hand, maybe Aloisia was too green, big, and clumsy in the ring. It is a disappointment because Aloisia was the only rookie in the competition that didn't look like your typical cookie cutter diva.
i actually saw a few matches of her's online and while she is slower than her competition she can compete in the 'giant' role. Unfortunatley the matches I saw, her opponents can't bump for sh!t. It was horrible.

I think its storyline, as it will easily place her as a fan favorite if she manages to make it to the program. While Aloisia was the only one I wanted to see, I did feel her being linked to Vickie would hurt her (fan poll-wise). Now that the link is broken...
Ok, so according to an article on WWE.com Aloisia has been fired by Vickie Guerrero and a new rookie will be announced for her on NXT!

What I want to know is this? Is this a storyline or are they really not going to use her? I mean she would be a great addition to a crumbling roster and I see her winning the Season easily. She's something different than what we usually see in WWE so I really hope this is scripted!
It's obvious that Vickie didn't 'fire' her. It's just a matter of if the WWE didn't want her on NXT anymore or if this is a storyline. Vickie could get a new Diva rookie then Aloisia would come back with a new pro. Then there would be a mini Vickie/Aloisia feud. It wouldn't be great but it would be giving her more attention since it was said that WWE was focusing on her. That would be really weird for WWE to fire her or kick her off of NXT.

I was extremely disappointed about the Pro's on the show. They should have more of the higher up Diva's that actually get titles and air time. Kelly and the Bella's never had a title. Vickie isn't even a Diva and can't wrestle nor do anything important for that matter. She was obviously brought in to bring heat to the show (kind of like how Miz did the last 2 seasons). Alicia had a small title reign but can't wrestle. It's nice to see Goldust get some type of air time, this will probably be good for him since he's the most experienced Pro for this season by far. And Primo.... really? Why him? Primo is rarely in matches (on Superstars) and hasn't been on Raw in some time now. I don't understand why he's a 'Pro'. If they wanted to pick two Male pro's then they should have picked someone else who is talented.
Heres a possible reason for Aloisa's "firing"

this is from a site i found while searching for her website, thought this was it but no


so this is obviously her albeit in brown hair, and the site sounds like a weird fetish site, now this is a longshot, but did this discovery have to do with her release?
I guess Aloisia is too green as of right now to put on NXT. I don't really think this is the worst thing ever and I"m still gonna give this season a chance. Plus, Naomi Knight is very fine, so I still have my reason to watch.

I also think that the WWE will probably think Aloisia is ready for the big time before NXT is even over, so I wouldn't be surprised to see her make an appearance before the season is over.
although im not sold on the all diva idea i reckon goldust will be awesome as a pro. but looking at the divas matches on smackdown and raw with supposed pros and how bad they are how can "rookies" be better to watch in ring never mind basing a programme round that.
Its funny how WWE expect Divas to draw ratings when they themselves have killed the women's division over the last 15years.The reason they are even allowing this to go on is because they don't have to pay anything to produce the damn show(its recorded before SD! tapings) I don't get why they would alianate SyFy when they expect to have the station air SD! in the fall.
I bet NXT3 will be relatively fun to watch, but not worth being a prime-time wrestling show.I'd rather see it as a feature on wwe.com
Okay, so the show just ended and I have to say, it was better than I expected. Well, at least until the last match. The dance-off was silly, but the flag race was able to show off some athleticism. Some of the promo skills displayed at the beginning were pretty good. Maxine is very comfortable on the mic. In the ring, I was fairly impressed with Naomi and thought Maxine was competent, but Aksana and AJ... really? That was some of the worst ring work I have ever seen. People have been fawning over AJ all over the internet, but her match and her promo were both awful. Aksana came off as a Lithuanian copy of Maryse who can't wrestle and AJ appears to be the female Lucky Cannon. Consider me unimpressed. I'm not going to say who I'm rooting for yet, as it's only one show, but Aksana and AJ are definitely at the bottom of the barrel tonight.
The funny part is everyone is pissing on this pretty bad but they obviously haven't seen some women—not SHIMMER etc. mind you—on their local indies or in wrestling school. Most can't even do a simple head-lock. I was mildly entertained. This won't be the nightmare I had envisioned.
It obviously wasn't a great show, and both matches were riddled with botches... but let's face it, the male NXT matches weren't exactly Randy Savage vs. Ricky Steamboat either.

Right now, I'm digging AJ and Naomi. I can see Maxine and Kaitlyn in the WWE, but Aksana did not impress me tonight, and Jamie really didn't stand out yet. But this is week one, and things will change for certain. One thing I do know, though, is that I am loving AJ Lee, and I see her playing a big role in the future of the diva's division. I see her as a better, more athletic less annoying version of Melina.
Naomi has the potential for a decent career. Granted I'm basing this on one episode of NXT but she really stood out amongst the other gals and seemed natural (and perhaps a bit nervous)in the ring. AJ had a decent spot here and there botches aside.
I just got done watching it and I think Im in love with AJ . Most divas got the "hot/sexy" look but AJ has the "cute" look its only the first week and from what I read shes the most talented out of these rookie divas. I dont know if this has been said but did Cole and Chimmal make anyone else laugh their ass off?
I just checked out a Naomi Night vs. AJ Lee match in FCW. Naomi was extremely green, so clearly she has improved a lot very quickly, which bodes well for her WWE future. AJ Lee looked kind of sloppy, but I chalked that up to Naomi's lack of skill (it was her first singles match). She has a very creative repertoire and was pretty fluid in the ring. I look forward to her showing that off in the future on NXT.
Just another way to try to get ratings.

I think having a diva NXT is a terrible idea,
I know that the Diva's have been lacking, but ...
Having rookie diva's try to make an entertaining much which even the PRO'S cant do ... To me it just seems like a impossible idea.

I was actually liking the concept of NXT, it has made some good stars so far,

Wade Barret/ Kaval / Others.
AJ is by far my favorite of the entire show. If i was Ted Jr, it better be this girl he was talking to on the phone, and not AkTaunga who took AJ down the wrong path in the final match. This brings me back when Layla El Diva challenge and Layla was the best one of that bunch, and won it. I hope AJ wins, or Naomi or Maxine. But AJ wins it because she caught my eye and the other body part.

The first to go would be AkTaunga, Jaime, and Kaitlyn, in the order. AJ, Naomi, Maxine final three..... Kaitlyn may be the worse wrestler of all since she's been training for six weeks. Based on the final match, AkTaunga is light years away from exiting green label. She's at the bottom, even before that match i had her rank at. Maybe i'll just use this poll:

1. AJ
2. Naomi
3. Kaitlyn (Boise St)
4. Maxine (she'll replace Boise St eventually)
5. Jaime
DQ. AkTaunga (thanks for correcting me The Calgary Kid, i'll botch her name since that's a theme for the last two NXT episodes)
AJ is by far my favorite of the entire show. If i was Ted Jr, it better be this girl he was talking to on the phone, and not AsTaunga who took AJ down the wrong path in the final match. This brings me back when Layla El Diva challenge and Layla was the best one of that bunch, and won it. I hope AJ wins, or Naomi or Maxine. But AJ wins it because she caught my eye and the other body part.

The first to go would be AsTaunga, Jaime, and Kaitlyn, in the order. AJ, Naomi, Maxine final three..... Kaitlyn may be the worse wrestler of all since she's been training for six weeks. Based on the final match, AsTaunga is light years away from exiting green label. She's at the bottom, even before that match i had her rank at. Maybe i'll just use this poll:

1. AJ
2. Naomi
3. Kaitlyn (Boise St)
4. Maxine (she'll replace Boise St eventually)
5. Jaime
DQ. AsTaunga

Her name is Aksana. She did rival David Otunga in the ring, so maybe that's what you're thinking of.
Okay, so the show just ended and I have to say, it was better than I expected. Well, at least until the last match. The dance-off was silly, but the flag race was able to show off some athleticism. Some of the promo skills displayed at the beginning were pretty good. Maxine is very comfortable on the mic. In the ring, I was fairly impressed with Naomi and thought Maxine was competent, but Aksana and AJ... really? That was some of the worst ring work I have ever seen. People have been fawning over AJ all over the internet, but her match and her promo were both awful. Aksana came off as a Lithuanian copy of Maryse who can't wrestle and AJ appears to be the female Lucky Cannon. Consider me unimpressed. I'm not going to say who I'm rooting for yet, as it's only one show, but Aksana and AJ are definitely at the bottom of the barrel tonight.

The promo, yeah it wasn't great, but AJ Lee has earned the praise she's been given. Because she is actually good when not working with completely shit workers like Aksana, who was, is and for the forseeable future will be dogshit in the ring. On the other hand, AJ is not dogshit in the ring. The botches in that match were not down to her. The spot I noticed she fucked up on (the bulldog spot that ended the match) was one that she has done flawlessly numerous times against opponents who don't botch scoop slams and legdrops. see here:


Note how she was able to perform the move correctly (not landing on her back) at speed, first time against an opponent who isn't terrible. If in doubt of another wrestler's skills see how she does against someone who isn't terrible before passing your final judgement.

That particular spot is one that AJ does frequently in her matches, sometimes performing an arm drag instead of a bulldog. But it's irrelevent. The botches were due to Aksana, not the person who can actually work.

EDIT: watching the match again, it appeared to me that Aksana blocked AJ's leg, which prevented her from getting into position to perform the move the first time around. The second she botched by throwing her off resulting in AJ landing on her back miles away from Aksana.
Just another way to try to get ratings.
Well yea, that's the point of TV shows: to try and get ratings thereby generating ad revenue and sell their products. Crazy right?
I think having a diva NXT is a terrible idea,
I know that the Diva's have been lacking, but ...
Having rookie diva's try to make an entertaining much which even the PRO'S cant do ... To me it just seems like a impossible idea.
Really? You're 20 years old and that's how you write? Whatever educational system spawned you should be embarrassed (and vice versa). Granted, the Divas aren't big draws but this is a truncated season—or so I've been told—and it's a relatively easy going enjoyable hour of television. Personally I see nothing wrong with pretty girls bouncing around in skimpy outfits for an hour, but hey, maybe I'm alone on that one…
I was actually liking the concept of NXT, it has made some good stars so far,

Wade Barret/ Kaval / Others.
And it may just make a few future Diva Champs to boot so it'll prove to be a good concept even with women participants.

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